The Red Petals Awards(Judging)

By crystalsnowpiper

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Oneshots/Short Stories Reviews

81 12 35
By crystalsnowpiper

Judge: ggukminheart

book : bangtan one-shots 
author : Sugakookie-nd-tae 

cover : (7/10) I think it's very pretty. the black swan cover of bts is extremely eye catchy and I believe that it completely suits the theme of the book. 

title : (10/10) suits the book perfectly. 

blurb : (8/10) the blurb given in the description made me curious and it also had me wanting to read the book then and there. 

pace : (8/10) since each and every short story had a different pace, I'm judging this on an overall basis. I did think that pace was apt (considering the fact that this is a short story) but increasing the word count would've looked more amazing. 

writing style : (16/20) undoubtedly amazing but I can not give this a 20 because like I said, I would've liked each and every part to be a little bit longer.

grammar : (20/20) found no errors. 

overall enjoyment : (18/20) everything was absolutely amazing. I loved how everything was a mixture of mystery, love and murder but! a few of them were also very predictable. 

total : 87 /100


book : pretty marriage little vows 
author : Seong_Grace 

cover : (7/10) the backdrop is extremely beautiful but a better font style would've made it even more pretty. 

title : (10/10) absolutely apt for the plot. jk x female lead readers out there would be intrigued. 

blurb : (7/10) the blurb gives us a tiny insight into what we're going to read further but the only error I found was the grammatical one. if provided the luxury of time, then I'd recommend the author to use grammarly <3 

pace : (7/10) I understand that this is one-shot but despite of that, I found the pace extremely quick. I would suggest trying to include a few more descriptions or backstories to improve the reading experience. 

writing style (15/20) : the writing style was in first person pov and the only suggestion I have is to again improve on the grammar because I found a lot of grammatical errors in between. 

grammar : (15/20) : once again, I found too many grammatical errors and I'm stating this from the perspective of a reader, too many grammatical errors often pulls the experience of the readers down.

 overall enjoyment : (16/20) the story was cute. really. but the grammatical errors prevented me from enjoying it thoroughly and I believe that a few scenes could be delivered more beautifully. 

total : 77/100 


book : oneshots | bts 
author : Mrs_Namnam 

cover : (9/10) suits the book perfectly but the fonts could be a little more beautifully edited 

title : (10/10) perfect 

blurb : (7/10) the blurb tells the readers to enjoy reading and believe me when I say this, if one were to choose to spend their time on your book, they would absolutely never regret it one bit.  

pace : (8/10) when i judged the book, it only had KNJ's one-shot but don't worry, I have read the rest as well. I just wanted to say that the author is gifted but the pace is a little bit quick though I know it's a one shot 

writing style : (20/20) believe me, if I had the chance to, I'd give the writer more. the writing is chef's kiss. 

grammar : (20/20) I found no errors. I loved it. 

overall enjoyment (19/20) : readers would fall in love with everything about each and every one shot. i love how the story begins and i also love how it ends. 

total : 93/100 


book : bts one-shots 
author : ViniShah2 

cover : (8/10) suits the book but the fonts could be changed for an even more better outlook. 

title : (10/10) apt for the book 

blurb : (7/10) it gives the reader an insight into what they're going to read but i wouldn't call it intriguing. 

pace : (8/10) I found it so cute. so much fluff and I loved it. and I also loved taetae's cute picture that was attached at the beginning. but. the pace was kind of fast (I know it's one-shot but despite of that) 

writing style : (15/20) I found a few grammatical errors in between and I believe that attaching a lot of gifs towards the end could be avoided. 

grammar : (18/20) found a few here and there and I'd recommend to rectify these small errors.

overall enjoyment : (17/20) it was funny. It was fluffy. it was cute. but. it had a few grammatical errors and the pace could have been set better. 

total : 83/100


author : dwcarlson 
book : precious gems 

cover : (10/10) the park jimin in the cover is exactly the park jimin inside the book. 

title : (10/10) perfect. that is all I have to say. because when a person reads the fic, they'd understand how apt the title is. 

blurb : (10/10) so so so suitable and it kind of sparks a lot of curiosity within a reader 

pace : (9/10) this is the only complaint I have and it's the fact that the female lead fell for jimin a little early. but excluding just that, everything is absolutely perfect. 

writing style : (20/20) chef's kiss. that is everything I have to say. it had me hook. it had me smitten. 

grammar : (20/20) found no errors. perfectly written. absolutely amazing. 

