Free to be

By butterflywritter

5.7K 209 3

Tori's world revolves around basketball and friends, her family is loud, fun and loving and she has never kno... More



194 7 0
By butterflywritter

I think I will have to wait until Monday to see Sienna again but I am proven wrong when Saturday morning after a jog my phone rings, an unknown number.


"I am picking you up tomorrow at 10." I know who it is  instantly, her voice is unique.

"What?" I pause in making mysepf a smoothie" how did you get my number."

"I have my ways." Is her mysterious reply. "Be ready."

"Where exactly are you taking me? And what if I have plans?"

"Cancel them." Is her short reply before she sighs asnif realising that she cant just inform me of my kidnapping and me not have questions. "My mom wanted me to to the family barbeque." 

"Aww, love Rose for that." I mean it, it is really sweet of her. I can tell Sienna is clearly not impressed by the idea but her mom must have worn her down. Hasnt she already proven she will do anything for her family.

"Parker will be there." Everything in me freezes like someone has come and poured an ice bucket over me. "Tori?"
I hate that I hear the vulnerability  in her voice. For a minute she us letting her guard down and it kills her.


"You can't  do anything. " It is a warning.

"Will leave my fire arms and weapons at home." I joke but from her silence she doesn't  find it funny. "I know, I won't. " suddenly I remember I have a car "I can drive-"

"-I will fetch you." She hangs up after that and I am left wondering if I will manage to keep my mouth shut. Ethel walks into the kitchen as I finish my smoothie .

"How do I lie?" I demand and she pauses raising her eyebrows.

"You can't. " it is a common fact. I am terrible at it. The proof is in the fact that the guidance counselor still gives me sympathetic smiles and kind words whenever she can, about her door being open. Ethel tells me My face shows it.

"But if I need to?" I ask urgently.  I do not want him to hurt her more than  he already  has.

"What's  going on Tori? " She asks sitting opposite me "Ever since I have been back its like  you have this huge decision to make and you not sure where to start."

"You know me so well." I joke and she gives me a pointed look "I promised I wouldn't  say, a friend of mine is going through something ."

"Something big?" I nod and she mirrors my movement.

"Maybe just stick to the truths then."


"Like if someone asks you if you like their roast you can say 'Haven't  tasted anything like it!' With a smile and even if it is terrible you wouldn't  be lying

"That could work."

"Great glad we got your problem out the way, now what is this I hear about  you letting Lizzy watch TV when she isn't  allowed?"

"It was one time!" I defend and by the smile I can see she is teasing me so I stick out my tongue.

"Regretting the life sentence yet?" I tease back and she shakes her head.

"Of course not, it was one of the only decisions I was sure about. "

"I don't  understand but I guess that is my issue  not yours."

"Oh Tori," She laughs her warmth "Bernard is my person. He makes me feel like I am enough even when I shout or yell or get super moody."

"Well that is easy because you are nice, whereas if someone was willing to deal with my moods, well that would be insanity."

"Someone will, one day and you won't doubt it is possible anymore."

I chug the last of my smoothue before standing up  and placing it in the dishwasher. "I need you to help me with something to wear."

"Since when have you cared about that?" She asks suspiciously.

"I got invited to a barbeque with Sienna's house tomorrow"

"Sienna Rose?" I nod, realising her mom has the same name as surname and smiling. That is funny.  "Since when are you friends with her?"

"Since she realised how amazing I am." Ethel rolls her eyes but agrees to help me. I spend the rest of Saturday completely work and playimg games with my sisters it feels nice to have everyone back together again.


"What are you wearing?" Sienna asks as soon as she sees my outfit. I tug at the crop top that glances my belly button, brushing the top of the skinny black jeans I am wearing. It definitely  isn't  what I usually wear but I wanted to make an effort. So I washed my hair and plaited it into a neat braid that reaches my shoulders, tendrils of curls.hang loose. Jenny even let me use her Jean jacket to complete the outfit. Paired with my trusty converse. I Don't  think I look terrible but maybe I do.

"Is it terrible?" I worry uncharacteristically  caring about my outfit and the vibe it gives off. I feel like an outsider and I hate it. Ethel insisted my joggers were too casual and I can make an effort.

"It's not that." She is silent as her knuckles  turn white. Grabbing the steering wheel. Biting her lower lip. She seems in her own head.

"I won't  say anything." I promise reaching over and squeezing her hand in comfort. They are ice cold. " Ethel told me that I Don't  have to lie, just avoid the truth."

"You told Ethel?"

"Not about-just I wanted to learn how to lie because I am terrible at it."

"I believe that." I scowl at her and she grins. I think I have got her out of her head but.two minutes later she is back to being silent and stoic and further than sitting next to me.

We reach her house ten minutes later. It isn't  huge but it appears grand with a rose garden and like blue shutters. Is she sacrificing herself for this? This lifestyle and American dream. She parks and I follow her out. Glad that Parkers obnoxious car doesn't  appear to be here yet. She leads me through the garage and a mud room, there are four hooks. One has her blue jacket on, right next to a smaller and darker blue jacket.

"You have a sibling?"

"Yes." I feel awful that I can't  do anything about her mood. I follow her through the Landry room and into a bright kitchen. It is very welcoming, with herbs growing on the window sills and a huge bowl of fruit. Rose enters the kitchen  with a giant smile and I can't  help but return the gesture. Sienna is impassive as she moves away from me and fills a glass of water, drinking it off to the side. Her mom doesn't  say anything. Instead she engulfs me in a hug.

"Tori so glad you could make it, I thought Sienna was going to have her birthday with no friends !" My jaw drops over her shoulder as I look incredulously  at her. She remains impassive and merely regards me with a cool look. "Of course Parker is coming but it is so nice that you are here too!"

"My pleasure, ma'am." Before I can stop myself and call her by her name the ingrained politeness slips out.

"You are a peach!" She says pulling away and pinching my cheeks.

Q little boy runs into the kitchen then, he beeline for Sienna but seems to stop when he spots me in the kitchen.

"Hello." His grin is wide and expressive. His eyes blue and happy. "I am Max."

"Hello Max. " I grin Bending down a little "I am Tori."

He grins at me " we got cake for Sisi!"

"Yummy!" I exaggerate crossing me eyes and he laughs before remembering  his original task and barrels at his sisters legs.

"Sisi you have to come get Bella she doesn't  want to come down from the tree!"Sienna nods and let's him drag her out the kitchen.

"You follow them." Rose assures grinning as I stand awkwardly  not sure what to do. So nodding I follow the pair out into a back yard. There are trays of vegetable growing and I smile, knowing my mom would love it. Max leads Sienna to a oak tree at the corner of their property and with clear familiarity she scales the tree, drawing down carefully with a huge white cat in her arms.

The cat is meowing but once she us safely back in Max's arm, who cooes at her she settles down. Sienna watches them and a look of gentleness passes over her face. I wait until Max runs off and she has to look at me.

"He is cute."

"I know." I nod and she sighs "sorry, just." She waves her hand around the air like I am supposed to understand "I would have told you but I really don't  need to make a big deal out of it."

"You should want to-"

"-Sienna." I freeze.and so does she but forces a smile on her face, so big I am suprised she doesn't  crack.

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