CHUBBY // KTH FF// Season 1✔️

By jeonhrimin

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" I am ready to give my body to you " " Your body is mine then " People said, once a chubby person is alway... More



254 15 1
By jeonhrimin

Jinah knew that someone was watching her from far. She could exactly tell you who that person was. Only a person would stare at her longingly that was Taehyung. It'd been months since she rejected him on that party. She looked behind and saw Taehyung, staring at her with hurtful eyes. He looked at her straight into her eyes. He seemed bold. He had changed. He wasn't that shy and naive Taehyung anymore.

They maintained their eye contact for a while. Then Taehyung got up from the seat and went away. Jinah watched him with a impressed smile. She laughed in happiness. She didn't know why she was feeling so happy.

Taehyung was the first guy who ever stared at her with respect. She didn't feel naked under his eyes. Too bad but those qualities weren't enough for her to be with him. He had to prove himself first before he could win her over. Jinah stared at Taehyung's figure. He gained confidence and he built up his personality all over. " I'm waiting, Taehyung-ah~ how much long do you take ? "

She stirred her iced tea. A soft smile was playing on her lips. For a second, she looked soft. Her soft smile soon turned into fear when she saw her phone screen. Her body automatically started shaking. She reached out for her phone to answer the call with her shaky hands. She tried to calm herself down, looking around if people saw her in this vulnerable state. " Hello..." She breathed out those words.

    Y/N's Past pt.3 

" Do you believe in love ?" He asked Y/N with a soft smile. Y/N's heart fluttered seeing his beautiful smile. He was the handsome boy in the whole school and he was smiling at her lovingly.

" I don't know.." Y/N answered, shyly. She didn't know the answer. Yes, she knew that she liked Jihoon but she didn't know if she loved him or not.

Jihoon chuckled before facing the sky. " I believe in love. I think love is a beautiful thing. Mom told me that.." His facial expression sadden still he had a soft smile. Y/N noticed Jihoon's facial expression yet she didn't open her mouth. She was afraid that she might upset Jihoon. She never knew what parental love was. All she knew was give and take.

She wanted to tell Jihoon about her family issues but she couldn't bring herself to say her deep buried emotions. She just wanted to enjoy the time with Jihoon. He was the first person who was ever kind to her. " I wonder how love feels like..." Y/N wondered.

Both of them laying on the grass, watching the clear blue sky under soft sunlight in summer. Sunlight was hitting them through the tree leaves. Yet those moments were peaceful and most memorable experience in Y/N's life. It was her first ever picnic. Jihoon was the first person who ever asked her to go on a picnic. She never went on a picnic with her parents or friends. It was a beautiful experience for Y/N.

" Jihoon.." Y/N softly called his name. He hummed. His eyes were closed. She looked at him. He looked perfect in every way yet why does he look so sad sometimes. Y/N was wanted to ask these questions to Jihoon but she couldn't open her mouth. She was just afraid that she might lose Jihoon. So she turned the talk about something else. " Do you want to go up there ?" Y/N pointed at the mountain. " There is a temple up on the mountain. People say if you pray in there, your wishes will come true..." She looked at Jihoon's way. Jihoon was looking up on the mountain. Then Jihoon looked at her with a big smile. " Let's go there someday.. I'm kind of tired today...let's visit that temple someday. "

Y/N really wanted to go up to the mountain but she didn't force Jihoon to go with her." Yeah.. Let's go there someday!" She cheerfully said. But Jihoon was kept on looking at the mountain even when they were going back home.

Y/N came back to her real home. She couldn't go inside using the front door as per her parents' instruction. The guard took her inside using the back door. When she got inside her house, she asked the guard to go back to his position.

As she was slowly walking inside this huge mansion, she could hear loud music was being played. She looked through the glass window, everything looked so exaggeratedly decorated. Everyone dressed up with expensive clothes and wearing exotic pieces of jewelry. Waiters and waitresses were running around with drinks and snacks on the trays.

Her parents were beside each other talking with the guests with big smile. " I guess they are happy that I'm no longer at home.." She came home to wish her parents' happy wedding anniversary. Here her parents, throwing party. But they couldn't even find time to spend time with her. She looked at her hand. She was holding a cake. She made it herself to wish her parents' happy marriage.

" Young lady..." Her nanny saw her and engulfed Y/N into her arms. Y/N hugged her nanny back. She was the one who took care of her. " Oh my god, you've became so skinny. Come come have something. "

Y/N chuckled ,seeing her panic. " Nanny, I won't eat anything. I'm not hungry. I just came home to give Mom and dad this cake..." Y/N looked at her parents. Her nanny looked at Y/N's hand with teary eyes. Poor child. Always misunderstanding her parents. " Young lady, why don't you join the party ? I think Sir and Madam are going to be happy seeing you there-"

" No need for that, Nanny..I'm just going bac-" Y/N's eyes fell on a certain someone. She hurriedly went closer to the window to see that person clearly. " Nanny! Can you bring me a waitress's dress!"

