Forever Doesn't Last [s.r]

By SSAMcKenna

794 33 0

OC X Spencer Reid Will Sabrina fight for her relationship or will she cry away the pain. I OWN MY CHARACTERS... More

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not a new chapter
16 [pt. 1]
16 [pt. 2]


50 3 0
By SSAMcKenna

Its the next day ive decided not to go to work to spend the day with jack. I had Emily call him out of school. I looked at houses all night and I found two. Im going to take jack to see them after we go to lunch.

Its 630 so I get up and start my day. After getting ready for about 15 minutes I get the sudden urge to throw up. Running over to the toilet I puke up everything I had last night. A few minutes later jack comes in and sees me throwing up. He runs pull my hair out of my face. After a few minutes I stop and sit there.

"Are you okay" he asks.

"I think I ate too much last night"

We had a pizza delivered and a bunch of snacks.

"Do you need anything." He asks concerned

"Water" he doesn't respond he just gets up and gets me a bottle of water. He put on his school uniform, ha he thinks he's going to school. A few seconds later he comes back with the bottle of water.

"Thank you." I say getting up to sit on my vanity chair.

"Not to rush you or anything but we have to get going or were going to be late" he says while I drink the water.

"You're not going" I say

"I had Emily call the school a few minutes ago" I say.

"Were actually going to do what ever you want, so go change and think of something to do" I say and he walks away. i brush my teeth again and continue to get ready.

Jack decides on finding a book hes been wanting to get but aaron and emily are always too busy to take him to the store.

So we drive to the local bookstore. We look around for a few minutes he finds the book, the sequels and i get a few books my self. We checkout totaling around $135.

when we leave its around 10. jack decides he wants a new jacket so we go to saks.

we look around for 30 ish minutes

"this one" he says holding up a stadium letterman jacket

"do you like it?" i ask


"okay, now we have to find me a tote bag" i say grabbing the jacket from him.

We look for 20 ish minutes before deciding on the large black marc jacobs tote bag

"actually, i kinda like this jacket. i think im gonna get the same one." i say looking at him.

"would you be okay with that" i ask.

"matching jackets with my older sister, absolutely" he says. we both freeze.

"older sister" i repeat. he doesnt say anything.

"you see me as your older sister" i say on the verge of tears, happy tears"

"yea" he says quietly and i pull him into a hug. at this point tears are running down my face.

"Is it okay if I say you're my sister"he says quieter than before. I pull away and say

"I would love nothing more" and he smiles.

"Cmon we have to go find another jacket" I say wiping my face off with a napkin I had in my purse.

We find another jacket in a medium and check out totaling around $1500 we grab our bags and walk out of the store.

Its now 11:20 so I take him to lunch at a restaurant he chose. I ended up getting a salad and he got a bacon burger.

After 45 minutes we finish eating and are on our way to the first house

" I wanted to thank you for buying me this stuff" jack says.

"Just think of it as a birthday gift" I say knowing his birthday is in October and its April.

"But my birthday is in October" he says confused.

"I know, Its just the first thing that came to my mind as a valid excuse to buy you things" I say.

"You know dad is going to be mad you bought me all these things" he says

"Ill deal with him, and if he tries to make us return it. Then we're screwed." We laugh. after a few minutes of listening to the radio my favorite song comes on. I turn the volume all the way up. Singing along to the song.

"I can't believe we're finally alone

I can't believe I almost went home

What are the chances? Everyone's dancing

And he's not with you

The universe must have divined this

What am I gonna do

Not grab your wrist?"

We stop at a red light and turn the music down. There is a man in a mustang trying to race me. I happily accept knowing im about to smoke this man.

As the light turns green we blast off doing 190 slowly increasing in speed. The mustang gets lost in the hopes and dreams of being a fast car.

Jack and I laugh as we see the car in the rearview.

Turning the song back up and slowing down to a little over the speed limit.

"I could be a better boyfriend

I never would have left you alone

Here on your own glued to your phone

Never would have left you alone

For someone else to take you home"

I sing along then we turn into the gated community of one of the house options. I turn the music down and slow down to 30mph.

"Tell me if you see a open house sign please" I say to jack looking around.

"These houses are huge." He says staring at them.

"Found it" I say driving in the direction its pointing to. We pull into the drive way of the first house.

"Woah" he says looking at it.

"Cmon lets look around" I say turning the car off and getting out.

We open the door and were greeted by my realtor

"Feel free to look around she says." Every time I look at houses I like look around myself instead of having someone show me. It makes looking at the house so much better.

"Meet back here" I say to jack

After 30 minutes jack and i meet at the bottom of the stairs. With one look I know he doesn't like it. I dont blame him I dont like it either.

"What do you think" Jen my realtor asks.

"We dont like it" I say, she frowns.

"Okay, is there something specific" she asks

"Not really, its more of the vibe. Plus its not as close to my brothers school as I would like" I say.

"Oh okay, how about we look at the second house." She says leading us to the door.


"Can you send us the address" I ask as we get in the car.

"Yea" she says as I get a call. Its Aaron.

