(BL) Learning God Is In Hand...

By nswz99

374K 11.7K 473

ALL TRANSLATION IS AUTO TRANSLATE FROM RAW (sorry if there is any mistake since I do just for fun and it is n... More

Chapter 182(Arc 8: ABO's 10,000 Suspects VS 10,000 Fans)
Chapter 183
Chapter 184
Chapter 185
Chapter 186
Chapter 187
Chapter 188
Chapter 189
Chapter 190
Chapter 191
Chapter 192
Chapter 193
Chapter 194
Chapter 195
Chapter 196
Chapter 197
Chapter 198
Chapter 199
Chapter 200
Chapter 201
Chapter 202
Chapter 203
Chapter 204(Arc 9: How to Overthrow the Rule of Vampires)
Chapter 205
Chapter 206
Chapter 207
Chapter 208
Chapter 209
Chapter 210
Chapter 211
Chapter 212
Chapter 213
Chapter 214
Chapter 215
Chapter 216
Chapter 217
Chapter 218
Chapter 219
Chapter 220
Chapter 221
Chapter 222
Chapter 223
Chapter 224(Arc 10.1: My Sister Is The Scumbag Who Was Reported for Divorced)
Chapter 225
Chapter 226
Chapter 227
Chapter 228
Chapter 229
Chapter 230
Chapter 231
Continue Arc 10.1
Beginning (Arc 10.2: Who Is More Scumbag Than BiBi)
Chapter 232
Chapter 233
Chapter 234
Chapter 235
Chapter 236
Chapter 237
Chapter 238
Chapter 239
Chapter 240
Chapter 241
Chapter 242
Chapter 243
Chapter 244
Chapter 245
Chapter 246(Arc 11: Chasing Husband Crematorium)
Chapter 247
Chapter 248
Chapter 249
Chapter 250
Chapter 251
Chapter 252
Chapter 253
Chapter 254
Chapter 255
Chapter 256
Chapter 257
Chapter 258
Chapter 259
Chapter 260
Chapter 261
Chapter 262
Chapter 263
Chapter 264
Chapter 265
Chapter 266
Chapter 267
Chapter 268
Chapter 269
Chapter 270
Chapter 271(Arc 12:Internet Celebrity)
Chapter 272
Chapter 273
Chapter 274
Chapter 275
Chapter 276
Chapter 277
Chapter 278
Chapter 279
Chapter 280
Chapter 281
Chapter 282
Chapter 283
Chapter 284
Chapter 285
Chapter 286
Chapter 287
Chapter 288
Chapter 289
Chapter 290
Chapter 291
Chapter 292
Chapter 293
Chapter 294
Chapter 296
Chapter 297
Chapter 298
Chapter 299
Chapter 300
Chapter 301
Chapter 302
Chapter 303
Chapter 304
Chapter 305
Chapter 306
Chapter 307(Arc 13: Do You Believe In Retribution)
Chapter 308
Chapter 309
Chapter 310
Chapter 311
Chapter 312
Chapter 313
Chapter 314
Chapter 315
Chapter 316
Chapter 317
Chapter 318
Chapter 319
Chapter 320
Chapter 321
Chapter 322
Chapter 323
Chapter 324
Chapter 325
Chapter 326
Chapter 327
Chapter 328
Chapter 329
Chapter 330
Chapter 331
Chapter 332
Chapter 333
Chapter 334
Chapter 335
Chapter 336(Arc 14: Female Champion VS Dandy)
Chapter 337
Chapter 338
Chapter 339
Chapter 340
Chapter 341
Chapter 342
Chapter 343
Chapter 344
Chapter 345
Chapter 346
Chapter 347
Chapter 348
Chapter 349
Chapter 350
Chapter 351
Chapter 352
Chapter 353
Chapter 354
Chapter 355
Chapter 356
Chapter 357
Chapter 358
Chapter 359
Chapter 360
Chapter 361
Chapter 362
Chapter 363
Chapter 364
Chapter 365
Chapter 366
Chapter 367
Continue in BOOK 3

Chapter 295

1.9K 65 0
By nswz99

After Zhuang Li picked out his clothes, he put the picture album aside and said sternly: "You should tell the truth."

Wan Anni shook her head with tears in her eyes: "It's useless, no one will listen to me, and no one will believe me. . I look like this, I'm guilty. What happened, I haven't worn short skirts and shorts for a long time, I can't stand people's strange eyes."

"It's not you, it's not what you wear, It is the prejudice of others. In the face of misunderstanding and harsh criticism, your only counter-attack is to stand up and live beautifully." Zhuang Li said slowly: "If no one listens to you, then you stand on a high place. Say. The higher you stand, the louder your voice will be."

