How to Get Away with Murder...

By ghostwriterwho

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A new final mystery will unravel the hidden truths in Annalise Keating's life until the day of her funeral. More

1. It's Not the End
2. You're a Monster
3. We're Not a Family
4. My Father Killed Them Both
5. He Knows the Truth
6. I Wanted the Baby to Be Safe
7. She Didn't Deserve to Die
8. The Calm Before the Storm
9. Die. Die. Die.
10. Was It You?
11. I Know What Sam Did
12. Nobody Gives Anything for Nothing
13. No More War
15. Annalise

14. It's Over Now

138 1 5
By ghostwriterwho


September 28, 2017

Philadelphia Prison, Pennsylvania

10:05 AM

Xavier Castillo visits his father in jail.

<<Did you find her?>>, Jorge asks.


Jorge sighs.

<<The last person who saw her was Laurel. She knows something.>>

<<Your sister will never tell us the truth, Xavier.>>

<<Annalise Keating brainwashed her. That's why she won't speak.>>

<<Birkhead's on our side. She will take care of the mess that woman made.>>, Jorge says, <<Now we just have to continue with the class action plan.>>

<<What do you want me to do?>>

<<Jamie will tell you everything. About Pollock, she is working for the governor.>>

<<Denise is working with the FBI too. Isn't that a risk?>>

<<She is the only one who can do an inside job on checking.>>

<<What about Jamie, dad?>>

<<She is going back to the hotel where your mother was seen for the last time.>>

There's a moment of silence.

<<I want my daughter back.>>

<<Why don't you want me to talk some sense into her?>>

<<Getting close to Laurel means getting close to Annalise Keating. She's the prey right now.>>

<<Then why don't we get rid of that alcoholic whore? Pollock would be happy to break into her house again and place a pillow on her face.>>

<<Shut your mouth. They can hear us in here.>>

Xavier takes a deep breath.

<<Take care of the class action. Birkhead is the only one who can get me out of jail sooner than we think.>>

Xavier is not convinced, but he pretends to be okay.

Sandrine Castillo has been missing for two months now. She was last seen at the New York hotel along with Laurel.


January 19, 2018

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

9:35 AM

Celestine knocks on her apartment door. She's worried.

Annalise is in New York talking to Sylvia Mahoney about the Wes's adoption and her plan to sue the entire State of Pennsylvania.

<<Annalise!>>, her sister yells outside the door.

She knocks again, but no one answers.

She remembers that the second key to the apartment is inside the lamp next to the door, but there's not in it actually.

It's all quiet in the building.

<<Why don't you never answer the phone, Anna Mae!>>, Celestine whispers to herself.

The woman is holding a yellow envelope with some important files in it and she needs to show them to Annalise as soon as possibile.


January 19, 2018

New York City, New York

11:03 AM

Annalise is in Sylvia Mahoney's apartment.

The two are arguing. Of course.

<<I didn't expect you to move around here.>>, Annalise says.

Sylvia Mahoney's apartment is all but luxurious. In fact, it is very unkempt. Something must have happened in the last few years.

<<What do you mean by that, Annalise?>>

Annalise doesn't answer.

There's tension.

<<Who told you where I lived?>>, Sylvia asks.

<<You can find out a lot on Google.>>

Actually, Lou helped Annalise to find out where she lived.

There's a moment of silence between the two women.

Sylvia sits on the chair, pulls out a cigarette from the pocket and smokes it.

Annalise looks at her puzzled.

<<Once again, why are you here?>>

<<Where is Charles?>>, Annalise asks.

<<Why do you answer with a question?>>

Annalise is ready to puke the whole truth all over her.

<<You went to Cleveland in 2005.>>

Sylvia is confused.

<<You had Wes Gibbins adopted by a family in Ohio.>>

Sylvia looks at her impatiently and replies: <<Did you come all the way down here just to ask me this?>>

Annalise throws the file on the table.

Sylvia looks at it and says: <<You know damn well I'm never going to read that.>>

<<I talked to Maria Sloane from the Department of Children's Services in Cleveland. She told me the truth, but I want to hear it straight from your filthy mouth.>>

<<Then I would have to call my lawyer and file a complaint for defamation, Annalise.>>

<<If you can afford it.>>

The tension increases.

<<You are capable of lying in front of the evidence. It's unbelievable.>>

<<I don't even know what you're talking about, Annalise. Do you understand that?>>

<<I do understand. Then, explain to me why a sixty-year-old woman would lie about it, uh?>>

<<Why do you believe everything people say?>>

<<Tell me why you got Wes adopted by that family, Sylvia.>>

Sylvia doesn't answer.

