See Carolus Rise!

By Grimcreeper58

41.3K 729 260

(Male Young King Reader x Akame Ga Kill Harem) More

When I have too much time but no energy to write
Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Shit post (I'm working on the next chapter. I just need some rest)

Chapter XV

1.4K 34 11
By Grimcreeper58

(Art above is from itselott on Deviantart)


I was in my room, writing a letter to Artoria.

Dear Artoria, Queen Of Britannia,

I hope you get this letter soon. I am very pleased with the outcome of our alliance. I must admit that it was an honor to fight besides you when the French attacked and as I expected, you have shown excellent leadership to your people, but what I wasn't expecting was your fearlessness and Will to fight. I am truly happy to have you as an ally and I hope you feel the same about having us as an ally. I wish you the best of luck with ruling your kingdom.

From The King Of Sweden, Y/N

After I finished writing the letter, I placed it in an envelope and poured a small amount of candle wax on the envelope and used seal stamp to close it. After that, I walked downstairs of my palace and gave it to a guard who nodded his head and left to give the letter to the post office. After that, I walked around the palace until I ran into Esdeath.

Y/N: Good Morning, Es.

Esdeath: Morning Y/N. I wanted to talk to you about something.

Y/N: Oh? What is it?

Esdeath: I think you need Royal guards. The first battle of your life almost costed you your life if ut wasn't for Artoria and I.

Y/N: only slightly true...*Esdeath pouts* but I do agree with the idea of needing a Royal guard. Do you know of anyone you trust the be the OFFICIAL leader of the... hmmm... of the Livgardet?

Esdeath: Nice Name for the Royal guards, yes, and what do you mean "Official"?

Y/N: Don't act like you're not going to be by my side while also commanding the army...

Esdeath: *blushes happily* It's my job to protect you as both your future wife and general of your armies.

Y/N: *nervous sweat* I'm sure it's supposed to be the husband's job to protect his lover...but more power to you?

Esdeath: *GIF below* That's right, just agree.

I rolled my eyes with a smile and sighed happily

Y/N: Alright "General Smug" *Esdeath giggles* who do you think will be a great leader and I mean great. If one is to have a Royal Guard, they must be the best soldiers.

Esdeath: Her name is Uriel. I have fought by her side many times and I must admit that she's loyal to the crown and is fearless if it means protecting the empire and its people.

Y/N: Seeing as how you praise her, I'd love to meet her as soon as I possibly can.

Esdeath: *to a guard* Please go fetch Uriel. She'll be at the barracks, most likely checking her equipment.

The guard saluted and ran outside and towards the barracks.

Esdeath: Go ahead and sit down in your throne.

Y/N: Very well.

I then sat down and when I did, Sayo walked into the room, obviously exploring the palace. When she noticed me, she panicked slightly and bowed, making Esdeath giggle.

Esdeath: *looks at Y/N* Can I take a guess as to what you're going to say?

Y/N: *smiles* Go ahead.

Esdeath: Thanks. *looks at Sayo, who is a bit nervous* Pretend I'm Y/N. "I consider you my friend so there's no need to bow down to me." *looks at Y/N with a smug smirk* that sound about right?

Y/N: *sighs and chuckles happily* Yeah...that sounds accurate. You don't have to bow Sayo. I'm happy to see you walking though.

Sayo: *gets up and smiles* Thank you, my lord. I was just exploring the palace. It's quite a huge building. *giggles nervously* I've probably walked in five circles trying to get to this room.

I chuckled and I saw Talia walk into the room but when she saw Sayo, she bolted towards her and hugged her.

Talia: Sayo! Thank god you're okay! I was worried!

Sayo: Hi Talia. I'm glad I'm okay as well.

Y/N: Hey Talia? Have you gotten used to living in the palace?

Talia: K-Kinda. I mean it's a huge step up from the village but...

Y/N: Do you at least know the layout well?

Talia: Yeah, why?

Y/N: You don't mind if I ask you to give Sayo a tour do you? I would gladly give her one, but I'm expecting an important person to show up soon.

Talia: *smiles* Will do!

Y/N: *smiles* Thanks. I owe you one.

Talia: For giving a tour? It's not much and I'm doing it because you've been so nice to me. This is me paying you back.

Y/N: Still, I'm stubborn so I owe you one. Maybe a free dinner one night? Sayo can even come if you want.

Talia and Sayo blushed slightly but Talia nodded her head and walked off with Sayo. A few minutes later, the guard came back with Uriel.

Uriel: *immediately kneels* You called for me, your highness?

Y/N: *to the guard* Thank you. You can take a break if you wish. I know it's a pretty long walk.

Guard: Thank you, sir. When do I need to come back?

Y/N: *shrugs with a smile* Meh. Go home and spend time with your family. You barely get to since you're always standing guard for me.

Guard: *shocked but happy* T-Thank you sir! I'll be back early in the morning, I promise!

Y/N: *Nods head* That's unnecessary, but thank you for your hard work.

The guard left happily and I then looked at Uriel, who was still kneeling.

Y/N: You May stand, and yes, I did call for you.

Uriel: *stands up* What is it that you need, your highness?

Y/N: I wanted to ask you something. Esdeath had brought up a good idea, which is that is should have a Royal Guard. I agree and I asked her if she knew anyone that would be an excellent fit and without hesitation, you said your name *Uriel looks shocked, making Y/N smirk happily* So how would you like to become the Leader of my most elite soldiers, the Livgardet?

Uriel: I-It would be an honor, sir!

Esdeath: Feel free to call him Y/N. He's not one for formality.

Uriel: I-I see. Th-Thank you so much Esdeath! I'm honored that you believe that I would be worthy of such an important position as becoming the leader of the king's most elite soldiers!

Esdeath: *smiles* You're welcome. I've seen your unwavering loyalty and fearless to protect the empire and I trust my lover's life to be in excellent care with you by his side. It only seemed natural to put you in charge.

Uriel: *smiles* I'm am truly honored to lead the Livgardet into battle or wherever you go.

Y/N: Well then! *smiles happily* Congratulations on becoming the leader of the Livgardet. I expect great things from you.

Uriel: I WON'T let you down, Y/N and I'll lay down my life for the Fatherland.

I smiled at the truly Loyal leader.

Y/N: I'll have a designer come up with some ideas for emblems to distinguish you from other soldiers and I'll let you pick.

Uriel: Thank you.

I then sighed happily and closed my eyes, thinking of the prosperity I have brought my people in such a short time.

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