Dangerous Desires | PJM 18+

By BangtanBae33

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Mia Scott had been married to her husband for half a decade but as time goes on, love and desire dwindle fart... More



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By BangtanBae33

Straightening out my heather gray pencil skirt and white button-up blouse after I step out of the taxi cab, I look up at the large beige-colored stone building where I'm supposed to meet with the judge. A mixture of both nervousness and excitement flutter inside of me as my heels click against the large concrete steps toward the glass doors. Although Jimin wanted to be here with me to support me today, we both agreed that it'd probably be best if he didn't. We didn't think it would be a good look if I showed up with another man.

But I can't lie and say I don't wish he could be here right now.

Thankfully, since it's not a huge case, Cameron and I, along with our lawyers, are just meeting with the judge in his chambers. After stopping to ask for directions, I make my way down the long hallway until I spot the one person I would rather not see first thing this afternoon.

Or any afternoon.

Looking at his cell phone as he's posted up against the wall, I'm surprised to find Cameron here not only on time but dressed to impress. His hair looked freshly cut and his navy blue suit was ironed so that not one wrinkle showed. The cuffs of his crisp white shirt showed from underneath his jacket sleeves and his brown belt matched perfectly with his unscuffed loafers. He reminded me of how he used to always look when we were dating and up until a few years ago.

It made me quirk a brow and wonder what he was up to.

Looking over as he hears me approaching, he clicks off his phone and slides it into his pocket with a bright pearly-white smile peering back at me, "Mia, good morning! You're looking lovely as always."

I quietly scoff at his demeanor, "What's with the act? No one is around."

"Act?" he questions as he greets me with a small hug that I don't accept, "What do you mean? You do always look lovely."

"Cut the crap, Cameron," I scold through a whisper so as to not draw attention. "You haven't been like this to me since before our first wedding anniversary."

"Maybe I've just finally realized that I need to change before I lose you for good," he replies, his eyes softening as he looks down at me.


But highly doubtful.

And most of all, a little too late, buddy.

Before I can respond with my honest and unfiltered thoughts, the judge's chamber doors open with my lawyer, Marie, peering out at us. Glancing between the two of us for a moment before speaking, I notice her solemn expression that foreshadows that she knows something that I probably won't be too happy about.

"Mia, Cameron... the judge will see you now," she states as she pulls open the door a bit wider to allow us to come inside.

My eyes immediately land on the wall-to-wall, ceiling-to-floor bookshelf field with mostly books about practicing law as well as dictionaries and encyclopedias. There wasn't even enough space for a single book to tilt and if any more are bought, the judge would need to get himself another shelf to house them. The judge enters shortly after my observation concluded, followed by formal greetings and introductions.

Cameron pulls out the brown leather chair for me causing me to roll my eyes at the façade he's putting on. Even my lawyer let out a chuckle without any underlying humor at the show playing out before her. Thanking him anyway to not look like a total bitch in front of the judge, I take my seat and place my purse next to me. Taking a nervously deep breath, I smile at the elderly man sitting adjacent to me.

"Mr. and Mrs. Scott, I have been informed that Mrs. Amelia Scott is seeking out a divorce from Mr. Cameron Scott. Is this correct?" Judge Lenorman proceeds, not wasting a minute and for that, I was thankful. It was already painful enough just being here.

"This is correct," I speak up and my soon-to-be ex-husband makes a small noise for confirmation as well.

"Now, from what I understand, Mr. Scott is not in agreement with this decision. Is this true?"

"Yes, it is," Cameron states with a simple nod of his head.

Glancing over at me, I lock eyes with the judge for a moment before he continues. "Mrs. Scott, you don't have to tell me but it may help me in my ruling, but what is the reason for you to file for divorce?"