<<Your husband threatened me to hurt him the day Rose died. Why did you end up in Cleveland to have him adopted many months later? What was the point?>>

<<Don't you dare talking about Wallace in front of me!>>

<<Because you're ashamed of what husband did, don't you?>>

<<What did you do instead, Annalise?>>, Sylvia yells.

The tension increases more.

<<I don't want you to ruin my day with your funny tales to sell. Talking about my husband? Christophe? It's all in the past, Annalise. Get over it!>>

<<You requested a DNA test five days before Wes died and you pretended to know nothing about it.>>

Sylvia looks at her confused.

<<What are you talking about, Annalise?>>


October 29, 2015

New York City, New York

10:37 AM

Dominick meets Sylvia Mahoney.

She's walking in the building where his husband's office once was with a glass of coffee in her hand.

<<Excuse me. Are you Ms. Mahoney?>>

Sylvia looks at him surprised.

<<And you are?>>

<<Dominick Flores. Can I talk to you for a second, ma'am?>>

<<No, I'm busy. Come back again in a while.>

<<I work for Jorge Castillo, the CEO of Antares Corporation in Florida. I would like to ask you some questions about your husband's death.>>

There is tension.

Sylvia pretends not to care and keeps walking.

Dominick grabs her by the arm.

<<It's about Christophe Edmond and Annalise Keating. You don't want me to stick a bullet in your son's head, don't you?>>, Dominick whispers.

Sylvia is shocked.

The two look around to make sure no one is watching them.

<<Take your hands off me before I start screaming.>>

Dominick lets go of her arm and straightens his tie.

<<It'll only take a minute. You just have to answer to my question.>>

<<I don't know what you want from me, sir, but I don't want anything to do with Annalise Keating.>>

<<How do you know Christophe Edmond?>>

Sylvia pretends not to know.

<<Why was he linked to your husband?>>

<<I'm the wrong person for you. Go ask to Ms. Keating.>>

Dominick realizes the woman is not talking, but he has a plan.

There is a moment of silence.

Dominick takes the coffee glass from Sylvia's hand.

<<If you'll excuse me.>>

Dominick walks away.

Sylvia, confused, grabs her phone and calls the security guard.

Dominick is already gone.


January 19, 2018

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

11:07 AM

Celestine is still sitting on the stairs outside Annalise's apartment door. 

She keeps calling her on the phone, but Annalise doesn't answer.

Suddenly, the elevator door open.

<<Celestine!>>, Tegan exclaims.

Celestine stands up and hides the yellow envelope inside her coat.

The two greet each other.

<<Where the heck is my sister! I've been calling her over and over since yesterday!>>

Tegan knows that Annalise wasn't feeling of talking to her.

<<She's in New York for a few days.>>

<<New York? Doing what?>>

Tegan makes up an excuse.

<<A law firm is interested in working with her.>>

Celestine doesn't believe her.

There is a moment of silence.

<<Shall we get inside?>>, Tegan asks her, pulling the keys out of her pocket.

<<Since when does Annalise leave her keys to anyone?>>

<<I have troubles with the internet connection at my house. I asked her to steal hers.>

The two women get in.

<<Do you want me to make a coffee for you too?>>

<<No, thanks. Be careful not to mess up. Annalise hates dirty.>>

Tegan smiles.

Celestine sits on the sofa and looks around the room.

<<It is beautiful here.>>


<<The apartment. It's really nice.>>

<<Annalise has good taste.>>

<<Well, not like me.>>, Celestine replies, sneering.

There is a moment of silence.



<<Is there a reason why Annalise isn't answering my phone?>>

Tegan pretends not to know the truth.

<<She told me she would call you back. Didn't she yet?>>

<<No. I wouldn't ask you then.>>

Tegan sighs and says: <<Try call her back later. She'll be on her way back.>>

<<Or you can call her yourself. Maybe she will answer to you.>>

There is tension.

Tegan looks at her, nods and keeps preparing the cup of coffee, avoiding the conversation.

<<How's in Memphis? Is Ophelia fine? >>

<<Ups and downs. She's fine, though.>>

Celestine doesn't want to avoid the conversation about Annalise. Actually, she looks quite annoyed. 

<<Two detectives showed up at my house, Tegan.>>, Celestine reveals.

The tension increases.

<<What do you mean?>>

<<Two days ago. A man and a woman showed up at my mother's house and she let them in.>>

Tegan, immediately, thinks of detectives Morgan and Duvall.

