For a cold hearted gang leade...

By manixoxo

591K 7.1K 1K

Alison Parker, a Rich girl living in California has been cursed with the archtype of being a "daddy's girl"... More

intervention of Hades
Not so nice after all
some alley action
hercules, you're a jerk!
Do you reckon your chest is edible??
In my defense, they weren't suppose to be there.
Some anticipated sizzle
some commotion in the parking lot
oh it's just you..
The God of fire
Clearly conniving
Stop haunting me!
You've just got served biatch!
Nice garden.. if u knw wht I mean **wink wink**
Si, I am senor Casanova ;)

For a cold hearted gang leader you sure know how to steam things up.

101K 617 52
By manixoxo

Alison’s POV

Living a life like mine could be every girls wish. The high class social events, clothes picked off runways, the glitter of fame and wealth, topping it all with an unlimited credit card.

Yes, my life had its advantages. I was popular, attractive and had excellent grades. I was perfectly perfect. That’s what the outside showed. A coat of flawless success.

Reality though was far from it. My flawlessness was sickening to me, Suffocating and unbearable. All I wanted was out. But wishful thinking, my future had already been planned out and I was already set in motion to become a successful lawyer. Although being a lawyer has been my utmost dream since I can remember, the path of life I had taken was not. I wanted to be me, and not some preppy and in all fairness superficial girl who could be justifiably stereotyped as a rich daddy’s girl.

My parents earned their money rightfully and I was lucky enough to have been born in it, and having no limitations in that department. I lived a dream life in theory. Summers in St. Tropez on yachts with my friends, winter in Prague with my father (since my mother had passed a few years earlier). What more could I possibly want right? Well, an identity would be a fair start.

Clement high was a top private school on the west coast, where the richest kids and the smartest who could earn a scholarship could go to. Being one of the richest families in California, I was entitled to go there. To sum things up the richest and prettiest ruled. If you were poor and plain then you might aswell  be considered non-existent socially. The unfairness of some was heart wrecking, but no one could change the legacy cursing the school.

In all of this I stood amongst the popular kids. I was rich and beautiful, earning me a spot in the lights of fame. None of this was by choice of course, before you go thinking I terrorize because of status you must be corrected. i may be a queen bee at the school but bullying goes beyond my standards. Despite attempting to break the hard shells of this stereotyping im still labeled as a spoiled little bitch.

I have a few ‘friends’, well it changes weekly actually. The people I call my friends are easily detracted from our friendship if they have nothing to gain. They’re like vultures, lurking for scraps of gossip or in many cases a free ticket  for fashion week.

Walking to my next class I contemplated how horrid my existence was. Trapped in a world were expectations and image is everything. Anything less than perfect is frowned upon. Not looking were I was going I bumped into someone making their papers which they were clutching, go flying to the ground.

“oh im so sorry I ddin’t see u there.” A tanned latin looking girl said nervously. She scurried her papers and got to her feet a blush creeping on her cheeks. She had big brown eyes and a cute little nose and  small lips making her very pretty. I smiled at her immediately. Refreshing. That was my first thought. No, caked face with make up. She was natural and pulled it off.

“don’t worry about it. I wasn’t looking either. So im sorry too. Hey, you’re new here aren’t you?”

Her eyes widened and I smiled. No one wanted to be labeled as the new girl. She nodded slowly.

“well, that’s great. Perhaps you’d like a personal guide?” I asked mustering all my energy to try and make her feel comfortable.

“You don’t have to really. I’m sure I’ll manage to find my way here. Being a burden isn’t gonna win me any friends.”

“where’s the burden?” I smiled.

She smiled back. A real genuine smile and slowly nodded her head. “ok then. Thank you very much.”

“so, my name’s Alison Parker by the way. But you can call me Ali.” I extended my hand so she could shake it.

“Oh, ok. Ya.” She was very shy I could tell. She shook my hand. “I’m Maria Martinez.” she said in a clear Spanish accent.

After asking her for her schedule I noticed we were in the same common room. So we walked towards our room before we were late.

“so, Maria. Where are you from?”

“My brother and I moved from Mexico to California a few months ago.”

“ahh. Does he go to school here?”

“No, he’s working” she said shifting uncomfortably. I guess this wasn’t a welcomed topic.

“alright then.” I looked down at her schedule. “it looks like we have P.E, Maths and history together. So you wont be so alone. Plus our breaks are at the same.”

“great” she said with an honest grin. “I was dreading this day since we moved here. To be honest I was thinking everyone here would be really snobby and mean.” She sighed.

I giggled. “ Sorry, to break it to you Maria but they are. Some of the cruelest people come to school here. But you should be alright. If you keep away from them they might ignore you. But don’t worry I’ll come to the rescue if they do anything.”

“arhh. I must sound like a total dork. Not that I can’t defend myself or anything but im on a scholarship here and confrontation wont do so well for me.”

I put my arm around her shoulder. “no worries, I’ll make sure you wont find yourself into anything compromising.”

After homeroom I ventured off in the direction of English lit. Twelfth night was on the program and I was pretty excited about it. I actually enjoyed going to school and English lit was one of my favorite subjects, apart from P.E obviously. I was a sports fanatic. I wasn’t a cheerleader but I was the captain of the football team (soccer). Football was my sole reason on some days to come to school, the people I played with we’re not in my “click” and the most down to earth people in the school. I hung out with them at times at lunch but mostly I was condemned with the ‘populars’.

As I sat in the class, Katie, one of the girls in my group sat next to me. Awesome, here we go for an hour of how she couldn’t keep her legs closed this weekend. *Sigh*

‘O.m.g Alison, what were you doing with the immigrant this morning?? Like are you serious? Please tell me your not actually friends with her? She’s like… poor. Ewhh.” And she did actually look pretty grossed out. How vain and low can some people be?

“Actually, Maria and I go way back and yes, she’s my friend. Is there a problem with that?” I may be against bitchiness but not when it comes in handy for a good deed.

“she lives in a ghetto Al. surely you must see the conflict of interest here? How is she gonna be able to afford to hang out with us?”

I laughed. “Us? (chuckled a bit). Honey you’re cute but there’s no us.” (patronizing gains you status I’ve learned) “that stunt you pulled with Micha’s boyfriend. Uhuh sweety, consider yourself the immigrant now. You’re out.” I said the last two words without smiling, giving her my bitchiest look and stood up to move to another seat. She gawked at me, and I could tell she was speechless. No one ever stood up to me. Not that I was known to be a huge bitch or anything but I didn’t want to be a lawyer for nothing. I had skills, and if you messed with me you’d have a first hand taste of my abilities.

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