Can You Love Me Right? GxG

By CrazyAplaka1

93.6K 2.6K 881

Voldemort is back!!! And this time the wizarding world knows of his return and about Harry's and Y/N's prophe... More

Chapter 1 - Welcome Back!
Chapter 2 - Show Me How Much You Missed Me
Chapter 3 - Meeting Slughorn
Chapter 4 - The Burrow
Chapter 5 - Late Night Talks
Chapter 6 - Diagon Alley
Chapter 7 - The Train to Hogwarts
Chapter 8 - New Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher
Chapter 9 - Hufflepuff Party
Chapter 10 - Hufflepuff Party Pt.2
Chapter 11 - Its All Fun and Games Darling
Chapter 12 - Potion Masters
Chapter 13 - Don't be Jealous My Love
Chapter 14 - I'm Sorry Darling
Chapter 15 - The Pensieve
Chapter 16 - Quidditch Trials
Chapter 17 - Do You Trust Me
Chapter 18 - Dumbledore's training
Chapter 19 - Birthday girl
Chapter 20 - Hogsmeade
Chapter 21 - Nice Skin
Chapter 22 - Hidden places
Chapter 23 - Dinner Party
Chapter 25 - Weasley is our King
Chapter 26 - Regulus Black
Chapter 27 - Will you just relax
Chapter 28 - Christmas Party
Chapter 29 - Christmas Party Pt.2
Chapter 30 - The Granger's
Chapter 31 - Death Eater Attack
Chapter 32 - Settling in
Chapter 33 - Under Suspicion
Chapter 34 - Lupin
Chapter 35 - A quiet new years
Chpater 36 - Happy Birthday Y/N
Chapter 37 - Birthday surprise
Chapter 38 - A night out in london
Chapter 39 - Dumbledore Returns
Chapter 40 - New changes
Chapter 41 - Failed task

Chapter 24 - Quidditch Day

1.8K 70 14
By CrazyAplaka1

Y/N wakes up bright an early, refreshed from a goodnight's sleep. It probably had something to do with today being the first quidditch match of the season. To start off the season it's Ravenclaw vs Hufflepuff and Y/N can't contain her excitement. She puts on her practice gear and her Ravenclaw quidditch sweater before racing downstairs to the Great Hall for breakfast.

The Ravenclaw captain spots her friends eating at the Hufflepuff table and makes her way over to them. Jorden is dressed similarly to Y/N except in Hufflepuff colours. The others dress warmly with Ron and Harry wearing their Gryffindor scarfs whilst the others wear colours to support their friends.

"Hey there's our star Ravenclaw captain" Cal says with a grin as Y/N sits down next to her girlfriend who greets her with a kiss.

"Hey guys" Y/N says already putting eggs and bacon on her plate

"You nervous" Harry asks and Y/N scoffs

"Me, nervous? never" The Ravenclaw says and Harry chuckles. Y/N takes a bite of her food and turns to Jorden "you ready for Ravenclaw to kick your ass Jord's"

"You wish" Joden replies grinning "Hufflepuff's squad is looking far better than last year"

"Let's hope" Cal mutters and Jorden playfully punches his boyfriends arm

"Hey not cool babes" Jorden and the Slytherin boy chuckles

"I'm sorry darling. You're the only reason I watch this game" Cal says and Jorden face perks up

"And I'm lucky to be the only reason," the Hufflepuff boy says and kisses Cal's cheek who blushes in response.

"Cute you two" Flo comments and Jorden and Cal grin at each other

"So. How was it?" Ron asks everyone at the table

Flo continues to read the Prophet, unaware of Ron's mood. "How was what?"

"Your dinner party." Ron mocks

"Dead boring. Though I think Harry enjoyed dessert." Hermione says smirking at the raven-haired boy

Harry's eyes shift, finding Hermione and Y/N smiling faintly "I found it just as boring as you did Hermione" Harry says and Y/N laughs

"I think one person made it particularly memorable Harry " Y/N mutters and Harry stares daggers at her, wanting the Ravenclaw to shut up.

"Ol' Sluggy's having a Christmas do, you know." Flo says trying to direct the conversation away from Harry "And we're meant to bring someone-"

"I expect you'll be going with McLaggen. Isn't he a member of the Slug Club?" Ron says bitterly

"Fuck Cormac," Jorden says taking a sip of his pumpkin juice and Y/N agrees, taking a sip of her pumpkin juice.

