Warriors: The Prophecy

By dogsarecool12344578

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Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine

Chapter Fourteen

46 3 17
By dogsarecool12344578

           It's been a half moon since the battle. The weather was getting hotter, and prey was thriving. Yet the demeanor in the Riverclan camp was sorrow. Checkeredpaw's death affected everyone in the clan deeply.

Fernpaw considered him one of her closer friends. But out of every cat in the clan, Crowstar was the most devastated.

Although Sandfur was equally heart broken, she used her duties around the camp to distract herself. Mistpaw, Checkeredpaw's sister, did the same.

Crowstar though, he sat in his den all day every day. Gingerpelt would go into his den to speak with him from time to time, but gave up after awhile. Everyone assumes he's just a heart broken father. But Fernpaw believes he blames himself.

If this continues...Riverclan will spiral. We need our leader.

Fernpaw was sitting outside of the apprentice den, gazing up at the sky. It had been a hard day of training and she was exhausted. But she couldn't wait for the sun to go down. Tonight was a gathering. But she was worried that Crowstar wouldn't even bother coming.

What would that show Shadowclan? We mustn't seem weak at this time.

What was even weirder, was that she kept having the same dream over and over again. The shadow cats attacking Winclan. She couldn't help but wonder if Starclan was trying to tell her that Windclan was still in danger.

Fernpaw glanced up in surprise as Crowstar padded out of his den with Gingerpelt. Cats sitting around the camp murmured to each other as they watched the Riverclan leader climb up the Wetrock.

He sighed and gazed around the camp as the cats began to circle around the rock.

"As many of you know, we have a gathering tonight." The leader meowed. His voice was rough and dry. "I have chosen Rustyfur, Sagebreeze, Fishpelt, Twigpaw, Fernpaw, Shrewpaw, and Briarpaw to attend the gathering tonight."

Fernpaw purred lowly at the thought of attending her first gathering.

Crowstar looked up at the sky as the last bit of sunlight faded and the moon could be seen slowly rising.

"We will leave now." He meowed quietly and he leaped down from the rock.

The chosen cats began to file out of the camp, following Crowstar who was leaning steadily against Gingerpelt.

"Fernpaw!" Briarpaw meowed as she padded over to her, followed by Twigpaw and Shrewpaw.

"You exited for your first gathering?" Twigpaw asked with a purr.

Fernpaw nodded and glanced back at Crowstar.

"He looks pretty skinny doesn't he?" Briarpaw whispered, following her sisters gaze. "I hear he's not eating like, at all."

Fernpaw's ears laid back against her head and she shuddered.

"Though it seems like Mistpaw and Sandfur are handling it better." Briarpaw continued.

When Fernpaw didn't respond, she nudged her gently before starting a conversation with Shrewpaw.

Twigpaw padded closer to her as they crossed the scent markers into Windclan territory.

"You okay?" He meowed lowly.

Fernpaw blinked at him and forced a purr, pushing her worries to the back of her mind.

"Yeah. Just sorta worried about the gathering."

"Don't worry." The dark brown tom meowed. "Gingerpelt will make sure Crowstar stays in check.

Fernpaw nodded and held back a sigh.

Great Starclan I hope your right...
The group of Riverclan cats arrived at the four trees in no time, and they padded into the large clearing.

Fernpaw's fur stood on end as she spotted Windclan and Shadowclan cats.


She peered over the moving cats in front of her, trying to get a glimpse of Crowstar.

Please let him stay calm...

"Fernpaw, come on!" Briarpaw meowed as she followed Twigpaw and Shrewpaw over to a small group of Windclan apprentices.

Fernpaw held back another sigh as she followed her sister.

I forgot that at gatherings its usual for cats from every clan to converse.

She glanced at a group of Shadowclan warriors who glared back at her in response.

I guess not every cat...

"Fernpaw, Briarpaw, this is Ravenpaw and Branchpaw." Shrewpaw meowed. "We usually talk during gatherings."

Fernpaw nodded to the two apprentices and glanced at the two younger looking cats beside them.

"Oh, this is Featherpaw and Breezepaw." The black she, Fernpaw guessed was Ravenpaw, meowed. "They became apprentices about a moon and a half ago."

"So did we!" Briarpaw meowed in surprise.

Fernpaw narrowed her eyes as Branchpaw nudged Ravenpaw threateningly.

