Finally! (BOOK 1) - Alois x R...

By DannyMailManny

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(This is book 1/2 in the Finally series!) 2 of the richest households in london, The Phantomhive's and The Si... More

Chapter 0, My Arrival
Chapter 0.5, Stupid Little Key
Chapter 1, And There He Is
Chapter 1.5, The Search Begins
Chapter 2, Catch me if you can!
Chapter 2.5, 'Sebastian'
Chapter 3, The Fight Begins!
Chapter 3.5, 'Hertlair'
Chapter 4, Pact Broken
Chapter 4.5, Wonderland
Chapter 5, Meant To Be!
Chapter 5.5, A Small Village
Chapter 6, His Ring
Chapter 6.5, Claude's Pact
Chapter 7, A Spider Not a Raven
Chapter 7.5, Y/N Silversfield
Chapter 8, File After File
Chapter 8.5, A Lovely Death
Chapter 9, Claude Returns
Chapter 10, ,,Medicine''
Chapter 10.5, No More Spiders, No More Ravens
Chapter 11, Phantomhive?
Chapter 11.5, No Means No
Chapter 12, Say My Name
Chapter 12.5, Look Into My Eyes
Chapter 13, Verbatim
Chapter 13.5, Maniac
Chapter 14, Home..?
Chapter 14.5, Vile
Chapter 15, Toujours
Chapter 15.5 Blessing
Chapter 16, Nostalgic
Chapter 16.5, Breadcrumbs
Chapter 17, Oozing, Oozing, Oozing.
Chapter 17.5, Home
Chapter 18, Anything
To be continued...

Chapter 9.5, Newspapers

30 1 0
By DannyMailManny

I ran into the manor at full speed, hoping Ciel knew of where those blue prints were. "I am sure I left them in my office, in the bottom right drawer of my desk." Ciel said confidently. "Even if they are there and we do find them; who knows if we'll even find the room fast enough?" I couldn't help but be pessimistic. The situation was one I had never heard of before, it was a once in a lifetime event, or so I thought. I flung the door open to his office and placed him down carefully. He ran straight to his desk and got down on his knees, searching the bottom right drawer in panic. "No, no, no! I could've sworn they were in here two hours ago!","What? You can't find them?" I fretted, running over to him. "I am afraid so.. they seemed to have disappeared. I knew I should've gotten a lock..." He exhaled. "They have to be around here somewhere. Search the cabinets whilst I search my desk and bookshelves. And be quick! Try to look thoroughly.." He said in full concentration. I nodded without a work and skimmed through each of the cabinets. "Do you think one of your maids or butlers stolen it?" I asked. "It is of most unlikeliness they'd be able to pull of a stunt as of that. They can barely carry 10 plates without shattering all 10 and somehow making a hole in the wall." Ciel stated, still scouring through his desk.

The sound of objects moving and clinking together filled the silence. It was pure concentration for at least 5 minutes straight. "Do you think calling the three would help us find them faster?" Ciel just chuckled at my question. "If we can't find it, do you think they could?" I nodded to his counter question, "That is reasonable I guess." My hand then grazed over something that had felt strangely familiar. It was not of a book, n'or blue prints. Yet; it was a ring. "Ciel.. where did you find this ring?" I grabbed it and held it up to his direction. "We have no time to be questioning items of unimportance. But if you must know; I retrieved it from the first fire of this mansion. It was strangely still in tact, nothing but ash on it. I thought it was strangely interesting so I kept it. Now back to the blueprints." I nodded slowly to his answer and put it back. Something about it rang out to me but I did not know what.  I closed the drawer and looked through another. "Ah! How did it get over here?" I turned to Ciel who held the blueprints standing in front of his book shelf. "Very convenient!" I ran over to him, "Any ideas?" I scanned the blueprints with him. 