Wan Anni showed a longing look, but quickly shook her head in despair: "There is no way. My path is all blocked. I can't climb high."

"If you have friends, you will have a way. You have many, many ways." Yi Jiangnan held her hand and comforted her gently.

Wan Anni shrank into her arms unconsciously, seeking a sense of security.

"Tell me what happened back then, and someone will listen. Trust me." Yi Jiangnan patted her back gently, with a firm tone: "I promise, you can wear whatever you want in the future, short skirts, shorts, suspenders , all beautiful clothes, you deserve it. You don't have to erase your femininity, you can be yourself. It will be okay, everything will be okay."

In such warm hugs and whispers, Wan Annie finally put The grievances that had been suppressed in her heart for a long time were poured out: "Back then, I really didn't do anything, and suddenly one day, inexplicably, Mrs. Wang rushed into the office, slapped me in front of everyone, and pulled my hair. Said that I seduced Manager Wang.

"Manager Wang has harassed me several times, and I have complained. Everyone in the company knows that I can't have anything with him. But Mrs. Wang didn't believe it. She said that I complained to Manager Wang that I was a bitch. I still wanted to set up an archway. Wan Annie 's

tears couldn't be stopped again, but this time, someone helped her wipe them off one by one, and someone whispered softly in her ear: "I believe in you, I believe you did nothing, I believe you are innocent of. "

Wan Anni clenched Yi Jiangnan's hand, summoned up her courage and continued: "I complained about Manager Wang's sexual harassment several times, but the company stopped it, but when Mrs. Wang made trouble, I was fired. Everyone was behind their backs. Li scolded me as a junior. Not long after I left the company, my best friend took my place and became the chief designer of the women's clothing department. She also won the special prize of the International Emerging Designer Competition that year.

"But you do you know? Her winning entry was designed by me. I sued her for plagiarism, but she sued me for slander, and said that the clothes I designed for the company before were designed by her, but I took the credit.

"Many people in the company testified for her, and I lost the case. I work so hard every day, I don't believe my subordinates and colleagues can't see it. But no one is willing to speak justice for me."

Wan Anni covered her face, her voice Trembling: "When I stand alone in the dock, I'm so scared. I feel like I'm not facing a group of people, but an endless darkness. That day, I walked out of the court and was pointed at the nose. When I was scolding fox spirits and plagiarizing dogs, I almost rushed into the speeding traffic, and I was exhausted. I really had enough."

Yi Jiangnan hugged her tightly, and his eyes were red.

Human prejudice is so terrible.

Zhuang Li knocked on the armrest of the chair, and said slowly: "Write the truth and post it on Weibo. You have the right to express yourself. Don't give up any of your rights, because in that case, you will only be subjected to more People trampled."

Wan Anni shook her head repeatedly: "It's useless."

"You write." Zhuang Li ordered in a serious tone.

Once he releases his coercion, no one can resist.

Wan Anni was so frightened that she didn't even dare to shed tears, so she compiled the truth of the year word by word and posted it on Weibo.

The full screen of abuse stung her eyes. Manager Wang, Mrs. Wang, former best friends, and even former colleagues, landlords, and classmates have all made her black material on the Internet.

Everyone was scolding her for being a slut and a slut, and they also said that she and Zhuang Li were the same people, that's why they defended each other everywhere.

These foul words made Wan Annie sick to her stomach. She threw off her phone, threw herself into the bathroom, and retched on the toilet.

Yi Jiangnan hurried in and patted her back, his face full of distress.

Zhuang Li immediately forwarded this Weibo, with the accompanying text: [This is the truth. ]

Within three minutes, Xu Jingjing and Zhou Banxia immediately reposted this Weibo, firmly stating their position.

Xi Ming knocked on the door and asked with a worried look, "Is Wan Anni okay? I'll transfer her too."

After a while, Xi Ming's fans started to make trouble again, saying that he was brought down by Zhuang Li. Well, now I like to play with a group of bad money worshippers and vanity, and sooner or later I will be defrauded of my family property.

Wan Anni also vomited in the bathroom, which was the aftermath of her online violence. She would come to participate in this show and she was forced to do nothing. She's not here for a blind date, she's here to advertise her near-bankrupt studio.

Zhuang Li picked up Wan Annie's laptop and said loudly, "Wan Annie, I'll borrow your computer to use it." Wan Anni vomited a

mouthful of sour water and replied weakly, "You can use it."

The pain can make her forget the torment of her soul for a short time. The colic in her stomach actually made her feel much better.

