RED ♥️

By SakuraLi1322

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A MUSICAL ARSHI LOVESTORY They were two people occupying the opposite ends of a spectrum. They were so diff... More

Prologue - RED
32 last chapter


292 29 4
By SakuraLi1322

"Hello Arnav","good morning", Khushi is in a good mood today she is happy

"Morning","someone is in a good mood today",
Arnav asked looking at her jovial face he thought she looks more pretty this way.

"Yes I talked to my grandparents ,my parents it's fine now I realised if I lost my mother they too lost someone too, so here I am with the saying,
"Past is past"

Happy belated birthday Khushi I didn't want to wish you yesterday seeing your mood so today it is...

"Thankyou", when is your Arnav??? Khushi asked she is really happy to have a friend.

"On 22nd", Arnav replied keeping in mind hers is on 13th.

"22nd of what???", Khushi asked puzzled

"22nd of December"

"What!!!"," You are younger to me", saying this Khushi started laughing," you know Raizada I am elder to you ,"learn to obey me".

"It's just few days and if we talk about brain trust me you are not even born", saying this Arnav started moving leaving Khushi with her face turning a big,"o".

"Where are you going???",
Khushi asked seeing him moving ahead.

"Library",if you remember we have a test tomorrow then remembered she came today after days.

"WHAT !!!!"
"You should have told me earlier I won't have came today", Khushi says as she prepared to leave.

"I said tomorrow", Arnav said seeing her ready to bunk again.

"Ohhh","thank Fully got saved", Khushi said as she plopped down next to him again.she watch as he got busy in the books so decided to leave as not to disturb him.

"Where are you going??","why do you bunk always"," study tomorrow is test it's not that hard" , Arnav knows she never attend classes regularly no teacher takes her seriously this way she will ruin her future.

"Trust me Raizada me and study are two poles who never gonna meet, waise bhi it's not like I am going to top".

Who Said about being a topper you should study, seeing how Arnav is pushing her that much she decided to give it a chance and she didn't regretted.

After 15 minutes Arnav looked up to hear something to see Khushi snoring and clicked a pic of her, her specs are falling she looks cute he started laughing he knows she was emotionally upset for days months so decide to let her sleep peacefully for now he can tease her later.

It was later when Khushi woke up she yawn rubbing her eyes to see Arnav staring at her," Hii Arnav, WAIT WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY ROOM"

"Your room", Arnav asked raising his eyebrow as he look around him
"What a room wow"

Khushi realising she slept in the library gave him a nervous smile,"sorry for shouting"

"It's ok, I know you are mad" hearing him Khushi throw the book at him, "you are insane "

21st of December
Time 11:59

Grrr grrrr.....

Arnav woke up at the sound of his phone vibrating to see
Khushi flashing,"Hello"

"Happy Birthday Arnav , happy 19th birthday Raizada , I was the first one to wish you right, as Khushi was gonna say more,

Khushi you can wish me tomorrow too yeah don't worry nobody disturb me at night to wish me birthday so yeah you are the first one , hearing him the only word comes out of her," jerk".
"Here I am wishing you instead of saying thanku you are making fun of me you jerk".

"What the...!!! , What do you mean it's my birthday and I have to say thanku you should say thanku "., Hearing his words Khushi gritted her teeth this guy will make her mad ,"
Why should I say thank you I wished you on your birthday you say thank you".

"Did I asked you to call me and say happy birthday tell me Khushi.???", Arnav knows its just seconds left until she lost.
Hearing him saying that calling him a "Jerk", Khushi cut the call in anger I will see you Tomorrow.

He won't deny since they became friends his life becomes more interesting, surely he was not expecting her to call tonight.
It actually felt good to know that she cares. In this he realised one thing he was wrong to think nothing matters for her how wrong he was this girl is really sensitive she cares, everything matters for her. Seeing her he felt proud he fell for someone like her.
She is too good which worry him too. But then thought I will be there for her.

Next day

Arnav waited for Khushi to show up so that he can tease her again but minutes turned to hour hour to hours.

