cheer camp

By angel_5432

154K 2K 559

Taylor Greg is happily living in Australia enjoying her normal high school life, that happiness gets crushed... More

cheer camp part 1 (all I can say is why me !?)
cheer camp part 2 (new rival)
cheer camp part 3 (cheer practice? Hell no.)
cheer camp part 4 (Hello Dylan)
cheer camp part 5 (The football game)
cheer camp part 6 (After party)
cheer camp part 7 (Ashley's sweet 16)
cheer camp part 8 (Sweet revenge)
cheer camp part 9 (Poor Ashley, not.)
cheer camp part 10 (First date)
cheer camp part 12 ( please tell me I am dreaming !)
cheer camp part 13 ( were the hell am i suppose to stay !)
cheer camp part 14 ( JACINTA )
cheer camp part 15 ( sectionals )
cheer camp part 16 ( broken hearted )
cheer camp part 17 ( girls night )
cheer camp part 18 ( beach party )
cheer camp part 19 ( dinner with Dylan)
cheer camp part 20 ( Prom Preparations)
cheer camp 21 ( The end )

cheer camp part 11 (Annoying and stupid people)

5.9K 85 24
By angel_5432

Cheer camp part 11

hey guys !!! here is another chapter of cheer camp :) hope u like it ,

this song tht ive picked today is just a random im listning to it now so yeah , i luv it !!! anyways i should shut up to u can read

comment / vote , become a fan :D

luv u all !!!! :)


"ahhhhhhhhhhhhh" Ashley screamed in excitement

"OMG prom is gonna happen in 3 weeks, ahhhh I'm so excited !" Alex screamed along.

I smirked at how pathetic they were, freaking out about prom. How stupid.

"So do you think I'm gonna get prom queen ?" Ashley asked Alex

"Omg of course you are, your Ashley Scott"

"Um correction it's Gertrude Ashley Scott" I said butting in to their conversation

Ashley looked and gave me a death stare then carried on talking.

"yeah I know I will be choosen,  I mean I am so popular and not to mention pretty"

"Everyone hates you ?" I said pointing out the obvious

"you know what whore, why don't you shut up and mind your own business" Ashley said rudely

"well you know what Ashley at least I don't dress up like a whore and have sex with every guy I meet , I mean how do you even find a place to do it ?

"you know what Taylor why don't you ask your boyfriend Tom ?, he would know, since he is the BIGGEST man whore in this school"

I walked off super pissed off and then Cami came up behind me and grabbed my arm

" WHAT !?" I snapped at her

"Taylor that is not true !, Tom wouldn't do that I promise, Ashley is a bitch and she's just lying "

"well why do I sorta believe her ?"

"you shouldn't, she just wants Tom all to her self!"

I thought about it for a bit and I was jumping to conclusions,I forced my self to smile.

" that's a girl, Cami said while patting my shoulder, so are you ready to go to class?"

"yeah, I guess"

"well go get dressed, class starts in 10 minutes"

I quickly ran to my closet and got a pair of light blue denim shorts, a white loose tee shirt and my white high top converse, I quickly tied my hair in a messy bun than left the loose bits fall out.

"alright I'm ready" I said grabbing my bag

Cami laughed


She grabbed me by the arm and we ended up running to French class.

When we walked in everyone was on their desk writing quietly

"um sorry miss" cami said sweetly

"say it in French and you won't get in trouble"

"je sues d'esolee mademoiselle"

"vite ! Get in your seats she said in a French accent, Cami and I both hurried to our seats not really notice who I was sitting next to.

"naughty girl, look who's late"

I rolled my eyes and turned to Dylan

"your not gonna be a jerk today are you ?"

"no I'm not why would I be ?"

"because Dylan ! You are that type of guy that doesn't mean anything he says and your a massive jerk !"

"I thought you forgave me"

"yeah well I did but then when I told you I was gonna see Tom you got all mad "

"yeah well I was in a bad mood"


"someone has their period today"

I turned to him with rage and raised my voice.

"can you just shut the fuck up and leave me alone !"

All of a sudden I heard someone stand up it was Matt ...... Tom wasn't in this class,

"Taylor is this guy bothering you because if he is I'll make sure I fuck him up" he said angrily looking at Dylan

Before Dylan could say anything the teacher started to speak.

"you three get out of the class room right now ! I'll talk to you when this period is over"

We all got up from our seats and walked outside

"bitch" I said under my breath

"I agree" Dylan said

"shut up Dylan !" Matt joined in

We sat down in the hallway in silence.

"hey who wants to jig ?" Dylan asked excitedly

"what the hell are you stupid ? we are already are in enough shit as it is,"

"why do you hate me taylor !?"

"I don't hate you, gosh I'm just annoyed with you cause your such a jerk !"

Matt was listening to our conversation but I didn't really care,

After it was silent till the bell rang, everyone came out of their classes and the hallway was full of people.

"common you three get inside !" miss said

We all walked inside looking down at the floor.

"how dare you disturb my class !"

