Two Sides to Every Love (Gene...

By Shadowlumi

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Sequel to "Two Sides to Every Girl" It was almost the end of summer before Y/n's senior year, and she was hap... More

Before You Read
Chapter 1~ Relationships
Chapter 2~ Sudden Vacation
Chapter 3~ Coincidence? I Think Not
Chapter 4~ Kept Secret
Chapter 5~ Rekindle an Old Flame
Chapter 6~ Katelyn's Care
Chapter 7~ Heartbreak
Chapter 8~ Breakups Suck
Chapter 9~ Clothes and Soup
Chapter 10~ Big News
Chapter 11~ Work = Fun?
Chapter 12~ The Prospect of Love
Chapter 13~ I'm Feelin' Twenty Tw- Five. Twenty Five.
Chapter 14~ Falling For You
Chapter 15~ Way Home
Chapter 16~ Fireworks
Chapter 17~ Start Anew
Chapter 18~ Oh No He Didn't!
Chapter 19~ Siblings
Chapter 20~ Home Sweet Home
Chapter 21~ Business Proposal
Chapter 22~ Worry About You
Chapter 23~ Healing
Chapter 25~ The End of All Things
Chapter 26~ Nightmare Before Christmas
Chapter 27~ Dear Diary
Chapter 28~ Our Spot
Chapter 29 🍋~ Greedy
Chapter 30~ Maid Café Shenanigans
Final Author's Note
Side Story 1~ OKAY I PULL UP
Side Story 2~ A "Little Bit" Drunk
Side Story 3~ Prom Night
Side Story 4~ New Year('s Eve), New Friend

Chapter 24~ Smile

90 1 0
By Shadowlumi

There's a slight possibility that I hate going out, but you know what? Today, the day my best friend is announcing her ENGAGEMENT, is a great day, even if it involves going to a new place. Yes, maybe this morning was a rocky start because when I needed to leave for work, Gene's hand was under my shirt and groping my chest, but hey, we're being positive, today. How...sweet is Gene while he's sleeping, AM I RIGHT?! 

Currently, Gene and I were parked in F/n's driveway, and the smile I had plastered on since I clocked into work was beginning to make my face ache. We don't freak out over social gatherings anymore; we are calm. Well, we're excited, but in a good way. Not in an 'Oh my Irene, I'm gonna throw up' way! 

"Wow, Y/n, I didn't know you liked housewarming parties so much!" Gene exclaimed.

"They're...great!" I said.

He placed his hand on my thigh and looked me in the eye. "It pains me to say this, but the smiling needs to stop."

"Yeah, seriously, it's freakish at this point."

My shoulders jumped as I whipped my head to the backseat. Oh yeah, Dante's here, too. "Your face is freakish," I mumbled, finally letting my smile drop.

We exited the car and I glanced around the area. No other houses in sight... They sure chose a secluded place. Their house was pretty cute, though. Brilliant green shrubbery surrounded it, contrasting nicely with the gray exterior, and a wrap around porch with a swing was front and center. Arriving at the front door, we were let in by F/n, who immediately smirked upon glancing between Gene and I. After throwing her arms around me in a tight hug, she led us down a hallway to the living room. Scanning the area, it seemed like Dante, Gene, and I, were the last ones to arrive. F/n's parents were chatting with Sydney's, and Lucas, interestingly enough, was talking to Maria. I hope Lucas isn't trying to find love in Maria, because I refuse to call him my step-father-in law in the future.

...I highly doubt Maria is looking to date anyone after her fairly recent divorce.

Gene and Dante split off to greet their aunt, uncle, and Maria, while F/n joined Sydney in the kitchen/dining room. I met eyes with Lucas, who got up and approached me. To my surprise, he met me with a hug, which prompted Gene to already return to my side.

When Lucas let go, I gave an awkward smile. "Wasn't expecting a hug after our last conversation."

"I'm just sorry about yelling at you and for the date I could've saved you from going on." He glanced at Gene. " guys on good terms, now?"

Gene wrapped his arm around me. "Great terms, actually."

And just like that, I was phased out of the conversation.

"Oh, interesting how that worked out." Lucas narrowed his eyes at me before looking back at Gene. "Watching her like a hawk, huh?"

Please don't start anything.

