One day can change all [Nalu]

By moongalaxybunny

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~Lucy didnt have the best life and she wants others to have a better childhood than she had... ~ Natsu has be... More

17 - The End
Bday and Goodbye for now


171 6 0
By moongalaxybunny

                                             -Lucy's pov-

So its the next day, finally its Wendy's birthday I cant wait to see her reaction, right now me and Natsu just finished decorating and most of Wnedy's friends are already here including Romeo wich I know Wendy has a crush on even if she never admites

I already told Sherria's mom that she could take them here and she said that shes on the way and that Sherria also already knows about the party

                                            -Time skip, 20minutes later-

I hear the bell ring and I go to the door, open it and not my surprise there's Wendy and Sherria, I told everybody in the garden to be quiet so that it truthfully is a surprise until the last second

Wendy - Hey Lucy and bye Sherria I will see you at school

Lucy - Wait come in for just a quick chat maybe

Sherria - Ok Ms. Heartfilia

Lucy - You can call me Lucy, Sherria and lets enjoy the good weather and maybe go chat on the garden

Wendy - ...Okay you are looking a bit weird Lucy

Lucy - No Im not now lets go before it gets late and cold

We three start going to the garden and as soon as Wendy gets out of the house everybody yells Happy birthday!!!!

And in that second it was so good to see her reaction, I saw little tears of joy come in her eyes and she smiled so big that I had never seen next Natsu comes to her and says

Natsu - Happy birthday Little sister, I cant believe you are already growing up so fast

Wendy - Natsu I have always been growing up but thanks *smiles and laughs*

Natsu - I know but I always get emotional

Lucy - Now now Natsu let Wendy also spend time with her friends

Natsu - I know but first I want to give you your birthday present, its not anything special but I hope you like it

Wendy - *opens the present* OMG the new cd that I wanted thank you so muchhhh Natsuuuu how did you know

Natsu - I may have a little help of your guardian angel named Lucy

Wendy - *goes to Lucy and hugs her* Thank you so muchhhh Lucyyyy

Lucy - *laughs* Your welcome Wendy just enjoy the party with your friends

Wendy - Okay *goes closer to her friends and they start congratulating her*

                                                                  -Time skip, 1hour later-

                                                                       - Lucy's pov-

Its been one hour of the party and I gotta say that seeing Wendy this happy is definitely worth all the time we spend on getting this ready she looks so happy with her birthday and her friends, our birthday should be the day where we are the happier its our day the day when we celebrate the fact that we were born wich should be celebrated how we wanted and with our loved ones

Ups the food is almost finishing I better go make some more snacks and mini pizzas, hamburguers etc...

*leaves for the kitchen*

                                                                      -Natsu's pov-

I was seeing just Wendy having fun while sometimes on my phone and out in the corner of my eyes I see Lucy going into the kitchen why? Is she bored? Could she be sad because Wendy is celebrating her birthday while Lucy never got to celebrate hers when she was a child? Maybe its better if I just go check if she is okay

*Also goes into the kitchen and sees Lucy making more food*

Of course she is making more food this girl can never stop doing something for others

Natsu - Hey Lucy

Lucy - Oh hey Natsu why are you here the fun is outside

Natsu - Well I saw you coming in and I didnt know why so I thought it was better if I also came just to check on you

Lucy - Well thats very thoughtful of you but you dont need to Im okay just making more food for the party

Natsu - Well then let me help you

Lucy - You dont need to its much more fun outside with the music and laughings

Natsu - Well thats a lie because all is fun when Im with you so I'll help you

Lucy - *blushes really bad* Well uhm....I....O-Okay

Natsu - *realises what he said and also blushes* Well lets go get those snacks ready...

Me and Lucy are doing some snacks and since the music is a little loud you can still hear it from here so me and Lucy are just humming and dancing and laughing while cooking.

This is why I love spending time with Lucy its just so fun no matter what we are doing we could literally be cleaning a bathroom and I bet she would find a way to make it fun even if its just by her beautiful smile in her face or just her sweet voice

And the next second I have no idea how but with all our dacing we came face to face with our lips just 1cm away, I could feel her breathing and the little heat coming from her both and from up closer she looked even more beautiful, more divine, more etherious how can somebody be this beautiful she looks like she was made by god himself and sculpted with all the good qualities with nothing bad in her.

And in that moment I just couldnt resist I leaned closer and our lips met and let me tell you it was just pure magic, I dont know how but it feels like my frist kiss all over again the little butterflies in the stomach, the little nerves in action and just the amazing feeling. Her lips are so soft how can they be like this they taste like strawberry....

                                                                            -Lucys pov-

We were dancing and out of nowhere our faces come so close one to another I could smell his perfume, and hear his heartbeat and it feels like his heartbeat was linked to mine like they were beating together as one, he looked so handsome up close even more than ever his eyes looked even more beautiful and deep like the ocean even though they are not blue but I felt like I could loose myself in them..

In one second I felt his lips on mine they were made to be in mine I felt, it looks like our lips are 2 puzzle pieces that fit perfectly in one another like we are soulmates and our lips are telling us that we are made for each other.

I was going to respond to the kiss when he pulled away......

                                                                   -Natsus pov-

I pulled away because I felt like she didnt like the kiss....maybe she didnt like me that way so maybe I shouldnt just come kissing her without knowing her feelings and without thinking I just...

Natsu - Im sorry

And I left, maybe I shouldnt do this but at this moment it just seems like the only option just leave and aopoligise for kissing her forcefully...

                                                                   -Lucys pov-

He said sorry... could he be regreting the kiss...did he kiss me just has an impulse or does he really like me...I admit that I havent said it but since all this happened with me coming to work at his house to seeing him work hard at home with wendy and at work with all his responsabilities, seeing how caring he is with Wendy and everybody, how he takes responsibilities serious, how he is always helping, how caring and worried he was when I got overworked...I couldnt help myself but fall for him..he is fun, cute, smart, hardworking, handsome and most of all he is able to put the ones he loves in first place ...but now that I have finally admited I love him he kisses me and instead of maybe a confession after it he apologises wich basically tells me he regreted it.......

could he be scared that I'll be like Lisanna with Wendy and all...but he knows I would never do anything to hurt Wendy....

UGHHH... I dont know this is all so confusing why did he have to apologise....Could he think that I regret it cause I didnt kiss him back...I was just shocked I didnt know how to react and the moment I was gonna kiss back he told me he is sorry ......OMG what am I gonna do now....

to be continued....

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