"we're sorry Miss" Matt said apolitically

"you know what I'll let you off this time but next time detention no excuses!, you guys can go now !

We left quietly and walked our different directions.


I was sitting down on my bed trying to finish off an over due assignment.

"hey Taylor"

"hi" I said while still looking at my laptop

"wanna go on a double date ?"

I looked up to see Cami there

"with who? Matt and Tom?"

"yeah, were gonna go to the new fair that just opened down the street"

"um alright, I got up and grabbed my wallet

"let's go !"

We walked out to the parking lot, Tom and Matt were both leaning against the car waiting for us looking super hot.

"hey beautiful" Tom walked over to me and kissed me lightly on the lips

,I felt that spark again.

"hi" I said while smiling aganst his lips

"you ready to go or what ?" Matt said looking impatient

"um yeah" Tom said awkwardly slightly blushing

Tom and Matt got in the front and Cami and I sat in the back seat.

During that short period of time we were listening to music, do it like a dude came on, Cami and I were singing the song like idiots, when the song finished we were there, we all got out and just marveled at how big and beautiful the fair looked.

"we should of gone here at night !" Cami said in shock

"yeah I know" I said agreeing

We all walked in to the huge theme park at the same time, Tom took my hand and placed it in his

"hey Matt do you wanna go off with Cami ?" Tom asked

"um yeah ok" Matt said sounding abit awkward, Cami and Matt walked off together.

"well your nice" I said looking up at him

"what? I wanted alone time with my beautiful girlfriend" he lifted me up from my feet and kissed me

"do you want a piggy back ?" he said with a smirk on his face

"are you serious ?"


"alright then, sorry if I break your back"

"Don't be silly"

He leant down so I could get on his shoulders.

"wow your light"

I laughed and wrapped my hands around his neck and kissed him.

"you see this is what gets me going everyday a kiss from you"

"haha Tom shut up your so cheesy"

"haha, he laughed along, do you want some fairy floss ?"

"yeah, why not"


Ashley's pov

After Alex and I hearing Cami and Taylor's conversation we had to go and interupt their double date, we just had too, after they left shortly Alex and I went off stalking them, Alex clearly didn't want to do this but I dragged her along anyway, she was to nice !  Damn her, sometimes she really pissed me off.

When we reached the place I saw the two couples talking, then Matt and Cami left so it was just them two, all of a sudden Taylor jumped on Toms back then they kissed ! Jealousy hit through my system and I wanted to do was ruin her, simply destroy the tough girl she thinks she is, then it hit me.

"Alex pass me my cell !" I put my hand out for her to pass it to me.

"I quickly scrolled through my contacts and found Dylan, I wasn't that stupid I knew Taylor had a thing for him and I know he still has a thing for her, I pressed call and it started to ring.

"yo yo yo it's your bro Dylan"

"ugh you know you really are an idiot!"

"Ashley !?" I could tell that he was scared just by the sound of his voice

"yes it is Ashley you stupid boy, now Dylan do you know that fair that just opened down the street?"

"uh yeah"

"come there now !"

" why ?"

"just come !".

After a few minutes Dylan's car pulled over and he came walking out.

"uh hi Ashley"

" yeah, yeah, yeah let's just skip the hi's and shit, you like Taylor right ?"

" yeah she's hot "

I rolled my eyes, typical boys. They didn't want to be in a relationship that gets to serious.

"anyways do you wanna crash Tom and taylor's date !?"

" what's in it for me? She doesn't even like me"

"I don't know your gonna be spending so much time with her that she might end up falling for you"I made that up rite on the spot, I really didn't care about what was in it for him, only me, I needed Tom back !

"alright so what do I do !?"

"your gonna be my boyfriend " I said clinging to his arm

"woah, woah, woah,your my girlfriend now?" he asked looking shocked and he was also looking down my top.

I slapped the side of his face, I seriously was about to gag.

"Focus !, I'm not really gonna date you, please your not even my type, I'm to good for you and I don't even want to go there.."

"thanks Ashley your so nice ....."

"common let's go !"

We walked off hand in hand ready to go ruin their little date .

Taylor's pov

I was picking at my fairy floss.

"can I have abit ?" Tom asked in a cheeky voice giving me a cute smirk


I got a bit and put it in his mouth.

"can I have a bit too ?" A familiar voice interrupted

I turned around to see Ashley and Dylan holding hands, when did they get together !?

"oh look who's here the the two people we hate the most" I said rudely death starring both of them

"oh that's to bad I was hoping you were gonna feed me like what you did with Tom" Dylan said while putting a fake sad face on.

"oh please, give me  break"

Before Dylan could say anything Ashley butted in.

"were is Matt and Cami ?"

This time Tom answered

"they went off somewhere"

"well I guess we'll be replacing them"

Ashley gave us her world famous fake smile

"great" I said  rolling my eyes

"well shall we go ?" Dylan said smirking

Tom and I exchanged glares.

