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Galing kay winterrain__

312K 7K 811

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แด…แด€ษดแด„แด‡ - แด‹.๊œฑแดŠ
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แด›สœแด‡ ส™ษชแด›แด„สœ [3]
แด›สœแด‡ ส™ษชแด›แด„สœ [4]
แด›สœแด‡ ส™ษชแด›แด„สœ [5]
แด›สœแด‡ ส™ษชแด›แด„สœ [6]
แด›สœแด‡ ส™ษชแด›แด„สœ [7]
แด›สœแด‡ ส™ษชแด›แด„สœ [8]
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แด„แดแดขส - แดŠษชษดแด‹แดแดแด‹

594 11 1
Galing kay winterrain__

" Are you not feeling well, Kook-ah? "

Jungkook pouts, staring at the ceiling. He hadn't planned to enter his hyung's room, but he couldn't sleep and he really felt stressed.

And he knew very well how the stress could go away, so here he was, laying beside Jin who was looking at him curiously, yet, fondly.

He hums, facing his hyung and throwing his arm around his slim waist, " I can't sleep. " Jin smiled, raising a hand to push off the bangs that covered Jungkook's eyes before bringing his hand to rub the younger's chest gently.

Jungkook melts, a sigh escaping his lips and his eyes fall shut. Jin smiles wider to himself as he continued to rub the younger, " Do you want to talk about it? "

Jungkook shakes his head slightly, " It's really nothing, hyung. Just couldn't sleep. " He mumbled, giving Jin a sleepy bunny smile. Jin sighs softly, nodding. He leaned back against the headboard of his bed as Jungkook layed on his chest.

" Okay, get some sleep, then. I'll be here, mhm? "
Jungkook nods, shifting closer and nuzzling his face in the crook of Jin's neck, his tensed muscles relaxing at Jin's calming scent.

Jin pats his head, his fingers raking through Jungkook's hair, he could feel Jungkook relaxing under his touch, that was a good thing. He'd fall asleep soon enough.

" Sleep well. " He whispered, pressing a kiss on his hair, to earn a content hum and a soft thank you. As Jin resumed to watch his the movie he had been watching, Jungkook snored softly against him.

After what seemed like a few more minutes into the movie, Jin wondered what was troubling Jungkook who was yet once again stirring and rubbing his eyes.

" Kook-ah, what's going on? "

He looked down at the younger, " are you okay? "
Jungkook hummed tiredly, pouting slightly.
" I don't know. "

Jin sighs, patting his head. " Let's go. "

" where? " Jungkook sits up, his hair messy and standing in all direction, Jin chuckled softly.
" I'll make you something so you can sleep properly. "

" tea? " Jungkook beams and Jin smiles, nodding.
" chamomile tea. " Ruffling his hair, Jin stood up and made his way towards the kitchen while Jungkook wrapped the blanket around himself before following Jin.

As he reached the kitchen, he found Jin standing there leaning against the counter as the kettle is on the stove. He sighed, feeling guilty.

" I'm wasting your time, " he pouts, " sorry. "
Jin rolls his eyes, motioning him to come closer. Jungkook held back a grin, Jin was always touchy, but he got extra touchy if he one of them got sick.

He grabbed Jin's hand and yelped as he was tugged forward. " now tell me what's bothering you. It can't be nothing if you can't sleep, Kook. "

Jungkook groans against his broad shoulder as Jin wrapped his arms around his cacooned body, Jungkook wondered how can he read everyone so well?

" Stressed. We have a comeback in a month and and I haven't hit gym at all. "

Jin laughed softly, " does that matter, Kook? You're already a hulk. "

" Ah, hyung! " He whined, a small smile stretching on his lips nonetheless. They hear footsteps approaching and Jungkook felt Jin slightly nudge him away. He frowned but didn't question him.

" hyung, why are you hugging a bunch of blankets? " A sleepy Hoseok appeared, chuckling. Jin smiled, " the bunch of blankets has a baby inside. "

" I'm not a baby. " Jungkook frowned, shooting Hoseok a sleepy grin. Hoseok cooed, " You're a baby! What's wrong though? "

" I couldn't sleep. " He sighs, " Jin hyung is making us tea. "

Hoseok grinned, grabbing himself a bottle of water from the fridge, " we have practice tomorrow. Make sure to get enough rest, both of you. "

He nods and watched as Hoseok walked towards his room, disappearing down the hallway. He faced the older, a pout still prominent on his lips.

