It was an accident! Reader x...

By IXxcloudyxXI

915 12 19

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The Fight for 1-A
Day # 1


358 3 12
By IXxcloudyxXI

Story starts in your apartment, in the living room, near UA.
Time frame: Monday 10:55, 1 week after the Sports festival
(Excuse my grammar, I'm only human :))

It was just another normal off-school day for you. I mean, your school was under repairs from a villain attack and thanks to quirks, they will fix it up within a week. So you have a week off. You went to a grocery store, came back home at 10, scrolled through Instagram on your bed, and you are currently watching the news.

Now, with the news displaying all these heros, you've been thinking. Since your quirkless (or are you 😏), what should your job profession be?

Heros and people with quirks have already taken over most of our society's jobs. Well, sort of. You could be a police officer, engineer, a cashier person, or maybe even a doctor. Actually, we already have people with quirks who take over the medical field now. So the question still remains: What will be your profession be?

(Time: 10:55 am)

Anyway, You started scrolling through Instagram, and you come across a video.

It was a girl making funny POV's. This one, in particular, was about 'bakugo being kidnapped.' You knew him because you watched the sports festival. The best part was at the end when he was tied up. In chains. You laughed at the idea, knowing that the kidnapper would think he had bakugo, but in reality, Bakugo has him. You closed your eyes while laughing and started imagining how frightened the kidnapper will be.

(You opened your eyes)

Then you thought about UA and the poor teacher that has to teach bakugo. I mean, you know he has potential, it's just funny how he only ever seems to yell. So then you started laughing, again. (You have the case of the ✨ giggles ✨). You closed your eyes again while laughing then felt your body on the floor.


I felt my environment change so I opened my eyes. I was sitting on the floor, in front of a bunch of people who looked like students. They were all starting at me... I heard a zipper and then felt this tape thing wrap around me and bring me into the air.

Oh boy am I in trouble.

"Who are you and how did you get here?" A voice called out. I turned my head and was faced with a man wearing all black. His dark, black hair was floating and his eyes were red. "Answer me!" He said again.

"Um, I'm y/n. And I have no idea how I got here." I heard the kids whispering except a few. I looked at them again and recognized them. My eyes widened.

It was class 1-A, the one in the sports festival! I looked at bakugo who was glaring at me and I remembered the POV. I started laughing again. And at this point- I was shedding tears.

"What are you laughing at, you dumb imposter." He said.

I stopped laughing and put on my bitch-glaring face. I wasn't afraid of him. If he tried to attack me, he would be punished by his teacher, who has yet to put me down. I have to play this smart. I'll won't tell him the truth, for now at least.

"A joke I just thought of." I said. Everyone went quiet. I looked at the teacher again and asked, "Would you mind taking me to the principal?"

"No." He said.

"Ha, you must be really dumb if you think that he would just show you to the principal." Bakugo said. Damn I'm starting to get pissed.

I decided to let what he said slide but ask the man who was STILL holding me in tapes again. But before I got the chance he put me down. Why would he do that?

"How did you just escape my grasp-" he said. What was he taking about?

"What are you talking about? You let me go." I said with a confused expression on my face.

"What do you mean you just phased through the scarf onto the floor." A green haired guy said- who I think is Midoriya?

"Huh?" I just stood there dumbfounded then continued, "I don't have a quirk so how could I have done that?"

Then Bakugo stood up and looked really pissed. He walked over to me and grabbed me by the collar and yelled at me saying, "Do you think we're dumb?! Tch, Extra. We all saw that you first teleported into here and then escaped Aizawa Sensei's scarf!"

"Bakugo, let go of her." The teacher said. He put me down then looked at me. "Y/N, follow me. Ida, your in charge."

"Yes sir!" A boy with blue hair and glasses stood up and saluted to him.

This is a weird class.

The teacher led me out the door and took me to another place in front of another door. He knocked and someone inside said, "Come in."

