The Future of Tomorrow Brough...


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In an alternate timeline sirens strike at some of the strongest warships ever created. USS Midway, USS Montan... More

Chapter 1: Displaced
Chapter 2: Direction
Chapter 3: Enter the Fray
Chapter 4: Meet and Greet
Chapter 5: Celebration
Chapter 7: Trip to Newport Part 2
Chapter 8: Unexpected Accident
Chapter 9: Echo Fleet
Informative Announcement
Chapter 10: Training Begins
Chapter 11: Battle of Guadalcanal
Chapter 12: U3008 Heads to the Frontline

Chapter 6: Trip to Newport Part 1

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Date: July 6, 1943

Location: Pearl Harbor

Time: 8:30 am

Commander Jon and Captain James walk along the walkway overlooking the piers around USS Montana as the ship is being refueled.

"Are you sure you don't need more any shells?" Asks Jon.

"We still have plenty of AP and haven't even touched our HE shells yet. Although we could use some more anti aircraft shells for the 127mm guns as well as more ammunition for the AA guns." Replies James.

As they continue to walk they come across Captain Joseph overlooking his ship being resupplied.

"Morning Joseph, which cup of coffee is that?" Asks James.

"It's only my first. My ship is almost ready to set sail, how about yours?" Joseph responds.

"Should be ready in a few minutes."

"I apologize Joseph that we don't have 20mm belts for your planes. And before I forget, do you want any of our reserve planes to make up for the losses you've taken?" Jon offers.

"We appreciate what you could do for us. As for your offer, I will kindly decline. We will make due with the planes we have." Replies Captain Joseph.

Just then Midway's XO Sam Jewel reaches the walkway and approaches the group.

"Are you sure Captain? We lost 18% of our planes and we only have 29 Bearcats, and 32 Skyraiders left." The XO informs.

"As I said, we will just have to make due with what we have."

Captain James the speaks up. "What about the IJN Shikishima and the IJN Yoshino?"

"Unfortunately the only thing we could do is refuel them. Captain Ren told me he still has half of his AP shells and three fourths of his HE shells left. As for the Yoshino. Jiro reports that his ship still has most of their shells. Both said that they still have enough ammunition for their AA guns." Jon answers.

"Well thanks again for everything you've done for us."

"No problem captain. Now if you excuse me I have to go get started on my daily tasks."

Time: 9:30 am

After an hour all four of the new arrivals were refueled and ready to depart. Eagle Union naval personnel and many ship girls came out to wave as the ships headed to the harbor entrance. Upon reaching the entrance to the harbor USS Midway let out a long toot from the ship's horn. An aft signal light blinked in rapid succession in the direction of the headquarters building. Jon smiled as he read the morse code message through a window.

"Of course you'll be back, I'm counting on it." Jon muttered to himself.

Jon then turns back to the table in the middle of the meeting room. New Jersey, Iowa, Saratoga and a handful of naval personnel were gathered around the table.

New Jersey then states "One thing is for certain, Sakura Empire is already reacting to those ships arrival."

"The Sakura Empire is likely to use their large carriers in this war, especially now that they know about USS Midway." Says Iowa.

Jon approaches the table before replying "Which is why I hope Midway is successfully converted into a kansen. Until then we'll have to hold the line. Not even Enty is strong enough to match Shinano or Hakuryuu. Midway is the only carrier that I know of that could win in a one on one engagement with them. We'll just have to hope that Sakura is hesitant to use their key players while we prep our own. Intel reports that a Sakura fleet left port and is heading to the South Pacific. They might be trying to cut off our supply lines to the Oceanic Republic (Australia). Inform Port Moresby that they may be the target."

"Yes sir." Replies a young naval officer before leaving the room and heading towards the communication room.

"Heres my plan. Feel free to speak up and give constructive criticism." Commander Jon starts.

Jon then looks to Saratoga.

"Sara, you and your sister Lexington will lead the first fleet into Coral Sea and provide air support."

"Why not send Essex and Ticonderoga? Wouldn't they better fit in this operation?" Replies the Captain of the mass produced Essex class carrier Franklin CV-13.

"I have a feeling that Coral Sea is only the beginning. That's why I need to have some of my current best ships in reserve. That way we can respond to anything the Sakura might throw at us."

Jon then looks to Iowa and New Jersey.

"I'm sending you two to lead the second fleet. You will have North Carolina, and the mass produced South Dakota class battleship USS Indiana to help you. If there aren't any questions you girls may be dismissed while we rest of us hammer out the details for this operation." Jon finishes.

With that the kansen left the naval personnel to their work. Meanwhile just off the shore line I-19 watches as the Japanese-American fleet steams out of the harbor and begins to sail around the southern part of the island. After they are a safe distance away she surfaces and turns on her long range radio.

