homegrown 》v. hacker

By timetrooper

37.9K 671 41

How did he do it? Manage to mess up everything? How did she go from a normal citizen of Seattle, working a 9... More

cast + credits
A Jamba Juice Card, Really
Pietro's Iconic Liver and Onions
Cockblocked by a 13 Year Old
Smells Like Miami
Just Like Peter Parker
Life Is A Highway
Too Pussy To Make A Move
Boo You Whore
Drew The Loose Screw
Airports and Highways Go Brrrr
8pm On A Thursday
He Wishes
I Think It's Sinister
Too Much For Human Words
Matching Tats
I'm Trying
I Hate You
Such A Tease
I Like How You Think
Pitchforks Are Great For Stabbing
Vinnie Needs A Self Help Book
Last Night As An Unmarried Woman
For Now
Whatever You Say
The Maple Tree
You Best Hide It Well
Major Lack Of Info
Step Sister
How's The Playboy
Absolutely Perfect
She Looks Just Like Me
Digging In The Pit Of Truths
Meet In The Middle
Out In The Open
I Need You
I Always Am
You'd Kill It
Thanks Thomas
Glad I Moved To LA
Fight Me
I Do
Interstate 101
Free Roaming

Sleeping Beauty

362 14 0
By timetrooper

Alright lads and ladies , I got an announcement. I thought for sure that this book was going to need a sequel but I'm too scared to end this book. I almost went into a spiral thinking about it. I started out not caring about views but now I can't be happy unless I have validation which I get from views. It's amazing.

After this chapter I'm going to take a small break to sort out the rest of this book and to just recharge. It's summer for me rn and I want to spend it with my friends so that's why I'm already lagging. I feel with maybe a break I'll feel better. So after that I'll hopefully be back to my normally scheduled posting. And as always this was rushed and unedited. Please excuse it.

Thanks for sticking around and enjoy! Don't forget to comment and vote!

I thought for sure I was going to lose my arm. The pain on the way to hospital was more than I could ever bear.

A million things were happening when I arrived in the hospital and it was driving me insane. It was loud and chaotic and I just wanted to close my eyes and sleep.

I don't remember much of the first few hours post-op. I was coming back from the anesthesia and words were slurred, faces were blurry and voices were muffled.

Being back in the hospital reminded me of my mom. She was thousand of miles away, clueless that her child was shot.

I wish I could talk to her. I wish I could get a hug from her. I miss her perfume enveloping me every time I got close to her. I miss the feeling of her hair against my face.

My thoughts wandered to my dad. I miss him dearly. He was such a good father. I'm shocked that he even got to be the way that he was now. I guess love does that to some people.

It makes some people blind to the mischief under their nose. It makes some people blind to the future love standing in front of them. It makes some people blind to the future.

I hoped I wasn't like that with Vinnie.

I loved Vinnie but I would hope and pray that I never loved him that much. I don't want to be blind to the things around me because of one person.

I want to live free, to be free. I don't want to be tied to one person, one life. There's a million things I want in life.

I want Lexi back in my life. I want my older sister back. I want someone to talk to about boys, someone to cry to, someone who knows what to do.

I was dreaming of Lexi and I back home when I was taken from the safe spot.

"Vitals are fine. Her body just needed the extra rest."

"She's been out for three days." I made a noise of disgust and burrowed my face into my pillow, trying to block out the harsh lighting.

"Good morning sleeping beauty." A female voice chuckled and I brought my hands up to my eyes. I slowly adjusted to the new light and looked back at many tired faces.

Vinnie at my right, Drew and Kelly next to him. Mom and Issac at the end of my bed. Dad was standing by the door, talking softly to Jolie. The twins were nowhere in sight.

"Nice of you to join us." Drew rolled his eyes and I grinned.

"Was I really out for three days?" Everyone slowly nodded and I frowned.

"I'll go get the doctor and some food. No doubt you're hungry." The nurse collected her things and excused herself.

I turned to look at Vinnie and gave him a soft smile. I reached out for his hand and he took it, giving it a soft squeeze.

"I thought I lost you." He whispered.

"You can't get rid of me that easily."

Vinnie gave me a sad smile and I sighed. "Which hospital am I at?"

"St. Steven's. Did you know you were shot twice?" Kelly asked, a soft smile on her face.

My face paled. "Twice?"

"One in the arm and the other in the stomach."

I looked at Kelly in shock. "That's not possible. I would've felt that."

"It's true."

I stared at the ceiling while I tried to hold it together. Renata probably shattered my shoulder and probably ripped through some vital organs.

Good God.

"Did they charge her?"

"Yes. She's being charged with assault with a deadly weapon." I looked to my dad and he gave me a soft smile. "I hired some of the best lawyers to help you win the case. All the evidence is pointed against her but we'll hopefully see if we can extend her sentence because of the stalking."

I looked down at my hands and frowned. "And her accomplice?"

"Working on it." At least I knew my dad still cared.

I watched Vinnie last chest rise and fall as he slept. His hair was untamed, his face was pale and his clothes were wrinkled beyond compare.

I hated seeing him so worked up over me. I would be fine within a few months. I'd have some gnarly scars but it'll add character. As a blonde in LA I know I'd need it.

My dad handed me a cup of matcha tea from the Starbucks downstairs and I gulped at least half of it down.

"I want to apologize for Thanksgiving." He sighed and folded his hands on his lap. "I should've invited you to the wedding. I wanted to but I was scared you'd side with your mother and stop visiting if you knew I got remarried. Life was so hard on you as a kid and I didn't want to add more onto you. You had just moved out. "

"Dad, I'm not mad you remarried. I mad you didn't invite me. I'm mad you felt as if you bad to hide it. You're my dad, I could never say no." I sighed and put my cup on the table. "I don't know if I would've made it but I would've fought to come see it. I could never side with you or mom. You're both my parents. I love you equally."

"Thank you. I want to apologize for Millie. I didn't believe that she could be so mean until Kelly caught her in 4k."

I looked at my dad with a pained face and he frowned. "Isnt that what you kids call it these days?"

I shook my head. "Not really."

"Well she caught Millie stealing something and when asked about it Millie came clean about everything."


"Woah indeed."

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