Zhuang Li turned on the computer, and his fingertips danced quickly.

Xi Ming couldn't understand what he was doing, but he didn't ask more.

Ten minutes later, Zhuang Li posted a series of screenshots using an anonymous account, @ Mrs. Wang, warning: [Don't be a fool. ]

The screenshot is the chat record of Manager Wang and Wan Anni's best friend for many years, and the content is very exciting. Before Wan Anni resigned, her best friend and Manager Wang got involved. The two were called husbands and wives.

On the day Wan Anni resigned, the conversation between the two was very interesting:

Best friend: [Finally got Wan Annie away! Is the position of chief designer mine? ]

Manager Wang: [Have you got her design draft? 】

Girlfriend: 【I got it. ]

Manager Wang: [Then there is no problem. I like her design style very much. 】

Girlfriend: 【Will nothing happen? ]

Manager Wang: [No, as long as everyone says the design is yours, she has no evidence and no witnesses, so it is useless to go to court. Besides, she has grown into such a coquettish look, who would believe her? 】

Girlfriend: 【Husband, do you really not like her? ]

Manager Wang: [Wife, you have to believe me! I only like you! 】

Girlfriend: 【Bah, you came to me because you couldn't handle her? I don't believe you! ]


more screenshots were uploaded continuously by Zhuang Li.

Netizens who have nailed Wan Annie to the pillar of shame: [...] The

reversal came too fast, they couldn't react at all. All the abuse turned into jokes at this moment.

Manager Wang and his best friend soon discovered this Weibo and immediately came out and said it was fake.

Mrs. Wang also replied: [I believe my husband. This kind of chat screenshot can be PS, don't think I'm a fool! 】

Zhuang Li smiled lightly, and continued to send the transfer records, house purchase records, and car purchase records from Manager Wang to his girlfriends.

Manager Wang, who was digging Soso with his wife and daughter, spent tens of millions on his best friend.

Mrs. Wang was silent for a while.

Manager Wang and his best friend looked at the bills, and cold sweat began to form on their foreheads.

Soon, the last straw that broke the camel was put on the Internet by Zhuang Li. It was a pregnancy test sheet with the name of his best friend written in plain language. A single woman suddenly becomes pregnant, there must be a source for the child, right?

Mrs. Wang's hands were shaking, she slowly turned her head and looked at her husband who was sitting beside her, who was already covered in cold sweat. It turned out that she indirectly helped Xiaosan so much back then! She drove Xiaosan's rival away, helped Xiaosan get a high-level management position, and got a high salary.

How stupid is she to believe those "sniffs"? What's even more ridiculous is that the person who confided to him is the real mistress.

The other party must have been laughing at himself for being a fool all these years, right?

Mrs. Wang's eyes blazed with anger.

The best friend vehemently denied these accusations, and even made a video on the spot, beating her flat belly with her fists, and using the facts to prove that she was not pregnant.

Many netizens have left messages below: [Sister, we believe in you! 】

Zhuang Li retorted lightly: 【If you have the ability, don't ask the company to take a long vacation to go abroad to raise the baby; after three months of the ability, don't get a big belly; after ten months of the ability, don't carry the child back to City B. It's no use running to have an abortion now, I'll keep an eye on you. I will know your every move. ] When

the words fell, he attached his girlfriend's leave request and plane ticket - a year-long vacation, just for giving birth to a child; the Valley of Life in Province G is known as a holy place for raising babies.

The iron evidence follows one after another, and the real hammer follows one after another, which is irrefutable.

The girlfriend quickly deleted the video of the belly slap and went offline.

Mrs. Wang posted a Weibo with a very angry tone: [Back then, you told me that Wan Annie was a junior, but I didn't expect you to be playing with me! If Wan Annie hadn't helped you everywhere, would you be here today? Your conscience was eaten by a dog? You wait for me, I'm going to the court to sue you for illegal acquisition! I want you to spit out all the money you've taken from my husband over the years! 】

After posting on Weibo, Mrs. Wang rushed to tear up Manager Wang frantically, and their daughters hid in the corner and cried.

On the other hand, it was quiet on the Internet, no one shouted, and of course no one apologized. The plot develops too fast, and everyone can't keep up with the rhythm.

Zhuang Li used his own Weibo to retweet the anonymous Weibo of the real hammer, with the accompanying text: [I said, this is the truth. ]

Xi Ming quickly forwarded this Weibo to expand his influence.