"This is I-19 reporting, the mysterious ships have left the port. They are heading to Eagle Union mainland. I repeat they are heading towards Eagle Union mainland. Standing by for further orders. Over"

100km south from the Sakuran mainland

Akagi watches the horizon from the bow of her ship. Her mind wandering from her love of a certain Sakuran Commander, the identity of the mysterious ships that interrupted her attack during her last mission, and finally whether or not to trust the Siren that said she could bring her dear older sister Amagi back. Kaga soon walks up to Akagi bring her back to reality.

"The strange ships we fought have just left Hawaii but unfortunately they are heading to the Eagle Union mainland." Kaga reports.

"A shame, I was hoping to meet that carrier again, oh well. However this doesn't change the plan." Akagi replies.

"Do you think that Eagle Union will convert that carrier into a kansen?" Asks Kaga.

"Perhaps, but even if they do, I'm certain that together we could defeat them. For nothing can stand in the way of our love for each other."

Akagi proceeds to hug Kaga as the Sakuran fleet continues to steam towards the South Pacific.

American-Japanese fleet

Date: July 8, 1943

Time: 2:00 pm

Eleven warships quickly cleave there way through the calm waves of the Pacific Ocean. The girls currently had their ships deployed around the four mass produced ships they were assigned to protect. They have been traveling at 15 knots for the past two days. Ship girls can operate at their max speed for much longer than mass produced ships. However their mission requires them to slow down so they don't leave the ships they're escorting behind. So far they haven't run into any Sirens. However that would only be a matter of time since the sea lane that connects California to Hawaii is highly contested. On board the USS Midway Joseph is constantly checking in with his scouts that are monitoring the waters around the fleet. He knows the Sirens are unpredictable at best. But Joseph is determined to be ready. Spotting the Sirens before they spot you could be the difference between a tactical victory or a costly defeat. Sure enough one of the scout planes spots a group of Sirens to the south east of the fleet.

"This Charlie Six, I got eyes on a group of Sirens about 67km south east of the fleet. They appear to be sailing parallel to us. Over."

"This is Home One, keep watching them but don't let them see you. Report any course changes they make. Over and out."

Joseph then grabs the ships coms and switches to the fleets channel.

"This Captain Joseph, one of my scout planes has spotted a Siren fleet 67km to the south east. I advise that we leave them alone and engage only if they start heading our way. No need to give way our position if we don't have to."

As the day continues Charlie squadron takes turns monitoring the Siren fleet. Based on what they could see without getting to close they concluded it was a standard Siren light patrol fleet. Unknown to them is that an undetected Siren submarine spotted the smoke produced from the battleships and reported their position. Soon night falls and ship girls and sailors begin their night watches as others get some much needed rest. Delta squadron takes over the night patrol as Charlie squadron lands back on USS Midway. All is quite for the first three hours of the night but soon that will change...

Time: 11:00 pm

On the hour the Sirens launch their attack. Six Siren subs were positioned 13km to the north east of the fleet. Laffey who was enjoying the night was the first to hear the high pitch sound on her sonar.

"This is Laffey, incoming torpedoes coming from the north east. Evading them is advised."

Upon hearing Laffey's report Captain Joseph is snapped out of his tried daze and grabs the ships coms.

"Helm take evasive action! Sound general quarters!"

"General quarters, general quarters, all hands man your battle stations!" Blares the over the ships coms.

The large carrier slowly turns into the attack as men spring from their beds. Joseph then switches to the fleet channel.

"This is Joseph, we got torpedos coming from the north east! All ships make a hard left now!"

As the rest of the warships begin to turn the girls rush to locate and engage the Siren threat. Moments later twelve torpedoes pass by the USS Montana's starboard side with one missing the bow by three meters.

"That was close." Comments Captain James over the open channel.

"Agreed, all ships increase to full speed. We're gonna outrun these bastards." Orders Joseph.

Soon all four mass produced ships increase to 28 knots. Joseph then signals to the girls to break off their attack and regroup with the fleet. For an entire hour the fleet kept up its fast pace. Only then did Joseph signal for the fleet to slow back down to 15 knots. Unfortunately the Sirens predicted that the fleet would speed up to outrun to subs and prepared an ambush. Suddenly the night was lit up as Bishop class Siren heavy cruisers open fire at the fleet. It wasn't until the siren warships fired that the fleet was able to detect them.

"Seven Bishop class heavy cruisers bering 19km out directly starboard." Captain James calls out.

"Captains, turn your ships to the north. We will hold the Sirens off until your a safe distance away." Enterprise strongly suggests.

"Understood, best of luck girls." Replies Joseph.

"Give em hell." Cries James.

"Be careful." Says Ren.

