Jurassic Park 3

By CariadRose

10.8K 202 7

Rose Grant is eldset child of Alan Grant and Ellie Sattler. On her 11th birthday her dad takes her along to h... More

The Grants
The Unexpected Visitor
The Meeting
Isla Sorna
Raptor Eggs
InGen Structure
Eric Kirby
The BirdCage
The River
Back Home
The Hospital

8 months later

600 7 1
By CariadRose

Alan paced the floor of the waiting room. He always felt useless in these situations and this one was no different.

"If you don't relax you're going to fall through the floor," Ian said as he sat on the bench opposite to Alan

"I know, I will relax when they are both ok," Alan said, trying hard not to glare too much.

"Alan, I get it but pacing back and forth won't help anyone." Ian shook his head and tried to get Alan to calm down a little.

Alan thought everything was going to be fine, just like the previous arrivals, he brought Ellie to the hospital as usual, then sitting in the room with her the doctor came in and did a routine check, that's when the doctor looked at them both. He told them the baby was not in a great position and was a little distressed so they were going to monitor Ellie and they may have to operate.

Alan's heart sank. He was afraid for Ellie, typical Ellie style she told Alan not to worry she was going to be fine and the baby was fine too. Alan wasn't so sure, she was the most precious person in his life next to his kids and he wouldn't know how to do anything without her. He called Ian who, being the friend he was, arrived within the hour for support, as Ian and his wife arrived the doctor informed him they were going to operate on Ellie.

"Alan, here take this, babe here's yours," Sarah walked through the door with coffees in her hand.

"Thanks babe," Ian said, smiling at her.

"Cheers Sarah, god I wish they would let me know what's going on,"

"Alan relax, Ellie is a fighter, she is going to be fine and so is the baby," Sarah tried to comfort Alan.

"Sarah, I love you but if that was you I would be doing the same thing," Ian laughed

"If?" Sarah looked at Ian and raised an eyebrow.

"When ok, when this is you I will be a complete mess," Ian held his hands up.

Ian loved Sarah. He knew the moment she went on to Isla Sorna a few years back, he had never been so worried in his life and he remembers Alan and Ellie telling him, that he had found the future Mrs. Malcolm, he was a little hesitant at first but then he remembered how Alan had gotten the courage to fully commit to Ellie and he thought if Alan could do it he could. To him Sarah was different, he never wanted her to be an Ex-Mrs. Malcolm, he wanted her to be the last Mrs. Malcolm.

So in true Ian Malcolm style he asked Sarah to marry him and to his surprise she said yes. They have been married for 3 years now, and he has never been happier. Though Sarah has been wanting to start a family with him since Alan and Ellie found out they were having a fourth baby. Ian agreed whole heartily and now it was just a waiting game for them.

"Ian, you're no help, go back to reading your book," Sarah said, smiling at him.

"Yes dear," Ian mocked and smiled as he pulled out his book.

"Alan, trust me everything will be fine, I don't think we have to wait too much longer," Sarah placed a reassuring hand on his arm.

"Thanks Sarah, it's killing me not knowing what's happening." Alan said he finally stopped pacing long enough to drink his coffee

The door to the waiting room opened and in walked the doctor.

"Dr. Grant?" He said approaching.

"Yes, is my wife ok? Is the baby safe?" Alan felt all his emotions go at once.

"Breathe Alan," Sarah said to him looking at the doctor.

Ian stood up and walked to the other side of Alan for support.

"Yes the surgery went well, your wife along with the baby are being moved to recovery, your wife maybe a little tired for the next few hours but nothing to worry about, she did say you would be a little stressed, but please relax both of them are well, you can see them now, they are in room 57 E." The doctor smiled at Alan hoping the good news had reassured him.

"See what I say," Sarah smiled. She was so relieved they were both ok.

"Come on, let's take you to see them," Ian ushered Alan towards the elevators.

"Yeah I need to see her with my own eyes before I completely relax," Alan entered the lift behind Ian and Sarah

"I can't wait to have a cuddle with the little one," Sarah smiled at Ian.

She herself was a little impatient, she wanted a baby so much with Ian.

"Yeah, he never did say what the baby was," Ian laughed.

"Don't care I just wanted to know they are both ok, the other times she was fine but this time, I'm glad we are not ever repeating this again," Alan mustered a smile.

"You actually went through with it then," Ian said surprised.

"Yeah I meant it Ellie was fine with it, she agreed 4 was more than enough for us," Alan laughed at the look on Ian's face.

"I don't blame you Alan, I can't imagine 4 of my own kids, don't get me wrong I love my step kids, but I think me and Ian would be perfectly fine with one child maybe two," Sarah smirked at Ian who's face turned white a little.

"Don't even ask that of me cause I am not about to do that! No way will I ever take that bullet," Ian said firmly standing his ground looking at Alan and Sarah.

The elevator doors opened and the three walked down the hall looking for Ellie's room.

"Alan, wait a sec," Sarah said, stopping and pausing Ian.

"You go in first, me and Ian will wait outside till you're both ready," Sarah nodded to Ellie's door.

"Thank you Sarah," Alan smiled at them both

"Thank you so much for being here, both of you, I would have been a complete mess without your support," Alan nodded at them and entered Ellie's room.

Alan opened the door slowly, he poked his head into the room and saw Ellie sitting up. She smiled as he entered the room.

"You look like hell," Ellie smiled

"I'm better now seeing you, god El, I was so worried about you both," Alan rushed over to Ellie and held her in his arms.

"I'm ok, would you like to meet our son?" Ellie nodded to the crib where their new son was sleeping.