overall enjoyment : (20/20) provided the chance, i would give more. but since I'm speechless with how beautiful the fic is, all I have to say is that, I am completely in awe with this fic. 

total : 99/100 


book : KNJ one-shots (smut) 
author : iMeGiNeSoN

cover : (8/10) really nice but I highly recommend a prettier font with the same shade 

title : (9/10) the title says KNJ one-shots (smut) yes, I read the first part and it had smut while the parts that follow did not. 

blurb : (8/10) the blurb gives the reader an insight into what they can expect but I'd recommend adding a little more to it's description to intrigue the readers even more so. 

pace : (8/10) it was a tad bit too fast for me but excluding that, it was neat. 

writing style : (16/20) the writing was good. so were the words that were used, in the sense the flow was smooth but I found grammatical errors. 

grammar : (16/10) I found grammatical errors and since we're talking about grammar specifically, I would recommend to rectify all the mistakes. 

overall enjoyment : (16/20) a good read but the grammatical errors could be thoroughly proof read or rectified and the pace could've been set more neatly in order to make a reader's experience much better 

total : 81/100 


title : still bangtan 
author : _mikromosmos_ 

cover : (10/10) it's absolutely suitable and I also loved the font style 

title : (10/10) conveyed what the fic had in store for me and the title also held an emotional depth to it. 

blurb : (8/10) the blurb did give me an insight of what I was about to read but I think that a little more description could've been given in order to spark a little bit of curiosity in to the reader

pace : (6/10) it was a tad bit too quick for me. a little bit more of descriptions and background stories could've been added. 

writing style (15/20) : the writing was good but it can be improved a lot in order to capture the reader's attention even more so. 

grammar : (15/20) I found a number of grammatical errors here and there and I'd recommend using google docs or in order to draft any future or on-going works, it's really helpful. 

overall enjoyment : (15/20) it was cute. I had actually expected something extremely emotional, but, though it was emotional, it was also funny and very army-like which made it super cute but, the pace could've been a tad bit slower and the one-shot could've been a little more lengthier. 

total : 79/100 


author : WTF_Niu 
book : numbers 

cover : (10/10) definitely a perfect ten because it's so eye candy and so so apt and screams mobster kook. 

title : (10/10) another perfect 10 because the title seems mysterious the first time one takes a look at it and intrigues them to know what the fic is about. 

blurb : (8/10) the reader gets an insight into what the fic is actually about but the author could use different words or form even more interesting sentences to keep the readers hooked. I highly recommend adding dialogue previews into the description. 

pace : (7/10) I would've liked a little more information on the protagonists' background but apart from that, it was neat. 

writing style : (16/20) the writing was good but I'd recommend not using bold italics for the dialogues. it kind of stands out oddly (but this is merely my opinion because if you love using bold italics then please do not stop because you do you) 

grammar : (17/20) the writing style was good but I found a few grammatical errors here and there and I'd highly recommend using google docs or to draft. 

overall enjoyment : (16/20) it was a good read but a little more improvement on proof reading the grammatical errors would be impressive.

total : 84/100 


author : giakfanfiqs 
book : heartsick bliss 

cover : (10/10) really suited the title and the plot. 

title : (10/10) the title was in my perspective, deep enough to deliver the depth of what the plot held for the readers. 

blurb : (9/10) really really loved the way you had with words and the blurb sort of intrigued me to read further on. 

pace : (8/10) the pace was good but it could've been much better with added descriptions about the background story or about how the characters came to be what they are.

writing style : (18/10) the writing was good. I loved how the author delivered angst. I also loved the ending and the way the author had a way with words in between the story (with regard to delivering the characters' emotions) 

grammar : (16/20) I did find a few grammatical errors here and there and I'd highly recommend using google docs or to draft. 

overall enjoyment : (18/20) the angst was beautifully painful and I enjoyed every second of it. 

total : 89/100 


author : Jmjkjs 
book : sorry jimin-ssi 

cover : (9/10) I really liked how both the book screamed angst at the sight of the cover but the the font style could be changed in order to make it more aesthetic 

title : (10/10) completely makes sense given what the story is about and also gives the reader an insight into the fic 

blurb : (10/10) I really really loved how the blurb was beautifully written. it had a poetic touch to it. 

pace : (7/10) I loved how the prelude began with jungkook's pov from the present and then dived into their past but I believe that it was a tad bit real quick. 

