Can You Love Me Right? GxG

By CrazyAplaka1

87.2K 2.6K 873

Voldemort is back!!! And this time the wizarding world knows of his return and about Harry's and Y/N's prophe... More

Chapter 1 - Welcome Back!
Chapter 2 - Show Me How Much You Missed Me
Chapter 3 - Meeting Slughorn
Chapter 4 - The Burrow
Chapter 5 - Late Night Talks
Chapter 6 - Diagon Alley
Chapter 7 - The Train to Hogwarts
Chapter 8 - New Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher
Chapter 9 - Hufflepuff Party
Chapter 10 - Hufflepuff Party Pt.2
Chapter 11 - Its All Fun and Games Darling
Chapter 12 - Potion Masters
Chapter 13 - Don't be Jealous My Love
Chapter 14 - I'm Sorry Darling
Chapter 15 - The Pensieve
Chapter 16 - Quidditch Trials
Chapter 17 - Do You Trust Me
Chapter 18 - Dumbledore's training
Chapter 19 - Birthday girl
Chapter 20 - Hogsmeade
Chapter 21 - Nice Skin
Chapter 22 - Hidden places
Chapter 23 - Dinner Party
Chapter 24 - Quidditch Day
Chapter 26 - Regulus Black
Chapter 27 - Will you just relax
Chapter 28 - Christmas Party
Chapter 29 - Christmas Party Pt.2
Chapter 30 - The Granger's
Chapter 31 - Death Eater Attack
Chapter 32 - Settling in
Chapter 33 - Under Suspicion
Chapter 34 - Lupin
Chapter 35 - A quiet new years
Chpater 36 - Happy Birthday Y/N
Chapter 37 - Birthday surprise
Chapter 38 - A night out in london
Chapter 39 - Dumbledore Returns
Chapter 40 - New changes
Chapter 41 - Failed task

Chapter 25 - Weasley is our King

1.5K 54 12
By CrazyAplaka1

It's been a week Y/N's accident and it's the morning of the second quidditch match of the season, Gryffindor vs Slytherin. Y/N sits with her right arm in a sling Looking miserable as she struggles to use her non-dominant hand to eat. Hermione being the thoughtful girlfriend she is, already cut her food into bite-sized pieces making it easier for the Ravenclaw.

Harry walks by and sits next to Jorden looking rather anxious "have any of you seen Ron"

"Wasn't he in the common room," Flo says and Harry shakes his head. He then looks over at Ginny who has just joined the group

"Got any ideas about where your brother is Ginny," Harry asks and Ginny grins

"No idea, and he's your best friend" Ginny replies "if you have no idea I bloody well don't"

"He's probably nervous about the game, Harry," Flo says "he only just beat McLaggen"

"Would you rather me pick Cormac?" Harry answers and Flo scoffs

"Godric's no" Flo replies

"Well then zip it" Harry snaps and takes a sip of his pumpkin juice

"Relax Harry," Hermione says "he'll be here soon enough"

"Ron's never let you down" Y/N adds "he won't start now"

Ron enters the Hall, his eyes lowered and knuckles taped for Quidditch. Flexing his fingers anxiously, he makes his way to the Gryffindor table. Neville passes going the other way and grins eagerly as he spots the Weasley boy.

"Good luck, Ron?" Neville says patting Ron on the shoulder before taking his leave.

Ron fakes a smile and nods shortly. Then Seamus comes up to his side and whispers conspiratorially.

"Counting on you, Ron. I've two Galleons on Gryffindor." Seamus says

As the Gryffindor boy peels off, Ron cuts his eyes toward the Slytherin table, where the Quidditch team sits together and a few turn and snigger. Ron averts his eyes and almost runs into Cormac, who eyes him with disdain as he passes.

Frowning, Ron sits down opposite Harry. The raven-haired boy eyes him briefly, knowing his best friend is full of nerves and pushes a plate across. Ron takes a fork and pokes at it glumly.

"You alright mate," Jorden asks but Ron doesn't say anything

"You look awful, eat something" Cal urges

"Shut it all of you" Ron snaps then takes a breath "I'm just a little nervous"

Suddenly Lavender Brown walks by and stops in front of Ron. Flo's eyes narrow at Lavender but the Gryffindor doesn't notice "Good luck today, Ron. I know you'll be brilliant!"

Ron smiles feebly and looks back down at his plate as the Gryffindor girl leaves. Flo stares daggers at Lavender as well as at Ron. Y/N looks at Harry feeling worried about Ron. The raven-haired boy nods and a small smile forms on his lips as he winks at Y/N.

