TDI Gwen X Male Reader

By RealMemey

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(Please Note This Is My First Ever Story. So If The Quality Isn't That Good, Sorry!) [You will be replacing... More

[Chapter One] Beginnings
[Chapter Two] Great Heights, Greater Falls
[Chapter Three] A Snooze Fest
[Chapter Four] Unsportly Sportsmanship
[Chapter Five] Total Drama's Got Talent!
[Chapter Six] Summer Time Camping
[Chapter Seven] Challenging Fears
[Chapter Eight] Up Creek Without A Paddle
[Chapter Nine] Campers Unknown Hunting Grounds
[Chapter Ten] Kitchen Drama Nightmares
[Chapter Eleven] Trust Issues
[Chapter Twelve] Boot-Camp
[Chapter Fourteen] Gender Wars
[Chapter Fifteen] Wheel Of Misfortune
[Chapter Sixteen] Homewrecker Ahoy!
[Chapter Seventeen] Hide And Go Seek
[Chapter Eighteen] Moto-X Star
[Chapter Nineteen] Thursday The 12th
[Chapter Twenty] A Wild Duck Chase
[Chapter Twenty One] Uncomfortable Bonds
[Chapter Twenty Two] Daily Life, Daily Strife
[Chapter Twenty Three] Castaway Campers
[Chapter Twenty Four] Forest Frolicke
[Chapter Twenty Five] Done By A Dare
[Chapter Twenty Six] The Last Chapter, Really!
[Epilogue] Campers Clash, and a lot of Cash!
[Bonus Chapter] Totally Incorrect Quotes
[Bonus Chapter] House Flipping Freakshow!

[Chapter Thirteen] Haiku Conflicts

3.4K 59 8
By RealMemey

Chris: "Last time on Total Drama Island! Our campers got to experience a taste of boot camp!"

[Flashes back to times Chefs acted like a drill sergeant.]

Chris: "Though, a certain two people wanted to really push the limits!"

[Flashes back to times you and Duncan annoyed Chef, as well as stealing the food.]

Chris: "Will Leshawna's Alliance with (Y/N) and Gwen last? Will (Y/N) and Duncan's food heist be found out? And will (Y/N) actually stay family friendly this time?"

Chris: "Find out more on- Total! Drama! Island!!!"


[It's yet a new day on Total Drama Island, a bear is seen trying to steal some marshmallows as inside of the boys side of your cabin, it's just you and Owen, both still asleep, Owen has chocolate on his face and candy wrappers around him, while you just have messy hair and drool coming out of your mouth. You're all then suddenly woken up when Chris flies over head in an airplane, causing you all to get dressed and walk outside, visible bags under all of your eyes.] 

Chris: "Incommiiinnngggg!" [He flies right toward you all as you jump out of the way as to not get turned into minced meat.] 

Chris: "Yes! I can't wait to get my pilots license!"

[He flies into an outhouse, ripping it apart and revealing a bear holding bags of marshmallows, which it promptly hides behind its back, spilling a few marshmallows on the ground. The plane finally comes to a stop as Chris puts up his visor.]

Chris: "Just flexing your muscles for today's, 'Extreme Sports Challenge!'" [He says that last part through his megaphone, causing you all to hold your ears in pain.]

(Y/N): "Ugh, it's too early for this crap.." [You say tiredly as you rub your eyes.]

Chris: "This week you'll participate in three challenges, first up, 'Extreme Sofa Bed Skydiving!'" He yells through his megaphone.

[This surprises you all as Chris explains the challenge.]

Chris: "Contestants will plummet, uh, skydive to a waiting sofa bed target below." 

[Chef opens up a door to the plane, revealing him in skydiving gear where just under him is the sofa-bed, you see a few springs come out of the mattress and gulp. Chef then jumps onto the sofa-bed, where it closes up on him and crushes him, you all wince in pain as Chefs muffled screams can be heard.]

Chris: "Of course, you will be skydiving from 5000 feet, and using these!" [He holds up two parachutes and tosses them to you all, they don't appear to be in the best shape.]

[Chris then pulls out a piece of paper.]

Chris: "Our lucky contestants are, (Y/N), and DJ!" 

(Y/N): "I'm going to die.." [You say looking at the state of the chair and especially to who's on your team, Heather to be specific.]

[Gwen comes up and holds your hand.]

