(BL) Learning God Is In Hand...

By nswz99

374K 11.7K 473

ALL TRANSLATION IS AUTO TRANSLATE FROM RAW (sorry if there is any mistake since I do just for fun and it is n... More

Chapter 182(Arc 8: ABO's 10,000 Suspects VS 10,000 Fans)
Chapter 183
Chapter 184
Chapter 185
Chapter 186
Chapter 187
Chapter 188
Chapter 189
Chapter 190
Chapter 191
Chapter 192
Chapter 193
Chapter 194
Chapter 195
Chapter 196
Chapter 197
Chapter 198
Chapter 199
Chapter 200
Chapter 201
Chapter 202
Chapter 203
Chapter 204(Arc 9: How to Overthrow the Rule of Vampires)
Chapter 205
Chapter 206
Chapter 207
Chapter 208
Chapter 209
Chapter 211
Chapter 212
Chapter 213
Chapter 214
Chapter 215
Chapter 216
Chapter 217
Chapter 218
Chapter 219
Chapter 220
Chapter 221
Chapter 222
Chapter 223
Chapter 224(Arc 10.1: My Sister Is The Scumbag Who Was Reported for Divorced)
Chapter 225
Chapter 226
Chapter 227
Chapter 228
Chapter 229
Chapter 230
Chapter 231
Continue Arc 10.1
Beginning (Arc 10.2: Who Is More Scumbag Than BiBi)
Chapter 232
Chapter 233
Chapter 234
Chapter 235
Chapter 236
Chapter 237
Chapter 238
Chapter 239
Chapter 240
Chapter 241
Chapter 242
Chapter 243
Chapter 244
Chapter 245
Chapter 246(Arc 11: Chasing Husband Crematorium)
Chapter 247
Chapter 248
Chapter 249
Chapter 250
Chapter 251
Chapter 252
Chapter 253
Chapter 254
Chapter 255
Chapter 256
Chapter 257
Chapter 258
Chapter 259
Chapter 260
Chapter 261
Chapter 262
Chapter 263
Chapter 264
Chapter 265
Chapter 266
Chapter 267
Chapter 268
Chapter 269
Chapter 270
Chapter 271(Arc 12:Internet Celebrity)
Chapter 272
Chapter 273
Chapter 274
Chapter 275
Chapter 276
Chapter 277
Chapter 278
Chapter 279
Chapter 280
Chapter 281
Chapter 282
Chapter 283
Chapter 284
Chapter 285
Chapter 286
Chapter 287
Chapter 288
Chapter 289
Chapter 290
Chapter 291
Chapter 292
Chapter 293
Chapter 294
Chapter 295
Chapter 296
Chapter 297
Chapter 298
Chapter 299
Chapter 300
Chapter 301
Chapter 302
Chapter 303
Chapter 304
Chapter 305
Chapter 306
Chapter 307(Arc 13: Do You Believe In Retribution)
Chapter 308
Chapter 309
Chapter 310
Chapter 311
Chapter 312
Chapter 313
Chapter 314
Chapter 315
Chapter 316
Chapter 317
Chapter 318
Chapter 319
Chapter 320
Chapter 321
Chapter 322
Chapter 323
Chapter 324
Chapter 325
Chapter 326
Chapter 327
Chapter 328
Chapter 329
Chapter 330
Chapter 331
Chapter 332
Chapter 333
Chapter 334
Chapter 335
Chapter 336(Arc 14: Female Champion VS Dandy)
Chapter 337
Chapter 338
Chapter 339
Chapter 340
Chapter 341
Chapter 342
Chapter 343
Chapter 344
Chapter 345
Chapter 346
Chapter 347
Chapter 348
Chapter 349
Chapter 350
Chapter 351
Chapter 352
Chapter 353
Chapter 354
Chapter 355
Chapter 356
Chapter 357
Chapter 358
Chapter 359
Chapter 360
Chapter 361
Chapter 362
Chapter 363
Chapter 364
Chapter 365
Chapter 366
Chapter 367
Continue in BOOK 3

Chapter 210

1.7K 60 0
By nswz99

The tall slender woman stood on the lawn, looking up at the rising sun in the east, her face in a trance.

She used to hate the sunrise every day, because it heralded the beginning of a new round of hell. Every day human beings are mercilessly killed by vampires; every day human beings cannot bear the horror and turn themselves into monsters.

The woman is very clearly aware that the world is sinking and destroying, collapsing from the inside out, and no one can reverse it.

Nineteen years ago, her father thought he would kill all vampires one day. But she inherited her father's legacy, but she didn't even dare to think about the future.

When she closed her eyes, she could only see a blood prison in her mind; when she opened her eyes, she was also faced with darkness in reality.

She knew that the world could not be saved.