Clearing my throat, I look to Marie who nods for me to answer his question. "For years, we have been unhappy. On many occasions, we seemed more like two roommates than a married couple and even more frequently, we'd argue and fight with one another until it's become toxic. He'd spend most of his free time away from me regardless of how much effort I was trying to put into our marriage and I just got fed up with the continuous lack of effort on his part and the manipulation he gave me to try to make me believe I was lacking as a wife. A marriage takes effort from both people in order to work and I haven't felt any from him in a very long time."

Taking a deep breath, I glance over to Cameron and look him up and down when he lowers his head in shame, "And the final straw was when I came back to the house one day to grab some more of my things only to find him having sexual relations with someone else."

Regardless of how I feel about Cameron, I will not out his sexual orientation in front of strangers. I don't know if he was telling the truth about just now realizing that he's possibly bisexual, I don't know if he just felt the need to experiment, and I don't know if he's still seeing any of those men; it's really none of my business anymore.

But I do know that he's not public with his sexuality and therefore, I will not be the one to put that part of his life on blast. That can be something he can do on his own if he wanted to openly admit that he was receiving oral sex from a man when I walked in on him in the den that day.

Clasping his hands together, the judge leans back in his chair and looks over to Cameron instead, "And Mr. Scott, do you agree with everything that Mrs. Scott has said?"

"Yes sir," he admits. "We haven't exactly been in a loving relationship for most of our marriage. We fought often and I ignored her even more. I do also admit that I was unfaithful before we made our separation official."

"Then why do you disagree with the divorce? From what I hear, Mrs. Scott is willing to give you everything." The judge tilts his head in confusion, the lines between his brows deepening as he tries to understand it all.

"Because I still love her, your honor." He looks over at me, "I will always love her. Mia is a wonderful woman and I know I've been a foolish man. A foolish man who wants to prove that I'm still the man she fell in love with."

But I don't know if the woman I am today would fall in love with the man he used to be.

I'm not that same ignorant girl anymore.

"I see," the judge hums. A few moments of silence overcome the chambers; a silence so loud that even breathing seemed to be too noticeable amongst the five souls sitting in this small room. "You two have been married for a little over five years which is still such a short amount of time in the grand scheme of things. I am going to require six weeks of marriage counseling. After that time, if Mrs. Scott is still seeking a divorce, I will grant it."

"What?" I question, feeling my heart rate accelerating. "Why make me waste any more of my time?"

Marie touches my arm as a silent way to get me to calm down while Cameron and his lawyer whisper amongst themselves.

"I know it seems like a long time right now, Mrs. Scott, but I'd rather you take this opportunity to make sure this is something you want rather than regret it in the end," The judge states as he stands from his seat. "You'll both receive a call from a court-appointed marriage counselor within the next few days to set up the first therapy session."

And without anything else being said, Judge Lenorman walks out leaving Cameron feeling a ray of hope and me feeling discouraged.

Two weeks short of two months. I've dealt with his ass dumb ass for over five years, I can do six more insignificant weeks, right?

And it's not like I have to move back in with him or anything. I just have to show up to the therapy sessions, do my part, and in less than two months tell the judge to free me.


Offering an insincere smile to Cameron, I don't say another word as I put my Chanel purse over my shoulder and begin walking toward the door only to be stopped when I feel his hand grab onto my arm.

"Mia, wait. Can we talk? Maybe grab some coffee?" Cameron asks as he stands up next to me.

I open my mouth to speak but before a breath can even leave my lips, the sound of my phone vibrating in my bag grabs my attention. Upon pulling it out, a smile immediately grazes my face and I feel a warmth spread throughout my chest.

I hope things went well.
I'll be home when you
get here.

I may or may not
have a little something
waiting for you too.

Lowering my phone, I look into Cameron's eyes and release a calming breath, "Sorry, not today. I have to go home."

"Home?" he inquires, having never heard me refer to anywhere else other than with him as my home before.

"Yes. Home." Turning on my heels, I grin at Marie and make my way out of the judge's chambers with a bit more excitement.

Unlocking my cellphone again, I go to the message to reply to Jimin.

