Jacob's Game ✅

By xxinloves

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"LET'S PLAY A GAME TERESA. MY GAME." - Jacob Snow ************* It was all a game. Jacob... More

✯All Rights Reserved✯
✯One✯ - Proposition
✯Two✯ - Running Mouth
✯Three✯ - Emerald Green
✯Four✯ - The Fiancée
✯Five✯ - Extra sheets
✯Six✯ - The Truth
✯Seven✯ - Axe and Branch
✯Eight✯ - Lakewood
✯Nine✯ - Cold
✯Ten✯ - Car Drive
✯Eleven✯ - See Me
✯Twelve✯ - Bingo And A Lie
✯Fourteen✯ - Sponsorship
✯Fifteen✯ - Penthouse
✯Sixteen✯ - Jacob's Game
✯Seventeen✯ - Yellow Tulip
✯Eighteen✯ - Auction
✯Nineteen✯ - A Call And A Shock
✯Twenty✯ - Jacob's Lips
✯Twenty-One✯ - Blissful Words
✯Twenty-Two✯ - A Car In The Driveway
✯Twenty-Three✯ - Flowers And Its Means
✯Twenty-Four✯ - Peppermint
✯Twenty-Five✯ - Savannah Rivera
✯Twenty-Six✯ - Friendly Dinner
✯Twenty-Seven✯ - Dangling Thing
✯Twenty-Eight✯ - The Bet Contract
✯Twenty-Nine✯ - Clarity
✯Thirty✯ - Heartbreaking Call
✯Thrity-One✯ - Jacob
✯Thirty-Two✯ - An Emotional Visit
✯Thrity-Three✯ - Awaken

✯Thriteen✯ - Punches And Goodbyes?

3.2K 114 10
By xxinloves

  ✷Chapter Thirteen

If anyone had told Teresa her day would end up like this, she wouldn't have believed. The last thing she'd expect is to see a younger brother throwing punches at his elder brother. She had expected Jacob to retaliate, but he didn't. He only lay on the ground of the street receiving Gideon's punches.

Teresa felt like throwing up at the sound of bones cracking and the sight of blood on one of the men. The sight of Gideon straddling Jacob who lay on the floor with a bloody mouth, made Teresa gasp out.

The will to walk to them and put a stop to the whole mess, left her body entirely. One one thing that Teresa hates was blood. Seeing it alone makes her head spin; she fears she is going to faint.

Her hands moved to her mouth as the urge to puke grew more, and almost uncontrollable. The last thing Teresa would want is messing the whole place with the horrible stench of her vomit.

She saw Gideon grab the collar of Jacob's black polo, pulling him to his face. It was obvious he was still boiling in rage, the way his face where red and hard, the glare he shot his way was one that can kill.

Teresa couldn't really guess what triggered this whole new reaction. But deep down she knew the answer to the whole entire mess.

Jacob lied.

And the thought of him doing so surprisingly hurt Teresa, she felt her heart was being squeezed in a tight fist.

"Why did you have to do that?" Gideon snarled to his elder brother's face, who looked at him blankly with an emotionless face. "Are you that much of a twisted fuck?" He yelled out, stretching his folded fist to collide on his jaw.

As if brought out from whatever haze he was in, Jacob placed his hands on Gideon's chest, pushing him off him. The force of the push put a full distance between them.

Slowly Jacob stood on his face, dusting his clothes. He touched the corner of his lips and winched in pain. Turning to place his gaze on Gideon, he frowned at him.

"I don't know what the hell is wrong with you, but this better be the last time you raise your hands on me. Trust me, the next time you do so, I won't be able to hold myself." Jacob's body became tense, from where Teresa stood she could see the veins in his arms pop out, while he clenched his hand to a fist.

Teresa could already sense they were gathering attention on them already. She could already hear the whispers coming from them. And behind her, she heard Grandpa Daniel calling their names, but both men ignored.

"Like damn hell you don't know what's wrong!" Gideon's loud voice still attracted more attention to them, but he was far from caring.

"How am I supposed to know if you don't tell me." Jacob's aggressive voice tone down a bit, but still looking ready to defend himself against his brother opposite him.

For the first time since Gideon pounced on Jacob, his eyes locked at Teresa's own. Immediately his eyes softened a bit, a hint of anger still clearly visibly written in his eyes. His green eyes went behind her to stare at who possibly Grandpa Daniel briefly before moving his hard gaze towards Jacob.

Surprisingly he did something that confused Teresa even more. Far more confusing than mythological misery that needed an answer.

Gideon pulled Jacob to a hug.

Teresa's mouth would have dropped open if she hadn't noticed something strange. Gideon's lips were moving in a whispering way. It wasn't noticeable to some, it might seem he was offering his apology. She also might have believed it to be so, but the forced smile on Gideon's lips proved otherwise. Whatever was going between them wasn't over, she could sense it.

She couldn't see Jacob's expression from where she stood. But his fist still clenched tight proved this wasn't an apology hug, but a pretense.

Teresa couldn't guess if it was due to the crowd now forming, or there was something they were both not telling her. Her eyes narrowed on them. She was certainly going to get the truth out of them one way or the other.

The crowd began clapping, at their presumed reconciliation. She heard a little word a man spoke not too far from her 'That how you do it. Let the fist talk, and settle it with a warm embrace'.

If only he knew the battle that was still going on between both brothers.

"Jacob! Gideon!" Grandpa Daniel's voice called out to their names, as he walked past Teresa, who had her arms wrapped around her tight. "I think it's about time we heard home." He said in such finality leaving no room for further discussion. The angry line plastered in his face was rather too foreign.

Teresa has never seen such expression on the old man's face before. Somehow he looked more disappointed than angry.

