The Tsar's Lost Daughter

By tsarevichofrussia

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In 1903 the Tsarina gave birth to its fifth child, a daughter but one night after her birth she suddenly disa... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10

Chapter 9

248 8 0
By tsarevichofrussia

February 1914

On the day of the journey to Sevastopol

I woke up by a ray of sunlight shining out the window. I moaned in annoyance and covered my face with a blanket. I slept very late last night because i was finishing the poem i was writing. "Samara Nikolaevna you have to wake up now. You need to get ready for your trip to Sevastopol" Margaret stated. I sighed in annoyance and sat up wiping my eyes. "What time did you sleep?" Margaret asks. I ignored her question and got out of the bed and fixed it. "Samara, it's rude to turn down someone's question" Maria scolded.

"Sorry, i slept late last night because i was finishing my poem" I answered as i combed my messy hair. "Well that is not good Samara Nikolaevna" Margaret says. "Where's Nastya?"
"She has already fixed herself. Now she's outside with Alyosha"
"But isn't it still, 6:30 in the morning?" I knitted my eyebrows in confusion. "Ah, well she is an early bird sometimes" Maria says. I chuckled.

I prepared my bag and attire Mama has prepared for us yesterday. Mine was a peach colored blouse and a navy blue skirt. Mama also packed us an outfit for the cold weather in Sevastopol. While waiting for Maria to finish having a bath. I headed downstairs and stood by the door. "Samara? What are you doing here still in your night gown?" Mama says from behind. "Good morning Mama. I just wanted some fresh air" I said as i turned to look at her. "Well better to fix yourself first! You cannot reveal yourself to anyone until you are all fixed up! Look at your hair! Its a mess!" Mama scolded. I apologized and went back to my room.

"Oh there you are, i was worried where you have gone off too again" Maria says putting her hand on her chest and blowing a sigh of relief.

After i finished talking a bath, Margaret fixed my hair in the casual hairstyle we always had.

I stood outside with my sisters. We are gonna be taking a train to Sevastopol. And the train is currently having some issues so we are forced to wait outside where we sat in boredom. We had some picture taking to record these moments in our photo album.

After a while, the train was fixed and we all hopped in. I opened the curtains to take a look at the view, it was beautiful. I have never seen anything on the outside world after i came to St. Petersburg. "Close the curtains Samara" Mama ordered. I opened my mouth to speak but Mama gave me the look. I frowned and closed the curtains.

Anastasia sat across me with a chess board in hand. "I noticed that you are dying out of boredom so-
"Nastya! Its bad to use such words!" Tatiana scolded. Anastasia rolled her eyes and continued her sentence, "So i got this chess board. Do you know how to play?" She asks opening the board and arranging the pieces. "I do." I answered lifting my head up. "Well then, lets play! I'll be the white and you'll be the black" She says.

"Hello little sister's. Are you playing chess?" Olga asks taking a seat next to me. "Yes! We are dying out of boredom. Im glad i brought this chess board with me" Anastasia says taking her turn to move a piece. "Where are the others?" I ask. "The others are with Mama and Papa, i was sent here to check in on you both" Olga answered gazing at the curtain. I looked at her direction and asked, "Why does Mama prohibit us to open the curtains?"
Olga and Anastasia exchanged looks and sat frozen in shock by my question. "Because Mama says its for our privacy" Olga answered looking at me. "Oh well, i understand then" I said forming little smile on my face.

The chess match has finished and Anastasia ended up winning. I leaned my head against the train wall with my own thoughts. Oleg says that they have moved in Sevastopol. I wonder if i will ever meet or come in contact with them. But im pretty sure Mama and Papa won't let me come in contact with random people after the incident.

"Hello Samara" Alexei says seating across me. "Hello Alyosha, what are you doing here?" I ask turning my attention to him. "Nothing, im bored and i noticed that you are here all alone so i thought you were lonely" He says. "You have seen everything in the outside world before you came back to us. Can you tell me what is it like?" He asks. "The outside world is full of beauty and a lot of fun things! Sadly i also know less of the outside world because i was also sheltered from it. Although i went to school but i never experienced any fun from it know what." I said looking down at my hands.

"Because you're an invalid. Like me. We are always restricted from doing the fun things because of our curse." He said. I froze in shock, its true. And the fact that we can barely live in the future saddens me. "Its true, we can barely even live up to the future" I said looking up at him.

"My children.." a sobbing voice came from the side. I looked to see who it was and it was Mama tearing up hearing our conversation.