<<They said they're working with the FBI in Philadelphia.>>

<<What did they ask you about?>>

<<Annalise. And a family named Castillo.>>

Tegan spills her coffee on the table.

Celestine realizes something happened in the last few months and wants Tegan to spit out the truth.

<<Celestine—please, don't say anything to Annalise. I can take care of it.>>

 <<So you're lying. Something is going on around here! That's why Annalise isn't answering me!>>, Celestine says, pissed. 

<<It's not serious. You don't have to be worried.>>

<<Woman, you know damn well that as soon as Annalise comes back here, I'm going to ask her questions.>>

Tegan sighs.

<<They asked me about the dead woman found in that New York apartment. I didn't know anything about it.>>

Tegan isn't sure whether to continue the conversation or to wait for Annalise to be back from New York.

<<There's something my sister needs to see.>>

Celestine pulls the yellow envelope from her coat and places it on the table in front of her.

Tegan is puzzled.

<<Tell me what is going on, Tegan.>>

<<What's in there?>>

Celestine turns into a self-possessed lady, with her arms folded, to make Tegan clear that she has to tell her the true story from the beginning.



July 4, 2016

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

6:56 PM

Laurel and Ramon Flores are in the parking lot of the Philadelphia courthouse.

<<Are you sure there are no cameras down here?>>

<<No. That's why Annalise meets anyone in here. It's a safe place. You can trust me.>>

<<Just the parking lot of a courthouse with Todd Denver as prosecutor wouldn't have surveillance cameras placed around.>>, Ramos says, chuckling.

Laurel looks around if there's anyone suspicious.

<<Denver's car is the one down there.>>

Ramon turns to the opposite side and looks at it.

<<Nice car.>>

Laurel sighs.

<<Are you sure about what you told me? Is Denver really involved with Dominick's disappearance?>>, Ramon asks.


<<You know that Dominick is still in love with you, Laurel. He's the one who helped me after what Jorge Castillo did to me—>>

<<Lower your voice.>>, Laurel interrupts.

There is a moment of silence.

<<I'm sorry for what my father did to you, Ramon. This is our chance to get our revenge.>>

<<Your father must have done a lot of bad stuff for you to hate him so much, huh?>>

Laurel doesn't answer.

<<So—you want me to cut the brakes on his car. Are you sure?>>


<<One last question.>>

<<What is it?>>, Laurel asks.

<<Who gave you Dominick's phone?>>

<<A person who works for Annalise.>>, Laurel replies.

<<Who is it?>>

<<I can't explain right now.>>

Ramon looks at her suspiciously.

<<My father knows where Dominick is.>>

Laurel is lying to him.

<<He must have locked him somewhere or worse. Do as I told you, Ramon. Please.>>

He's not really convinced by Laurel's words, but he pretends he's okay with her.

<<Do you think your father will confess at the stand if Denver gets the fuck out?>>


Ramon nods his head and walks to the car, while Laurel goes talking to Denver.

Denver is dying a few hours later in a car accident due to Ramon tampering the brakes.


January 19, 2018

New York City, New York

11:17 AM

Annalise and Sylvia continue to argue.

<<So you knew the Castillo family was looking for Wes.>>, Annalise says.

<<That doesn't sound right to me.>>

<<You just told me Dominick Flores approached to you asking about me and Wes. Did you not think of the consequences?>>

<<I never cared about that guy, Annalise.>>

<<So a man out of nowhere asks you about the nephew you've disowned for years and you don't think about what could happen later? Are you for real, Sylvia?>>

There is tension.

<<Listen, I want this stupid drama to end as soon as possible. You won't make me feel guilty, Annalise.>>

<<I have all the time in the world right now, and from what I can see, so do you.>>

Sylvia puts out the cigarette in the ashtray and stands up.

<<Do you think I'm that fool not to think that you're recording everything I'm telling you right now?>>

Annalise picks up her phone and turns it off.


The tension increases more.

<<You are pathetic, Annalise.>>

<<Tell me why you went to Cleveland to get Wes Gibbins adopted by some random families.>>

Sylvia does not trust Annalise.

<<Let's finish this war, Sylvia.>>

<<A war? A war against who? Do you realize what you're saying?>>

<<Answer the question.>>

Sylvia sighs.

<<Wallace had contact with them.>>


<<The family in Ohio.>>

<<Why did he?>>


Annalise is confused.

<<That's all I did. I came down there and asked if Christophe could be adopted by that people.>>

<<I can smell your guilty conscience all under my nose.>>, Annalise says.