After a long time, some people began to delete their excessive messages, and some people stood up to apologize, but more people who were in a hurry ran to Zhuang Li's Weibo and shouted: [Maybe Wan Annie was wronged, but yours Things can't be cleaned up! Your business has a real hammer! You are a real bitch! 】

This message has been liked by countless netizens. Slapped in the face by Wan Anni's incident, they wanted to get back to Zhuang Li's side.

It doesn't matter to them what the facts are. How much pain the slandered will suffer is completely out of their consideration. They just want to vent their negative emotions and that's it. They seek their own happiness by hurting others.

This is the truth of cyber violence.

Zhuang Li didn't even bother to read these rubbish remarks.

He put down the computer and shouted loudly: "Wan Anni, come out, don't vomit, the matter is solved."

"What?" The weak Wan Anni was helped out of the bathroom by Yi Jiangnan, her pale face blank.

"Look at the phone." Zhuang Li raised his chin.

Yi Jiangnan hurriedly brought over the phone on the bed.

Wan Anni unlocked the screen, and what she saw was no longer humiliation and abuse, but sentences "I'm sorry I was wrong".

She was completely stunned on the spot, a scene like this had only happened in her dreams.

Zhuang Li said slowly: "I said, don't give up any of the rights that originally belonged to you. When you are slandered, you should speak up for yourself. If no one listens, you will take up the weapon of the law to fight."

"So, Zhuang Li raised his fingertips and ordered: "Sue them, I'll hire a lawyer for you."

Wan Anni repeated stupidly: "Sue?"

Zhuang Li nodded carefully: "Yes, sue. Your high school classmates and teachers , friends, colleagues, bosses, everyone who has slandered you with false remarks, you can sue. Make a list for me, don't miss anyone, I will help you."

Wan Anni was still in a daze, Yi Jiangnan Already pressing her head, he said eagerly, "Thank you, Mr. Zhuang!"

Wan Anni: "Thank you, thank you."

Xi Ming secretly sent a text message to Xiao Curly Hair: [Don't worry, I will cover all the lawyer fees. You are doing great and I will fully support you! You are amazing and my husband is so proud of you. 】

After typing this "husband", his ears turned red. He always thought he was rich and could let Curly do whatever he wanted.

Zhuang Li: "..."

Why is it that every time he is disgusted or even destructive to the world, this stupid big man will pop up and tell him how pure and beautiful his love for him is with practical actions.

Zhuang Li shook his head and laughed, then held Xi Ming's face and kissed him deeply.

"Actually, we can eat some clear soup pot first tonight." He said in a hoarse voice: "The clear soup pot with milk has the strongest flavor."

He gently kissed Xi Ming's hot ears and said meaningfully: "I'm good at smoking."

Xi Ming: "!!!"

"Let's go back right away!" Xi Ming immediately pulled the little curly hair into his arms and dragged it to the door.

Zhuang Li turned his head and said, "Wan Annie, do you know how cyber violence hurts you? Words don't kill, they kill a fragile heart. So hurry up and strengthen your heart."

Wan Ananne Nodding, not knowing what happened until now. One second, she was reviled by thousands of people; the next second, she was whitewashed! How did the situation between her and her best friend change?

So confused!


In the other bedroom, Meng Lan was holding a circular machine and looking left and right.

The system said painfully: "After watching the show, I don't think you can beat Zhuang Li. So I used my energy to buy this machine for you on credit, it's called 'I know your secret', it's a multi- Functional lie detector. It can detect a person's inner activity and announce it with voice.

"For example, if you are lying, it will shout 'you are lying'; if you are facing a crush, it will help you Say the words 'I love you'. Tomorrow you will bring it to the living room, saying that it is a toy bought from abroad, and let everyone play with you.

"People like Zhuang Li have no heart, and he will not give true love to anyone. You ask him to put his hand on it and ask him the toughest questions, such as whether he loves Xi Ming, whether he loves Xi Ming's money or people. , had a few boyfriends, etc. This machine will naturally peel off his skin and let him show his true colors.

"Xi Ming will know that this machine is very accurate after playing games. When he found out that Zhuang Li had told so many lies, he would definitely get a nail in his heart. That way you have a chance.

Meng Lan nodded happily, and then hesitantly said, "If I lie, this machine will detect it too, right? " What should I do if someone asks me tough questions? "

You don't have to worry about this. When it's your turn, I will enter the central control of this machine and help you cover it up." "

"Don't you have access to the Internet?" "Meng Lan asked worriedly.

"I can still connect to the smart items brought from the system mall. I tried it just now." The system said confidently: "Tomorrow, we will definitely be able to expose Zhuang Li's true face. He is a person who only loves money and money. Himself, he will definitely disappoint Xi Ming!"

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