10. Was It You?

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January 8, 2018

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

9:37 PM

Annalise is standing in front of the window, lost in her thoughts.

<<Annalise? Annalise!>>, Tegan says twice.

Annalise turns to her.

<<What's on your mind?>>

<<Nothing.>>, Annalise replies.

Tegan is lying on the hospital bed. 

She has a headband that covers her forehead and a very large band-aid on.

<<Visiting hours are almost up, Tegan. I should get home.>>

There's a moment of silence.

<<It wasn't your fault, Annalise.>>


January 7, 2018

Caplan & Gold, Philadelphia

8:48 PM

Jamie points the gun at her from a distance, but she notices something.

<<Bingo!>>, she says.

Tegan's cell phone fell on the ground as she was running away.

Jamie picks it up.

January 8, 2018

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

<<I should have expected this.>>

<<What are you talking about?>>, Annalise asks.

<<I always thought it would be me after what happened at the courthouse.>>

<<It's not you they want, Tegan.>>

Tegan doesn't answer.

<<What is the name of the woman who attacked you?>>

<<I don't know, Annalise. All she said was that she worked for the Castillos.>>

<<She didn't tell you anything else? You really have no idea who she might be?>>                  

Tegan turns to the opposite side of the bed. 

She feels pain in her shoulder.

Annalise feels guilty for what happened to her last night.

<<I can't look at you like this, Tegan. I'd rather be back tomorrow. Try to get some rest—>>

<<She was working for Xavier.>>, Tegan interrupts.

Annalise is confused.

<<She told me so.>>

<<Pardon, ma'am. Visiting hours are over. I may ask you to leave.>>, a nurse says, walking into the room. 

Annalise looks at Tegan and says: <<I'll be back tomorrow. Just rest.>>

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