Bad Guys Simple Male Oc Fic

By Blatenhero

16K 179 104

Watch 13-year-old Cole Adler survive in Los Angeles while the bad guys do their crime spree while he makes it... More

A New Day
Proper meeting
Setup tour
Golden Dolphin Heist
Bad Guys Go Bust
Good training
Life goes on
Into the unknown
Gala for Goodness
Cole's state and Bad Guys in Prison
Here we go


1.4K 19 2
By Blatenhero

We see cole is speeding down the road on his dirtbike as he turns his head for a second to see no one following him as he sighs in relief until all of a sudden he hears a honk to his left then he sees Wolf and Snake in a car on the left as curses to himself

(Soundtrack for the chase)

Wolf: Hey you get over here

Cole: No thanks

Wolf smirks at him

Wolf: Oh I know what it is you're afraid because I'm the... THE BIG BAD WOLF

Cole jumped a bit when put on a scary face

Wolf: Ah I'm not surprised I am the villain of every story Isn't that right Mr.Snake?

Snake: (Chuckles) Yep

Wolf then leans back to point to snake as he looks at cole again

Wolf: Say hello to Mr.Snake serpentine, the safe-cracking machine Imagine Houdini but with no arms kind of guy who'd tell you the glass is half empty, then steal it from you he's also my best bud (singsongy) and today's his birthday

Snake then turns his head towards his friend with a frown

Snake: Not relevant

Wolf then wraps his arm around snake

Wolf: He's a sweetheart you're a sweetheart

Cole: Wow I only have one thing to say

Wolf and snake then look at him

Cole: I don't care bye

Then Cole speeds up his bike as he tries to drive away but wolf shakes his head as he sees the police in the rearview mirror

Wolf: Well look who's here took em long enough

Cole comes to a bunch of red stoplights but he sees them speeding up behind him as all he can do is go through and hope he'll be okay 

Wolf: Watch this




Then all of the lights turn green as a tarantula jumps into the car

Wolf: And over here is Ms. Tarantula, our in-house hacker, our pocket search engine, our traveling tech wizard we call her Webs

Then webs lands in the car as cole opens his eyes

Cole: Oh thank god

Wolf: Very slick Webs

Webs: I also took over the police dispatch, blurred their satellite imaging system, grounded their chopper (singsongy), and one more thing

Snake: You didn't

Then a cake delivery driver drives next to them holding a cake

Delivery guy: I got an order for-

Then he sees who he's driving next to as he yells and loses control of his (Uh Vespa?) as wolf catches the cake

Delivery guy: Ah! Ooh! Don't eat me! Please! Don't eat me!

Webs: Happy birthday Mr.Grumpy pants

Snake: I think I hate you

Wolf then looks at cole as he gets an idea

Wolf: Hey webs can you find out who this kid is

Webs: Uh ya sure why

Wolf: I'll explain later

Webs types for a minute before he sees his identity with info about him as she prints it on their printer in their hideout

Webs: Alright info is waiting back at home

Wolf: Alright 

We cut back to coles pov as he notices a construction site is ahead he sees no other choice than to go straight through and as the bad guys go through a construction worker signals to drop the porta-pottys on the police cars as the car drifts and the construction worker grabs onto the car as the construction clothes fly off to show it's actually a shark

Shark: Hey guys it's me I was the construction worker

Wolf: And this is Mr. Shark, master of disguise, the apex predator of a thousand faces his greatest trick stealing the Mona Lisa disguised as the Mona Lisa dig that

Then we see shark is pushing up against snakes seat

Snake: Watch it big tuna I'm trying to work here

Snake then pushes his seat back into place as shark puts a party hat on his head

Shark: Keep it cool baby birthdays should be chill

Shark then notices cole in front of them 

Shark: Who's the kid

Snake: He pushed wolf when he tried to take his bag

Shark: Dang

Wolf: Then speeds up next to cole

Cole: My god how many of you are there again

Wolf: Five

Cole: I only see four

Wolf: Well rounding out the crew

Wolf then points to the police car behind them as cole sees a piranha jump out the windshield toward the car and land inside

Wolf: Is Mr.Piranha

Piranha: Santo cielo thats a lot of po-po

Piranha then notices Cole

Piranha: Oh hey nino

Cole just nervously waves as Webs remembers something

Webs: Uh, Piranha, did we forget something?