He opened the door and showed a mouse guy sitting on a small chair. We entered and the teacher closed the door.

"Hello Aizawa! Who's this?" The mouse said. So, Aizawa is the teacher's name. I heard Bakugo mention it but I wasn't sure.

"She claims to be Y/N. And she somehow teleported and got into UA." Aizawa said.

I didn't want the mouse to get a odd impression of me so I started talking for myself.

"Hello, sir, um so as far as I know, I don't have a quirk but I somehow got into here?" I said. I doubt they would believe me, but it's worth a try.

"Where were you last before you came here?" The mouse asked.

"On my couch at my apartment." I replied.

"Hmmm, shouldn't you be at school?" He asked again.

Aizawa just stood there next to me, watching the mouse question me.

"My school has shut down for a week for repairs, there was a villain attack there."

"I see..." he trailed off, "how about we talk this over with a cup of tea!"

Tea? That was random.

Good thing I like tea, haha.

We walked over to a couch and 2 chairs. I took a seat on one of the two chairs, same as Aizawa. The mouse sat on the couch. There was a glass coffee table separating us with a tray, cups, and tea kettle on it. The mouse poured tea and handed it to Aizawa and I, before he poured tea for himself.

Everything is moving so fast.

"Would you like some sugar?" The mouse asked us.

"No thank you." I replied.

"No thanks," Aizawa said.

To be honest, I'm suprised that they didn't send me home yet. Or worse, to the cops.

"So you might be wondering why I haven't sent you home yet." The mouse began, how did he know I was wondering that! Maybe it's his quirk... He continued, "The reason is because I think you might have what it takes to be a hero."

Hold up, what? I'm quirkless! How do I become a hero! I mean, don't get me wrong, I always wanted to be one as a kid and I'm in good physical condition, but just a major HUH?!

"Sir- isn't this a bit random?" Aizawa said to him.

"Yes but didn't you mention that she has some type of teleportation ability?" The mouse said.

"Yes but she claims she is quirkless." Aizawa replied.

"Maybe she is a late bloomer! Ok, Y/N. I know this may seem a bit sudden and extremely random, however I do believe you will be a great hero! Especially if you have a teleportation quirk, you can help save many people that will be in danger! Now, what do you say?" The mouse said.

Ok first of all, how on anime earth did this happen.

Second of all; Damn, all my childhood dreams come true, huh? I know how lucky I am to be able to have this opportunity, especially if there are kids out there who want to be a hero more than anything, but they aren't able to for whatever reason.

"Hmm, sure." I say without even thinking. Ok, now I'm internally panicking and apparently I have a quirk??!

What in the name of Asahi?

"Great! I'll talk to your principal and transfer you here!" The mouse said.

"I thought we don't allow transfers this late in the year?" Aizawa said. I don't think he likes me for interrupting his class lol.

"This will be a special case! Now, what school do you attend Y/N?" The mouse asked.

"Um, Karasuno high school." I answered. Omg I just realized I would have to leave all my friends behind! :(

"Ok, we'll have you transferred here by Wednesday (it's Monday btw)." The mouse said, "We will have a training test today to determine which class you will be in." The mouse said.

This is moving way to fast, I mean, a training test?! Today?! Huh?!

"Ok," I said trying to sound not worried or scarred while mentally I am not processing anything, "By the way, what was your name sir?"

"Oh, how rude of me! I haven't introduced myself!" The mouse said ashamed, "I'm principal Nezu and this is Aizawa, but you may call him Mr.Aizawa or Aizawa Sensei."

"Ok, thank you! But May I ask one question?" I asked.

"Of course!" Principal Nezu replied. I think Aizawa is still in shock by what is happening, and honestly, me too.

"What would the training test be? I never really practiced this type of stuff or trained." I asked. What I said was true though, I never really did any type of combat training. I only did some type of workout here and there, but that's about it. Oh, and PE in my regular high school. Damn running, well more like walking, that mile is a bit tough.