Sylvia approaches Annalise to intimidate her.

<<Somebody shot my husband dead three years ago. Now Charles is in a vegetative state with severe brain damage because of a car hitting him. A car just like the one who hit you in Ohio long time ago. Lord knows what I'm dealing with, Annalise, but I'm sure you are behind my son's incident.>>

Annalise slaps her in the face.

Sylvia is shocked.

There's a moment of silence.

<<Don't you try to blame me for the mistakes your family made.>>

<<Get out! Now!>>, Sylvia yells.

<<I'm not leaving until you accept my deal. You owe me.>>

<<I said, get out!>>

Annalise grabs her by the arm and says: <<Confess at the stand the Castillos killed Wes.>>

Sylvia lets go of her arm and pushes Annalise away.

<<Leave. Don't make me call the police.>>, Sylvia whispers.

There is a moment of silence.

<<If you don't want to help me, then you'll have to help the FBI.>>

Sylvia is confused.

<<The FBI? You want to go against the FBI? Is that why you're here, Annalise?>>

Annalise doesn't answer.

<<Do you think your pathetic monologues will change a judge's mind? Take pity on you? You won't get away with it.>>

<<Then, we'll see.>>

Annalise picks up the file from the table and heads for the door.

<<You've already lost, Annalise! Stop destroying people's lives! Disappear!>>, Sylvia yells, while Annalise closes the door.



July 4, 2016

New York City, New York

9:46 PM

Laurel is at the hotel where her mother is staying. 

The two are discussing about Wes's death.

<<But it was you! You and dad! You did this together! You killed the one person I loved the most in my life! Now my son's gonna grow up without a father! Why? So that you could have more money?! Tell me why I shouldn't kill you right now!>>

Tears are streaming down Sandrine's face.

There is tension.

<<Laurel—please. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for all of this.>>

Laurel lets Sandrine go and steps back.

Her hands are shaking.

<<I will never forgive you for what you did, mom.>>

Sandrine bursts into tears and falls to the ground on her knees.

<<I didn't ask your father to kill him, Laurel! You have to believe me! Mon coeur, it wasn't me!>>

Laurel opens her bag and pulls out her baptism gown.

<<Take it back. You're not clearing your conscience by bringing me this.>>, Laurel says, throwing the gown on the ground.

Sandrine grabs it and lens it in her chest as she continues to despair.

The tension increases more.

<<Dominick is going to pick you up in a few minutes.>>, Laurel reveals.

Sandrine looks at her, confused.


<<You have to go back to France as soon as possible.>>

Sandrine is shocked.

<<Why? Ma petite, what are you talking about? How do you know where Dominick is?>>

<<Annalise has a plan. Dad is going to prison. You have to disappear from here, otherwise he won't let you get away with it.>>

Sandrine is confused.

<<Dad could blame you for what will happen to him. He would think you confessed Wes's murder. Dominick knows everything and will help you.>>

Laurel grabs her bag and heads for the door.

Sandrine stands up and joins her, taking her by the arm.

<<Don't leave me, Laurel! Don't leave me alone! Please!>>

<<Mom, stop! Get off!>>

<<We can fix it together, Laurel! I can talk to the police! Please don't leave me alone!>>

<<You're hurting me! Let go of me! >>

Sandrine grabs Laurel even harder by the left arm, scratching her.

Laurel hits her, pushing her back and Sandrine falls to the ground.

There's a moment of silence.

<<Just never come near me again!>>, Laurel says as she leaves the room.



July 4, 2016

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

7:37 PM

Ramon calls Laurel. 

They both are using disposable phones to communicate.

<<Done. You need anything else?>>

<<Yes.>>, Laurel replies, <<I talked to Denver.>>

<<So what?>>

<<My mother killed Wes.>>

Ramon is confused.

<<Where are you now, Laurel?>>

<<On the train to New York where's she at. You have to meet me there.>>

<<What do you want me to do?>>

<<My mother needs to leave as soon as possible. I need your help.>>

<<We have a deal, Laurel. You know what's going to happen to Denver in a few hours!>>

<<My father killed Dominick, Ramos!>>, Laurel states, lying.

<<What did you say?!>>

<<Do as I say, okay? I will send you the amount of money in your account later.>>

Ramos is puzzled and is starting to question Laurel's words.

July 4, 2016

New York City, New York

10:18 PM

Sandrine is lying on the ground, desperate.

Her phone rings.

Someone just sent her a text.

She struggles on getting up from the floor.

She reads the message. It's from an unknown number.