She felt Rachel wrap her hands on her. Prompting Teresa to stare at her in appreciation, gladly welcoming the warmth she brought. As they both followed the Snow men to the director the SUV was packed.

Throughout the ride to the cabin no one uttered a word. The tension in the car was so suffocating that Teresa had to lower down the glass window by her side appreciating the new breath of fresh air.

She whirl her gaze towards the front seat, where Jacob was seated on the driver's seat, and Gideon by his side. Both their bodies ridge. Jacob's hands were clutching the steering wheel so tight that she feared it was going to snap.

The silence in the car was so deafening. Almost like a volcano was about to erupt, the moment their legs touched the cabin.

Grandpa Daniel on the other hand kept silent, his gaze fixated on both men at the front seat of the car. He held his walking stick tight in his hand, constantly tapping his thumb on the curved handle of his stick.

Finally after what felt like hours, the SUV stopped at the front of the cabin. Grandpa Daniel, not wasting a second, came down from his car, including Rachel, and Jacob who gave Teresa a glance through the front mirror of the car.

Leaving her and Gideon together. She stretched her hands to open the door beside her. "Teresa." He called to her, bringing her to a stop. Her eyes stared at him, as he turned to gaze at her. His eyes looked sad, and tired. "We're leaving for New York tonight. I think it's best you start packing."

Surprised at his sudden word, her mouth opened to speak but somehow she found herself unable to form a proper sentence.

"An urgent work needs to be done tomorrow that cannot be postponed." He said, giving her an apology smile. "I better talk to Daniel about the unexpected news."

He wasn't telling her the main reason, and she wasn't having any of that nonsense. "Drop all that business excuse. You better tell me the main reason. And please tell the truth. You owe me that much."

Gideon appeared to be fighting war with himself. The troubled look on his face didn't go unnoticed, with his fingers running through his hair. His jaw clenched hard, as if he was gritting his teeth. "Jacob lied about Grandpa Daniel's health." He sighed out in defeat.

His answer reduced some of her unanswered questions. Though she had already suspected that Jacob had lied with the way Gideon had reacted. And she'd be lying if the truth didn't make her disappointed.

It did. She was already about to give him a chance. How stupid of she. It proved she was right about him all along. He was a devil. But how much of a devil was he that he had to lie about his own grandfather's health. And for what reason.

What would make Jacob put up such a lie about the man he really cared about. What made his stoop so low and heartless.

He certainly was a sick bastard. And to think she thought otherwise just a while ago.

"Why will he lie about such a thing like that? There must be a reason." She asked, still keeping her gaze on Gideon who shrugged in return before facing his front. She found his move rather skeptical, something tells her he knew but won't say.

"I don't know why. Maybe for his own fun?" He responded in an edgy tone, like the thought of it irked him even more. "See, I've to go. It's obvious Daniel wants to speak to the both of us. I suggest you should start packing." He immediately opened the car door by his side, leaving Teresa with more unanswered questions.

Teresa stared ahead of her. Her brown eyes immediately locked on that of Jacob who stood at the door gaze at her in a way she couldn't read. But whenever was she able to read Jacob? He has always been such a complicated being. She couldn't deny the way he stared at her made her heart skip abnormally fast for a human.

She watches as both him and Gideon walk into the cabin she fears might be the last time she stepped her legs into it again.

Teresa stepped out of the car, dashing inside directly into the bedroom she had slept in. The one week visit ended up being a two days visit. She was grateful she hadn't unpack her clothes.

A brief knock on the door made her jump in surprise. She hoped it wasn't Jacob, the last thing she'd want is being alone with him. She fears she wouldn't be able to stop herself like Gideon did. She doesn't have such control, especially when it comes to Jacob.

The door opens to reveal Gideon who offered a help in carrying her bags down, leaving her alone to take-in the bedroom one more thing before shutting it behind.

Downstairs she offered her greetings to Grandpa Daniel, who opened his arms to give her a hug. "Make sure you come visit me, before tying the knot with Jacob. I'd love to spend some time with you before you become more busy. Also don't forget to call me when you get home."

Grandpa Daniel still thinks she was engaged to Jacob? She wondered why they hadn't told him the whole truth if he really wasn't sick. She could only guess maybe it was due to the week agreed on hadn't come to an end.

Teresa of yesterday would have opened up the entire truth with the amount of courage she mustered. But the well-known Teresa who always runs and seeks the easiest escape keeps quiet. That was who she was. Always running from her problems.

Offering her goodbye to Rachel, and Glenda who she didn't get to know well. She couldn't help but notice Jacob wasn't outside with the rest of them all.

She unconsciously used her eyes to search for him. The curtain to the window shifted, proving there was someone looking through it, she could only guess it was Jacob.

Teresa sighs before entering the car with Gideon, Rachel follows them along to probably return the car back to the cabin.

While inside at the front seat of the car, she saw the curtain open wide revealing Jacob staring straight at her, his arms wrapped around his chest. His face gives nothing away, but scary promises.

As the SUV drives away, something tells her this wouldn't be the last thing she'd see Jacob. She feared the next thing would be very different. Teresa felt her heart beat fast again.

No matter how much she hates Jacob, she couldn't deny a small part of her was pulled to him. And that scares the shit out of her, because she fears the next time she sees him, she wouldn't be able to resist him, no matter how twisted he really was.



Thanks for reading Jacob's Game!!!


I'm hoping to finish this book early next month.
Wish me luck.

Don't forget to Vote and Comment your thoughts on this chapter!!!

Now the main story of Jacob and Teresa is about to begin. We are yet to see the side of Jacob that will put the whole story together. There's a certain fact that he isn't able to let her go.

This chapter is dedicated to SandraCoronado9

Lots of love

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