Gwen: "Don't worry babe, I'll make sure you're safe. Even if it means throwing Owen or Heather under you to break your fall." [She says with a smile on her face as you can't help but laugh, feeling better as you kiss her on the cheek.]

(Y/N): "Thanks hon, that means a lot." 

Chris: "Not so fast, because the second challenge of the day is 'Extreme Rodeo Moose Riding!'" [He says through his megaphone yet again.]

Chris: "Contestants will rodeo ride the Great Canadian Bucking Moose for eight seconds, or get hoofed into a giant pile of socks from the lost and found!" [He says as he gestures over to a big pile of dirty, and foul smelling socks.]

Leshawna: "That stank pile ain't nothin but laundry day back home!"

Chris: "It's your lucky day Leshawna, you're riding for Gophers! And Geoff, you're riding for Bass." 

[Owen gets close to the moose as he observes it.]

Owen: "He doesn't look too bucky to me, hi beautiful." 

[The moose, punches(?) Owen away with his hoof, causing him to fly backward as you and Gwen go and check up on him, he has hoof print visibly on his face but says he's fine.]

Chris: "And the final challenge, 'Extreme Seadew Waterskiing!'" [He bellows through his megaphone for hopefully the last time today.]

Chris: "Contestants will waterski a racecourse grabbing as many flags as they can before crossing the finish line- while a member from the opposing team drives the seating!"

[Heather walks up to him, hands on her hips.]

Heather: "How can we water ski without water?" 

Chris: "It's, really hard, check it out!" [He gestures over to Chef on a waterski, he tries to go over a ramp, but bounces all over the place until he eventually smacks into a tree as Chris just laughs.]

Chris: "Harold, you'll ski for Killer Bass!" 

Harold: "Sweet!"

Chris: "And Lindsay for the Screaming Gophers."

Lindsay: "Ke-he-ewl! I can model my new bikini!" [She says as she does some stretches, you catch Gwen glaring at you as you tell her you won't stare.]

Chris: "Now for the cool swag, who ever scores the most challenges gets bragging rights for the night, saves their butts from elimination, and- wins a wins a tricked out multi-massage, mobile shower!"

[He points over to a truck that's decked out in shower and cleaning equipment, Chef even playing a harp in front of it.]

Heather: "Oooh, could it be!" 

Chris: "Oh, it be"

Owen: "Ugh, a shower? How about something good?" He says as he pops a marshmallow into his mouth as Heather gets up in his face.

Heather: "Listen to me you marshmallow eating goof, we are gonna win that shower if it's the last thing we do, got it?" 

[Owen starts choking on a marshmallow as Heather tries to run, Harold smacks Owen on the back, causing him to cough out the marshmallow and hit Heather right in the head, you and Gwen laugh seeing this.]

*Mini Timeskip*

[Chris gets the plane ready to go as he calls out to you all again.]

Chris: "Okay gang, ciao for brekkie, then report back 20 minutes for the 'Extreme Sports Challenge!'" [He flies off, leaving you all coughing in a cloud of dust he left behind.]

*Gwen's POV*

[I'm talking with Bridgette when I see Owen burp up a card that he tried to eat as Chef picks up and reads it aloud to himself.]

Chef: "For the girl with smoldering eyes..?" [He tosses it aside as Bridgette picks it for us both to take a look at it.]

Gwen: "Check it out, it's a corny haiku poem." 

Bridgette: "Whoa- some dude's crushing big time! It's probably for you, given how you and (Y/N) have been dating for quite a long time."

Gwen: "Really? I would assume he would just hand it to me instead of putting it on a plate of food, but it would be really cute of him though~" [I say not caring that I have a big blush on my cheeks.]

Gwen: "Though, there is a possibility it could still be from Geoff, remember at the dock yesterday how he tried to get your attention."

[We both reminisce when Geoff tried waterskiing with you, but you accidentally rammed the boat into the dock and dragged him behind you.]

Gwen: "Then again Geoff probably couldn't pronounce haiku- let alone write one." 

Bridgette: "What's that supposed to mean?" [I look up and she's visibly mad.]

Gwen: "Nothing, he's just not exactly the scholarly type."

Bridgette: "Oh, and I suppose (Y/N) is busy boning up on his niechi in his spare time?" 

*Confessional Booth*

Gwen: "Okay, I was just trying to reason with her, but when she started talking smack about (Y/N), then that's crossing the line." [I say as I cross my arms.]