''Leave. Black car in the parking lot behind the hotel. - Dominick.''

Sandrine is confused and does not believe it's Dominick for real

She calls Laurel but it goes straight to the answering machine.

"Hey, it's Laurel. Leave a message but I'll probably never listen."

Sandrine doesn't know what to do.

Suddenly, she gets a call from Jorge.

<<Where are you, Sandrine?>>

<<The hotel.>>

<<We need to talk about Laurel.>>

<<She was here.>>

<<What did she tell you?>>

Sandrine doesn't answer.

<<Denver called me. Laurel is getting into trouble because of Annalise—>>

Sandrine hangs up and turns off her phone. 

She picks up her suitcase and puts everything she needs inside, including Laurel's christening gown. She leaves the room, heads to the elevator and goes down to the reception.

She notices the receptionist behind the counter looking at her, but she keeps walking straight to the exit.

As she arrives in the parking lot behind the hotel, she spots the black car with the back seat door open.

Sandrine gets close to it.

Her heart is pounding.

<<Dominick? Dominick, are you in there?>>

No one answers her.

All of a sudden, Ramon appears from behind her back, covers her mouth with a handkerchief and lets her lie on the back seat of the car.

Sandrine faints.

Ramon closes the door, picks up the suitcase and throws it into the trunk.

He gets in the car and leaves.

<<I did what you asked.>>

<<Please. Make sure she's okay.>>, Laurel says on the phone.

<<How do you plan to frame your father after this situation?>>

<<I have everything under control.>>

<<What you told me about it true, Laurel?>>

<<Yes. I'm sorry I got you involved in this, but you're the only person I can trust right now.>>

Ramon sighs.

<<I'm going to leave her at a mental institution in Vermont. You can change your mind, Laurel.>>

<<It's the only way. Take her far away from here.>>

<<All right.>>

<<Did you take the suitcase?>>


<<Send me the gown you will find in it. I'll text you the address. I don't want to make anyone suspicious of my mother's disappearance.>>

<<Do you need anything else?>>

<<Get rid of her documents and her phone.>>


<<Thank you, Ramon.>>

Ramon hangs up and throws the phone out the window.


January 19, 2018

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 

11:13 AM

Tegan and Celestine continue to discuss.

<<Did Annalise tell you about me?>>

Tegan reveals her past with Jorge Castillo.

<<No, she didn't. Why?>>

Tegan's having difficulty in speaking about it, but she tries.

<<I used to work for Jorge Castillo in Mexico when I lost my family. The law firm was named Caplan & Gold. I've been under his wing for a very long time.>>


<<My father knew him. It was because of him that Jorge got me a job at his law firm.>>

<<Wait. What does this have to do with the kidnapping of his daughter? The detective lady mentioned me that.>>

The tension increases.

<<Jorge Castillo got in trouble with the Mexico's Governor back then. He was the one who made Laurel be kidnapped.>>, Tegan reveals.

Celestine is confused.

<<I'm involved because...>>

Tegan stops talking and stands up.

<<Tegan, if you can't tell me your story, at least tell me why my sister has been persecuted by this family all these years.>>

There's a moment of silence.

<<Jorge asked me for a favor.>>

<<What favor? >>

Tegan has watery eyes.

<<I paid the ransom money from the inheritance. My family's inheritance.>>

Tears come streaming down Tegan's face.

<<Oh, God.>> Celestine says, shocked.

Tegan wipes away her tears.

<<I saved Laurel's life and that is why he put me in charge of Caplan & Gold in Philadelphia. He promised me wealth, luxury, money. That is the only thing I regret in my life.>>

Celestine doesn't answer.

<<I lost everything at the age of 25. I just needed peace in my life.>>

There is a moment of silence.

<<What do you and Annalise want to do now?>>

<<Fight the entire Philadelphia department.>>

Celestine is confused.

<<Tell me this is a joke.>>

<<We have enough evidence.>>

Celestine looks at her perplexed.

<<Tegan, my sister got through a difficult trial last year for crimes she did not commit. Now you want to take her against the entire state of Pennsylvania? This is crazy!>>

Tegan doesn't answer.

Celestine opens the yellow envelope, pulls out a usb flash drive from inside and places it on the table.

<<What's in there?>>, Tegan asks.

<<Something about that bitch Hannah Keating.>>, Celestine reveals.

Tegan is confused.

<<I asked the guy I'm dating to help me with this. I don't know how to use computers.>>

<<You showed this to your boyfriend?>>

<<Slow down. Slow down. The guy is harmless. He's a bit of an idiot, but he's genius with tech.>>

Tegan is puzzled.

