Masked Love

By awsmpants

23.2K 730 35

When the Mandalorian took it upon himself to save the child that was once his bounty, he had no clue what his... More

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Season 2
Long ago...


749 21 4
By awsmpants


"You can't leave!" I argued. Throwing my hands out in frustration towards Karmat. He didn't move an inch. He kept his stern face not allowing any emotion to show. Typical of him in a situation like this.

He had made a plan on his own. The plan was being for the village to pack up what they could and find a new place to start over. Knowing full well they wouldn't stop coming now that they knew we were here. I hated the plan.

"You know Imperials are still working behind the scenes. now that they know you're here they will be sent. There is no way the two of you can protect this village on your own." He argued back.


Karmat slammed the end of his cane down against the wooden floor. The loud tap echoing the room and forcing me to keep my mouth shut.

"My decision is final." He growled.

I stood there quietly. Trying to keep my heavy breathing calm. I felt the tears begin to well in my eyes. My jaw clenched tightly as the same thought flashed through my mind.

This was my fault.

This was all my fault.

I quickly turned around. Pushing the curtain covering my door to the side and walking out. I didn't know where I was headed. I just needed to just leave before they could see me completely break down.

I entered the forest and continued straight. After a few minutes I stopped at a clearing in the middle of the forest. On one end was the waterfall the villagers would collect their water from. I just stared at the water crashing into the pond below it. Such a beautiful place and I ruined it.

The wind began to pick up, and the trees surrounding me rustled loudly. At the same time I felt something. A disturbance in the Force. It was faded, as if somewhere far away. But those waves I had felt earlier, were begging to crash even harder.

A clothed hand grabbed onto my shoulder. Instinct kicked in immediately. I grabbed the hilt of my lightsaber. Igniting it quickly and turning around. Stopping it just in time to linger by the neck of the person who touched me.

The Mandalorian stood stiff as a board. His head pulled back to avoid being cut off by my weapon. I stood there trying to calm myself. Telling myself over and over that I wasn't in danger. At least not with him. I shifted my gaze down seeing the child gripping tightly to his legs. Hiding behind it as if scared too.

I quickly retreated the saber back. When I did I felt his hand on my shoulder loosen. I took another deep breath. Pulling away from him and turning back to the waterfall. I stared at the bottom. Noticing that the fish had completely disappeared from the pond.

"I didn't mean to scare you. Just came to check up on you." He said as he grabbed the child and held him in his arms.

"You didn't. I'm on edge." I said quietly. Maybe a slight lie. I'm scared but not of him. Things weren't sitting right with me. "There's a disturbance in the Force. Something big is coming, but I can't grasp on what it is." I replied back. Looking back around at the trees beginning to calm once more.

"You say that like this force speaks to you." The Mandalorian stated. I looked back at him knowing how he said the word "Force" meant he was still apprehensive about the whole Jedi thing. I sighed and turned away from him.

"It a sense. The Force is an energy field created by all living things. If something is wrong people like me can feel a shift." I explained then turned back, "But you don't have to be Force sensitive to see that something isn't right."

I walked over to him and grabbed his hand. To my surprise he didn't pull away at all. Instead he let me lead him towards the edge of the forest. I let go and walked behind him. Tilting my head past his large shoulder.

"Look out into the forest. Tell me what you see." I told him. He turned his head back to me. Trying to read whatever I was thinking through just the look in my eyes. He turned back, locking on to the group of animals standing ahead of us.

"Its just a pack of wild animals." He said simply. I hummed as a small smirk crept across my face.

'And what do you notice about them?" I asked.

He stayed quiet as he looked again. Staring at the animals closely. They stood still. Almost unmoving like statues. Doing nothing but staring back at us.

"They're tense." He finally answered, "As if-"

"As if something dangerous is coming." I finished for him, "They've been that way since you arrived. Not because of you two but because what you will bring. The fish have disappeared from the pond as well."

"How long do we have?" he asked, holding the child close to his chest.

'Two days...maybe three if we're lucky. It'll take some time to round up leftover Imperial troops."

He turned to me quickly. The black visor looking down towards me. "I will help you. As much as I can until every last person is off this planet."