"Where is she?"
Arnav thought getting upset did she again bunked ,she did called him her best friend and she ditched him. Maybe something came .
After some inner battle he called her number which left ringing as no one was picking up which made him worried too remembering what happened last time he tried two more times but same.
So decided to visit her place.

Knock knock!!!

Hello beta who are you??? Geet looked confused to see a new face.

Aunty namaste,it's Arnav Khushi's college friend ,The Indian guy, do you remember me now??

"Ohh you are Khushi's friend Arnav she told me about you,how come you here son???", Geet knows Khushi never invites someone at home a boy for sure it's not like they are orthodox or something it's not them It's she,she herself is the reason, she don't trust strangers easily , so seeing him again she is shocked.

"Wo aunty Khushi didn't come to college today, I tried calling too she was not picking up so came here to check if she is okay", Arnav feels like he is under some kind of interrogation he himself don't know why he suddenly felt so nervous, and thought why in the hell he is sweating in this cold weather.

Geet looked at Arnav again she knows she is making him uncomfortable but what can she do she is worried for her granddaughter she already went through a lot she didn't want her to  go through another heartbreak,but then remember how Khushi tell them about him her "gudiya" for the first time talk about a friend and she hopes he don't let her down.

"Arnav beta she is in hospital she fell from stairs last night don't know what was she doing at midnight in the kitchen,she is always like that clumsy girl, don't know when will she grow up", hearing her Arnav remember their midnight talks and gets really worried," she was fine what happened?",
"Is she okay aunty?"

"Haan beta, minor fracture in wrist and swollen feet, doctor advised to take rest for two weeks she will be fine", she is admitted in Sakurali hospital".

"Oh...!!, okay aunty I will take my leave, Arnav left from their with only one thought in his mind,"can't this girl take care of herself her grandmother is right this girl is hell clumsy".


"Hello",Arnav called to gain the attention of the receptionist he was so worried so came here to check if Khushi is fine or not.

"Yes how can I help you sir"

Arnav-"Can you tell me where is Khushi Gupta"

"Yes sir , she is room no. 1322"

Arnav left to the room muttering a thanku to the receptionist.

Khushi looked up to see Arnav she was definitely not expecting him,"Arnav","you here??".

"Your grandmother told me you fall from stairs, hath par tudwa liye tumne,
(You broke your bones) so came to see how you are"

Khushi felt really touched to know he came here just to check on her if she is fine or not , In this week she thought she is forcing him to be her friend, seeing him here she realised how wrong she was in judging him.

"You came to see me"

"No, actually I came here to see if you didn't make others mad like you are, it will be troublesome ", Khushi started laughing hearing him,"no, I take pity on them so left them".

"How did it happen, can't you take care of yourself,"BE CAREFUL", Arnav saw the plaster on her hand as she wince in pain when she tried to move her hand.

"I know that ,you shout like dadi, Don't worry I am fine, I am used to these kind of falls", Arnav don't know why but her line held double meaning and he knows it has something related to her past,he is happy she trusted him that day, but then she is back to her close shell again he remembers she didn't come to college next day and the following day so he called her which she ignored so he went to her place to find out she was embarrassed to face him, she was shocked she open up to a stranger,he has to make her understand she can trust him so after that she became normal,in all this he realised she has trust issues,she didn't want to depend on people,even if she needs help she won't ask ,she will take all the pain but won't ask for help.

"Sit Raizada, I am fine, trust me,it was worse last night they gave sedative so it's fine now"

"You need anything?,where is your grandfather??? , your dadi said he will be staying with you", Arnav asked looking around he has been here for nearly an hour but didn't see anyone.

"He went home, I send him"

"Who will stay with you then??, Is someone else coming??", Arnav asked

"No I send him back,and no one is coming, I am not a kid who needs to baby sit, I will be fine, dadu will have trouble if he stays here ,its not like I am gonna do anything other than sleeping,so it's better they stay home it will trouble them and nothing else"

Arnav got worried to hear that,"what if you need something"

"Nurse is here "

"But", seeing Arnav worried Khushi felt something inside which she ignored., "Arnav I will be fine"

Thinking for a moment Arnav take out his phone called

"Hello maa, my friend fell from stairs nobody is staying to accompany, I will come in the morning"

"Thanku maa"


"Byee maa"

Khushi looked wide eyed at him and tried to stop him to which he just ignoring her went outside.