On my way now.
I... miss you.

Exiting out of the courthouse, feeling the perfect spring temperature with the sun beaming down on me and the wind rustling the loose strands of my hair over my face, I watch the message go from delivered to read and three dots in the form of a wave appear and disappear over and over again. I had never told Jimin that I missed him before but I honestly do. Even being in Cameron's presence for only a measly half an hour today was enough to remind me how much peace I feel with Jimin and that I truly do miss him when he's not around.

I miss you more

The way my heart constricted and my body seemed to have a surge of electricity at such a simple sentence from him made me realize that I'm truly falling for him and even though it's terrifying, it's welcoming at the same time.

So hurry up and
come back home to me :)

Giggling at the text that followed right after, I briskly walk down the steps toward the road where a taxicab was already conveniently parked as they wait on the next customer to need a ride.

"Take me home, please," I proudly state with a smile before rambling off the address while watching the driver smile at me through the rearview mirror.

Be there in less
than 10 minutes

Shutting the screen of my phone off, I smile as I look outside of the backseat window at all of the flowers blooming and the fluffy white clouds floating in the bright blue sky. Even though the day may have not gone the way I would have liked, I have hope for the future for the first time in a long time and that's enough to get me through the next six weeks.

Thanking the taxi driver, I can't seem to wipe the smile from my face as I scurry through the apartment lobby, waving at the other tenants that I pass by; one being an elderly lady that's as sweet as can be and the other a middle-aged man who has a beautiful wife and an elementary school-age daughter.

Reaching his door, I knock a couple of times knowing he's home instead of fishing for my keys. As soon as it was opened for me and my eyes landed on his beautiful face was the exact moment my heart seemed to skip a beat. Time almost stood still as I looked him in his deep chocolate eyes that softened involuntarily when he looked back at me. His lips parted slowly as they spread into a genuine smile and the adorable giggle he let out as I wrapped my arms around him with enough force that it made him stumble back a bit completely shattered every bit of strength I had to not completely melt into his embrace.

"I guess you really did miss me," he says just above a whisper as he holds me closer with his nose nuzzled into my neck, completely enveloping me in his arms and surrounding me in the manly citrus aroma that's authentically Jimin.

Nodding, I hug him a bit tighter, "I'm home."

Pulling back, he cups my face with his hands and searches my eyes, "Is... is congratulations an appropriate thing to say for a divorce?"

The figurative clouds seemed to roll across the sun that had warmed my soul, "Well, the judge actually didn't grant me the divorce."

"What?" He knits his brow and I can almost feel his stomach sinking at the news, "Why the hell not?"

"He said he wants us to go through six weeks of marriage counseling before he'll grant it to me."

"So how come you seem so happy? If you received bad news, I thought you would have been upset," he questions as he gently kisses my forehead.

"Because there's at least hope now. Six weeks of showing up to an appointment on time and airing out all of my burdens to a complete stranger and I'll be free of him for good. At least this way, I won't carry my pain around deep within me anymore and I can make sure I heal in a healthy way," I reply with a genuine smile as the metaphorical cloud floats away, leaving brighter days to shine down upon us again.

Smiling along with me, he bows his head to softly kiss me with those lusciously plump pink lips of his that I've grown so addicted to feeling every day. "You're such a beautiful soul, baby."

A million tiny butterflies seem to flutter in my stomach at the compliment and pet name. Cupping the back of my neck while his other hand holds me at my waist, he runs the tip of his tongue over my bottom lip to ask for permission to deepen the kiss. Moaning in approval, I caress my tongue with his and furrow my brow at the deep groan he immediately lets out in response to the tender touch. My fingers glide into his blonde hair, slightly pulling at the strands and he steps forward until my back is firmly pressed into the shut front door. Lifting me to wrap my legs around his waist, I feel him working at the strap of my heels to remove them from my feet one at a time until I hear them thump loudly against the floor as they fall.