"I'm resigning after today's match. McLaggen can have my spot." Ron says

"Have it your way." Harry says somewhat cheerfully "Juice?"

Everyone at the table stares at the Gryffindor boy, surprised by Harry's callousness. Ron is surprised as well and mildly put out.

"Sure," Ron says handing Harry his cup.

As Harry pours, Luna arrives at the table wearing a hat that bears an uncanny resemblance to a real lion.

"Hello, everyone. You look dreadful, Ron." Luna says and Ron nods grimly, lifting his glass. Luna turns to Harry. "Is that why you just put something in his cup? Is it a tonic?"

Everyone turns to see a tiny vial of Felix Felicis glints in Harry's palm. Ron's face lights up at this and smiles

"Harry you cheeky son of a bitch" Cal says and the raven-haired boy grins

"I have my moments Cal" Harry replies stuffing the vial back into his pocket.

"What are you waiting for Ron," Y/N says and the Weasley boy brings the vial to his lips only to be stopped by Flo's voice

"Y/N don't encourage him" Flo scolds

"Why not," Y/N asks "what's the point of having a vial of liquid luck if you can't even use it for times like this"

"Because this is cheating" Hermione whispers and Y/N just shrugs

"Callan back Hermione and me up," Flo says but the Slytherin boy shrugs

"I have no say on the matter" Cal replies and the two girls huff

"Go on Ron" Jorden urges. The Weasley boy takes one last look at Harry and takes a sip before chugging the rest of the juice.

"You could be expelled for that," Hermione tells Harry

"Dunno what you're talking about," Harry says and Y/N laughs. Ron then rises from his seat practically beaming.

"C'mon, Harry. We've got a game to win." Ron says and Harry gives Ron a high-five as they leave the great hall.


Instantly, a Slytherin snatches the quaffle and rushes towards Gryffindor's end, weaving and passing with wicked skill. The Slytherin player throws the quaffle with a slicing shot on goal. Just when it appears it will clear in the hoop, Ron streaks out of nowhere and sends the quaffle screaming in the opposite direction.

"WOOO!!! GO RON!!" Jorden and Y/N shout along with the rest of the crowd. Flo and Hermione are still annoyed, glaring at the two of them for encouraging Ron to take the potion. Cal however just grins and claps modestly as Ron saves yet another goal.

Flying in a spread formation, Dean moves the Quaffle up the line until it lands in Ginny's hands. Pitching herself into a wide slide to avoid a pair of whistling bludgers, she leans recklessly off her broom and whips the Quaffle through the goal untouched.

As the crowd screams and Harry moves to meet Ginny and gives her a wide grin and a fist pump as they fly passed. He eyes the Gryffindor section, where Luna's lion jay roars and Lavender claps for Ron. Flo sits with her arms crossed, a look of supreme annoyance on her face. Harry chuckles and jets off.

"Come on 'mione lighten up," Y/N says loudly to Flo and her girlfriend to be heard over the roaring crowd "it's just a bit of liquid luck, it's not like we're pro-level"

"With that attitude, you can kiss pro-level goodbye" Hermione mutters and Y/N sighs

"Come on my love don't be like that" Y/N whines

Hermione rolls her eyes but a small smile forms on her lips as the crowd cheer once again for Ron saving yet another goal. The Gryffindor crowd cheer and this time Flo and Hermione join in with modest clapping much like Cal. Y/N grins and cheers the Gryffindor team on, creating a lot of noise with Jorden joining in on all the fun.


The Gryffindor common room is filled with students celebrating Gryffindor's victory. It feels like a mosh pit, or a riot and Ron is right smack in the middle of it.

"Weasley! Weasley! Weasley!" the crowd cheer and Ron grins enjoying his moment.

Harry takes his praise on the periphery, smiling as he sips a butterbeer and enjoys Ron's turn in the spotlight. Y/N, Hermione and Flo come to join him, Cal and Jorden have seemingly run off somewhere.

"Ron seems to be enjoying himself." Y/N comments and Harry laughs

"Yep. Apparently, it's his lucky day." Harry says and Y/N grins.

"You shouldn't have done it, Harry." Flo comments and Harry shrugs

"Yeah. I suppose I could've just used, I dunno, a confundus charm?" Harry comments and Flo's face goes a shade of pink.

"How did you find out about that" Flo asks

"I think you should stop underestimating Florence," Harry says and the Ravenclaw playfully whacks him.

"Oh shut up," Flo says and Harry and the others laugh "but that was different. It was tryouts. This was an actual match-"

She stops. Harry dangles the vial.  The sealing wax is unbroken and the bottle is full.