<<There's a voice mail in this pen drive. Hannah mentions you at one point. She says you could hurt Annalise because you would never betray the Castillo family.>>

Tegan is upset.

<<How long have you had this envelope with you, Celestine? >>

<<Since the day of the shooting. Annalise asked me to get to her apartment and takes her clothes. You remember?>>

Celestine reveals an inconvenient truth.


June 30, 2017

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

<<They are animals, Tegan! It's a wonder I'm even alive after the verdict!>>, Annalise says, <<I need to get out of town as soon as possible. I don't want to be here. Please, find Celestine and tell her to go home!>>

January 19, 2018

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

<<As soon as I got to the apartment, I saw this envelope on the table. Someone must have come in long before me. There was a note signed by Frank.>>, Celestine reveals.

Tegan is shocked.

<<I opened it and there were these files and this pen drive. I didn't have time to check. I was agitated. I had to go back to court.>>

<<You kept this hidden all this time? What is wrong with you?>>

Tegan is angry.

<<What would you have done in my place?!>>>

Tegan takes the first file, opens it and reads.

<<What does it say?>>, Celestine asks.

Tegan has a shocked look on her face.

Inside the yellow envelope, there are evidences gathered by Frank about important events that would help Annalise to connect the past.



July 30, 2016

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

10:34 PM

Xavier Castillo meets up with Jamie Malkovich.


<<Not much. From the surveillance cameras, your mother left the hotel with her suitcase and disappeared into thin air.>>

<<Was she alone?>>

<<Yes. You can watch for yourself.>>

Xavier watches the footage carefully.

<<The hotel has no cameras outside.>>, Jamie says.

<<Why are you telling me this?>>

<<There's a parking lot behind the hotel. Your mother could have disappeared there.>>


<<I talked to the receptionist at the hotel who saw your mother that night. He claims to have seen her go straight to the parking lot behind the hotel.>>

<<How does he know that?>>

<<He claims he saw her through the window.>>

Xavier is puzzled.

<<Pollock is talking to shoppers in that area. She is asking them to show her more camera footage.>>

<<It's not possible for a woman to disappear like that. This is my mother we're talking about, for Christ's sake!>>, Xavier replies, nervously.

Jamie is as confused as he is.

<<We only have one suspect, Xavier. This car.>>

Jamie shows him a picture of a black car driving around the hotel for a few times.

<<Your mother may have used this car to escape. The time matches with her leaving the place. That's the only suspicious thing I have in my hands right now.>>

<<Did you search for the license plate?>>

<<It's fake, apparently. It links to a car borrowed from an association located in Poland. I don't think your mother is anywhere there.>>

<<Everything is possible, Jamie. Have you questioned the entire staff of the hotel?>>

<<Pollock spoke to the housekeepers and the managers who were on duty that night. They confirmed that Sandrine went out of the front door. She seemed very concerned.>>

Xavier is thoughtful.

<<There's gotta be something we're missing.>>

There's a moment of silence.

<<Your sister was with her before she disappeared, Xavier.>>

Xavier doesn't answer.

<<You don't seem surprised.>>


<<Why? >>

<<My father knew Laurel spoke to my mother at the hotel before she went missing.>>

<<He called Sandrine and she told him that Laurel visited her.>>

<<For what reason?>>, Jamie asks.

<<He didn't say. She hung up and turned off her phone.>>

There is a moment of silence.

<<Do you want me to talk to your sister?>>


<<Does your father have a plan?>>

Xavier doesn't answer.

August 17, 2016

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

12:29 PM

Denise Pollock meets up with Birkhead.

<<It's been a month now. Have they discovered anything?>>

<<No, Governor. Everything is under control.>>, Pollock replies.

Birkhead nods her head.

<<Are you taking care of the man?>>

<<Yes. I traced the path made by that black car.>>

<<And what?>>

<<The woman was kidnapped, Governor.>>, Denise Pollock claims, <<The only issue—>>

<<There must be no issue, Pollock.>>, Birkhead interrupts.

There is a moment of silence.


<<The important thing is that Jorge Castillo's men do not find out more than we already know.>>

<<I already deleted all the footage from that week.>>


<<I have a question. Once we find the woman, what do you want me to do?>>

<<You don't have to worry about that.>>

<<Why not threaten Laurel Castillo?>>

<<Annalise Keating is protecting her. Her sister-in-law, Hannah Keating, asked me not to put irons in the fire. We both want that lawyer to be tried and thrown in jail for life.>>

<<Why not force her sister-in-law to testify in court?>>, Denise Pollock suggests.