"My baby's. You are not an invalid. And you can still live up in the future. You will be strong like the others. Believe in God, God loves you and he will grant you a long life" Mama says taking our hands and clasping them. "Samara, Alexei. Mama and Papa loves you both dearly" She says kissing our foreheads. "We love you too Mama"

Me and Alexei moved on from our previous conversation and Mama has left to cool off. We are gonna be arriving soon. I am so excited to get out this train, i have been sitting here for hours. "Alexei, Mama has called for you. Samara, come with me" Tatiana says. I stood up and followed Tatiana to the main room.

As we entered, i found my sister's fixing themselves. "Samara Nikolaevna, let us fix your hair" Margaret says pulling me to the chair. "Excuse me, may i fix her hair instead?" Tatiana says. Margaret nodded and stepped aside to let Tatiana work.

"I want to swim in the waters later!" Anastasia says while playing with her hair. "Nastya stop it. You just got your hair fixed, don't ruin it already." Tatiana scolded. Anastasia rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue out to her. I was trying to hold my laugh in since I don't want to get scolded by Tatiana. "Anastasia Nikolaevna!" Olga yelled. "Don't be like Anastasia, Samara" Tatiana says in a whisper. "Hey i heard that!" Anastasia says crossing her arms. At this point we all bursted out laughing.

"Oh Nastya..."

I looked in the mirror after Tatiana fixed my hair to see how she did. Pretty impressive. "Thank you Tatya. You did amazing" I commented as I smiled at her. "Your welcome my dear! Do you think i can be a hairstylist one day?" She says. "Impossible but, you'd be a great hairstylist" I smiled. "Thank you. Let's get going" She says.

We stood in line to step down of the train. Mama, Papa and Alexei came first then came us girls. Papa greeted the head of the Navy with a handshake. I was very nervous since this was my first public appearance. Although im glad its not a major public appearance, but still. This was my first time appearing in public as Grand Duchess Samara Nikolaevna, and not just any normal girl. 

After a small talk with the head of the Navy, he proceeded to salute Alexei and kiss Mama's hand. He then proceeded to kiss me and my sister's hand. "Samara Nikolaevna, my 5th and youngest daughter" Papa stated. "Its a pleasure to finally meet you, Grand Duchess Samara" he says as he bowed. "Please, call me by my name and patronymic" I said. He nodded his head and smiled.

"Girls, you are free to do what you want. Again, don't go anywhere without a Chaperone." Papa stated. Me and my sister's immediately headed to the waters with officer's and lady in waitings following us.

My sister's stepped on the waters lifting their skirts. "May i join them?" I said looking at Margaret. "Im afraid you cannot, Samara" She says. I frowned and sat on the sand watching my sisters play on the waters. "How about we go to the Standart?" Margaret says. "Maybe later"

"Marga please may i just step into the water for a short time?" I begged. "Samara if i let you in the water i would get in trouble" Margaret says. "Okay then, i understand"

After a while, Maria stepped out of the water and approached me, "Don't you want to join us Samara?" She asks. "I wish i can" I said looking up to her. "Please let her, i will keep an eye at her" Maria says to Margaret. "Okay but only for a minute" Margaret says. I stood up and gave her a smile and joined my sisters.

"The water is a bit cold but its okay" I commented. "Its refreshing" Tatiana says. I stood on the shore with just my feet in the water and Margaret keeping an eye on me and Maria standing next to me, until Anastasia splashes water to me making my blouse and skirt wet. "Oh don't you dare" I playfully said as i splashed water back at her. "Please be careful!" Margaret screamed.

Me and Anastasia continued to splash water at each other with Margaret on my side. "Enough both of you. You can get sick if you do that. Or even slip and have an accident. We don't want that" Tatiana says. "Sorry" i said ducking my head. "Its okay, lets head back to the Standart" Tatiana says.

Me and Anastasia gave a side glance and chuckled. To be honest it was fun, although i didn't get to do much but still.

We immediately changed to our winter outfits and went to the deck of the yacht. Papa was already there smoking. We all sat next to him. "For how long are we going to be staying here?" Olga asks to Papa. "For three days, then we will be heading to Livadia for a small vacation" Papa stated. My sister's squealed in excitement. While i sat there expressing nothing. "I can't wait!" Maria exclaimed.

Although i have always been fascinated to go to Livadia and targeted to visit it in the future, i also can't wait. This is like a dream come true to me. Adrien would be happy. And we have also taken many photographs since our arrival. Maybe i'll send some of it to him while im still here. Im sure he'll be happy, i'll just explain everything to him.

I excused myself and got the permission to write a letter into Papa's office. I grabbed a pen and a paper and started writing about everything that happened today. I found it hard to explain everything, but i'll try. Although im happy with my real family. I still miss them, i wouldn't be here with my sisters without them, the least i can do is send them a letter and some of my photographs.

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