"Excellent question! You will be practicing with- wait where did you go?" Nezu said but then questioned. Apparently i suddenly disappeared.

"What do you mean? I'm right here." I said, not aware of what is happening.

Aizawa turned his head toward me and said, "You can turn invisible too?"

"Huh?" I still questioned. I brought my hand up to my face and realized I can't see it. "AHHHHH! WHERE DID MY HAND GO."  Ok, now I'm reallyyyyy panicking- as in hyperventilating.

Aizawa stood up and started patting the air (if that makes any sense lol), "Woah, woah. Calm down now. You can turn invisible too. I guess you have two quirks."

Another quirk?

"Well, isn't that impressive!" Nezu said, his tiny eyes widened.

So you just gained another quirk?...

What the hell universe. Why now?

"Have you had any contact with a villain in the past week?" Aizawa asked.

I can see where he's going with this. He wants to know if a villain gave me a quirk. But, why would a villain give me a quirk? If anything, the league of villains would capture me and perform tests, but that didn't happen. So I'm just gonna go with the fact that I'm a late bloomer.

"Not really," I said, "the only contact I had was with the villain attack at school, but the villians quirk was similar to mount lady's. So he could grow in size."

Aizawa looked back at principal Nezu and asked, "So how do we know if she's a spy?"

A spy. Really?

"We don't." Principal Nezu said, "but we can do a lie detector test."

Ok now this is becoming a mess.

So I have to perform a test to see where I'll be placed, and now I have to do a lie detector test? If only I said no I could go back home and watch some anime. Mentally, I'm making an annoyed face.

"A lie detector test?" I asked.

"Yes, actually as a matter of a fact, I have a machine right by my desk!" Principal Nezu said.

Why does he have a lie detector test?

Nezu stood up and walked over to his desk. He opened a drawer and pulled out a small device with wires that looked like something that takes your blood pressure. Then, he picked up his laptop. He then came back over to me and put on the blood pressure thingy (idk the name lol) on my arm. He set up his laptop and contact it to the small device.

Wait so we are actually doing this? This is so dumb.

"Ok I'm going to ask you 1 question and then answer it."

(Also in this story the lie detectors are really improved so it's 100% accurate, no matter what)

"Ok," I answer.

"Are you a spy?" He asked.


He read the screen for any changes to see if I'm lying. Everything stayed the same so that meant I'm telling the truth. (Also I don't really know how they work so please just go along with it).

"Alright! Your telling the truth!" Nezu said.

Yeah, no crap.

"I know that seemed a bit unnecessary for me to do that, but better safe than sorry, am I right Aizawa!" Nezu said.

"Sure." Aizawa said. He looked really tired and bored.

"I know that you have to go to your class, but I have one more favor." Nezu asked Aizawa.

"What is it?"

"Can you test Y/N? All I need you to do is fight and avoid her, without your quirk, she can use hers. If she is able to lay a hand on you, she wins and will be in your class."

Huh? That easy?

"Ok, do we do it now outside?" Aizawa asked.

"Yes! I will be there as a judge." Nezu said.

So here I go. Unprepared, untrained, and having to lay a hand on a pro hero. Easy right?...

We headed outside to an open area, away from students. Aizawa and I took our places and Nezu explained the rules.

The rules were:

1. Aizawa can't use his quirk, only you can because you never trained before

2. If you win you get into class 1-A

3. Aizawa can use his scarf

And those are the rules. They make this challenge a lot easier, but I still need to somehow dodge and avoid Aizawa's scarf.

And in order to win, I would need to touch him, but in order for him to win, he would need to capture me.

Then the countdown began.

Aizawa took the first step and rushed his scarf towards me. I managed to dodge it, but it almost got me.

Omg I'm so screwed.


Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this first part! Remember, please be kind. Also, the next part will be much more interesting. So see you soon!


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