Death Wish

Par belantti

11.5K 775 88

Forever and Always. ❝I may not be your first love, first kiss, first sight, or first date but I want to be yo... Plus

0 | Prologue
1 | No feelings attached
2 | Newest Trending Style
3 | Not supposed to be her
4 | Not so bad
5 | Childhood shenanigans
6 | Fabricated Fables
7 | Cream of hearts
8 | Rule Number Six
9 | Just A Contract
10 | Gruesome Gatherings
11 | Hansel and Gretel
12 | Beratings and Breakdowns
13 | Rouxs' Resolution
14 | As a Friend
15 | Cinderella in Stilettos
16 | Doctor's Patience
17 | Auctions and Arrangements
19 | Blossoming Emotions
20 | Contracts and Confessions
21 | Nightmare in Knightsbridge
22 | Nine Words
23 | New Beginnings
24 | Backfired Surprises
25 | A Living Hell
26 | War of Wives

18 | Juggling Jealousies

355 27 0
Par belantti

Chapter 18


Roux Addington let out harsh breaths as he paced around his office angrily. The sleek phone in his hand shook as it fought back his hard grip, trying not to snap into half. His fast paces echoing through the office walls did nothing to help the man on the other line in trying to get his heartrate to calm down.

" What do you mean I have to? Is there no other person? No other way? " He seethed and the man let out an audible gulp.

" N-no sir, this would be good for your company. I am transferring the call to Mister Knight's line now " The man said and immediately linked the both calls after ending his.

" Roux! Why so serious? Do you want to make the poor man piss his pants? He just wants the best for your company, just like I do– "

" Cut the bullshit, Charlie. Why do you want me to come over to sign just a contract? Why not my assistant " Roux ground his teeth in annoyance. Charlie Knight had something up his sleeve and Roux Addington knew that as a fact.

He had known Charlie Knight for years now. They had both graduated from  Havard together with a business degree. Their fathers had been business rivals and so were the men now. The situation was initiated by the Knights, of course.

Albeit, Roux and Charlie had never started off as rivals till Charlie Knight had tried to turn Thea Addington's mind away from him a night after she accepted his marriage proposal. The man was like the unsatisfied twin, always wanting what Roux Addington chased after.

Luckily, Thea Addington had approached him with the issue, informing him about the green snake in the green grass. From then, Roux Addington knew how cunning and dark the man was.

" Roux! Always been overdramatic and violent. Business is business and if you set your past grudges before you, you will miss mighty deals like the one I am offering " Charlie Knight chuckled through the phone while Roux stayed silent.

" Well then, I will come over to your place and we would sign the contract and get over with this– " Roux attempted to end the call but the man cut in.

" Ah! Ah! Ah! Not so fast old friend, you would not show up alone. I expect you to arrive with Raina McCoy, the beauty I have been seeing over the news. She had blessed my dreams this past few weeks and so why miss the opportunity? "

" If that is the case then I would suggest you forget about the deal– "

" With my new wine and alcohol collection supplied at massive discounts to your restaurants and hotels, it would catch the eye of your customers and you know that. In return you would do me the honor of advertising and sponsoring my latest launch and I agreed to gain only a percentage of twenty. Tell me now old friend,  how many clients are willing to accept such a cheap price in return? Saveur Rouge is not a frugal product and you know that "

Roux Addington stayed silent for a moment. The deal Charlie Knight was proposing was a serviceable and utilitarian one for him and as the other man stated, he could not let his grudges get in the way of this deal. What Charlie Knight was offering was far too enticing for him not to accept.

A single bottle of the new Saveur Rouge product had vastly become a consumer favourite but Charlie Knight needed Roux Addington to sponsor the product. He was aware that Rouxs' chain of hotels and restaurants were top class and one of the most visited all over Europe, North and South America, continuously patronized by top celebrities, politicians and other prominent figures worldwide. He needed his product to spread.

Roux Addington knew a single bottle of the Saveur Rouge cost more than a million and even if he could purchase the entire winery and still not create a dent in his account, he spent wisely and reasonably unlike his father. This was an opportunity he could not let slip past his fingers so he would just have to suck it up.

What was the worst that could happen anyway?

" Alright, I would bring my wife along with me and let me tell you this now Charlie, if you try anything stupid, you would end up with a broken limb " Roux threatened before finally ending the call and releasing a frustrated breath through his nostrils.

Now, to inform Raina McCoy.

Theodore Stancliff took away Rouxs' briefcase as soon as he stepped into the hallway entrance. A confused frown formed on his face as he heard the sound of squeals and yelling coming from the living room.