"I am afraid not.." He looked through the two papers, one for each floor. "Hey.. what does that mean?" I pointed out a key that did not look familiar, it wasn't on any of the key-sheets. "You think that's it?" He turned to me and I nodded. We both exited the room in hope that that random key wan an indicator of the safe room. We ran straight up to the area of which was marked, nothing. "Oh.. nothing but a simple plant." I looked down at the bush, it stood pretty tall against my 14 year old body yet I still dominated it in height. "Well.. come to think of it; I've never moved this plant a day in my life. It's been here since I was born." He walked over to it and moved it to the side. Surprisingly; there was a small square that was slightly darker than the rest of the floor. "Do you think that was the plant or it's a secret button?" I looked Ciel in the eye and he stared at the discolouration. "Well.. it doesn't hurt to see if it's a button." He stomped on the button and alas; a click came from Ciel's room. "What was that?" Ciel turned to me, "I don't know.." We both mutually decided to investigate and we ran straight to his room. Upon entering his room; we noticed something was off. 

"Is it just me or is it colder in here than the rest of the manor?" We turned to each other. "I guess.. let's look around." I headed straight for the bed and got down on my hands and knees. I examined the under bed and squinted my eyes through the shadows. It then caught my eye; a shadow that was darker than the others. "Ciel.. I think we may have a trap door." I got up and tried with all my might to push the bed. But it was taking a while to move the bed quickly. "Let me help.." Ciel waked to beside me and started pushing. Undoubtedly it was faster, but Ciel's woulds were still healing. "Ciel.. be careful you're wounds...","Pssh. I'll be fine." I shrugged at his answer and together we were able to completely move the bed to the side. And as it seemed; my eyes did not deceive me. There laid a completely open trap door in the middle of the floor. There seemed to be a ladder downward so I offered to go first. "You? First? That looks like a death trap! You're insane." Ciel folded his arms. "Yes, but, you're the more important of the both of us. Let me go first." I folded my arms back, his fell to his sides in defeat. 

I descended down the creaky old dusty ladder. "I thought this was the second floor.." I thought to myself. "If I'm correct; you're crawling through fake support beams!" Ciel's echoing voice came from the top. And after a good minute or two of walking down; my feet had finally touched a floor. I squinted my eyes, but was unable to see. "Ciel! May you throw me down a light source?!" I yelled up for him and he yelled back a simple 'yep'. He then threw me down a matchstick, I yelled up a thank you and lit the match from on the ground. I was able to somewhat see and I was presented with a desk with scattered papers all over it. There was a lantern, so I used it for my gain and lit it. When the whole room lit up; I was presented with all the walls covered in newspaper. "So, is it safe?!" Ciel yelled from above. "Some.. somewhat...","What is that supposed to mean?! I'm coming down there.." I could then hear his footsteps descend themselves down the ladder. I looked up close at one of the newpapers, it was all about my family. "Silversfield's Toys gains 12000 pounds a year!" I whispered under my breath, reading the newspaper title.

"Oh, wow.." Ciel's voice rose from behind me. The room was quite small but from what I could tell; the walls were practically coated in newspapers. "So this is where my father always was, huh?" Ciel looked through the papers on the desk. "It's all about... the Silversfields." He said to himself, "But why? I don't see a reason.. to be obsessed... you father didn't rub off on me like that." I read more titles. "You've met my father?" he turned to me in surprise. "Oh, yeah, I still have to catch you up on everything. But; for now.. we should just... camp out here for a while.","How long shall we stay? Who knows if they'll ever stop fighting.." Ciel read the newspapers. "I'd assume Sebastian would come straight for us once he's done... right?" Ciel nodded to my question. Ciel's safety should be prioritised in Sebastian's eyes, he's his master after all.  If anything were to happen before his wish was fulfilled it'd be bad. "Do you think.. that he'll win?" I turned to Ciel. "I-.." Though, he was interrupted by a loud bang from above us. I blew out the fire and move the both of us to the back corner. We couldn't risk it being anyone bad.

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