"You don't have to , Arnav I am fine"

"I will stay outside,you call me if you need something, and yeah close your mouth otherwise flies will go inside."

"But Arnav" shocked would be an understatement for Khushi,this guy is giving her shock after shock,she thought him to be a rude and Arrogant guy but as she know him more the more she realises he is nothing like he portray himself to be,why is he showing himself like that,it's like there are many shades to him which he show.

Don't worry I will stay outside, okay ,trust me , I swear on my mother you can trust me,there is no bad intention, I know you'll be alone here your grandparents can't come so decided to stay and Regarding why I didn't told my parents that my friend is a girl because you know parents right how they come to conclusions and I never had a friend who is girl so it will be awkward.

Khushi trusted him she don't know why but as soon as he swears on his mother's name she trusted him," thanku",and yes I can understand how parents see if you suddenly have a friend of opposite sex, you know our mothers are from India, don't you think they are somewhat similar, saying this she smiled which turn to full blown laugh.

During whole night Arnav stayed outside her room. In the morning he left as his mother called due to an emergency so he ask a nurse and gave her his number so she can call him if something comes up and to watch over her.

Khushi woke up to the sound of some metal clinging sound

"You are awake",you are so lucky your boyfriend stayed the whole night outside,he left early due to some urgent work,keep him these kind of boys are rare these days,my job is over he asked me look after you until someone from your family comes,your grandparents are here,and yeah call him you wake up, he was worried.

Khushi got embarrassed to hear that but as she was about to clear the misunderstanding her grandfather walked in saying she can go home.

It's been a week since she came back from hospital in this Arnav used to visit her daily.khushi won't deny she was touched by his behaviour. He used to  come daily after college to tell her what happened in class to which she was really not interested, he used to stay for some time even take her to doctor when she was arguing with her grandparents to go alone,so Arnav came as mediator between them ,he became her grandparents favourite,but things went out of control when once Khushi's grandmother was shouting at her looking at her rooms condition and her books

"When you don't want to study, throw them away,you are never going to pass even in ten years and Khushi being Khushi in anger blurt,
What do you mean, i will not pass ,i can pass the exam ,i just need to study a bit it's just I don't want too i can do that topper will be hurt if I became topper, I don't want to hurt that person dadi,"

"Is that so, yeah you will surely top from bottom, i have full trust in you," Geet knows better
She said if she pass she will never shout at her for not cleaning her room.
Arnav was watching it all with amused expression ,he remembers how she always fell asleep during class when she can't bunk,this will be fun.

Few days later

Why in the hell I opened my bloody mouth, you were there Raizada, can't you shut my big mouth, I am never gonna pass , not in this life time for sure"I am dead,Khushi says looking at the books in front of her then at the paper in her hand .

"Oh ,don't worry you will do just fine"

Khushi knows he is making fun of her his words says something his eyes something else.

"You're having fun Raizada, don't you, trust me you'll have more when I fail , Dadi is not gonna leave me that easily for that ,me and my big mouth" Khushi groaned thinking about the consequences she is sure she is gonna fail everybody will laugh at her specially that brat,"Aaron", he won't leave her easily .

Arnav just sit and listen to her,"you know if you are not gonna try how will you know you can't do it"

"I know,i will fail ,i hate it,"
Arghhhhh, I am an idiot, I think it's not that late , I can go back right hopefully", Khushi thought than imagined  their faces she sitting in a circle her family and friends surrounding her laughing hysterically at her.
Where the hell I am stuck, can't you shut me Raizada when I was opening my big mouth,you are my friend.

You have been saying this since morning Khushi it's not that hard. Arnav says looking at her expressions which are changing by seconds, from hopeful to  horrified than regret to again horrified and the cycle goes on and on since morning.

Thank you

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