writing style : (17/10) the writing was good, it had me hooked. especially the angst and regret coming from the protagonist was well written.

grammatical errors : (17/20) I found grammatical errors here and there and I'd highly recommend using google docs or grammarly to draft.

overall enjoyment : (16/20) I liked the plot but I would suggest adding a little more description to all the characters' lives and also jumping in between their past and present lives. 

total : 86/100 


Judge: @Shumin12

Author:- WingsOfMyHeartbeat
Book:- Death Gate

Cover (5/5):- The cover is perfectita elegant and eye catching, I loved how you presented both protagonists and the filter makes it even more perfect

Title (4/5):- The title too is beautiful, it's different and creative. Your title acts as an instinct to make readers read your book.

Blurb (3/5):- The blurb was good.

Pace (3/5):- The pace is wonderful your chapters are long and i appreciate it.

Plot (15/20):- The plot was interesting and intriguing but also confusing. You have a very creative and artistic mind. The plot was well organized. 

Character Development (10/15):- i will give you a ten in this As the development of the characters was not written that good.

Grammar (20/20):- As far as I can see, there aren't any grammatical errors to be corrected. It's was nice judging your book.

Writing Style (15/15):- Your writing style is perfect and deserve to much. It makes the story praiseworthy. Mostly, with a book with a story plot this beautiful.

Overall Enjoyment (5/10):- to me it was a little bit confusing, it took me too much time to understand the characters and get the plot.

Total: 80/100


Book:- chemistry

Cover (3/5):- The cover is beautiful but it'd have been better if there was a quote on the cover and the photo of another protagonist.

Title (4/5):- The title too is Soo simple yet eye-catching and creative.

Blurb (4/5):- The blurb was also written beautifully. It too didn't give too much or too little of the content of the book. Mostly, the last dialogue was fantastic and very creative.

Pace (5/5):- The pace is wonderful and I loved how you arranged every paragraph beautifully.

Plot (20/20):- Even the plot was interesting and intriguing. You have a very creative mind and I loved how you displayed each character just as it should be. The plot was very organized and systematic.

Character Development (13/15):- As I have already mentioned, the characters were expressed perfectly and there was a good amount of skills put into their expressions and emotions that made readers feel they are a part of the story.

Grammar (19/20):- As far as I can see, there aren't any grammatical errors to be corrected. I am very happy to judge your book as I rarely come across books which contain negligible grammatical mistakes.

Writing Style (15/15):- Your writing style is the main aspect that makes the story praiseworthy. Mostly, with a book with a story plot this beautiful, I expect the writing style to be flowery and difficult to understand. I loved how you wrote the book with understandable words and not too straightforward either.

Overall Enjoyment (8/10):- From the starting to the end, i was Soo amazed to read your work, it's just perfect.

Total: 91/100


Author:- ScribbleYourThoughts
Book:- short stories

Cover (2/5):- The cover is beautiful but it'd have been better you had put more effort and put some glittery filters or the text could have been in neon. The cover isn't that catchy.

Title (3/5):- The tittle is used everywhere plus you haven't added about what ship or for whom this one shot book is about

Blurb (4/5):- The blurb was written beautifully. It too didn't give too much or too little of the content of the book. 

Pace (4/5):- The pace is wonderful and I loved how you arranged every paragraph beautifully. I mostly loved the banner you had in the end of story in first chapter

Plot (20/20):- Even the plot was interesting and intriguing. You have a very creative mind and I loved how you displayed each character just as it should be. The plot was very organized and systematic.

Character Development (10/15):- Characters were expressed perfectly.

Grammar (15/20):- there weren't many mistakes but there were.

Writing Style (13/15):- Your writing style is good. You wrote the book with understandable words and book wasn't straightforward. 

Overall Enjoyment (7/10):- i did enjoyed reading your book it was nice reading it.

Total: 78/100


Author:- kookiebunnyandbear24
Book:- My oneshot

Cover (3/5):- The cover is good. 

Title (2/5):- the title is just too simple and isn't eye catchy. You could have given it a name better than this.

Blurb (4/5):- The blurb was written beautifully

Pace (5/5):- The pace is wonderful and I loved how you presented the chapters with the comic photos and a short a/n at the starting. 

Plot (18/20):- The plot was interesting and intriguing. You have a very creative mind . The plot was very organized and systematic. 

Character Development (12/15):- The characters were expressed beautifully and you used pretty good skills to describe.

Grammar (19/20):- As far as I can see, there aren't any grammatical errors to be corrected.