"Whats going on over there?" Fernpaw assumed was Featherpaw, asked. The apprentices followed her gaze as two groups of warriors from Riverclan and Shadowclan sat a few tail lengths away, hissing and glaring at each other.

Briarpaw glanced at Shrewpaw with a worried glance when suddenly Thunderclan padded down into the clearing.

Thank Starclan...

The clearing was now full of chattering cats as each cat from every clan meowed to each other. A few more minutes of aimless talking continued. The noise then subsided as the leaders appeared on top of the four branches coming from the the large tree in the middle of the clearing.

Fernpaw turned to look up at them but glanced at one of the younger apprentices, Breezepaw, who was staring right at her. She looked away quickly, trying to keep her eyes on the leaders.

Bearstar and Crowstar sat as far away from each other as Amberstar sat up.

"Its time for the gathering to begin!" She yowled, glancing up at the full moon. "Now I know there was a battle a half moon ago..." She meowed steadily, glancing at Crowstar. "But I must remind all of you that under no circumstance will a fight break out tonight. As you know, it is forbidden."

She glanced at the other leaders.

"Would any of you like to report first?"

Falconstar sat forward immediately.

"Yes. Windclan would." His voice shook a little.

The Windclan cats begun to shift uncomfortably as Falconstar continued.

"A half moon ago..." He glanced at Crowstar. "We received a threat."

Amberstar gazed at him in confusion.

"A threat?"

"Yes. My deputy, Ivyclaw, was on a patrol when she found cats blood smeared on a tree in our territory. She followed the
scent to the barn."

"The barn where that group of rouges were allowed to live in?" Bearstar meowed.

"Yes." Falconstar huffed irritatedly. "Inside the barn...most of the rouges were gone but...we found three of them..." He paused, steading his voice before he continued. "Dead. In a pile. But their bones were...twisted and broken brutally."

Cats from each clan gasped in horror and murmurs rose from the crowd as cats glanced at each other in anger and fear.

Great Starclan... Fernpaw thought as bile rose in her throat.

"Thats awful..." Briarpaw whispered.

"Its obvious that whoever or...whatever...did this, was trying to threaten us." Falconstar yowled over the murmurs. "Threatening us saying that we're next."

The two other leaders glanced at each other in worry. Amberstar whispered something to Falconstar who nodded darkly. Her eyes widened and she glanced at Bearstar who also nodded. Crowstar just sat, looking ahead with narrowed eyes.

More murmurs sounded from the crowd as the leaders whispered to each other.

"Whats going on up there?" Ravenpaw huffed.

Amberstar then turned back to the crowd and yowled loudly, silencing the crowds chatter.

"This is...deeply unsettling news." The Thunderclan leader meowed, glancing at Falconstar. "And we definitely cannot ignore this like it's nothing." She gazed down at the crowd and took a deep breath. "Because we've been expecting this."

Expecting this?

"A battle is coming." She continued. "And we cannot be fighting with each other when it occurs."

Crowstar glared ahead, unsheathing his claws and digging them into his branch.

"Its time that..." Amberstar looked at each leader who nodded in return. "Its time we tell you everything we know."

The silence was unbearable.

"I'm sure most of you have heard rumors of a prophecy." Bearstar meowed. "The truth is, all four of us have been meeting each other at the moon stone to try and figure out what the prophecy means."

Thats what those meetings were about?

Fernpaw glanced at Briarpaw who stared back with equal confusion.

"We received this prophecy on the night of the first battle between Riverclan and Shadowclan." Falconstar meowed.

"The prophecy was..." He paused, waiting for the clearing to be dead silent. "Leaf fall will destroy the clans. Unless the four born on the battle of dark and light can unite, and use what they have been given. Only four will save the clans."

Murmurs rose again.

"Thanks to the help of our medicine cats," Amberstar yowled. "We figured out what most of it means"

The leaders glanced at each other hesitantly, Crowstar surprisingly looking them in the eyes for the first time.

"The battle between dark and light was the battle between Shadowclan and Riverclan." Falconstar yowled. "And we know this because...four litters were born that night. From each clan."

Fernpaw's eyes widened and she glanced at Briarpaw who's ears were pinned back. Fernpaw then glanced around until she spotted Mudpaw beside Pearlfeather with the other medicine cats.