"I just like being around my girlfriend, something wrong with that?" Gene questioned.

"No, but you're kinda keeping her leashed."

"Really? Cause if anything, Y/n does the leashing. I felt a tug on, due to the occasion, my metaphorical collar."

Gene's confusing me... Is he a swi— Ohhhh my Irene. It is NOT the time to be having such thoughts.

"...Didn't need to know that," Lucas said. "I'm just gonna go see if F/n and Sydney need help."

Speaking of those two, neither of them are wearing rings... Obviously, cause that'd give away the surprise, but I wonder how they're gonna announce their engagement! 

Once Lucas was out of view, I let out a sigh of relief before turning to Gene and whispering, "Was the implication about our non-existent sex life necessary?"

"In my defense, I thought it was pretty funny. He shouldn't have used the word leashed."

I puffed out my cheeks. "...You're so right." On the other hand, picturing it was kinda h— "Well, you warded Lucas off. Let's go talk to everyone else!"

"Sounds like a plan. Except there's one thing."


"I meant what I said about liking being around you."

And just like, the smiling was back.


Despite already knowing that F/n and Sydney were engaged, I teared up at their official announcement. At some point during the evening, they slipped on their rings and as everyone was about to start eating, they showed off their dazzling diamonds of fiancée-ship. Diane, F/n's mom, ended up making fun of me for my tears, even though she was full on crying. Zack was looking away from the spectacle, but I noticed him sniffling a bit and his eyes looked watery. On the other hand...Sydney's parents wore smiles on their face, but their expressions felt blank, further supporting my theory that rich people are robots. They probably profit off of Valentine's Day! I have no idea how they're rich but still, ugh...

Later into the evening was the obligatory F/n and I BFFS only conversation. We were out on the porch swing, the chilling night air causing me to draw close to F/n.

"Y'think our younger selves would be happy with how our lives are now?" she asked.

"We're feeling deep tonight, are we?" I joked. "I think younger me would be surprised, but I think she'd be happy. A little disappointed that I didn't end up with a fictional character, but I ended up with a guy that treats me like he's written by a woman, so it works out!"

"Maybe we're all written by a woman...or like a high school girl or something."

I furrowed my brows. "Are you high? Or have you been drinking?"

She shook her head. "I'm just out of is exhausting, y'know. That reminds me, you have yet to invite me to your place!"

"Whoops, thought I made it clear you could swing by whenever!"

"Maybe I'll swing by tomorrow."

Thankfully, I'm off of work tomorrow so I get to avoid our busiest day of the week, but... "I won't be home, been staying at Gene's, remember?"

The front door creaked open and someone stepped out, but I couldn't see who.

"Oh, right, you're looking after him. Or is there something sinister going on? Is he keeping you prisoner?" F/n questioned.

"Please say no." The unknown figure turned out to be Lucas.

F/n groaned. "Intruding, much?"

Lucas placed himself next to F/n. "Come on, we hardly ever hang out! So what's this about being prisoner?"

"It's nothing, just F/n joking around about Gene," I said. "What's with you and Gene, anyway? Thought you were friends-ish?"

"Well, I only knew him for a short time through work. I'm sure he's great, but...I've only heard weird things out of him today."

"Maybe you're just jealous of him," F/n suggested.

"After the things I've heard? Definitely not," Lucas retorted.

I gasped. "Are you dissing me? I thought you had a huge crush on me, but now you're repulsed by the idea of—"

"It was a while ago, Y/n! And that's not what I meant. You two seem happy together."

F/n leaned back, setting the swing into motion. "Not as happy as Sydney and I~"

"Sydney is my everything," Lucas and I gushed in unison.

"You two are just jealous you don't have a pretty fiancée and ring like me!"

Lucas grimaced. "If being in love makes me as stupid as F/n, I'm not interested."

"Might as well give up since no one wants you," I teased.

F/n nodded. "Probably cause he's the stupid one."

"What's up with you two making fun of me?" Lucas complained.

"You started it!" F/n shook her head and smiled. "It's how it's always been."

I tapped F/n's arms in rapid succession. "Do you think your younger self is happy with where you're at?"