Writing Style (15/15):- Your writing style is just amazing, i love how you have written the chapters. I loved how you wrote the book with understandable words and not too straightforward either.

Overall Enjoyment (8/10):- I enjoyed reading this story and by a little improvisation it will be an even better story.

Total: 86/100


Author:- mylove_loveme
Book:- my first

Cover (3/5):- The cover is good. 

Title (2/5):- i don't understand the title plus there's only one chapter of it.

Blurb (3/5):- The blurb was ok

Pace (3/5):- pace is one of the thing I loved 

Plot (9/20):- The plot was easy to guess 

Character Development (10/15):- The characters weren't expressed in the best way

Grammar (19/20):- not much of mistakes

Writing Style (12/15):- Your writing style is good, you wrote it in understandable words.

Overall Enjoyment (5/10):- i did enjoyed reading your work.

Total: 66/100


Author:- btsarmysukanya
Book:- Seven | Short BTS Fanfictions

Cover (4/5):- The cover is good. 

Title (2/5):- the title on too ..... Used

Blurb (4/5):- The blurb was beautiful in each chap

Pace (3/5):- The pace is good too but everything sometimes is too scrambled.

Plot (12/20):- The plot was interesting but for the first chapter the plot and story is used in too many books 

Character Development (10/15):- k didn't understand any of character at first but it was ok

Grammar (19/20):- there are some grammatical mistakes and also punctuations aren't places in write place but I believe it'll be fine as you write more

Writing Style (12/15):- Your writing style is good, you wrote it in understandable words.

Overall Enjoyment (5/10):- i liked it.

Total: 71/100


Author:- deewiwi
Book:- dark tales

Cover (2/5):- The cover is Soo simple i don't know what to say about it. 

Title (2/5):- the title is too simple

Blurb (5/5):- The blurb was beautiful that's the thing I loved

Pace (5/5):- The pace is good too 

Plot (15/20):- The plot was interesting.

Character Development (12/15):- The characters were expressed beautifully.

Grammar (19/20):- there are some grammatical mistakes and also punctuations aren't places in write place but I believe it'll be fine as you write more

Writing Style (12/15):- Your writing style is good, you wrote it in understandable words.

Overall Enjoyment (5/10):- i loved it

Total: 77/100


Author:- inky_jin
Book:- like that

Cover (4/5):- The cover is good. 

Title (2/5):- the title is good but not that eye catchy. You could have given it a name better than this.

Blurb (3/5):- The blurb was beautiful

Pace (5/5):- The pace is good too 

Plot (18/20):- The plot was very interesting but it wasn't that systematic to me 

Character Development (13/15):- The characters were expressed beautifully.

Grammar (19/20):- as far as I know there wasn't any grammatical mistakes

Writing Style (15/15):- Your writing style is amazing, you wrote it in understandable words.

Overall Enjoyment (10/10):- i Loved reading your work

Total: 89/100


Author:- monikona87
Book:- cheater lover

Cover (3/5):- The cover is good. 

Title (2/5):- the title is just too simple and good but not that eye catchy. You could have given it a name better than this.

Blurb (3/5):- The blurb was beautiful

Pace (3/5):- The pace is good too but everything sometimes is too scrambled.

Plot (13/20):- The plot was interesting but it wasn't that systematic to me 

Character Development (12/15):- The characters were expressed beautifully.

Grammar (19/20):- there are some grammatical mistakes and also punctuations aren't places in write place but I believe it'll be fine as you write more

Writing Style (12/15):- Your writing style is good, you wrote it in understandable words.

Overall Enjoyment (5/10):- i did enjoyed reading your work but sometimes it was hard to see emotions because of punctuations but it was all good and i did got annoyed when you used "" and then next moment you used dialogue

Total: 72/100


Author:- Armyxbts_oneheart
Book:- BTS oneshot

Cover (5/5):- The cover is amazing. 

Title (5/5):- the title is just too simple but not that eye catchy. You could have given it a name .

Blurb (3/5):- The blurb was beautiful. I love it

Pace (5/5):- The pace of your chapter is what make me read it. It's just perfect

Plot (17/20):- The plot of every chap was interesting.

Character Development (13/15):- The characters were expressed beautifully.

Grammar (19/20):- as far as I know it didn't had any grammatical mistakes

Writing Style (15/15):- Your writing style is amazing.

Overall Enjoyment (10/10):- I'm Soo happy to read your book.

Total: 92/100


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