<<I promised to Hannah Keating we're going to have our revenge. In return, she will spill everything she knows about Annalise's past.>>, the Governor replies.

Denise Pollock is confused.

<<It is only a matter of time, Pollock. Now let's clean up the mess she made with her damn class action and then we take care of Sandrine Castillo.>>


Birkhead's plan is to kill Laurel's mother in order to keep both Jorge and Xavier Castillo in her pocket and make sure they will never find her.

September 8, 2016

West Palm Beach, Florida

11:27 AM

Denise Pollock knocks on Ramon Flores's apartment.

<<Who are you? >>, he answers from behind the door.

<<Sara Gordon. FBI. Can you open the door, sir?>>

There is tension.

<<There must be a mistake. I didn't do anything.>>

<<Sir, I'm here to talk to you about Sandrine Castillo. Can you open the door, please? Otherwise, I'll be forced to come back with a search warrant.>>

Ramon doesn't want to open the door.

Denise Pollock pulls out her gun and fires a shot at the lock.

<<Oh fuck!>>, Ramon exclaims, running to the bathroom window.

After kicking the door, Pollock gets in the apartment.

Ramon tries to escape through the window, but he's grabbed by the woman.

<<Stop right there, Mr. Flores or I'll shoot you right in the leg!>>

<<All right! All right! All right! I give up!>>

The tension increases.

Ramon kneels on the ground and raises his hands up while Pollock points the gun at him.

<<Now we need to talk.>>

<<About what?>>

<<It was hard to track down your car, Mr. Flores. I mean, the one you used to kidnap Sandrine Castillo.>>

<<What are you talking about? Who is Sandrine Castillo?>>

Pollock fires a shot on the ground.

<<Jesus Christ!>>, Ramon exclaims, frightened.

<<Maybe you didn't hear me out. I ask you once again. I know that you kidnapped Ms. Castillo from the hotel in New York two months ago. Where did you take her?>>

<<Who sent you here? How did you know where I lived?>>

<<Answer the question.>>

The tension increases more.

Denise takes out a phone out of her pocket, places it on the ground and lets it slide towards Ramon.

<<This is Dominick Flores's phone. It was found in Todd Denver's car the night he died. There's a  voice mail on it that links your cousin to the murder of Wes Gibbins.>>

Ramon is confused.

<<The FBI suspects Annalise Keating killed Dominick Flores with someone's help. I need to know if Laurel Castillo was involved in this. Does she know where her mother is?>>

Ramon can't speak. 

<<Are you shocked, aren't you?>>

<<My cousin is not dead!>>

<<I'm sorry to prove you wrong, but he's nowhere to be found.>>

<<Jorge Castillo killed him! He's the bad guy!>>

<<I don't think so.>>, Pollock says, putting the gun to Ramon's head.


January 19, 2018

Philadelphia Prison, Pennsylvania

6:10 PM

An ambulance and several police cars are parked outside the facility.

<<Connor—the police wants to talk to you.>>, John Bowers says.

Connor is sitting on the bed, looking towards the small window above him.

He looks traumatized. 

<<They need to hear your testimony about what happened today.>>

Connor doesn't answer.

John Bowers sighs.



January 19, 2018

Philadelphia Prison, Pennsylvania

3:10 PM

Connor is having lunch in the canteen. 

He looks for George Smith, but he doesn't see him. He wasn't in his cell when he woke up.

Suddenly, a platter is heard falling to the floor, along with plates and glasses breaking. 

Two people are now encircled.

It's George Smith.

He's holding another inmate hostage with a knife to his throat.

There is tension.

Connor, immediately, approaches the crowd and tries to talk to George and calm the situation.

<<George! What are you doing?>>

Some inmates laugh at him and incite George to kill the other man.

The security guards are about to get there.

George has a desperate look on his face.

The cries of people around them are loud.

<<George, let him go!>>

<<You son of a bitch, if you don't let me go I'm going to kick your ass! >>, the hostage inmate says, trying to free himself.

<<Walsh, it was him! It's him! He killed my family!>>

<<George, he didn't! Let him go and put down the knife!>>

The tension increases more.

The security guards are close.

George looks Connor in the eyes and says: <<I'm sorry, brother. Someday you will understand.>>

A shocking scene happens.

George Smith has just slit the man's throat in front of everyone.

The body falls to the ground.

Connor is shocked.

<<Justice exists, if you exist too!>>, George says, raising the knife.