She placed her arms around Lucas and I, as if we were in a huddle. "I have you two, a nerdy fiancée, and a cute little house. What more could I want? Little me would be ecstatic to hear how I'm doing. What about you, Lucas?"

He huffed. "I'm making my own choices instead of doing what my mom wants, so I guess younger me would be happy. He'd be disappointed I'm not with anyone, but...I have you guys, so it's cool."

After emerging from college does get pretty hopeless. It must be harder for Lucas with him being just two years away from 30. However... "There isn't an expiration date on being in a relationship, y'know. Take your time and don't rush anything!"

"Y/n's right! I met my soulmate at her brother's wedding, so trust the process," F/n assured.

"Thanks, you guys," Lucas murmured. "Unfortunately, I should probably be heading out. Got work in the morning..."

"Aww, that sucks... Well, it was great seeing you, Lucas!" F/n exclaimed. "Us three should hang out again soon."

We said our goodbyes, watched Lucas get in his car, and speed away into the night. I waited for F/n to see if she had more to talk about, but all that could be heard were the chirping of distant crickets. Maybe it's about time to head inside. I got up, hearing a creak from the swing and looked over my shoulder. However, F/n stayed put, saying she wanted to sit alone for a bit.

"If something's up, I'm here for you," I whispered.

She sent me off with a flick of her wrist and exclaimed, "Thanks, just taking everything in!"

F/n's always looking out for me... I hope she's alright, but more than anything, I hope she knows she can count on me, too.

The difference between outside and inside the house was like night and day, and I found myself squinting upon my entrance. By now, only Gene, Dante, Maria, and myself were present. However, arriving in the living room, I only saw Sydney and Dante chatting. The two were an odd pair, but I paid it no mind. Instead, when there was a pause in their conversation, I asked about the two MIA individuals.

"They're in the backyard," Dante said. "Let Gene know I'm ready to head out."

Guess I'm outside again! I approached the backyard door, which was just to the right in the dining room. I was about to slide the door open, but a question from Maria caused me to pause.

"How are you and Y/n doing?"

I know eavesdropping isn't good, but the topic is on me, so...

A soft laugh emerged from Gene. "Everything's perfect. Really, she's perfect. As much as I hate being banned from work, this week has been great with her staying over. She always falls asleep before me, and I— Uh, maybe that's creepy, actually. Never mind."


"Aww, but I wanna know!" Maria exclaimed. "It warms my heart to hear about your happiness."

"If you say so... Well, she always looks so peaceful, so I kinda watch her sleep for a bit. It's gonna be hard when she goes back to her place."

My heart's gonna melt... Don't cry, Y/n!

"Why don't you ask her to move in?"

"It's- it's only been about two months. Plus— actually, that's not for you to...uh. If I were to live with her, I'd want it to be just me and her. Not with Sasha and Zenix."

"I wasn't born yesterday, honey. I know what you're getting at. My baby is an adult, now..."

Gene groaned. "MOM!"

Oh my Irene, I'm gonna pass out from a heatstroke.

"Aren't you two on the same page about how you feel?"

"I mean, yeah. She's the love of my life, and we were at her parents a while ago and..." I could practically hear the smile in his voice. "She admitted to wanting to grow old together."

"Then? Don't let time stop you. If it's because of money, that's one thing, but Gene, you let her go once before because—"

"What's the hold up?!"

For the second time today, my shoulders jumped at Dante's presence. "Shhh! They're talking about me!"

"I don't care! I've been up since 5 AM, move." He elbowed me and slid— no, more like ripped the door open. "GENE, LET'S GO!"

I scrambled away to the living room, noted that F/n was back, and let out a heavy breath upon falling back onto the couch. Shortly after, Gene, Maria, and Dante emerged and everyone began saying their farewells.

Upon reuniting with me, Gene joked about my complexion, saying that I looked like I had seen a ghost.

"Ha ha... that," I remarked, glaring at Dante.

He just had to interrupt when Maria was about to say something important, didn't he?·~+·~+·~+·~+·~+·~+·~+·~+·~+·~+·~+·~+·~+·

A/n: I thought Gene broke up with you cause of distance and being busy... is there more to it omg...? or should I say... omi

Thanks for reading kawaii potato cats! I love each and every single one of you very muchly! Catch you all later! Baii~ 💖Shadow🎮

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