Even though he couldn't see it, a smile grew on my face. "I guess that makes us partners in this mission." I said holding my hand out towards him. His helmet tilted down before moving back up to my face.

"I guess it does." He replied taking my hand into his. Both of us shaking on the deal.

When we arrived back back to the village it was already in a frenzy. Everyone was doing their part preparing for the move. The farmers were cutting their crops and bagging up their seed. Others were helping in carrying the heavy bags onto the small transport ferry Karmat kept. It was rusted and mossed over from the time it had sat in the village not being used. Thankfully Karmat kept maintenance on it in case they ever had to use it again.

Both the Mandalorian and I got to work. Carrying bags and helping pack up the huts of the villagers. The next day came quickly. Early in the morning we began getting to work again. We were almost done packing up everything. The day came and passed and by nightfall the entire village was outside by a large bonfire enjoying a large meal together.

I sat on a long wooden log. Staring at the large fire dance around and eliminate the village. My eyes flicked over to the Mandalorian as he sat on the other end. He held a small bowl of food for the child. Holding it up to its mouth to help feed him. Their relationship was so sweet. I could tell how fond the child was of him.

"Without his help we wouldn't have finished in time." Karmat said as he came up behind me. Looking out at the two as well. I nodded my head in agreement. I didn't say anything. Just watched the Mandalorian and the child interact behind the fire. Karmat at himself beside me on the bench, and placed his cane between his legs. Leaning forward against it. We both sat silently. Both watching.

"I don't think your meeting was a coincidence." Karmat finally spoke. I turned to him and furrowed my brows. Karmat just kept his eyes forward, "I may not be a Jedi little one, but I can feel enough. That child he has with him. He's like you correct?"

"He has the potential. If he were to receive the right training." I answered.

"Then why not stay with them and train him?"

I let out a deep breath. Not saying a word. I turned away towards the fire. Watching the flames dance. Just as they did on that day long ago.

"You can't hold on to what happened with your brother. It was out of your control." Karmat spoke softly.

"They say that Jedi shouldn't have attachments. Only a matter of time before people who were raised the way I was turn to the dark side." I said quietly. I grabbed my saber from my thigh. Staring at it as I turned it in my hand, "If that's the case, why did he turn but not me?'

Karmat took a deep breath. His hands clenching tightly to his cane. I looked over at him and looked him in the eyes. Made sure what I said stood firm, "The child needs to be taught by a proper Jedi. I am not one."

Karmat said, "But are there even any Jedi left out there?"

"There was one..." I said quietly, "He disappeared a little bit after I did."

Karmat hummed under his breath. Staring out at the two before looking at me. "Maybe so...I have never seen you connect so quickly with someone other then me. There's something about that man that may be good for you."

I turned back to the Mandalorian. Watching as he took the empty bowl from the child. He turned his head and looked past the fire towards me. We sat there for a moment. Just staring. All at once the world around us seemed to shut off. Just me and the Mandalorian. He bowed his head down, acknowledging me from afar.

"Excuse me." I whispered under the deep breath I took. I stood up quickly and moved away from the crowd. Walking away from everything and back towards my hut. I could feel the Mandalorian's eyes follow as I walked away. It didn't matter though. I was done for the night.

I made my way into my hut. I grabbed a few logs by the fireplace and set them into the firebox before taking the flint and steel and setting it. I leaned down behind me. Spreading my legs out in front of it. Feeling the warm air against my feet.

As I watched the fire slowly burn and darken the wood around it the images of my past came flooding back. I hated discussing what happened, because no matter how hard I tried I could never forget it. I could never let it go.

Why, Why are you doing this?

Its simply because these are the final steps. After I will be unstoppable.

I closed my eyes tightly trying my best to keep the pool of tears from falling. Closing my eyes however just made the images of what happened seem to be more real. Like i was still there that day.

I heard the curtain at the entrance shift. I lifted my hand up and quickly wiped the tears away before turning to see who entered. The Mandalorian stood by himself in the doorway. I stood up, and began too move around the now empty hut. Setting my things down onto the table that was built into the wall.