Gwen: "I think (Y/N) is more nietzsche than Geoff  is haikuy." 

Bridgette: "Haikuy well at least Geoff isn't a poser, (Y/N) probably doesn't even write his own songs!"

[I try and rip the card out of Bridgette's hands as we get into a tug of war match with it, causing it to eventually rip in half.]

Gwen: "Tell you what Betty! I'll bet you two nights desert that the poem was for me!" 

Bridgette: "Oh I'm up for that, down with that, whatever- you're on!" 


[You're all gathered back at the plane as you and DJ are preparing to get on the plane.]

Chris: "Now remember, ground teams can wheelie the sofa beds wherever they want in order to help their comrade with the landing!" 

Heather: "Sayonara (Y/N) I hope your love life with weird goth girl was worth the chalk outline!" [She says as you look down and you see a chalk outlined body on the ground as Gwen just snares at her.]

Gwen: "Uh, did you ever think that maybe (Y/N)'s doing this as a form of self expression, like haiku?" [She says as she looks at you, desperation in her eyes as you just stand there confused.]

(Y/N): "Uh, babe? What are you talking about?" 

[Bridgette gets a victorious look on her face as Gwen holds her head in shame.]

Gwen: "Or, not.."


[You open the plane door and look down at the 5000 foot drop, you get a little light headed just looking down, Chris then pops in holding some papers.]

Chris: "If you could just fill these out!" [He says, shouting over the loudness of the plane.]

(Y/N): "But we already signed insurance forms at the beginning of the show?" 

Chris: "Yeah, but these are for organ donation! I have this cool cannibal challenge I want to pitch to the producers and this will go a long way toward budgeting free props! Here comes the drop boys!" 

(Y/N): "I don't see the drop zone!" [You say as you look back down.]

*Scene Change*

[Lindsay, Gwen, Leshawna, and Heather are pushing the couch, but struggling to do so.]

Leshawna: "Why is this thing so heavy!?"

[Gwen looks over the couch and sees Owen asleep on the bed sucking his thumb.] 

Heather: "Come on you big tub of lard, move!"

Gwen: "Any other bright ideas?"

*Mini Timeskip*

[Heather just got done painting an X on Owens behind.]

Gwen: "Sorry (Y/N), but at least it'll be a soft landing!"

*Scene Change*

DJ: "Uh, I don't think I can do this man!"

(Y/N): "Don't worry dude! Look, I'll jump out and you follow!" 

[You hop out of the plane, trying to spot your teams landing zone, you try and pull out the parachute to slow your decent, but a bunch of cans and junk comes out instead.]


[You smash straight into the ground, leaving a you sized hole in the ground, luckily it was sand but it still hurts, Gwen bolts over to you to check if you're okay as the other three follow behind.]

Gwen: "(Y/N)...!?" [She says with a weak voice.]

[You just groan in pain as you push yourself up, arms blazing in pain in the process.]

(Y/N): "I am going to kill Chris!" [You say angrily as Gwen and Lindsay help you sit down on the couch as Owen is just waking up.]

Owen: "Oh! What did I miss?"

[The girls just stare at him angrily as you just look at him with disappointment.]

*Mini Timeskip*

[Heather and Leshawna are chewing Owen out as Lindsay just stands awkwardly and Gwen holds an ice pack to your head.]

(Y/N): "Thanks babe, I love you." [You painfully look at her as she just smiles.]

Gwen: "Don't move too much, and I love you too."

[You and Gwen talk a bit, you notice that she's still a bit desperate but you can't tell why.]

[Then Chris flies by, announcing that your team lost this challenge, making it 0-1.]

Heather: "Great job Romeo." [She says angrily staring down at you as you just get up with the help of Gwen and walk off. Bridgette and Gwen silently feuding behind your back by glaring at each other.]


Chris: "Okay cowfolks, lets start the 'Rodeo Moose Challenge!'"

Geoff: "Rodeo ridings kind of like surfing, once you catch the lip, you just flow with the mojo."

[Bridgette and Gwen walk up to Geoff.]

Bridgette: "Yeah- flow, kind of like the ancient art of Japanese haiku?" [She looks over to Gwen.]

Geoff: "What's a haiku?" [He says as he climbs onto the moose as Bridgette just looks at him dumbfounded, Gwen's turn to smerk.]

