6. I Wanted the Baby to Be Safe

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September 1, 2017

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

3:09 PM

Annalise manages to run away from Ben Mitchell's room before the security guards arrive. 

She walks down the opposite hallway, gets down the emergency stairs and finds herself outside the facility. 

She heads to her car, gets in and drives away.

<<It's Tegan Price, leave a message after the beep.>>

<<Tegan, I spoke to Ben Mitchell. Heather is Bonnie's sister. I'm on my way to Julie's house. Call me back as soon as you get this.>>

September 1, 2017

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September 1, 2017

Philadelphia Prison, Pennsylvania

5:30 PM

Connor is in the infirmary.

<<Does it hurt?>>, the nurse asks.

<<No.>>, Connor replies, bothered.

<<A few days and the wound will heal. Don't take off the blindfold for two weeks. Okay?>>

Connor nods.

The nurse leaves the room, but there's another woman standing in front of Connor in the room.

<<Mr. Walsh. What a pleasure to finally meet you.>>

Connor never saw her before.

<<My name is Liz Altman. I'm the prison psychologist.>>

Connor is confused.

<<John Bowers asked me to speak with you about what happened. He's very concerned about your state of mind.>>

Connor snorts.

There's a moment of silence.

<<George Smith was sent to solitary confinement. He'll stay there for a while.>>

<<Why wasn't I sent to SHU as well?>>, Connor asks.

<<It's not the first time for Mr. Smith being involved in similar situations. That's why he had a different treatment now.>>

Connor sighs.

<<What triggered the fight in your cell, Mr. Walsh?>>

Connor doesn't answer.

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