"Actually, I was going to ask you." Flo says annoyed by Ron's attitude

"Really?" Ron says surprised

"Really. But seeing as you have such a distaste for the idea-" Flo starts

"Its like you said I'd find it boring" Ron says, a touch of sadness in his voice but Flo doesn't seem to notice "I wouldn't want to go anyways"

"Suit yourself then" Flo huffs and returns back to reading

"Fine" Ron snaps

"Fine" Flo says back, trying to act unbothered

The rest of the group watches the exchange knowing all too well that its going to take ages for these two acknowledge their feelings for each other. As Y/N finishes up her breakfast. Hermione taps the Ravenclaw on the shoulder.

"Can I wear your practise sweater?" The Gryffindor asks "please"

Y/N sighs and stands up taking off the sweater and hands it to Hermione "your lucky I'm wearing thermal underneath"

The Gryffindor laughs and puts on the sweater "It so warm"

"You're welcome darling" Y/N says and Hermione grins and kisses Y/N's cheek. "It looks good on you"

Hermione blushes "can I keep it"

"No" Y/N says and Hermione huffs, a little disappointed. The Ravenclaw can tell that her girlfriend isn't happy with her answer and chuckles "but I'll let you wear it every game day"

Hermione grins happily "You've got yourself a deal darling"

"I've got myself more than a deal 'mione" Y/N replies cheekily and Hermione rolls her eyes slightly amused

"You're still such a charmer" Hermione coos and Y/N grins

"You love it" the Ravencclaw replies

Hermione cups Y/N's jaw and smiles adoringly "I love you"

As soon as Y/N was about to the words in return, the Ravenclaw quidditch team all head over to the table with Davies leading them. "Oh captain my captain" the boys voice booms and Y/N stands and greets the chaser

"Davies" Y/N says with a grin "you ready to win this"

"Always, now hate to break up time with your girl but we need to get going" Davies says and Y/N sighs and turns to Hermione. She kisses her quickly on the lips and smiles at her adoringly

"I'll see you after the game" Y/N says "love you"

"Love you too darling" Hermione replies and Y/N followed by the Ravenclaw team leave the great hall

"Simp" Davies whispers to Y/N and she shoves him off.

"Shut it Davies" the Ravenclaw captain replies and Davies plus the rest of the team laugh along with him.

Jorden finishes the rest of his pumpkin juice and stands aswell

"I should be going too" the Hufflepuff replies "laters guys. Bye Cal"

"Aren't you forgetting something" the Slytherin boy says and Jorden smiles.

The Hufflepuff boy leans down and kisses Cal tenderly on the lips before following Y/N and the ravenclaw team out of the hall. "Love you" he calls as he starts into a jog to catch up with Y/N.

Cal remains speechless and just stares at the space that was once occupied by his boyfriend. His friends look at th Slytherin boy a little worried.

"Cal are you alright" Harry says and Cal looks at hi friends with a soft smile on his lips

"That's the first time he said he loved me" the Slytherin boy says and the group smiles

"I'm happy for you Cal" Hermione replies

"We all are mate" Ron adds and Cal grins

"Thanks guys I'm just sad that he didn't get to hear me say I love him back" the Slytherin boy says and Harry smiles

"You will, after the game when he kicks Y/N's ass" the raven-haired boy says and Flo laughs

"You wish Ravenclaw gonna win for sure" Flo replies

"Come on we should head to the stands" Ron says and the group continue their friendly argument of whose going to win the match.


The game is in full swing with Ravenclaw taking the lead 50 to 30. Y/N has been tailing the snitch for ages, diving and turning, trying to keep with the golden ball. It seems like today its being a little more feisty than usual, but its nothing the Ravenclaw captain can't handle.

Y/N dives forcefully and turns sharply as she tries to catch the snitch. The Hufflepuff seeker is hot her her tails but can't seem to keep up. A bell sounds for a point, scored by Jorden and the Hufflepuff crowd cheer. M Y/N pays their cheers no mind as she stays focused on the snitch.

The snitch dives low, Y/N and the Hufflepuff seeker follow. The two seekers are neck a neck, the snith just out in front of them. Y/N reches out her hand just shy of the snitch when she looks at the Hufflepuff seeker who seems panicked. Suddenly, the snitch turns but the Hufflepuff turns a little later causing his foot to hit Y/N broom.

The Ravenclaw captain looses control and she plummets through the snow. She rolls through the snow with speed when she lands painfully on her arm. She hears a faint snap in her right arm as her body come to a halt on the snow.

"Fuck!" Y/N shouts as intense pain shoots up her arm. She uses her left arm to remove her goggles then clutches her right arm tightly as she lays in the snow.