Geoff: "Hey Bridge, wanna see that tat?" [He pulls down his pants as Gwen recoils in shock as Bridgette just looks up at him.]

 Bridgette: "Wow- definitely not haikui." [She confirms as Chef goes to open the gate, causing the moose to bolt forward, catching Geoff with his pants down, still. He flies off as Chris stops his time.]

Chris: "And Geoff's-" [He's stopped as Geoff flies above him into the pile of socks.] "Out?" [He finishes as he plugs his nose and walks over to the pile, Geoff popping his head out with socks in his mouth.]

Chris: "Ooh- that stinks big time for Bass!" [He calls out on his megaphone.]

Chris: "No, seriously, that is some rank skunk. Leshawna, let's get!"

[Leshawna cracks her fingers as she climbs onto the moose.]

Leshawna: "I hope you got a moose burger recipe ready! Easy boy, you don't wanna make me mad now." [She says as she pats the moose on the head, it's eyes go red as flame comes out of its nose.]

Chef: "Oh shi-" [The moose charges forward, breaking open the gate and running over Chef in the process.]

*Scene Change* *Gwen's POV*

Bridgette: "So your guy's got anger issues and a broken back!" 

Gwen: "So your guy's a grammatically challenged skater plate!" [Leshawna rides past behind them as they take no notice to her as they look away and cross their arms.]

[This silence, minus Leshawnas screams in the background, lasts long enough as she throws in the towel.]

Gwen: "Okay, so it wasn't (Y/N) or Geoff." 

Bridgette: "Yeah, plus we kind of just assumed it was for us." 

[They look at each other and smile as they hug, Leshawna still being slung around like a ragdoll by the moose behind them.]

Bridgette: "Well whoever it is, we're gonna find out. Deal?" [They reach out and shake hands, sealing the deal.]


[Leshawna won the last challenge by tiering out the moose, now you're all gathered at the final challenge for the day as Chris pulls up on his quad.]

Chris: "So, we have a tie! Whoever wins the 'Extreme Waterskiing Challenge' wins invincibility!"

Lindsay: "I'm reaaddyyy!~" [She says as everyone looks at her in surprise, she's wearing a green bikini and wearing pink shades while holding the ski skates.]

Heather: "We are so dead, unless I drive the wave jumper!" [She says as she holds up the keys.]

Leshawna: "Just win the dang show so I can get my hair did."

*Scene Change* *Gwen's POV*

Gwen: "Okay, so haikus candidates are Duncan, Harold, DJ, or Owen."

Bridgette: "Well we know Duncan was crushing on Courtney so he's out and Harold is-" 

[She's interrupted as Harold comes out of the confession booth with his pants down for some reason.]

Harold: "Ladies~" [He goes to take a step but trips and falls over.]

Gwen: "Yeah- I'll take Owen, you take DJ." [They fist bump and walk off.]

*Scene Change* *Mini Timeskip*

[Harold is in a speedo skiing for the Bass while Heather is at the wheel driving for the Gophers.]

Heather: "You are so out of your league alpha geek!" [She says as she revs the engine.]

Chris: "Here's the road rules, oh wait, there are no rules! Which means this is gonna be awesome!" 

[Bridgette walks up to DJ.]

Bridgette: "So, read any good poems lately?"

DJ: "Sooo, asked any arbitrary way to left-field questions lately?" 

[She sighs as she looks over to Gwen and shakes her head.]

Chris: "And go!" 

[He waves the flag, sending them off. Heather instantly picks up speed causing Harold to get dragged in the mud behind her. She goes over a ramp but Harold manages to pick up the first flag.]

Chris: "Flag one for Bass!" [He announces on the speakers as Harold's team cheers on for him.]

Heather: "No!" [She tries more tricks but none work as Harold keeps collecting more flags.]

Chris: "Five flags and heading home!"

Heather: "That's impossible!" [She whines.]

Chris: "Heather has to cross the finish line or be disqualified, but when she does Harold will take five flags to victory for the Killer Bass!"

[She notices the finish line and looks back to see Harold smiling at her. Heather turns around and pulls out a switch blade.]

Heather: "Game over dork!"

Harold: "Victory is- huh?" 