<<Hands up! Drop the knife!>>, the prison guards yell, ready to shoot him down.

Connor tries to grab George's arm, but he fails.

<<Goodbye, brother.>>

George attempts to throw the knife at the guard, but he gets shot multiple times.

January 19, 2018

Philadelphia Prison, Pennsylvania

6:30 PM

<<Mr. Walsh, do you know the reasons why Mr. Smith killed the man?>>

Connor is visibly upset.

<<Mr. Walsh. Please, answer the question.>>

There's a moment of silence.

<<I think—I think it has something to do with his past.>>

<<What past?>>

The police officers give each other a confusing look.

<<What did Mr. Smith tell you about his past?>>

Connor doesn't answer.

There's a moment of silence.

<<Mr. Walsh——you know that George Smith killed his family, don't you?>>

<<He didn't.>>

The officers show Connor a newspaper article about the murder.

<<George Smith was found guilty for the murder of his wife, Pia Jenner, and their daughter, Kalsey Smith on August 1988. Bodies were found in the bedroom of their house in Warren.>>

Connor is confused and reads the article.

<<I will ask you once again, Mr. Walsh. Do you have any idea why George Smith killed that man in the prison canteen several hours ago?>>

Connor nods.

He'll be back to his cell later wondering about what happened.


January 19, 2018

New York City, New York

8:01 PM

Annalise is on the train back to Philadelphia, while talking to Eve on the phone.

<<Did it go the way you hoped?>>


Eve sighs.

<<I can do it without her.>>

<<Annalise, you knew I didn't want you to talk to that woman. Leave her be. She's not useful.>>

<<At least now she knows that I know everything.>>

<<If you say so.>>



<<I feel you want to tell me something, Eve.>>

<<It's just——why would we need her testimony at this point, Annalise? No one cares about her involvement in Wes's adoption.>>

<<I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out Hannah was behind the car crash that destroyed my life.>>

<<You're not funny, Annalise.>>

<<Why? It all started with them. Hannah. Sam. The Mahoneys.>>

<<The Governor did it—>>

<<Birkhead didn't kill Lila Stangard.>>, Annalise interrupts.

A woman sat next to her gives her a confusing look.

<<What you looking at, ma'am?>>, Annalise asks.

The woman looks back to the train window, annoyed.

<<Is everything okay, Annalise?>>

<<Yes. A woman tried to kill me.>>, Annalise replies, ironically.

Eve sighs and says: <<Talk to Tegan and let's try to come up with an alternative plan. We're going through this together.>>

<<I feel like drinking right now.>>


There is a moment of silence.

<<You're going to win once again. I promise.>>

<<Last time we were in Ohio you had to go and said you'd come back. Don't ever make a promise that you can't keep.>>

<<I never thought being a mother was that hard.>>

Annalise smiles.

<<Going to call you tomorrow, okay?>>


Annalise hangs up and stares out the window, thinking about what will happen in a few weeks when she takes her 'Keating vs. Pennsylvania' case to court.


January 19, 2018

New York City, New York

8:15 PM

Michaela is at the police station to testify about Solomon Vick's murder.

<<Ms. Pratt, do you know the identity of the person who killed your father?>>, the officer asks.

Michaela is still visibly shaken.

<<Your neighbor, Timothy Pitersen, felt a gunshot coming from your apartment last night. The door was open when he got in. He says he found you next to the body.>>

Michaela doesn't answer.

<<A child who lives in the building, Leo Myers, claims to have seen a woman in a black coat leaving the building several minutes after the incident.>>

There's tension.

<<We found some papers scattered on the floor of your living room. We assume you discovered something concerning your father's past.>>

Michaela looks at the officer.

<<From the files, it looks like your father had a bank account with more than $250,000 in it.>>, the officer reveals.

Michaela realizes that amount of money is what Jamie Malkovich was looking for all along.

<<The person who killed Solomon Vick was looking for that money, right?>>

There is a moment of silence.

Michaela sighs and says in a low voice: <<I need to talk to—>>

<<You need to talk to who, Ms. Pratt?>>

<<I need to talk——to Annalise Keating as soon as possible.>>, Michaela states.


January 19, 2018

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

9:37 pm

Annalise is back to her apartment.

She opens the door.

Celestine and Tegan are also there.

<<Celestine!>>, Annalise says, surprised to see her.

<<My sister is alive then!>

Tegan is worried.

<<What's going on?>>, Annalise asks.

There is a moment of silence.

Annalise immediately notices the yellow envelope with files scattered all over the table.

<<Annalise, I can explain.>>, Celestine says.

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