Stepping into the living room, his brows arched at the sight before him. The pillows had been discarded from the couch and used to form a line in the center of the room. The twins had their hands pressed to their mouths to silence themselves as they continuously ran out of Raina's reach and then Raina McCoy let out a frustrated groan in return.

This was not her definition of a game. They had asked Caldwell to help them tie a blindfold around Raina's eyes as she tried to find them.

The sound of Rouxs' footsteps caught Raina's attention and she was desperate to end the game once and for all. She felt around her like a blind woman who had lost her stick till her hand brushed against the fabric of his suit. Immediately, she gripped onto his material, thinking it was Caldwell Loughty who she had no clue left midway to warm up lunch.

" I am out! " She said with glee as she took off the blind fold. Her victorious smile immediately turned to a slacked jaw as she spotted Roux before her.

He silently stared at her hand which clutched tightly onto the material of his pressed suit, forming a crease. Snapping out of her shocked state, she immediately took off her hand and took a step backwards.

" Oh my goodness! Mister Addington. I apologize, I had no idea you were the– "

" I want to speak with you " Roux cut her off midway and her cheeks immediately heated up in embarrassment before he nodded at his children and walked away.

He led her into his office and she slowly shut the door behind her before wringing her fingers nervously and staring at them. Once again, Roux Addington begun his pace.

Why was he so scared? It was not like he had feelings for Raina McCoy so why did he want to keep her away from Charlie Knight at all costs?

Placing his briefcase down on his desk, he focused on loosening his tie, " Shit.. "

" Is everything alright, Mister Addington? " Raina questioned with a frown and Roux finally stopped pacing and stood before her.

" Yes and no. We have been invited for dinner by an old friend to sign a contract and seal a deal " He stated, the words ‘old friend’ almost causing him to cringe but he did not want Raina to know about the bad blood between him and Charlie Knight, at least not just yet.

" Oh..dinner " Raina trailed, sounding unsure. The last time she went for dinner with Roux, she had been insulted but after willing herself to take etiquette classes online, she would like to think she could go through one without embarrassing herself or Roux Addington.

" You sound unsure. You do not need to worry, Raina. Everything would go smoothly and it would be a breeze " He faked a smile and she nodded before swallowing down the lump that had formed in her throat.

If Roux said everything would be okay then she would like to hold his word for that. She could trust him.

After Raina and Roux parted ways, they both left to get ready and Raina settled for a simple black dress with minimum makeup. Her wooly hair was gelled to the back and packed into a low bun, the length stopping just below her shoulders in its curly state.

Roux stood at the end of the staircase as he watched her walk down wearing a simple outfit but still managing to look perfect. She stopped before him and took in a nervous breath, " Is this okay? "

" You look beautiful, Raina " He breathed out honestly and Raina looked away as her cheeks heated up before he took her hand in his.

After reminding the children to behave and assuring them that they would be back in no time, the duo stepped out of the mansion and approached an all-white SUV which was then opened by Rouxs' private chauffeur; Wilbert Walker.

They settled into the back seats and the man slipped into the front before starting the car and driving off, " Charlie Knight's? "

" Yes, Wilbert " Roux answered bitterly. Wilbert Walker used to drive him there once in a while when they were still buddies so the location was no bother to him.

If someone had told Roux Addington that he would be visiting Charlie Knight again, he would have phoned his private therapist and scheduled a therapy session on behalf of the person, offering to pay the bills.

Who would have thought? He just hoped Charlie Knight had gained some dignity and self-respect within the years not to try flirting with Raina McCoy.

Contract or not, she was his wife.


As soon as Roux Addington stepped down from the SUV and stood at the familiar surrounding, his eyes boredly accessed the environment.

Nothing had changed, the environment remained the same, just like it's owner.

Raina McCoy stood besides him and his jaw clenched as he saw she was gawking at the mansion which was unnecessarily larger than a single man's house should be. He did not appreciate the way she stared at it because it belonged to his biggest enemy.

" Stop staring so much, Raina. The place looks disgusting " Roux grumbled childishly and Raina snapped her mouth shut before he took her hand and led her towards the front entrance.

Immediately the duo stepped into the porch, the large doors were suddenly swung open, revealing Charlie Knight who was dressed in an apron with a charming smile. The French man posed perfectly as his pearly and straight teeth glistened underneath the sun, almost blinding.

" Not trying to destroy the admiration she has for my humble abode now, are you Roux? " He smirked at the man and looked away in satisfaction when the man clenched his jaw.

His feet immediately took him towards Raina and he immediately took her hand in his then placed a kiss on the back of her palm, " Excuse my appearance, Raina. I could not hold myself from coming to greet the arrived beauty. I am the infamous Charlie Knight, son of Louis Knight and owner of the Saveur Rouge wine and alcohol collection " He flashed a charming smile.