Piranha: What?

Shark: The present you know

Piranha: Oh, um... Of-of course I didn't forget

Then he toots

Webs: You know you fart when you lie, right?

Piranha: What? No, I fart when I'm nervous

Webs: Yeah. Nervous about lying

Then his stomach bubbles

Cole then speeds away 

Cole: Aw KALE NO

Piranha: Sorry

(Why do I type this with my two hands) Then he toots so hard that it fills up the car as the crew frantically stuck their heads out for fresh air and at the same time it knocks police cars off the road as cole tries to find an escape route he sees an alleyway so he goes through it but the bad guys easily drift through it as they land in front of the police station cole doesn't care what happens but he doesn't wanna be apart of it so he drives away before anyone gives a single thought about him he keeps driving until he makes it home and parks his bike in the garage as he goes inside

Cole: Aunt melissa

He listens for an answer but he doesn't hear anything so he looks on the fridge as theres a note

Cole I forgpt to tell you but I'll be gone for a week I have to go to a meeting for the office in michigan there's plenty of food in the fridge for you have fun- Aunt melissa

Cole put the note down as he just shrugged it off knowing that some alone time after today might be fine but as he turned on the tv and saw a news report on the bad guys 

Tiffany: I'm tiffany fluffit and this channel 6 action news the bad guys have struck again as police are still offering $5k for a clear picture of the bad guys all together

Cole then imagines he could use that money to save towards his college fund so he grabs his handheld camera as he gets on his bike and goes out the door

(Other camera he has)

He drives around on a bridge beforee he notices a black car going into a drainage pipe

Cole's thoughts: That's gotta be them

He goes below the bridge and leaves his bike outside the pipe as he walks in he notices an elevator door close instead of waiting for it he climbs a ladder up into an air vent he crawls through it until he sees the bad guys under a vent door below him as he hears them talking

Wolf: All right piranha your up 

Piranha: ♪ Oh... ♪ 

♪ Happy bir... ♪

Then sanke blows out the candles to his cake as everyone complains

Wolf: Come on man at least make a toast

Snake: Okay, okay all right a toast

Snake: I've made a lot of enemies in my time... I mean, a lot... but out of all the people in the world, I hate you guys the least

Piranha: That was actually kind of beautiful

Shark: You're a poet, man

Wolf: To Mr. Snake and his strange dislike of birthdays

Then they do cheers with their cups

Then wolf pulls out a polaroid 

Wolf: Everyone say, "Robbery."

All: Robbery

Wolf: Look at those dimples Happy birthday buddy

Snake: Okay no dig in fellas 

Piranha: Yes!

Then piranha eats the cake within two seconds as cole roles his eyes from above then snake puts the picture on the fridge with the other ones they've taken over time then he opens the fridge to grab the last push-pop and when he closes the fridge he sees sharks face wanting it

Shark: I forgot we had those Push Pop man, my tummy is rumbling like a Kraken right now

Snake: Yeah want it?

Webs: You know he's not gonna give it to you 

Shark: No, I believe that deep down Snake is a kind and generous soul

Webs: Why?

Snake: Here take it

Shark: (laughing): Oh, yeah! Pop me, please

Snake holds out the push pop to him as shark opens his mouth but at the last second snake eats it as cole holds in a laugh 

Snake: (chuckles) Sucker

Shark: Come on now you gonna make me get all aggressive

Then shark jumps at him as a fight breaks out with everyone other than wolf

Wolf: Animals

Wolf then notices the printer making noises then all of a sudden a paper with coles picture and information came out

Wolf: Hey guys look what printed

Then the fight stops as the rest of the crew walks over to see the paper cole then puts his foot in-between a pipe in the vents as he opens the door slowly and grabs his camera and hangs from the vent but before he takes a picture he listens to what they have to say

Wolf: Let's see Cole Adler recently brought in to ask about his deceased parents who died in a car crash...

Cole is then lost in his thoughts as he sees a vision of himself around a bunch of blue lights and hears an angel-like voice in his ears and he's so lost in his daze he doesn't realize his foot slipped and he fell out of the vents and onto the floor in slow-motion 

(Stop the music right here after hearing the angel singing)

Then as he hits the floor as the bad guys look at him in shock

Cole: Crap...

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