He gazed back at her with equal confusion. To Fernpaw's surprise, Breezepaw and Featherpaw shared the same look with each other.

"Thats when we realized that the four born on the battle between dark and light would save us all." Falconstar continued. "One cat, from each clan, was chosen by Starclan."

Fernpaw sat frozen in shock as she stared at the leaders.

"We know most of you already know all of this." Bearstar huffed. "But because of this threat...we've decided we must take action." His eyes scanned the crowd. "Its time for the chosen ones training to really begin."

Briarpaw nudged Fernpaw.

"You don't think..."

"We've been analyzing these litters since they were kits. And I believe we each have an idea of who the chosen ones are."

Amberstar meowed. "We believe Starclan has gifted them enhanced abilities of some sort to help fight back against this threat."

Amberstar nodded to Falconstar who sat up.

"We want you all to know that there is hope. And that we will begin training the chosen ones immediately. Hopefully together."

A gray and white tom stood up from a group of Winclan warriors and yowled up at the leaders.

"Who are these chosen ones? Who is destined to save us exactly?"

Yowls from every clan rose, shouting in agreement. The leaders glanced at each other before whispering something. A few moments passed before Falconstar yowled and the crowd was quiet again.

"Very well. We weren't sure if we should announce this so...publicly, but we have hidden enough from all of you. You have a right to know."

Falconstar huffed as he stepped forward. "The chosen one from Windlcan is..." His eyes scanned the crowd before they landed on the Windclan apprentices behind Fernpaw. "Breezepaw." He yowled.

Fernpaw turned to see Breezepaw's eyes widen in shock as he gazed at his sister. Yowls from the Windclan cats erupted and Falconstar silenced them quickly. Amberstar then stepped forward and took a deep breath.

"We believe the chosen one from Thunderclan is...Pebblepaw."

More yowls sounded. Amberstar nudged Crowstar who nodded shakily.

Fernpaw gazed at her leader as her heart pounded in her chest.

This isn't happening.

"The chosen one from Riverclan is..." His voiced rasped and his eyes landed right on hers.



Briarpaw's gaze landed on hers and it seemed like all eyes were suddenly on Fernpaw. Her heart skipped a beat and she stared at Crowstar in horror.

I can't be...they must be mistaken.

But it made since. She was receiving multiple messages from Starclan. And she could swim faster than an warrior only when she was a kit. It was obvious that she wasn't a regular apprentice.

Bearstar then stepped froward. He almost seemed...nervous.

"The chosen one from Shadowclan is..." He glanced at Crowstar. "Thistlepaw."

Crowstar's dim eyes suddenly erupted into fire as he turned on the Shadowclan leader.

"What?!" He yowled.

Yowls sounded from the Riverclan section.

"I know how it sounds- Bearstar started.

"How it sounds is that your are saying a murderer is destined to save the clans!" Crowstar interrupted.

"It wasn't murder!" Bearstar hissed. "It was an accident! We believe she has the gift of enhanced strength. She doesn't know her power!"

Silence followed.

Crowstar stared at the ground in fury.

He understands... Fernpaw thought. He knows Bearstar is right. But his anger is ruining his judgement.

"The thing is..." Bearstar huffed. "After the battle...Thistlepaw left Shadowclan. No cat has seen or heard from her since."

Crowstar's eyes widened and he looked up at the Shadowclan leader in shock.

"But we need to find her." Bearstar continued. "We know for a fact that she is the chosen one. How else was she able to kill you?"

Crowstar's gaze hardened and he sighed before nodding sharply.

"We will keep a look out for her." Amberstar meowed and Falconstar nodded. "I don't believe after this we have anything more to say?"

The leaders nodded before she yowled to the crowd.

"This concludes this gathering!"

The cats slowly began to disperse and Briarpaw padded beside Fernpaw silently. Cats eyes were boring into her, and she kept her eyes on the ground as she followed her clan out of the clearing.

I'm one of the chosen ones...

She shuddered and held back a whimper.

Every cat will be putting their hope into me...but...what if I can't do it? I'm only an apprentice! What if I fail...?

Her eyes narrowed and she unsheathed her claws as she walked.

No. I won't fail. I can't fail. Whatever is coming...I'll make sure I'm more then ready when we face this threat. For Riverclan. For every clan.

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