" Saveur Rouge? "

" Yes, Beau. Saveur Rouge is the top notch and trending liquor brand belonging to me and I am sure you would love it when you taste it. I must warn you, it's taste is a blur figure compared to yours " Charlie stated and cast an angry looking Roux a smirk before leading Raina into this mansion.

Raina did not get the sexual innuendo, her innocent and oblivious mind not being able to understand but Roux got it clearly well. He was angry she let him say such a thing to her without pulling her hand away. Was she unaware of the meaning of the statement and that Charlie was clearly flirting with her?

Nevertheless, Charlie Knight was elated that Raina gawked at his mansion. It would look even more beautiful if she became the queen of it. There was no doubt, Raina did little make up but she outshone Thea Addington in every way.

It was like the dress she wore was created just for her and Charlie let his eyes shamelessly roam down the woman's body, scanning each curve of her body and stopping at her wide hips. Her hand in his felt perfect and soft, it felt like home.

Yes, Charlie knew he tried stealing Thea Addington away from Roux years ago because he felt he was better but the woman besides him, he did not want her to make Roux Addington feel angered or jealous. He wanted to know more about her, it was far more than an attraction. It was a deep interest.


" I hope you do not feel uncomfortable in my small mansion, Raina. I can assure you that this mansion is far from the luxury of my other mansion at Zurich, Switzerland. You should visit sometime, you will love it " He feigned as they exited the hallway entrance and moved into the living room which resembled an ancient ball room.

" I do not doubt that, Mister Knight "

Roux Addington grumbled as he walked behind them like a bodyguard. With a huff, he begrudgingly tore his eyes away from their linked fingers. Raina had no idea her hand was still linked with his like they were lovers. Her eyes accessed every furniture, painting, accessory and the mansion was no doubt larger than Rouxs'.

" Please, darling. Call me Charlie " The man stated as the took off his apron and handed it to his butler, immediately linking his fingers with hers again.

" I believe we came here to have dinner, Charlie " Roux Addington spat with venom and Raina turned to stare at him. She had for a moment, forgotten that he was also there.

" Yes, you are right " Charlie ground his teeth before leading them towards his dinner hall. He wanted to spend time with Raina, alone. Show her around his mansion, but he knew with Roux Addington around, that was impossible.

Now he wished he could make the man behind them dissappear like a thaumaturge.

" Wow.." Raina breathed out as they stepped into the dinner hall. The place was large, too large and could fit in at least a hundred people.

Charlie Knight led her towards a seat and pulled it out for her with a bow, " After you, darling " he smiled and she thanked him before slipping into the seat.

He immediately sat down besides her and cast Roux Addington a smirk who then grumble and sat farther away from them. His jaw was clenched so bad he could not feel the pain. Raina McCoy was clearly disrespecting him now. Holding hands with his rival was not enough now they sat together, and that again too close.

Well he did say they were old friends which made Raina doubt that the man had ill intentions towards Roux.

" You stay here alone? " Raina asked as her eyes scanned the dinner hall. It was decorated with both ancient and modern fitments. It was jaw dropping. How deep was the man's pocket?

" Yes I do, darling. Although, It would be a pleasure to have you move in with me " He winked at her and she let out a nervous laugh before looking away.

Charlie Knight immediately clapped his hands together twice, letting in a trail of butlers and maids as they wheeled in trolleys of different cuisines and desserts. In no time, they had the once clear table set up and then they left, shutting the french doors behind them.

Rouxs' jaw clenched harder as he watched Charlie Knight dish out his favorite meals for Raina and then himself. They acted like he was some sort of ghost and that angered him the more, " I thought we were here to discuss business, Charlie? "

Charlie huffed at the disturbance as he picked up the priceless cutleries. He thought the best he could do if he could not make Roux Addington dissappear was to ignore his existence. He had something better to focus on, more like someone, " We already sealed the deal Roux, The contract would be sent to your office tomorrow for your signature "

Roux clenched his fists. They were supposed to sign the contract today. This had all been a set-up for Charlie to be with Raina McCoy and that angered him even more. Roux opened his mouth to start up an argument but snapped it back shut as he saw Raina McCoy pick up her cutleries.

‘Could she use them?’ He thought to himself.

Charlie Knight turned to face Raina when he saw that she had not made a move to eat, " You do not need to worry, darling. I made all the meals myself " He grinned proudly and she still did not make a move.

" No, it's not that "

" Then what is it, darling? ", He turned to face her, " are you nervous? Is there a problem? " His eyes wavered as she bit on her lower lip nervously.

" No, I... Is there any corn in here? I have an allergy " She admitted nervously as she stared at her fingers. She did not want to seem rude but despite that, she still had to be cautious.