"Hey" I answer

"Hi brina how are you guys doing"

"Pretty great we went shopping and had lunch now we're sightseeing" I say, I dont want to tell them I was going to buy a house. I want it to be a surprise.

"That's great, anyway I gotta go say hi to jack for me. Bye love you"

"Love you too dad" I say quickly hanging up. Stunned at what I just called him

"Did you just call him dad" jack asks

"I think so" I say. Then I get another call, its Emily I answer with the phone on speaker.

"Are you guys okay, Aaron is crying" she says frantically

"Yea we're fine I just uh." I pause

"She called him dad" jack finishes shooting him a look.

"Awe" she says.

"It just felt right, you know" I say starting the car.

"That's so cute-" she's cut off by someone saying something.

"Im sorry I have to go"

"Its okay" jack says

"Bye kids, love you" she says

"Bye mom, love you two." Jack and I say at the same time hanging up the phone.

Jack hasn't called Emily mom before he always felt like the time was wrong or some other excuse. So for both of us to call her mom at the same time made her cry. Neither of say anything for a few seconds.

"We should go to the next house" I say.

"Can you pull up the address please" I say handing him my phone as I pull out of the drive way. We turn out of the gated neighbor hood.

15 minutes later we arrive at the other house. Which is down the road from jacks which is great and its 5 minutes from the warehouse.

"I like this one more" jack says as we pull into the driveway.

The other one is more expensive but this one is honestly better.

"I think I do too." I say parking. We wait for the realtor to park so she can unlock the door. She gets out of her car and opens the garage.

"Meet in the main kitchen" I say to both of them. They nod and I wonder off.

After 45 minutes I walk into the kitchen. Jack is already there talking with Jen.

"I love it" I say. Then I look at jack.

"I love it too" he says looking at me.

"Then its settled, I want this house" I say

"Okay, we can meet tomorrow to talk it out" she says.

"There is nothing to discuss I want this house and im willing to pay over asking price." I say.


"Do I need to get a check?" I ask

"Check is the preferred option" she says

"Okay ill have the check tomorrow" I say.

"Cmon jack we have to go to the bank" I say

"Bye Jen see you tomorrow" I say walking to the door with jack following behind.

"We have to go to your house, cause I dont have checks and im pretty sure dad does"I say opening the door.

"I think he does in his study, if not mom might have some" he says walking down the steps behind me.

"Okay" I say getting in the car and starting it. He gets in and we drive off in the direction of his house which is one street over but further down.

"I like how close it is" he says as we get out of the car walking up to his front door.

"Yea sleepovers whenever we want and the theater in the basement, I think I could get a really nice pull out couch or a reclining love seat type thing." I say unlocking the door and putting the alarm code in.

"I like that idea" he says.

"Go get clothes to match your jacket so you can wear it when mom and dad get back" I say, he runs up the stairs and I go towards my dads study. Opening the door i walk over to his desk not seeing his check book in my direct line of sight I call him. He answers immediately.


"Dad, im in your house. Do you have blank checks?" I ask

"There are some in my study, top right drawer" he says.

"Thank you so much" I say.

"No problem love you

"Love you to bye"

"Bye" he says and I hang up.

Looking in the top right drawer of his desk there 3 check books I grab one and put it in my purse.

The next day.

After I give them the check they cash it infant of me so I can get the house quicker.

The next day I get a text:

Hey its jasmine, the owner of the house

I was texting you to let you know the check went through and you can move in, in 3 weeks"

Okay thank you for letting me know my brother and I are ecstatic

3 weeks later.

Jack and I finished packing yesterday we still haven't told anyone im moving which is easier than it seems. Mom and dad have been having back to back cases for the past 3 weeks. So jack has been at my house.

Today the movers come and I move into my new house . Earlier this morning jack and I went to get the keys then we went to Home Depot to get copies of the keys 5 to be exact one for mom one for dad one for jack 1 guest key and the original incase I need more and a pink glittery key for me.

8 hours later its currently 7 pm we just finished un packing and re building everything. The lease on the apartment doesn't end for another week and a half but im not too worried.

Spencers Pov

1 weeks later

I want her back. i shouldnt have ended it. I get in my car and drive to her apartment building, going inside i take the stairs to the fourth floor. once i get to the fourth floor i walk to her door. Knocking twice, no answer. I knock again, still no answer. Checking the door knob, the door is unlocked. Unholstering my gun i push the door open. Looking around theres nothing there. Literally nothing the apartment has been cleaned floor to ceiling and it's completely empty. Walking in i see keys on the counter. 3 sets, she always loved glittery keys so she made copies of the keys with pinky glittery ones.

"she moved" i say outloud. She moved which means she moved on.

This was a waste of time.

You're stupid if you though she was going to wait for you.

Maybe if I didn't leave her in the first place I wouldnt be so sad.

A/n I had a lot of fun writing this chapter and I did it in 2 hours so if there are any spelling errors please just leave a comment so I can fix it



Word count 2,158
the first house:

the second house:

basement level:

second floor :

main floor :

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