" Huh? Why? You can just wear your dress- "

" Just goooooo bring me one, Nanny!" She pushed her nanny to bring a waitress's dress.

Y/N disguised herself as a waitress and entered the party. She was hiding beside the bush , sneakily looking out for her parents and looking for someone who made her dress up like a waitress. She tried to find him but she couldn't find him. " Why are you here?! " A person came to her with a tray. Y/N pointed at herself. That person was panicking with shortage of servers. " Here! Go serve the guests! Stop playing around! You are here to work!" Y/N was pushed towards the guests.

She walked around with the tray, giving the guests drinks, avoiding her parents's eyes. Drinks were on the level of her head so she could hide her face behind the glasses. " What are you doing ?" A stern voice asked her from behind. Y/N closed her eyes. She got busted. Her mom was visually annoyed and dissatisfied with Y/N's action. " Serving the guests ?"

Her father came a second later. He was stunned to see his daughter in waitress's uniform. " Y/N ? Oh my god.." He whispered yelled. Y/N looked at her feet. She disappointed her parents again. " Waiter!" Her mom called for a waiter and a waiter came to them immediately. " Please take this tray from this child. " The waiter and Y/N looked at each other. Waiter thought Y/N made some mistake that's why they were angry with her but the actual reason of them being angry was Y/N being in waitress's uniform.

Her mom grabbed her wrist and dragged her somewhere far from the party. Her dad was left to manage the event. She looked quite angry. " WHO TOLD YOU TO DRESS AS A WAITRESS?! " She screamed at Y/N and Y/N jumped in scares. Her mom massaged her temple of her nose to calm herself down. " Y/N, just go and change from this." Her mom gestured her dress. " Then come to the party... " Her mom told her. Y/N mumbled something under breath. " What ? "  Her mom asked.

" Aren't you even a tiny bit happy to see me in here ?" Y/N asked her mom sadly.

Her mom looked shocked seeing her teary eyes. She tried to say something but she was cut off by Y/N's outburst." WHY DO YOU ALWAYS LOOK SO DISSATISFIED WITH ME ? HAVE I DONE SOMETHING BAD TO YOU ? I ALWAYS TRY TO MAKE YOU PROUD OF ME BUT MOM,...Dad and you always get angry at me. Don't you love me ? Don't you even love me a even bit ?WHY DID YOU GIVE BIRTH TO ME IF YOU HATE ME SO MUCH?!"


" NOT even a word, Y/N " Her mom warned her sternly. Y/N looked at her mom. Her eyes were getting blurry as tears  built up in her eyes. She ran away while crying. Her mom leaned towards the water fountain for support. Y/N didn't look back at her mom. She was just running and running. She didn't know where she was going. She just running.

She stumbled upon a boy. Both fell down on the ground. The boy groaned on the ground in pain while Y/N was hovering over him. " Yah! Don't you have eyes-" Huh? Y/N ?" He looked puzzled seeing Y/N there. He scanned Y/N's dress and understood what he needed to understand. " Hey, hey, hey, why are you crying ?" Jihoon questioned Y/N. Y/N was crying nonstop. Jihoon's questions made her cry even more.

She and Jihoon sat on a bench. Both of them were silent , only Y/N's sniffling noises were heard. He gave her a handkerchief. Jihoon giggled seeing Y/N's red nose. " Why are laughing at me ?" Y/N questioned Jihoon. " You look like Rudolph, the red nosed reindeer. " 

" Stop it..hehe " she finally laughed.

" Feeling better now ?"

" Yeah..Thank you for staying beside me.." Y/N thanked Jihoon.

" By the way, what were you doing at the party ?" Jihoon looked at her seriously. Y/N was thinking for an answer which can quench Jihoon's curiosity.

" I..I-"

" Were you working here as a waitress ?" Y/N shut her mouth up. " No wonder.. Did someone tell you something bad ? Or did something bad to you ?" Jihoon asked her.

" Something like that.." Y/N answered.

" It must be hard for you. Working and studying at the same time.." Jihoon said. Y/N just listened to him. He didn't know anything about her or her family. He might get heart attack if she told her the truth. So she kept her mouth shut.

" Yeah.. It's hard but I'm happy..." Y/N smiled happily.

End of P.O.V

You opened your eyes . This night specially the full moon reminded you of your past memories with someone unwanted. You took a deep breath and tried to be happy thinking about Taehyung. You dressed up pretty nicely than usual days.

Standing on those high heels were making you lose footing. He should be here at any moment. " Endure it, Y/N.." But thinking on walking in those high heels were making you lose your mind. A car stood in front of you. You confusedly looked at the car. It seemed to be Chunyoung's.. what was he doing here ?

Your leaned to the side in confused. A figure came out of the car. Shyly stood in front of you with a bouquet of flowers. Those flowers were your favourite. " Hi.." He greeted you with a soft smile. Seeing him here in front of you, you forgot about your pain.

" Are you ready for our date ?" Taehyung let out his palm for you to hold.

" Yes.." You smiled at him, giving your to him.


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