"You didn't put it in?" Hermione comments and Harry nods

"Ron only thought you did?" Flo says a smile forming on her lips. Harry nods with a smug grin on his face and Y/N  fist-pumps him when suddenly, their attention goes to the centre of the room.

"Well I'll be damned," Y/N says looking at the mass crowd of people.

Suddenly a wave of whistles and catcalls rises amongst the crowd. The group turn their attention to see what the commotion is about. What they find is smack bang in the centre of the room Ron and Lavender, kissing in a rather passionate display. Y/N and Hermione both stare at each other a little taken aback by the display but end up clapping awkwardly along with the crowd.

Harry grins happy for his best friend, then turns back turns meets Flo's eyes only to find the spot where she was occupying empty. Harry then looks to Y/N who is looking around for Flo as well and spots her in the crowd of people. The Ravenclaw's eyes shift and track Flo as she bumps through the crowd toward the portrait hole. Y/N motions to follow but Harry grabs her hand stopping her.

"I'll go," Harry says and Y/N nods and turns her attention back to Hermione

"How devastated is Flo going to be," Hermione asks and Y/N sighs

"She'll for the most part hide it, but underneath that she'll be a mess" the Ravenclaw answers

"Hermione nods and takes Y/N's hand "We'll be there to support her"

"Of course," Y/N says and kisses Hermione's cheek "but remember always agree with whatever Flo says, otherwise she'll snap at you"

"Unfortunately darling I think that rule only applies to you. And you still manage to mess that up" Hermione chuckles and Y/N rolls her eyes "you and Jorden are always Flo's punching bag whenever she's upset"

"Unfortunately you're right," Y/N says "you're always right"

"And don't you forget it," Hermione says and kisses Y/N tenderly.

She leads Y/N to a quiet area of the common room to share more tender kisses away from prying eyes. Fortunately for them, the crowd was too focused on Ron to care what was happening. Away from the crowd both girls finish their drinks and continue making out away from prying eyes. It was a little awkward at first as they get used to Y/N's sling but they got used it fairly quickly. Suddenly someone taps the Ravenclaw's shoulder and Y/N turns around to find Jorden and Cal standing in front.

"We're going now," Cal says holding Jorden's hand

"Right," Y/N says and looks in the centre of the room noticing Ron is gone "where's Ron"

"Godric knows," Jorden says "he pissed off with Lavender"

"Of course," Y/N says then looks to Hermione "do you want to head to the Ravenclaw common room? It'll be a little quieter"

"Lead the way, my love" Hermione replies and Y/N grins

They leave the roar of the party for the quiet of the corridor. Ahead, a door stands ajar and the sound of birds can be heard. They round the corner to see Harry and Flo cuddled up against each other. The birds change colour as they orbit around the two of them, from sunny yellow to a dark, angry scarlet.

"Flo" Y/N asks timidly "you alright"

The Ravenclaw looks up at Y/N and their friends behind them. "I'm fine Y/N," Flo says her voice wavering. "Harry's not that bad at comforting people"

The raven-haired boy smiles "thanks Flo"

Just then the door bursts wide and Ron rushes in, pulling a giggling Lavender by the hand. They stop and look

"Oops. I think this room's taken." Lavender says giggling

As Lavender pulls Ron out, he cuts his voice low  to Harry. "What's with the birds?" he asks

Before Harry can reply, Flo rises and points her wand at Ron. "Oppugno!"

Instantly the bird's race like angry red bullets toward Ron. The Weasley boy flees and slams shut the door behind him and Lavender. As the birds hit the door, they explode softly into small feather clouds. Flo covers her face and sobs as she sits back down next to Harry.

Harry tentatively drapes his arm over her. As she turns her face into his chest, he pulls her closer. Y/N moves to sit beside Flo and wraps her good arm around her best friend. The others surely join and surround Flo hoping to make her feel better.

"You know what you said earlier, about seeing Ginny with Dean" Harry says to Flo who looks up at him

"Yeah" Flo says quietly

"It feels like this," Harry says and Flo nods and quietly cries on Harry's shoulder.

Y/N sighs, she hates seeing her best friend so upset. The Ravenclaw girl moves to sit on the opposite side of Flo and places a hand on her knee hoping to comfort her. Hermione moves behind Flo and drapes her arms around her.

Cal and Jorden both move as well to comfort their friend as Flo continues to sob. The others just stay and hold her, partly hating Ron for causing this but also hoping that Flo will be her bubbly self soon.

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