The crowd seem to stop their cheers and all watch on from the stands. Y/N's friends watch on from the stands with Hermione clutching Harry's and Flo's arm as she hears Y/N scream.

"Hufflepuff's seeker has caught the snitch but at the expense of Ravenclaw Captain Y/N Black who has taken a nasty fall" the announcer says and all the quidditch players stop.

There are a handful of cheers from the crowd for Hufflepuff but most of the players head down to the ground to see if Y/N is alright. Jorden is the first to make it to Y/N and kneels down beside her wincing friend

"Y/N you alright," Jorden asks worriedly and the Ravenclaw shakes her head

"My arm" Y/N mumbles as she moves to sit up. However, the movement causes more pain in her arm and she collapses back into the snow. "Fuck!"

"Stop trying to move it cap," Davies says as he makes his way over to Y/N and holds her shoulder

"Madam Hootch" Jorden calls as she makes her way over to the Ravenclaw captain

"Out of the way let me see," Madam Hootch says and the two boys stand aside. She looks at Y/N's right arm and sighs "well it definitely looks broken. Davies, Finch. Help carry Black to the hospital wing"

"Yes madam Hootch," the boys say and they gently carry her onto a nearby stretcher. Y/N groans as she is lifted on the stretcher and the boys carry her to the hospital wing.


"Is she awake?" Hermione's panicked voice says as she enters the hospital wing to see Jorden and Davies standing beside an unconscious Y/N.

The Ravenclaw captain is in the underlayers of her uniform with only a black tanktop on and the rest of the body covered by the sheets. Hermione sits next to Y/N on the bed and takes her uninjured arm in hers, hoping that her girlfriend will wake up soon. Harry and the others follow behind as they stand at Y/N's bed looking concerned

"No, but Madam Pomphry gave her something for the pain and said she should wake up shortly," Davies says and Hermione smile thankfully

"Thank you" Hermione replies and the Ravenclaw chaser nods

"I'll leave her in your care Granger" Davies replies and leaves the hospital wing

The others just look at Y/N, waiting for her to wake up. Most of them don't really know what to say just hoping that their friend is alright.

"You think the first thing she'll ask is if she won," Ron says and Jorden laughs

"Oh absolutely, she probably won't even realise her arm is broken," the Hufflepuff says

The others laugh then suddenly a pair of footsteps approach and they all turn. To their surprise they see Draco standing there with a bouquet of white flowers in his hand. Hermione stiffens but the others glare at Malfoy. As Draco moves closer to Y/N's side Ron steps in front, blocking Malfoy's way.

"Out of my way Weasel" Draco spits. His expression remains emotionless but Ron holds his ground.

"Get lost Malfoy," Ron says "you're the last person Y/N would want to see"

"And how would you know since she's still unconscious" Draco replies and Ron looks like he's about to set Malfoy ablaze with his stare.

"You shouldn't be here Draco," Cal says with a hint of sadness in his voice and Draco looks at his former friend, his expression stoic.

"Whatever you're here to do, just get in with it" Jorden adds and Draco shoves Ron aside with his shoulder and stares at the flowers in his hand

"I came here to drop these off," Draco says and places them gently on the table beside Y/N's bed.

"Why do you even care" Hermione snaps and Draco eyes her curiously, then turns back to Y/N's sleeping form.

"She's still my cousin," Draco says and Hermione can see his composure waver but it returns quicker than it takes to blink. Malfoy looks Hermione dead in the eye, making the Gryffindor girl a little nervous "and blood bonds us forever"

The group know that Malfoy is referring to more than just their family ties. Hermione looks down at the blood pact rings on both cousin's hands, the pearl still its crystal white colour.

"You know she will always choose me before you" Hermione adds and Draco's eyes narrow like he's trying to understand "your not as important to Y/N as you think you are"

"And yet she never told you that her favourite flowers are white peonies," Draco says and Hermione stays silent.

She didn't know that. Draco smirks, taking leave having the last word which makes Hermione's blood boil. As soon as he leaves, the tension in the room drops and Hermione's shoulders drop.

"What a prick," Jorden says and Flo scoffs

"I would use a stronger word," Flo says and Cal laughs

"I'm with you Flo," the Slytherin boy says

"You alright Hermione," Harry asks and the Gryffindor girl sighs

"I'm fine" Hermione replies then a faint groan is heard from Y/N

"Hey guys she's waking up," Ron says and they all turned to watch as the Ravenclaw girl slowly returns to consciousness.

