Nothing Like US (Taekook) Com...

De GeegeebabyOT7

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Members of International Boy-band BTS, Taehyung and Jungkook have come a long way in their relationship. They... Mais

Nothing Like Us
The Confession
So... This Is Awkward
Too Soon?
Sounds fake....but okay.
Graduation Day!
Taekook In A Cute Way
Sex Sounds?
I'm.... Confused
You Know... I Know
Blue Mold
Are You The Leader?
Stigma Pt 2
Bulletproof Boyscouts
Speak Yourself
Not An Update-Shameless Plug
House Of Cards
United Front
Date Night
Magic Shop
Taekook Is Real
2020 WTF!
Still With You
Bang Bang
In The Soop
Your Eye's Tell
Life Goes On
Wedding Teaser
Wedding 1st Look
Vegas Baby!

Yet To Come

2.6K 83 12
De GeegeebabyOT7

The lights in the hallway leading into the venue seem glaringly bright to Taehyung as he waits to walk down the most important aisle of his life. He looks to his right and sees his soulmate smiling softly to himself.

Taehyung: Jimin if you're going to spend my whole wedding day picturing your wedding to Yoongi, I can always ask if Seo Joon wants to be my bestman. He teases.

Jimin seems to snap out of his reverie with a start.

Jimin: Oh hell no!  Do you know how much work i put into getting you two together, and keeping you together?  There is no way I'm not the bestman!  Besides, I can fantasize about my wedding while attending yours. I'm a greater multitasker.  He says with a smirk.   Soon you will have to stand in for me too.

Taehyung: I'm so happy for you guys, but right now I'm freaking out about my wedding so, soulmate power activate.

Jimin: What are you freaking out about?  It's literally minutes away. Everyone is here. Halsey got ordained specifically so that they could officiate for you guys.  Bang PD is giving you both away which I find hilarious. And all of your families and friends are here. This is going to be great babe, don't worry.

Taehyung:  What if Jungkook changes his mind? What if he's not here?

Panic mode has officially set in for this nervous groom.

Jimin: Taetae as in love as that bunny is with you, he probably spent the night at the alter just to make sure he didn't miss it.   You'll see. Once both sets of doors open and you guys walk in, all he jitters will be gone.  Speaking of which, I here the piano starting up thats my cue to get in there.  See you on the other side bro.

Jimin hurriedly gives Tae a last hug and proceeds into the doors. Walking up the right side aisle to his place at the alter next to the other groomsmen.  At the same time Namjoon walks up the left side aisle to his spot with the groomsmen, as Jungkooks best man.

Yoongi moves from his spot and proceeds to sit at the piano and softly begins to play a song he composed especially for this day.

At the back of the room, both the right and left doors swing open, and the two handsome grooms step into  the room. Both men turn and walk towards the center aisle.  Eyes fixated on each other and nothing else. The meet at the center aisle and just take each other in for a moment taking in the beauty which they each possess.

Jungkook looks at Tae, and is just about floored by how handsome he looks. His dark hair curling softly around his head.  His eyes almost glowing with the love he knows is reflecting back at him. He can see how nervous he is, and finds it incredibly endearing. Especially since he is usually the nervous one.

Taehyung feels as though he isn't breathing.  His heart is racing and he can seem to get his feet to move any further.  Shit! This is bad!  He looks at his Jungkookie and he can see all the love he himself feels shining through his eyes, but he can't seem to catch his breath for some reason.  He feels like he is going to pass out right here. 

Oh no!  What can he do. Looking around to see if anyone notices his panicked state. He feels the anxiety creeping in.  And then he hears Jungkook clear his throat and his eyes swing back over to look at his love. His love who must see him struggling, does something to ground him. He blows him a kiss and gives him his bunny smile.

Immediately the pressure in his chest goes away, and his entire body feels lighter, cooler even.  He looks at the face of the only person he has ever loved, and inhales.

Jungkook sees the moment when Taehyung settled back down and was rewarded with his gorgeous boxy smile.  Sending butterflies flying in his stomach.

He holds his hand out to Tae, who quickly grasps it in his own and the two lovers proceed down the center aisle. Hand in hand atop a path of white rose petals dipped in purple.

Once they get to the alter an amused Halsey looks at them and laughs gently.

Halsey:  Took you long enough. They teased. 

Halsey proceeds with the ceremony. Welcoming everyone who came to witness this union.

Halsey: Who gives these two young men away to be married?

Bang PD excitedly jumps up from his seat and walks to the alter.

Bang PD: Myself and their families.  He say's proudly, while gesturing behind him to the two sets of parents who have also stood up.

The families had unanimously decided that they wanted him to be the one to represent them all, as he had played a pivotal role in their sons' lives.

He walked over and hugged both of them, before walking back to his seat.  Eyes shimmering with tears.

Halsey:  The grooms have each prepared their own vows. Taehyung, would you like to go first?