" Oh, I can assure you I did not add any. Not a fan of corn myself, although I do not have an allergy. You will be alright, darling " Charlie cooed as he rubbed on her back causing her to tense then nod her head.

After saying a prayer, Raina finally dug into the meal and Charlie smirked when he saw she was enjoying it before turning to face Roux who was shooting daggers at him, " You can eat it, Roux. I promise it is not as bad as your cooking " He winked and Roux Addington growled lowly before angrily digging in.

Raina frowned a bit. Roux had told her Charlie Knight was a friend but the two seemed far from it. Brushing the thought away, she continued with her meal.

" How does it taste, darling? " Charlie Knight asked as he popped the cork of a bottle of his Saveur Rouge and poured it into both their glasses.

" Amazing " Raina swallowed and he turned to face Roux Addington with a smirk as he sipped on his wine. Roux rolled his eyes and looked away.

He was a terrible cook, so what? That is why he had Caldwell Loughty. If food made Raina McCoy happy, for some unknown reason, he wanted to take cooking classes.

" Oh darling, you have something there.." Charlie stated, earning Rouxs' attention as he slowly brushed away a grain of rice from Raina's lips.

" Thank you " She stated as her cheeks heated up before picking up the untouched glass of wine and taking a sip. Her eyes immediately squinted in distaste.

" You love it, don't you? " Charlie asked and she nodded at him before turning away to take a sip of water. The wine tasted great but she could taste a hint of apple flavouring and she was not a fan of apple flavours.

Charlie Knight was again over the moon and he cast another smirk at a fuming Roux Addington who pushed his plate away. As soon as Raina was done, they were leaving but her plate looked almost untouched. She was a slow eater.

A minute later, Roux let out a breath when he saw that Raina had stopped eating. She was full and her plate still looked barely touched. He opened his mouth to speak but Charlie Knight once again beat him to it, " Darling? Is there a problem? You do not like the meal? "

" No, not at all. It's just that I am full " She immediately cleared before turning to stare at Roux. She did not want to disrespect the man but she could not force herself to eat any longer.

" There is no problem, darling. Let me take this for you " Charlie smiled before attempting to take her plate and knocking the glass of wine over her dress instead. To anyone else it was a mistake but Roux knew better than that.

" Oh! Mon Seigneur!, I deeply apologize "

The liquid had seeped through the fabric already, some spilling into her dress through the top and some landing on her thighs. The dress did not require a bra and Charlie held in a smirk when the perkiness of her nipples slightly began to show.

" No, it is fine. If you will just direct me to the bathroom "

" Sure, darling " Charlie stated as he helped her get up after offering her his handkerchief. With one last glance at Roux, Raina walked away trailing behind him.

Once the duo finally arrived at the guest bathroom, Raina immediately ushered herself in and cleaned herself up. With the help of the hand dryer, she dried the top of her dress and let of a relieved sigh as it dried up to a manageable extent.

Reapplying her lipgloss, Raina ran her hand down her hair and stepped out of the bathroom, immediately bumping into Charlie Knight and losing her balance. The man caught her before she could fall and curled his arm around the small of her back.

" You have to be careful now, darling " He smiled at her and she caught her breath before giving him a nod.

" Thank you, you can let go of me now " She requested, feeling uncomfortable in his hold. Charlie on the other hand let her request fall to deaf ears as he stepped even closer till their chests were pressed flush against each other.

Raina's eyes widened and she opened her mouth to speak but he pressed a finger against her plump lips, " You really are a beautiful woman, Raina. You have to trust me, I can take care of you a million times better than Roux Addington can "

" No thank you, Mister Knight but I am perfectly fine. Let me go " She stated bitterly as she struggled to get free from his hold. With a sigh, Charlie Knight did as she said and she stepped away from him and adjusted her dress.

Raina's eyes immediately widened as she spotted Roux Addington standing just a few feet behind them. His face looked stoic but his eyes showed the raging storm that took place inside of him. Looking at them both one last time, he turned on his heels and stormed away.

Raina immediately attempted to go after him to assure him that it was nothing like he thought but Charlie Knight gripped onto her arm. With a glare, she snatched her arm out of his hold and went after Roux Addington as fast as her heels would let her.

Unfortunately by the time she got to the front, she was only met with the sight of Roux Addington's SUV driving off. The sound of footsteps behind her immediately followed after.

" I would never leave a woman behind like that " Charlie Knight stated and Raina turned to glare at the cocky man with a mixture of frustration and anger.

" Just shut up, Mister Knight " She snapped before walking away, leaving the man standing there with a smirk.

" At least, let me drive you home! " He yelled after her and she snapped her head towards him, shooting the sly man a rude glare.

Seemed she would be taking a cab back home that unfortunate evening.

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