"You guys are so loud" Y/N mumbles and her friends laugh at the girl's humour.

"Y/N" Hermione says softly "Y/N my love are you alright"

Y/N groans and slowly opens her eyes and smiles, still slightly dazed "Relax 'mione I'm doing so great"

"No you aren't, your bloody arm is broken Y/N"  Jorden says and the Ravenclaw rolls her eyes

"Well other than that I'm fine," Y/N says dazed out of her mind

"Bloody hell she's out of it," Ron says and Harry laughs

"I think she might have a concussion" Harry adds and Y/N laughs

"Oh, your definitely right Harry. I'm seeing double of everything right now" Y/N says and Hermione touches the Ravenclaw's face concerned

"Darling that's not good," Hermione says and Y/N groans again "do you want us to get madam pomphry"

"She already gave me something for the pain so it doesn't hurt as bad as before," Y/N says "I'll be alright 'mione"

"Be thankful it's not your shoulder this time" Flo says

"Or battling a dragon," Jorden says and Y/N snickers

"I think I'd take the dragon than a broken arm Jord's" Y/N replies and the Hufflepuff boy laughs

"Okay but imagine if you had a dislocated shoulder, a broken arm and are fighting a dragon," Ron says "you'd be fucked mate"

"Always here to lighten the mood Ron" Y/N laughs and the Weasley boy smiles. The Ravenclaw then turns to Jorden "congrats Jord's on the win"

"Thanks Y/N" the Hufflepuff replies "you would've won if the snitch didn't do that harsh turn, our seeker never meant to hurt you"

"Yes just be thankful your injuries aren't worse" Madam Pomphry says and the group steps back as she places a potion bottle next to Y/N

"Is she going to be alright" Hermione says and Madam Pormphry nods

"Yes Miss Granger. Miss Black just needs rest and to keep her arm in a cast and sling for six weeks" the older woman says and the Ravenclaw pouts

"Six weeks" Y/N whines "but can't you just use magic to heal my arm"

"Do you want your bones to be ten times weaker?" madam pomphry says sternly and the Ravenclaw goes silent "I didn't think so. Six weeks Y/N, which includes rest. You work yourself too hard playing that game"

"Thank you madam Promphry," Hermione says kindly "we'll make sure Y/N rests"

"You mean just you Hermione," Flo says and Y/N scoffs

"Thanks, Flo for caring so much about your best friend's health," Y/N says sarcastically and Flo laughs

"Relax Y/N, stop being such a drama queen" Flo replies with a smirk "I'm only teasing"

Y/N rolls her eyes "Aright now can all you guys now bugger off I'm tired," Y/N says and her friends laugh and say their goodbyes as they leave the hospital wing. Hermione goes to leave but Y/N's hand gently grabs her wrist stopping her "you can stay my love" she says softly and Hermione smiles

"Okay," Hermione replies and sits back down on the bed holding Y/N's good hand.

It's at this moment that Y/N notices the peonies beside her bed. She looks at them curiously "who brought the flowers"

"Who do you think," Hermione says and Y/N nods "Draco," she replies

"Do me a favour and pick them up" Y/N says Hermione eyes her curiously but does as her girlfriend asks and takes the flowers. "Now throw them. As far as you can"

"Throw them?" Hermione repeats and Y/N nods

"Yeah throw them," Y/N says and Hermione does so and then lets go of the bouquet and they fall nicely in a metal bucket near one of the beds. Y/N smiles "I've never been a fan of flowers"

Hermione smiles "Draco said peonies are your favourite" and Y/N laughs

"He's not wrong. If I had to pick a favourite flower it would be peonies but I'm not really a flower person"

Hermione laughs and a grin forms on her face that soothes any ounce of pain Y/N is feeling "you know I noticed that about you. I never thought you were a flower person. You seem like more of the succulent type"

Y/N bursts out laughing and Hermione joins in "you're so right. Give me succulents over flowers any day"

Hermione smiles and kisses Y/N's lips tenderly. The Ravenclaw girl moans against her girlfriend's lips and gently pulls back to rest their foreheads together. "I love you so much Y/N," Hermione says

Y/N grins "I love you too Hermione" and the Gryffindor girl grins

she gently kisses the top of her girlfriend's head and smiles "Rest my love," Hermione says "I'll be here when you wake up"

Y/N closes her eyes and snuggles closer to Hermione who is careful not to squash the Ravenclaw's broken arm. The Gryffindor girl lays contently with Y/N in her arms and she watches over her running her fingers through her hair as the Ravenclaw slowly drifts off to sleep.

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