"fine !" I grumbled getting up


Tom and I walked off leaving them behind us, Ashley kept on stepping on the back of my shoes and it was really starting to piss me off I was about to turn around and pull her hair but Tom squeezed my hand telling me it wouldn't be a good idea.

"so what ride do you want to go on first ?" Tom asked me sweetly

Before I could answer Ashley butted in AGAIN.

"um bumper cars because roller coasters make me feel sick !"

"he asked me Ashley, and I'd like to go on a roller coaster" I said just to piss Ashley off

"fine, but if I get sick and vomit it's all your fault"

We walked over to the roller coaster and paid for our tickets, I could here ashley and Dylan arguing and then all of a sudden it stopped.

"I'm gonna sit next to taylor" Ashley said clinging onto my arm like we were best friends or something, I wriggled my arm out of her grip.

"no I'd rather sit with Tom, why don't you go with Dylan ?" I suggested

"ew yuk !, I wanna sit with you"





"ugh fine !" I said annoyed finally giving in

We got on the roller coaster and it started, it was really fast and we went down big hills

"ahhhhhhhhhhhhh" I screamed in excitement

"ah I ah think ah I'm ah going ah to be ah sick " Ashley said between screams

"shut up !"

"ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, she screamed more I'm gonna vomit !"

"no just hold it till the ride finishes"

"ahh  I can't"

when she said that vomit started spitting everywhere, it went all over me

"eww, Ashely what the fuck !?"

Finally the ride stopped and I jumped off it.

"eww!" I jumped around freaking out

Tom came and helped me

"ew yuck what happened !?" he asked covering his mouth in shock

"that stupid bitch vomited all over me!"

"I told you I get sick on rides" she evily smirked and I just gave her a dirty

"common let's clean you off " Tom said grabbing me by the arm

"oh I'll come" Ashley said in excitement

"NO!" Tom and I said in unity

We walked off leaving Ashley and Dylan, hopefully they would leave us alone.

When we reached the bathroom he helped me clean Ashley's vomit off me it smelt so bad !

He leant me his top so he was shirtless, ah so hot ! And I kept my jeans on because no vomit hit me around that area.

"so are you alright ?"

"yeah I guess, I shouldn't of picked the roller coaster anyway

"why ?"

"cause I picked it to piss Ashley off and it hit me rite in the face, literally with vomit"

"common your clean and fresh now so why don't we just enjoy the rest of the date?"

"alright" I smiled and we both walked out of the bathroom to see Ashley and Dylan standing there, seeing the both of them together made me rage in anger

"that's it ! What will it take for you guys to piss off and leave us the fuck alone ! Do you realize that you are so annoying"

"yeah we do that's the whole point of all of this, annoying you and there is one thing that you can do for us to leave you alone "

"WHAT !?" Tom and I said together

"kiss him" she pointed to Dylan

"no are you joking ? I am not going to kiss him"

"well were not gonna leave you alone then "

I exchanged looks with Tom and he nodded for yes I think he wanted them to leave as well

"fine is a kiss on the cheek included ?"

Before Ashley could answer Dylan butted in

"no, no, no the full package with tongue and everything"

I looked at Tom again

"fine" I walked over to him sexily and we were now inches apart Tom didn't know what was happening and Ashley looked interested, I leant in closer and closer and then just before our lips touched I slapped him right across the face really hard.

"ahh" he screamed clenching on to his cheek

"why the hell would you think I would kiss  you !?"

I grabbed Tom by the arm and ran to the car with him.

"woah Taylor I really thought you were gonna kiss him"

"why would you think that?, he is a total idiot I hate him, he and Ashley are  both meant for each other!"

"common let's go"

"alright" I gave him a little kiss on the lips, he started the car and we drove back to the school.

After Tom took me back to the cabin it was pouring rain everywhere, there was only Melissa, Julia and Tiffany in the cabin everyone else was out, haha sucked into Ashley she's probably drenched somewhere begging someone to give her a ride home, oh who am I kidding she's probably out there dry and satisfied with herself about today, I swear when she comes back she's gonna get it. All of a sudden I heard loud knocking on the door I opened it slowly and took a peek out of the gap and to my surprise it was Cami soaking wet clenching both of her arms together looking freezing cold.

"omg are you alright !? " I said opening the door fully

"no! you and Tom just ditched Matt and I, we spent I don't know 2 hours in the rain trying to contact you but no you already left !"

"I am seriously so sorry" I dragged her inside and pulled ashley's bed covers off her bed and put it over Cami"

"I think I'm just gonna sleep for a bit" she said while half yawning, she walked to her bed and literally collapsed cause she was so warn out.

wow we must of been so annoyed with Ashley and Dylan that we totally forgot about Cami and Matt .


thanx for reading ,:))

i can start posting more cause  its school holidays after tomoz  ahhh finally , i hate school , and i got the worst grade on the maths test today omg FML, haha sorry guys i just had to share tht with u ,

luv u all remeber to comment / vote and become a fan :)))))) thx

xox Angel_5432

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