"You need to knock next time. I could've been in here unmasked." I said quietly. Pulling my blaster and lightsaber out of my holster and setting them onto the table.

"You don't have a door to knock on." He said simply.

I scoffed as I set down the last item from my holster. Pretty much slamming the knife down loudly. "I don't have time for jokes. Got a long day tomorrow and I need to get some rest."

I briskly turned, moving straight towards the door to my room. I was stopped abruptly as I opened the door.

"What's wrong?" He asked. How annoying the modulator in that helmet was. Made it hard sometimes to tell if he was being genuine or not.

I stood in the doorway. Refusing to turn and look at him. "Nothing wrong. Please just enjoy the rest of the night." I moved to retreat out of the room, but his hand grabbed my arm to stop me.

"Its fine. You can tell me." He said softly. I looked down at the gloved hand that still wrapped around my arm. The words that Karmat said repeated in my head. Those words and his touch causing my heart to flutter. That action on its own made me scared.

"Don't get comfortable with me, Mandalorian. Its not safe." I said as I looked up at him. I felt his hand let go of my arm. Falling slowly to his side. I took a deep breath. Ready to retreat once more. But his voice stopped me.

"My name is actually Din Djarin. Though many do just call me Mandalorian." He spoke up.

I quickly turned around and walked towards him, "That is exactly what I'm talking about." My eyes searched through the black visor on his helmet. Hoping to see the glimpse, anything other than his face was showing. What emotion was he showing now?

I let out a deep sigh, "You want to know a part of the Jedi code? Its to remove yourself from any and all attachments. You can feel compassion to another, but passion and any other for of love was forbidden."

I watched as he tilted his head. Trying to follow where I was going with this conversation.

"Love breeds fear. That fear the turns to anger which then breeds hate, and then your on your path to the dark side. But we didn't follow that rule. My brother and I were a product of love. We were fine. We followed our path exactly as we were taught."

I sucked in a breath. My eyes beginning to water, "My mother became sick with a disease that would take her life one day. I accepted it because teachings taught us that all living things would one day die and be returned to the Force. My brother however didn't take it as well. That love turned to fear and hate and pushed him down the wrong path."

I was close to the Mandalorian. Closer then I had ever wanted to be. I knew that I never would be able to see anything through that visor but for some reason I kept trying.

"He fell into darkness, and became fearful of death. He was told that if he accepted the dark side he would never have to fear death again. He only needed to do one thing."

"What was it?" He asked as he tiled his head.

I paused for a second. My lips beginning to tremble under my mask, "To sever his bonds and kill his family."

I waited to see if the Mandalorian would react. Knowing now how this story would end. He kept his sights on me. Allowing to finish my story.

"I came home to find him standing over our parents bodies. The second I walked into our house he turned on me. The only way I could stop him was to kill him."

My tale came to an end. I just stood there silently as I felt a tear fall down my cheek. The Mandalorian tilted his head to the side before lifting his hand to my cheek and whipping the tear away.

"So you keep people at arms length. That way you don't become what he had." He stated. I didn't say anything back. I just closed my eyes as the tears ran down my face. There was no stopping them now.

He continued to brush the tears away with his thumb. Just letting me have my moment for a second. He moved his hand away and wrapping an arm around my waist. He pulled me close to his chest as the other hand fell on top of my hood. I felt my heart began to pound quickly and I could only hope my sobs masked the sound.

"You've pretty much proven since I arrived that you can handle loss without turning. So you don't have to turn me away."

I finally let out the breath I was holding in. I pulled away. Staring up at the shining metal helmet looking back down on me.

I reached my hands up and placed them on each side of it. His hands quickly reacted. Reaching up and landing on top of mine. Worried that I was going to take off his helmet. I knew better not to. I simply brought his head down slowly to min. I placed my forehead against the top of the cold steel where his would be.

"Thank you." I said quietly. We stayed there for a moment. Just enjoying whatever this was. His hands still sat on top of mine. Holding them lightly.

But a loud sound broke us from the moment. The two of us quickly pulled away and turned towards the curtain door. Listening to the sound of blasters and screams coming from the other side.

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