[He looks up and sees that Heather is about to cut the rope loose she goes to bend down but a low hanging branch catches her shirt and tears it off, she looks down to see that she's exposed, Gwen almost instantly throws her hands over your eyes as Heather screams and covers herself with her arms. Harold is too distracted and smacks face first into a rock as Heather hits another and flies through the air straight onto a bear.]

Chris: "I don't know what Heather did to make Harold lose his concentration but it's a total wipeout for the Bass team!"

[Harold still lost in his trance just stares up in the sky, his eyes big.]

Harold: "Boobies..." [He says in a dream like state as his team just face palms.]

[You notice Gwen go over and talk to Owen.]

Gwen: "So if we win, is there a someone special you'll be- uh- showering for?"

Owen: "Why would I need to shower, we're in the wild?" [He burps in Gwen's face as she imminently turns away, trying not to vomit.]

Gwen: "Never mind- oh.."  [She says holding her stomach.]

Chris: "Ready- Set- Ride it like it sweeps week! Go!" [He waves the flag as Duncan rides off, Lindsay collecting flags for your team and doing some tricks while she does.]

Chris: "Lindsay has snagged five flags, and is racing home for the win! Duncan is hopeless as he still has to cross!" 

Duncan: "Says you!" [He lets go of the waterski and crashes into a rock, causing him to go flying into a tree as Lindsay rides into the finish line.]

Chris: "She won...? Gophers win!" [He announces on the speakers as your team cheers, Gwen even pulling you into a bear hug but your injuries still hurt, but you just ignore it and hug her back.]

Chris: "The Bass team went belly up and will now decide which fishy to flush, while the Gophers totally scored some much needed showers!" [He looks over as Lindsay and Leshawna walk out while you and Owen are waiting your turns.]

Owen: "What's up with chicks and showers?" [He says as you just shrug your shoulders, looking at Gwen and Bridgette talking.]

Gwen: "So we ruled out Owen and DJ." 

Bridgette: "I know, so who could it be?" 

Leshawna: "Who could what be?"

[Bridgette hands Leshawna the note as Chris pops in.]

Chris: "Another note from your secret admirer Leshawna?" 

Gwen and Bridgette: "Leshawna was the crush girl!?"

Leshawna: "You two know someone else here with a booty as luscious as an apple?" [She turns around to reveal her behind.]

Gwen: "But who wrote it?"

[You finally decide to walk over and confront Gwen about what was going on all day, she and Bridgette recap everything that went on, from finding the note, to them getting into a fight on weather it was Geoff or you who wrote it, to eventually realizing it could have been from one of the other guys, and finally to where they were at now.]

(Y/N): "I'm not even that good at English, let alone writing something like a haiku." [You laugh as Bridgette and Gwen laugh along with you, you tell them you're off to go get your shower as Gwen follows to wait in line.]


[You asked Gwen to meet you on the dock after the ceremony as you had a surprise for her, you look down at the piece of paper and think if this was worth it, you work through the embarrassment and walk up to her.]

(Y/N): "So, I came up with an idea and I decided to write it, I just need your opinion." [You hand Gwen the paper as she reads it to herself.]

"Getting Lost In Blue"

"Her Eyes Like A Maze, I Get Lost In"

"Her Beauty Stuns Me"

[Gwen puts down the paper and looks at you as a blushing squeamish mess.]

(Y/N): "Yeah, I know there's too many syllables in the second line, but I tried." [You say nervously as you scratch the back of your head.]

Gwen: "I-I- I love it~" [She says blushing madly as she hugs you.]

(Y/N): "I got the idea after you and Bridgette told you the story, so I thought it would be cute if I tried my hand." [You say blushing.]

Gwen: "Well, it was adorable~ You big dork." [She says as she kisses you on the lips and pulls away, smiling at each other as you pull out a bag of marshmallows you took and pop one in your mouth.]

(Y/N): "Wanna go roast some marshmallows?"

Gwen: "Anymore time to spend with you, sure!"

[You grab two decently sized sticks as you both walk over to the camp site to roast some marshmallows. Gwen lays her head on your shoulder and looks at you.]

Gwen: "(Y/N), I love you so much, you're the best boyfriend a girl could ask for."

[You look down at her and hold her closer.]

(Y/N): "I love you too, you're the best girlfriend a guy could ask for, and no matter what happens, no matter if we get separated or what, I'll still always love you." [You tell her as you kiss on the lips and resume roasting marshmallows under the starry night sky.]

[To Be Continued...]

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