Can You Love Me Right? GxG

By CrazyAplaka1

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Voldemort is back!!! And this time the wizarding world knows of his return and about Harry's and Y/N's prophe... More

Chapter 1 - Welcome Back!
Chapter 2 - Show Me How Much You Missed Me
Chapter 3 - Meeting Slughorn
Chapter 4 - The Burrow
Chapter 5 - Late Night Talks
Chapter 6 - Diagon Alley
Chapter 7 - The Train to Hogwarts
Chapter 8 - New Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher
Chapter 9 - Hufflepuff Party
Chapter 10 - Hufflepuff Party Pt.2
Chapter 11 - Its All Fun and Games Darling
Chapter 12 - Potion Masters
Chapter 13 - Don't be Jealous My Love
Chapter 14 - I'm Sorry Darling
Chapter 16 - Quidditch Trials
Chapter 17 - Do You Trust Me
Chapter 18 - Dumbledore's training
Chapter 19 - Birthday girl
Chapter 20 - Hogsmeade
Chapter 21 - Nice Skin
Chapter 22 - Hidden places
Chapter 23 - Dinner Party
Chapter 24 - Quidditch Day
Chapter 25 - Weasley is our King
Chapter 26 - Regulus Black
Chapter 27 - Will you just relax
Chapter 28 - Christmas Party
Chapter 29 - Christmas Party Pt.2
Chapter 30 - The Granger's
Chapter 31 - Death Eater Attack
Chapter 32 - Settling in
Chapter 33 - Under Suspicion
Chapter 34 - Lupin
Chapter 35 - A quiet new years
Chpater 36 - Happy Birthday Y/N
Chapter 37 - Birthday surprise
Chapter 38 - A night out in london
Chapter 39 - Dumbledore Returns
Chapter 40 - New changes
Chapter 41 - Failed task

Chapter 15 - The Pensieve

2.1K 57 2
By CrazyAplaka1

A few days have past and the Y/N and her friends have all been in high spirits. They've been doing well in classes and getting a head start on their assignments, with the help of Hermione's and Flo's nagging.

Y/N and Harry both make their way up to the Headmaster's office, the night was calm as they weaved through the empty corridors. Dumbledore had asked the two of them to visit after dinner, but they weren't given anymore information than that. Harry knocks on the door and gently opens the door to reveal the headmaster sitting at his desk. He smiled kindly at the two of them.

"Good evening, Harry and Y/N. You got my message, I see. Come, sit." Dumbledore says and the two teenagers step forward. Y/N's eyes shift to the pensieve curiously before sitting down "So. How are you?"

"Fine, sir." Harry says and Y/N nods

"Same here" Y/N replies and Dumbledore nods

"Enjoying your classes? Professor Slughorn, for one, is most impressed with you two" Dumbeldore says with a mischievous look

"I think he overestimates our abilities, sir" Y/N says chuckles

"Do you?" the headmaster asks

"Definitely." Y/N and Harry both say

Dumbledore smiles affectionately and nods. "And what of your activities outside the classroom? Do they bring you satisfaction?"

"Sir?" Harry says a little confused

"Well, I know Miss Granger keeps Y/N occupied." Dumbledore says with a smile and the Ravenclaw girl blushes "but I notice you spend a great deal of time with Miss Ravens, Harry. One can't help but wonder if-"

"No!" Harry says quickly "I mean- she's brilliant. And we're friends. But no."

"Forgive me, Harry, I-" Dumbledore smiles faintly before he shakes his head. "I was merely curious."

"There's nothing to forgive Porfessor" Hrry says with a warm smile and Dumbledore nods

"In any event, I'm sure you're wondering why I've summoned you both here tonight. The answer lies here." Dumbledore swings open a cabinet where dozons upon dozons of glittering vials stand like tiny glimmering soldiers.

"What are they," Harry asks

"What you see before you are memories. In this case the memories belong to one individual, Voldemort. Or as he was known then, Tom Riddle." Dumbledore says and reaches down with his damaged hand, removing a stoppered vial, dusty and veined with age. "This vial contains a particular memory of the day I first met him. I'd like you both to see it. If you would"

Dumbledore extends his ashen hand and Y/N and Harry both rise. The Ravenclaw carefully takes the vial and removes the cork. She tips the contents into the Pensieve and the two teenagers both look at the headmaster for confirmation. Dumbledore nods and Y/N and Harry lean into the iridescent liquid, their faces breaking the surface.


A horse-drawn milk cart rattles across a rain-swept London street and a young Dumbledore appears in a plum velvet suit. He walks down the street until he reaches a grim building surrounded by iron gates, an orphanage. Inside, a skinny, sharp-featured woman, leads Dumbledore down a drab corridor. Children's voices carry from an unseen courtyard, shrieking in the midst of some game.

"I must confess to a bit of confusion upon receiving your letter, Mr. Dumbledore. In all the years Tom's been here, he's never once had a family visitor. Frankly, I was stunned to find that someone knew of his existence." The woman says

"I am not family. But his name has been known to me since birth." Dumbledore replies

"I see," the woman says but Y/N can tell that she doesn't really. The woman stops and frowns. "I think I should tell you. He's a funny boy, Tom. Odd. There have been incidents with the other children. Nasty things."

"Perhaps you could give me an example," Dumbledore asks

The woman starts to speak, then shakes her head and moves off. As Dumbledore moves to follow, his eyes look upon a framed photograph on the wall. Y/N looks at the photograph, old and yellowing depicting a seaside scene of a sharp rock outcropping and a cave before he eventually exits.