"I want you," I whisper against his mouth and shudder when I feel him harden against my barely clothed core.

Without any hesitation, he begins excitedly kissing and nipping at my neck while his strong hands knead at my backside. My eyes momentarily open as he carries me to his bedroom to see the bouquet of roses and the two adorable cupcakes sitting on the table.

"You bought me... roses and... and a cupcake?" I struggle to question as the sensation of his warm tongue runs across my collarbone.

"Mhm," he almost moans.

"Thank you," I gasp as he lays me down on the bed.

Kissing down my body as he unbuttons my blouse, he looks up at me through hooded eyes that look dangerous and safe at the same time, "Let me thank you for coming home to me."

Separating my shirt, my back arches as he kisses my nipple through the sheer fabric of my bra while sliding down the zipper of my skirt. My brow knits as I watch him admire me making my entire body prickle and my thighs squeeze together before he spreads them back apart.

Sliding my panties to the side, he slips two fingers into my entrance, immediately curling them to caress the rigid bundle of nerves deep inside as I moan out his name at the sudden albeit welcomed intrusion. Biting down on his bottom lip, he keeps his eyes trained on me to gauge my reaction to every little movement he makes and repeats those that make my body tense up beyond my control. The sound of my wetness reverberates in my ears and he licks his lips as he watches me chase the sensation of a building orgasm.

"Tell me what you want from me," he almost begs as his middle and index fingers curve inside of me quickly.

"Your tongue," I breathe out and whimper at the loss of his fingers while he pulls my panties down my legs.

Yanking me to the edge of the bed, he gets down on his knees without hesitation, seeming to like being told what to do. Gently sucking onto my thigh, the pressure and sting become more and more apparent, indicating to me that he's deliciously marking his presence. Kissing his way up to my core, he parts his lips and lightly sucks onto my clit making the air in my lungs seem to become nonexistent before his tongue begins to flick and roll over the sensitive bud, humming his approval at the taste of my nectar.

Looking down at him, I watch as his ring-decorated hands with veins protruding grip tightly onto my thighs to hold me in place. Through wispy bangs, he stares back up at me with a devilish smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth before his deft tongue moves so quickly that it almost feels vibrational.

My head falls back and my back arches as I grip his hair tightly, begging him to keep the same pace. My body aches to be filled with him but I don't dare ask him to stop. His angelic moans and wicked groans excite me even more as I feel an increasing tightening in my lower abdomen. Listening to my body, he stays consistent; not easing up or changing a thing so that he can reach his intended goal of making me fall apart for him.

A string of curses flows from my lips, my mind absent of any articulate words as my legs shake and my walls clench. My pulsating clit begins to receive intimate kisses before he dips lower to insert his warm tongue into my entrance over and over again.

"So wet," he whispers and I involuntarily respond with a sound I didn't even realize I could create. "Taste so fucking good, baby."

His movements are no longer rushed and eager but now delicate and calculated as he cherishes me for as long as I will allow him to and if I'm being honest with myself, I never want this to end. Rolling my hips to meet the thrusts of his tongue, he digs his fingertips into my skin, enjoying this just as much as I am.

"You're going to make me come again," I whimper while speeding up my strokes against his mouth.

A deep groan resonates from him as he comes back up to lick my clit, his hand trailing up my humid body until it cups my full breast. Pushing the barely-there fabric of my bra to the side, he pinches my nipple causing me to cry out in sheer pleasure.

"Right there," I beg as my hands grab onto the bedsheet. "Oh shit!"

Placing the pillow over my face, I cry out loudly as my second release washes over me, totally surprising me that it was even possible for me to have. Multiple orgasms in one session aren't something I'm used to and my mind seems to become clouded with lust for the ethereal man currently kissing up my frame as if no other man in the world could ever exist again.

Removing the pillow away, he licks his plump pink lips as he hovers above me with a soft smile, "Welcome home, beautiful."

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