Jungkook wouldn't lie, he had noticed it long ago. He didn't question it, thinking Jin was probably just uncomfortable being touchy around others. He was also always hesitant on camera.

Or was it something else? Because the last time he had checked, he had no problem when Taehyung had licked his chin onstage in front of thousands of fans.

Or when Jimin gets extremely clingy—like all the time. So why was it just him?

" what was that? " He mumbled, confused. Jin scratched the back of his neck, his ears and face turning red. " what was what? "

" I'm sleepy, not dumb. " he huffs, " you pushed me away, hyung. " Jin holds back a groan while Jungkook continued to pout.

" nothing. "

" hyung! " Jungkook grumbled, " I'm already stressed enough. " He mumbled, wrapping his arm around Jin while the other holds onto the blanket.

Jin sighs, " it's nothing, Kook—"

" well you were just asking me to tell you why I was stressed. This seems to be related to me—"

" no, it's not. "

" it is. " Jungkook huffed, " I've noticed you do that a lot when someone else is around. "
Jin sighs, shaking his head with a small frown.

Jungkook sighs heavily, turning on his heels. Jin curses inwardly, grabbing the younger back in his chest, sighing softly. " they'll just tease me. "

" about what?! " Jungkook frowns, " for hugging me? " Jin groans, " get a brain, pabo. They always tease me about you. "

Jungkook bites the inside of his cheek, making an O with his lips as he processed his words.
" oh. "

" Wait—"

" No. " Jin huffed, not letting him move at all seeing as he was embarrassed enough as it is. He didn't want Jungkook teasing him on top of it.

A giggle from Jungkook, and another, and another and Jungkook was full on giggling. Jin feels his face burning, but he couldn't help but smile at how contagious his laugh was.

" Shut up, Kook.."

Jungkook leaned back before shuffling slightly. Jin loosened his grip as Jungkook faced him,
" I thought you were uncomfortable.  "

Jin rolls his eyes, patting his arm with a shy smile as he faces the stove. " No, I'm not. grab a cup. " Jungkook grinned, doing as asked as his own cheeks turned red.

After finishing the tea in silence, Jungkook sets his cup in the sink, sighing softly. He grabbed his blanket tighter around himself, shooting the older a grin.

" Let's go try sleeping? "

Jin bites the inside of his cheek, " of course. "
He set his cup in sink too and faced Jungkook, only to get startled as the younger was so close to him.

" W-What—"

" Nothing. You smell good. " Jin flushed, " Yes, but—"

" Let's go to your room. "

" I get it, Kook. I don't know why you're repeating yourself. " Jin smiled, smacking his forehead. Jungkook groaned, grinning wider.
" thought you'd get the innuendo. "

" you brat! What have you been learning these days? "

Jungkook reaches over, pecking Jin's cheek,
" nothing inappropriate, don't worry. "

Jin widens his eyes, blinking. " Y-Yah—"

" what? " Jungkook grinned, pecking his other cheek too. " were you saying something,
hyung? " He teased, stepping closer and pecking his nose.

Jin gulps, " N-No, just—"

Jungkook holds back a giggle, placing another peck on his chin. Jin's breath hitched, " Kook—"
Jungkook froze too, seeing as his lips accidentally plant on Jin's lips instead of his cheek.

The two stand still for good few seconds, Jungkook slowly pulls away, his eyes wide and face red.

Jin lets out a soft breath while Jungkook blinks.

" S-Sorry, hyung. "

" Jungkook.  "

" Y-Yeah? "

Nervously, the younger moved closer, his cheeks still flaming as Jin stared down at him. Jin sighs yet once again, trying to hold himself back. But it was impossible.

" fuck it. "

He reaches over, grabbing his chin and and capturing his lips again. Jungkook immediately groaned, not knowing why he loved the feeling of Jin's lips against his.

Their mouths moved in sync, Jungkook gasped slightly as they pull away to breath, " damn..."

Jin scowls to himself, cupping his face,
" Do you know how fucking hard it is to hold back every time I see you? "

He huffed, pulling the younger in another stealthy kiss. Jungkook smiled against his lips, grabbing onto the older's shirt and pulling him closer.

some fluff...

Ipagpatuloy ang Pagbabasa

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