The woman's hand appears and she knocks on the door before turning the knob. It reveals a  small room, grim and shadowy. A young Tom Riddle sits atop a bed, hands in his lap. He looks about 11. The walls crawl with reflected rain, oozing like oil down a grimy window.

"You've got a visitor, Tom." The woman replies

Dumbledore steps forward, extends his hand. "How do you do, Tom"

Riddle eyes Dumbledore briefly then looks away.

"Well, I'll leave you two to yourselves." The woman says before closing the door behind them.

Dumbledore studies Riddle, then begins to tour the room. The headmaster passes a tall cabinet, tracing his fingers over its surface, as if the wood's grain were braille. He then pauses, strewn on a small table are a grouping of seven dark drawings. A boy and girl, their faces anguished and a sea-swept cave. The same cave from the photograph. Dumbledore begins to reach out-

"Don't." Tom's voice cuts through the silence

Dumbledore stops and turns to find Riddle's level gaze on him. "As you wish."

Tom looks away and Dumbledore, for the first time, notices the boys hands. They are splayed, utterly still, and interlaced with a silky web, where a spider knits back and forth.

"You're the doctor, aren't you?" Tom says

"No. I'm a Professor." Dumbledore responds

"I don't believe you," Tom says "I hear Mrs Cole talking. Her and the rest of the staff, they want me looked at. They think I'm different."

"Perhaps they're right." Dumbledore replies and Tom frowns

"I'm not mad." He says defensively

"Hogwarts is not a place for mad people," Dumbledore says calmly. Riddle looks up and cocks his head ever-so-slightly. "It's a school. A school of magic. You can do things, can't you, Tom? Things the other children can't."

Riddle eyes Dumbledore intensely, unblinking "Yes." he finally says

"Tell me some of the things you can do Tom," Dumbledore says

Ton watches the spider in his hands "I can make things move without touching them. I can make animals do what I want without training them. I can make bad things happen to people who are mean to me. I can make them hurt, if I want." Dumbledore studies Riddle then the boy looks up. "Who are you?" Tom asks curiously

"I'm like you, Tom. Different." Dumbledore says with a small smile.

Riddle closes his hands and the web collapses. "Prove it."

Without breaking his gaze, Dumbledore's eyes narrow ever-so-slightly and suddenly, the wardrobe bursts into flames. Riddle wheels but then slowly a faint grin forms on his face. Dumbledore studies him then abruptly, the wardrobe begins to shake. Riddle's smile fades.

"I think there is something trying to get out of your wardrobe Tom," Dumbledore says

Terrified, Riddle steps closer to the burning wardrobe and throws open the door. On the topmost shelf, above a rail of threadbare clothes, a small box shakes violently. As Riddle's fingers touch the box, the flames engulfing the wardrobe vanish, but the box continues to shake, the only sound in the silent room.

"Is there anything in that box you ought not to have?" Riddle eyes Dumbledore, but he spills the box onto the bed, a yo-yo, a silver thimble, and a tarnished mouth organ are laid out "Why did you want these things, Tom?"

"I like having things that belonged to other people. It makes me feel close to them." Tom responds

Dumbledore studies Riddle's profile, pondering this. "Thievery is not tolerated at Hogwarts. At Hogwarts, you will be taught not only how to use magic, but to control it. Understood?" and Riddle nods "I'll be going now, Tom. Leave your window open tonight. An owl will bring you a message. Read it carefully."

Dumbledore starts to exit when Ton speaks up "I can speak to snakes too." and Dumbledore stops "They find me and whisper things. Is that normal. For someone like me?"

"It is unusual. But not unheard of." Dumebldore answers

The Headmaster then exits without a backward glance, leaving 11-year-old Tom Riddle alone. The image shudders and fades away.


Harry and Y/N enter back into Dumbledore's office. The headmaster stands quietly in the room which has grown dim in their absence. Dumbledore gestures, and the lamps blaze back to life.

"Did you know, sir? Then?" Y/N asks

"Did I know that I had just met the most dangerous Dark Wizard of all time? No. Had I-" Dumbledore falters, his expression troubled. Y/N looks up from the Pensieve, where young Tom Riddle's fragmented face floats on the surface then eyes Dumbledore.

"Sir" Harry says and Dumbledore sighs

"Over time, while here at Hogwarts, Tom Riddle grew close to one particular teacher. Can you two guess which teacher that might be?" Dumbledore asks

"You didn't bring Professor Slughorn back simply to teach Potions, did you, sir?" Y/N says

"No. I did not. You see, Professor Slughorn possesses something I desire very dearly, and he will not part with it easily" Dumbledore says eyeing the two teenagers wearily "I'd rather not divulge any more just yet. But I promise, in time you two will know everything."

"You said Professor Slughorn would try to collect us" Harry says

"I did," Dumbledore replies

"Do you want us to let him?" Harry asks

Dumbledore trails his ashen fingers in the surface of the Pensieve, vanquishing young Tom Riddle's face.

"Yes." He says "Now off to bed you two. Y/N I would like to see you for more lessons on wandless magic Sunday evening"

"I won't be late professor" Y/N replies and the two teenagers exit the office.

Y/N makes it back to the Ravenclaw tower and to her dorm. She quickly changes out of her clothes into her sleepwear and hops into bed, except she can't seem to sleep. What the headmaster showed her and Harry in the pensieve stuck with her. Eventually, after the Ravenclaw's brain gets tired, she finally drift off to sleep.

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