Top Gun Maverick Fanfiction B...

By BroadwayGirl2022

19.6K 318 59

⚠️This Story Will Contain Spoilers From Both Top Gun Movies⚠️ Lottie Kazansky (aviator call sign "Vapor") is... More

Not Even A Chance
Show Me What You've Got
Goodness Gracious Great Balls Of Fire
The Funeral
You Have To Wake Up!!
Is He Okay?!
You've Got To Be Kidding Me
Task Failed
The Missing Pilot
The Bloody Fight

Not Possible

1.4K 22 0
By BroadwayGirl2022

We all rush out of the bar and head to the beach where all the men start taking off their shirts causing Sandy and I to raise our eyebrows in surprise and both of our cheeks to grow bright red at the sight.

"Liking what your seeing girls?" Hangman say walking up, throwing the football in the air and catching it. Sandy's whole face turns bright red as she looks down at his abs and back up to his face.

"No not really...I really don't" I scrunch up my nose jokingly and he rolls his eyes then sweeps Sandy off her feet and starts running towards the ocean with her.

"PUT ME DOWNNNN!!!" She screams as she laughs. "You're going to regret this!!" She screams loudly.

"Am I?" Hangman says as he throws her into the ocean and she goes underwater for a moment before coming up and I laugh hard.

"What are laughing at? You think you can escape?" Rooster says and I let out a small scream and start running from him.

"No no no no no!!!" I yell as I run as fast as I can but I feel his arms around my waist and he soon sweeps me off my feet and runs me into the ocean so I quickly hold my breath as he throws me in and I go underwater for a moment before swimming up. "You are SO dead, Bradshaw!!!" I laugh as I run out of the water and carefully jump on his back while he has it turned to me.

"Oh crap!!" He says at the sudden weight on his back and he falls forward, sending us both crashing to the ground. I let out a small squeal as I fall and hit my back on the sand.

"Lottie!" Bob says running over "You alright?" He asks me, offering me him hand, which I gladly take and he pulls me up then I look over at Bradley whose laying in the sand still laughing and I shake my head slightly as I laugh.

"Thanks,Bob." I smile and he nods,

"Here." He hands me the football and starts running so I throw it hard and he jumps up and catches it

"TOUCHDOWNNNN" I yell as I run over him and hug him and he laughs hard as he hugs me back and we look into each other's eyes for a moment before we both look away.

"Mr Mitchell, Ms. Kazansky, I need a word with you both." The commander says with a straight face. I let go of Bob and brush myself off as I look over at Maverick who has the same worried expression on his face that I do.

"What's going on?" I ask him quietly.

"I have no clue." He whispers back.

"Through here please." The commands opens the door to his office and motions for us to go in.

"Thank you, sir." I say and stand behind one of the chairs at his desk and Maverick does the same.

"Ms Kazansky, Mr. Mitchell I regret to inform you that Tom Kazansky passed away this morning...." He says in soft but stern tone as he lifts dog tags from his desk. My heart sinks to my gut and tears well up in my eyes,

"No no wait wait you're lying that's impossible." I say in disbelief of what I just heard. I look over at Maverick who is all teary eyed, "No hes lying he's lying!" I repeat as I put my hand over my mouth to silence my crying.

"I'm very sorry for your loss...both of you." The commander says as he puts his hand on my arm and hands me the dog tags, "You father was a well respected and good man, Lottie." He leaves the room and my legs instantly give out causing me to fall on the ground as I cry. Maverick puts his hand on my back as I stay on the floor crying.

"I'm sorry." I say wiping my tears away then I look at him to see tears running down his cheeks so I quickly turn to him and wrap him in a tight hug. Maverick takes my hands and gently helps me up and he opens the door for me, to reveal my mom standing there sobbing, so I run into her arms and we just stand there and hold each other.

"What's going on...?" I hear Sandy whisper to Maverick, "I came to make sure you guys were okay."

"Her father and my friend died this morning." Maverick says and I start crying harder while still holding onto my mom who gently runs her hand up and down my back for comfort.

"Oh my gosh..." Sandy says softly then walks over to me and taps my shoulder gently so I look over at her and she has her arms open for a hug so I switch from hugging my mom to hugging Sandy. "I'm so so sorry....." She says and all I can do is simply nod in response. She gently lets go, "Want me to tell them?" She asks in a soft voice.

"No we'll do it." Maverick says and we both nod and walk back out to the beach,where the others are still playing football, and I see Rooster has Bob up on his shoulders as they all cheer for him which brings a small smile to my face that only lasts a few seconds.

"Team." Maverick says and they all look over at us. Sandy walks back over to Hangman, who puts his arm around her back.

"What's wrong?" Bob mouths to me but I just look away from him and over at Maverick.

"Tom 'Iceman' Kazansky died this morning. He was battling cancer and unfortunately didn't make it..." He says as he tears up and everyone starts whispering to one another. "The funeral will be in 2 days and I expect you to all be dressed in your formal uniforms." He says before walking away,I'm guessing to hide the fact that he's crying. They all run over to me,

"Sorry for your loss." Hangman says and I nod to him.

"Oh Lottie...." Phoenix unexpectedly hugs me and I hug back before quickly letting go.

"" Bob says awkwardly patting my arm.

"Anything we can do?" Rooster asks and I shake my head.

"No....but thank you all." I say quietly.

"About dang time." Yale says and everyone turns to him.

"What the hell did you just say?!" I say.

"Lottie...Lottie don't!" Rooster says.

"Go ahead!! Repeat what you just said, Yale!" I yell.

"I said about time! I mean common you're dad has been sick forever and you never went to go see him! It's no wonder he gave up." Yale says.

"YOU PIECE OF......" I yell as I run over and punch him straight in the jaw and he winced then quickly punches me in the nose, causing my head to thrust back and an intense stinging sensation to fill my sinuses. Bob's eyes grow wide and he quickly tackles Yale and they start hitting each other.

"Are you okay?!" Hangman asks as I lower my hand from my nose to see the sticky, red, liquid covering it. "Oh crap..." He says, "Sandy, take her to the medical center okay?" He says and she nods. Once we arrive there they hand me a towel to put under my nose to stop the bleeding.

"Bob really likes you..." Sandy says and I look over at her, "He isn't the fist fighting kinda guy, but he didn't hold back for a second when he saw you get punched" she smiles slightly.

"Is he okay....?" I ask now worried that he might get hurt in the fight.

"I think so yeah." She says smiling a little, "Common....we should head back to base." she says and I nod as I hold onto my Dad's dog tags and use everything I have in me to not cry.

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