With that the girls spilt off from the fleet the engage the Siren threat as the fleet turns north. Hornet and Enterprise begin launching their planes as the next salvo from the Bishop cruisers rains down around them. Laffey and Javelin fire their torpedos while Cleveland, Savannah, and Brooklyn fire their guns. From the island of the USS Midway Joseph could sees the flashes of gun fire in the dark as the girls clashed with the Siren warships. As the minutes drag on the girls managed to sink six of the seven Bishop heavy cruisers while taking mostly minor damage in return. The battered girls line up their weapons to finish off the last Siren warship. The Bishop almost instantly succumbs the combined firepower of the kansen. But just as the girls begin to relax as the burning wreck sinks a purple portal opens up. A familiar figure step out of the portal. The Siren wears a female sailor uniform. Her rigging has the look of a hammerhead shark with four strange cannons mounted on the forward fins and floats close behind her back. She also has two floating drones that carry two strange cannons each. She glances at the tired girls but is surprised not see the ones who she was sent to destroy.

"Aren't you all supposed to be guarding those anomalous ships? Tell you what. Observer only told me to destroy those ships so if you tell me where they are I'll let you live. Seems fair in my opinion." Purifier offers.

"We would never betray our faction. We were tasked with defending them and that is what we will do!" Enterprise shouts.

"A shame really, since your faction will make at least one of those ships give some more time. So your deaths here will honestly be for nothing. Are you really sure this is worth dying over. I mean once I'm done with you all I'll still sink them."

The girls respond by raising their weapons at the Elite Siren.

Purifier sighs before continuing "Had to choose the hard way. Oh well, time to get this over with."

Back at the fleet the captains watched as a yellow lasers began to light up in the distance.

"That's a Siren Elite, I'm not sure how strong those girls are, but if I had to guess, I'd say they're outgunned." Comments Captain Ren.

"Then let's go help them." Suggests James.

"We were told to continue to Newport James. And besides what could we possibly do to a Siren Elite? They would doge our shells and then tear our ships apart." Counters Jiro.

"I hate to say it but Jiro is right. We are no match against a Siren Elite. The best we can do is hope that the girl will be ok." States Joseph

"Screw it, I'll do it alone then! A few good hits from my 406mm guns should give those girls a fighting chance!"

Captain James then orders his ship to turn around and for his forward main gun to begin loading.

"James get back here! That's an order. Your putting your entire crew at risk."

James doesn't respond instead he continues to issue orders to his crew. He knows he has only one chance to successfully help those girl. For once he fires his guns the Siren Elite will know where his ship is.

Meanwhile back where the girls are things aren't looking good. Purifier has wounded several of the girls and her attacks have kept them on the defensive. Hornet and Enterprise try to attack Purifier together with their dive bombers but Purifier simply side steps the attack. The bombs detonate causing some damage but the Siren Elite is unfazed by the attack.

"It that all you got? I know you all are not in the best of conditions but still your attacks are disappointing." Purifier teases.

Just then a loud boom echos in the distance. Purifier catches a glance of a quick distance glow out of the corner of her eye. She turns to the direction of the sound as her brain quickly tries to figure out what made that sound. Unfortunately for her she realizes what the sound was a second too late. She attempts to doge the twelve 406mm shell salvo but one slams into her hammerhead rigging. The shell penetrates the alloy armor and rips off one the fins before detonating inside her rigging's tail. A second shell slams into her rigging head and explodes. The rest of the shells land around her causing columns of water to shoot up send her flying. Seeing an opening Enterprise quickly aims her bow and releases an arrow. The arrow strikes Purifier in the abdomen as she was regaining her balance. Purifier falls over from the impact before weakly getting up.

"How?! No mass produced battleship should have that level of accuracy!" She cries.

Weakly Purifier quickly retreats to inside the portal. The purple portal closes soon after.

"Thanks for the assistance captain, but you were supposed to have kept going." Enterprise says on the open radio channel.

"Apologies, however I refuse to leave an ally to die." States Captain James.

Enterprise looks around and the others before continuing.

"Captain James can we use your infirmary? Javelin, Brooklyn, Savannah have all taken some serious injuries and need medical attention."

"Of course! Get them onboard and my corpsmen will take care of them. As for their ships... looks like we're back on tugging duty."

It takes an hour for the fleet to regroup and for the wounded ships to be positioned for towing. Once again USS Montana is pulling Savannah, while IJN Shikishima is towing Brooklyn' ship and IJN Yoshino is pulling Javelin's ship. Onboard the Montana the wounded girls are brought to the infirmary and corpsmen quickly get to work. By dawn everything has settled down and the fleet has reached the halfway point of their journey.

Word Count: 2800

(Author's note: Note to self, I should double or even triple check spelling and grammar. Caught at least 6 errors cause either by me or by autocorrect after I published this chapter, lol)

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