But now, the world is telling her with majestic power - there is still salvation! The miracle is still there! Believe in yourself, believe in the future!

The woman walked into the warm sunshine, facing the morning breeze, tears fell like rain. It was only then that she heard an anxious cry in her ears: "Jindou, Jindou? Are you okay? Answer me quickly!"

"Master, I'm still here, I'm fine!" The tall slender woman replied quickly.

As soon as she finished speaking, there was an explosion in the crystal castle. The floor of the banquet hall blew a big hole from below. Someone stood at the bottom of the hole and threw a grenade, followed by another explosion. .

When Jindou ran into the banquet hall, X had already climbed out of the hole with more than a dozen fully-armed team members, and was staring at the surroundings with astonishment.

"Fuck, the bomb made by the bird's beak is so awesome? It blew up hundreds of vampires with one shot?" X murmured in disbelief.

"They weren't killed by bombs, they were killed by the sun." Jindou caught a backpack thrown by a team member and hid behind the curtains to change clothes.

X looked around with the muzzle of the gun raised, and said in horror: "All of them died from the sun? Don't you mean that the new generation of vampires are not afraid of the sun?"

"I don't know either! As soon as the sun came out, they all exploded. By the way, a young man in his early twenties ran in and took Okar and a female vampire away. I couldn't see his face. He seemed to be with Like us, we have been prepared for a long time, and we came in with a pinch point. The sound of the explosion will attract the nearby vampires, let's go."

Jindou quickly put on a camouflage uniform.

X threw her a gun and explained quickly: "When we reached the end of the tunnel according to Emile's map, we found that Heinrich had blocked the tunnel entrance. We had to temporarily install explosives to blow it open. , so it's a little late to meet you. Are you not injured?"

"No, these vampires are crazy to drink the blood in the pool, and they don't care about us at all." Jindou passed the blood pool, pointing to the licked up At the bottom of the pond, he introduced: "Hey, this pool was originally full of blood."

"Get up, get up, don't faint! The vampires are coming, why don't you run?" Jindou slapped the girl who fainted on the ground. their faces.

The girls woke up one after another.

"Take her, she, she... don't worry about anything else." Jindou pointed to the seven girls and said.

Without asking a word, X and the team members carried a girl and ran to the top floor of the Prince's Mansion. The roar of the propellers came from outside, and the helicopter to meet them came.

"Wait, save us! You can't go!" The remaining twelve girls tried to catch up, but their bodies were too weak to run.

Jindou smashed a glass cabinet with one punch, pulled out a few car keys from the rotten drawer, and threw them at the girls: "Take the keys to the garage, it's up to you whether you can escape or not."

"No. You must save us, you are our companion!" a girl screamed.

In order to bring the best eating experience to the prince, twenty girls were once locked together for twenty days of body purification. What they eat and drink are strictly selected. They ate, lived and slept together, and knew each other for a long time.

"Bah, I don't want to be your companions! Seven of them were sold by your family, and you signed up voluntarily. Don't you want to become monsters? Very good, now there are monsters outside, and they will give you a chance. ." Jindou quickly disappeared around the corner of the stairs.

She hated vampires, but she hated even more humans who did not unite to kill the enemy, but sold themselves and even their compatriots.

If everyone could stand up and resist, the world would not be what it is now.

The twelve girls caught up to the top floor panting, only to find that Jindou and the others had already left in a helicopter.

"They are still standing stupidly, and they don't know how to run. The old lady really wants to jump down and slap them all over the face." Jindou lowered his head and looked down.

"Don't go down, our helicopter can't take so many people." X said indifferently.

Finally, the twelve girls started to run. They returned to the living room, picked up a random piece of clothing, put it on, headed to the garage, drove five cars, and rushed into the street.

The nobles living in this block all gathered at the Prince's Mansion last night to participate in the carnival, and now they have turned into a puddle of minced meat.

The servants and bodyguards of their family had not moved until this time. A few sporadic vampires ran out of different mansions, but they all looked frightened and had no intention of chasing the girls.

Jindou observed this block through the hovering helicopter.

"Master, something is wrong here! The Prince's Mansion exploded, and the nearby vampires didn't even come out to check the situation. Are they all dead?" she guessed.

"I don't care if they die or not, I only know that this castle must be turned into ruins today!" X took out the remote control and pressed the trigger button.

The next moment, the entire Prince's Mansion exploded into a sea of ​​fire in a roar.

Such a big movement should attract all the vampires around, but it didn't. The vampires rushing out from the various noble mansions were still a few sporadic, and the situation that they were dispatched as usual did not happen at all.

"One, two, three, four..." Jindou counted the vampires standing on the street, not daring to believe: "There are only seventeen vampires running out of this area. You can see that they are dressed in servant clothes. Or tooling, none of the high-status vampires have been found, what is the situation?"