Taehyung gulps and turns to his Kookie.  Holding both his hands as he stared deep into his eyes.  Taking a deep breath, he exhales.

Taehyung:  Jungkookie...First of all, I don't know what I did to deserve you.  I can't think of a single moment when the sight of you hasn't taken my breath away.  You're very handsome!  He laughs.  I vow to love you unconditionally, to cherish each tear that falls from your eyes, whether in happiness or sadness. To always make sure you feel safe and secure, and to honor the love you have for me.  You ground me.  I'm strong in your embrace, I feel blessed by your adoration, I'm complete from your presence in my life.  I feel as tbough our life together is just starting, and the best is yet to come. From the depth of my soul, I am grateful that fate deemed me worthy to share my life with you and I'm ready to remain yours til I cease to exist.

By this time he is a crying mess.  Well as much a mess as Taehyung can be, because truth be told he still looked beautiful.  Jungkook wasn't faring much better.  Eyes wet with tears that he would then yeet off of his face, so he could continue holding Taes hands.

There wasn't a dry eye in the venue. Halsey blinks back their tears and continues.

Halsey:  Jungkook has chosen to give his vows in his own unique way.  Jungkook you may proceed.

Surprised Taehyung looks on as Namjoon hands Jungkook his mic and Yoongi moves to pick up a guitar he hadnt even noticed was there, and started to play.

And then his attention is drawn back to his twin flame, by the voice that he will forever regard as the best in the world.

Taehyung can't seem to control his tears .  They just keep flowing and flowing as he listens to this beautiful song.  Once Jungkook is finished and hands the mic back to Namjoon, Taehyung launches himself into his arms, much to the amusement of all present.

Taehyung: Did you write that for me? Oh babe, it was wonderful. He said into Jungkooks chest, where his face currently was placed.

Jungkook chuckles at his cuteness and holds him tighter.

Jungkook: Yes, i wrote it for you. Did you like it? Are you not upset that I did that instead of vows?

Taehyung pulled away from his chest and gave him the biggest boxy smile yet.

Taehyung: No silly! That was amazing!  Now i feel bad that i just wrote regular vows. He pouts.

Jungkook: Your vows were far from regular love.

Halsey: Hey guys, I hate to interrupt but there's a wedding going on here. Smirking.  Would you like to continue Jungkook?

Jungkook takes Taes hands again and completes his vows.

Jungkook: Taehyungie, I am unconditionally and irrevocably in love with you.  You are my best friend, my lover, and my soulmate.

After seeing Jimin glaring at him over Tae's shoulder, he corrects himself.

Jungkook: Erm.. Twin flame. The love we possess is genuine and true.  God united us with the intent that we belong together.  I believe that with all my heart. So in the presence of God and all our friends and family, I offer my vow to be your faithful husband, in sickness and health, good times and bad, and in happiness as well as sorrow. I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in your goals, to honor and respect you, to laugh with you and cry with you, never taking one second for granted. And to cherish you now and forever.

Jungkook is sobbing by the time he finishes.  Which is fine because Taehyung is bawling again as well.  Halsey seeing that the tears are going to remain, moves on.

Halsey:  The rings please.

Namjoon and Jimin both step forward with the respective rings. Namjoon untying his from the string that was  attached so that he wouldn't lose it.

Halsey: Kim Taehyung do you take Jeon Jungkook to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward as long as you both shall live?

Taehyung: I Do!

Halsey:  Jeon Jungkook do you take Kim Taehyung to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward as long as you both shall live?

Jungkook: I do! Let's get it!!

Halsey: Place the rings on each others finger and repeat after me.

They both place the rings on the others ring finger.

Halsey:  With this ring, I thee wed.

Taekook: With this ring I thee wed.

Halsey: By the power vested in me by the state of Nevada, I now pronounce you husband and husband.  You may kiss your groom!!

The venue erupts into applause and shouts of celebration as the two grooms lips meet in what starts out as a chaste kiss, but quickly evolves into a steamy make out session.

Jin: Get a room!!

Namjoon: Jin!

Jimin: My soulmate is a married man!

Yoongi:  I'm definitely eloping and skipping straight to the good stuff...

Jimin:  In your dreams buddy!

Hobi:  My babies are married! Bursts into tears again.

The two love birds finally finish kissing and run up the aisle hand in hand amid an array of colorful bubbles being blown at them.

After changing they make their way to the reception area to celebrate with their loved ones, their union which was written in the stars.

What's next. They don't know but for sure, The Best Is Yet To Come.

The End


Wow guys this has been a journey! And I'm so happy to see it through to the end.

This is officially the end of Nothing Like Us.  Though I might come back from time to time to show glimpses into their lives.
Thank you so very much for sticking with me for these two years, through writers block and a global pandemic, and please check out my other books.

Credit for the videos goes to Youtubers Seavant and Lemonade respectively.

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