Jindou was confused.

X also looks more and more strange.

They didn't know that the blood produced by Zhuang Li was only eligible for high-status vampires, and low-status vampires could only hide in their servants' room and smell the fragrance and drool. That's why they survived.

"Don't worry, let's go first. The army is about to come out." X gave up the exploration and ordered the driver to leave the place of right and wrong.

Not long after they left, the police department issued a global wanted notice online and on TV. It is definitely a big news that shocked the world that Prince Ocar, who ruled China, was killed alive.

How could a vampire be blown up? This is incredible!

What's even more terrifying is that on the day of the explosion, all the noblest blood clans in China gathered at the Prince's Mansion for a banquet, and they all died!

Are they not immortal? Didn't they even kill a nuclear bomb?

When the people saw the news, their faces were full of disbelief, and then they pretended to be red with grief. However, when they bowed their heads, each of them laughed in their hearts.

Some people couldn't contain the ecstasy and could only cover their faces and pretend to cry.

Too hurt (kai) heart (xin), they are really too hurt (kai) heart (xin)! Who the hell (xia) heart (gan) sick (yi) crazy (dan) bastard (ying) egg (xiong) did this kind of thing!

However, it was dark and dark, but the people knew very well that the aristocrats were dead, and the traitors who were turned into vampires by the nobles and helped the nobles to oppress and maim their fellow human beings are still alive.

They occupy important positions in the leadership of China, and they are the ones who really rule the country. They will immediately replace Okar and other nobles and become new nobles.

In the end, the world hasn't changed much. Vampires, creatures that spread like cancer cells, must all be killed.

Only by killing them all will the world be saved.

The ecstasy of the populace was soon replaced by deeper anger and powerlessness, as the leadership began to dispatch troops across the city to capture the man who had killed Prince Ocar.

It is said that an organization called "Six Days" planned this terrorist attack, and whoever provides clues to "Six Days" will receive a bounty of 100 million yuan.

Most of the soldiers in the army are human. Under the high-pressure rule of vampires, they turned into a group of jackals who only knew how to point guns at their own people. They launched a blanket search, ready to uproot "Six Days".

X, who was sitting in front of the TV watching the live news, scolded angrily: "Fuck! If I were a soldier, I would have led the army to kill vampires long ago!

" Just get rid of your thorn, and then promote a few traitors, and the other soldiers will obey them obediently." Jindou said angrily.

Emile, who was wearing a white dress, raised her index finger and hissed, making the two of them quiet down. She needs to analyze the current situation through news reports.

When the whole city was under martial law, and it was difficult for even flies to fly in and out, Zhuang Li's "spring of life" was a big sale among the vampires. But no one cares about the sales of a drink, everyone is looking for six days.

X's cell phone rang, he looked at the phone number, pouted to connect.

"Dear old friend, this time you made me look up. How did you blow up those hundreds of high-level vampires? Can you teach me? Also, what method did you use to paralyze the surveillance system in the city? Did you crack it? Got their password?" The man on the other side chattered about the situation.

"Beak, Okar and those nobles were not killed by me. They were already dead when I went! I used a helicopter to escape, and the surveillance system on the street was not paralyzed by me." X said frankly.

Nineteen years ago, he and the other party were comrades-in-arms.

"How?" Bird's beak's playful tone turned into consternation.

"It's true. I told an insider that I suspect it wasn't anyone in our temple who planned the attack, but a young man in his early twenties. He single-handedly turned over hundreds of vampires, you know? I'll give Look at the chat log."

X sent the chat log of himself and Zhuang Li to Bird's Mouth, and said in awe: "He told me that he was going to kill Okar and his minions on the night of the blood moon, and then he It worked.

"No weapons were used, not even himself. He unknowingly killed hundreds of vampires, and he really did what he said. He only entered the prince's mansion when it was dawn, and Jindou saw him and swaggered away Okar and a female vampire. So Okar isn't dead at all. "

Beak: "! ! ! "

"Hahahaha..." Bird's beak let out a cheerful laugh and sighed, "Are you sure he's only in his early twenties?" So, do we have a successor? "

"Yes, we have a successor." "X also said happily: "This scumbag Laozi helped him carry it!" Lao Tzu lived to the age of sixty-three, which is enough! He was

ready to help Zhuang Li attract all the firepower and sacrifice for it.

His daughter Emile turned her head to wipe the corners of her reddish eyes, but did not say a word to stop him.

His apprentice Jindou was silently brushing the gun, There was a contemptuous smile on the corner of his mouth. Die or die, no big deal.

However, Zhuang Li, who was defended by all of them, did not accept this kind of love. He set up a camera, connected to the Huaguo Network, and invaded all channels. Started a live broadcast of himself declaring war on vampires.

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