Alan walked round to the otherside of the bed and looked at his newborn son.

"El, he's perfect! You did great Mrs. Grant," Alan beamed with pride as he carefully lifted his son up.

Alan held the baby boy in his arms and walked back to the otherside of the bed to sit next to Ellie. He slowly started to tear up.

"Hey what's the matter?" Ellie said, noticing the tear in his eye.

"Nothing, just for one split second I thought I could lose you both and I'm just overwhelmed a bit," Alan smiled at his wife and lent over to kiss her.

"You big softie," Ellie said as she carefully took the baby from Alan.

Alan kissed her again.

"I'm so proud of you, he really is perfect," Alan sat and watched Ellie cradle their son.

"Oh, god Ian and Sarah are here, they are outside," Alan said suddenly realising they were outside.

"Really? Well go let them in, if I know Sarah, she will be dying to hold this little man," Ellie laughed.

"Yeah when they said you were being monitored I phoned them worried, next thing I know they both showed up as you went in for surgery," Alan said as he walked towards the door.

Alan opened the door where Sarah and Ian were waiting for him.

"You guys want to come in and meet my new son?" Alan asked them, smiling.

"Congratulations!" Sarah said, giving Alan a hug and entering the room to see Ellie.

"Where is my new godson?" Ian shook Alan's hand and walked towards Sarah and Ellie.

Ian paused for a moment as he watched Sarah cradle the newborn baby in her arms. It was as if no one else was there. He thought to himself, how perfect she looked with a baby. It almost made him more determined to have a baby with her.

"Congratulations again to you both," Ian said as he shook his head and continued into the room.

"How are you feeling hun," Sarah asked Ellie.

"A little tired but I'm fine, I'm really glad you're all here," Ellie said, settling into her bed.

Sarah and Ellie met after the accident in Jurassic Park, Sarah had sought Ian out and they both came across one another. They both got chatting and stayed in touch. Good thing too as Ellie was the one who shipped Ian and Sarah together, and then after Isla Sorna, she and Alan told Ian to stop leading her on and finally commit, which he did.

She liked Sarah a lot and they quickly became the couples that do everything together, Rose called them the fab four, which Ellie liked. Sarah grew very close to Rose and always encouraged her in her love for palaeontology. She always agreed with Alan, they needed more women in their field.

"You had us worried for a moment," Ian smiled at Ellie while standing next to Sarah looking down at the baby.

Ellie smiled at the room. She held Alan's arm as he sat on the bed next to her. The door opened again and They both looked at each other wondering who it was. The next moment, Ellie's dad walked through the door with Rose.

"Mum," Rose walked over to her parents and hugged her mum gently.

"How did you know...?" Alan looked up at Ian and Sarah. He smiled shaking his head, he mouthed thank you to them both.

"So aunt Sarah, you are going to let me hold my new baby....," Rose looked at her dad.

"Brother, you have a baby brother," Alan nodded to the baby still in Sarah's arm.

"Yes! Nan owes me $5 grandpa," Rose laughed as her grandpa greeted Ellie and Alan.

"What do you mean nan owes you?," Ellie said, looking at her daughter walking over to Sarah.

"What?" Rose said with a smirk.

"Rose Elenor Grant, out with it," Alan said, smirking with his eyebrow raised.

"Ok, ok, nan was certain the baby was going to be another girl and I said no way it would be a boy, when she disagreed I put a wager on it," Rose stopped as she realised what she said.

"Ian, why do I suspect you taught my daughter what a wager is," Alan slightly glared at him.

"Ian, I've told you to stop corrupting our goddaughter loads of times," Sarah glared at Ian too.

"Hey, what else am I meant to teach her? I'm her cool uncle, it's my job to teach her a few things here and there, I promise though that was the last one though," Ian smiled as he winked at Rose.

Alan, Ellie and Sarah laughed, shaking their heads.

"Anyway back to the reason we are here, Rose, when you're done I want a hold of my new grandson," Ellie's father said, shaking Alan's hand.

"Well done, my boy" Ellie's father smiled at Alan, and then gave his daughter a kiss on the head.

"Thanks, George," Alan said to Ellie's father.

Alan always got on with Ellie's father, her mother was a hard nut to crack but when he won George round it wasn't long before Ellie's Mother Angie warmed to him. George always admired Alan even when he and Ellie had their moments he always guided Alan through the trails. Alan looked up to George as a father figure, since his parents lived in New Zealand he never got the chance to see them as often as he would like. George appreciated how well Alan treated his daughter and he loved grandkids so the more they had the more he liked Alan.

"Rose, give up your brother to your grandpa please," Ellie said to her.

"Do I have too?" Rose pouted to her dad.

"Oh no don't you dare pull that look on me, give the poor boy up and do as your mother says," Alan says laughing at his daughter.

Rose may be growing but in his eyes she was always his little girl and she was a complete daddy's girl at times.

"So dad, where's mum, Jack and Amelia?" Ellie said to George.

"Well, as much as she wanted to come, I felt after Ian saying you needed surgery that it was best to keep the little ones at home till tomorrow, and you know i'm the lesser of two evils, she would be completely fussing over you," George held his new grandson smiling at his daughter and son in-law.

"Yeah good point, thanks dad," Ellie snuggled into Alan's arms.

Sarah looked as Ellie laid into Alan.

"Ian, honey I think we should bow out, let Ellie rest," Sarah whispered in Ian's ear.

Ian nodded in agreement.

"Right we are going to get off, let you rest." Ian said, about to make his goodbyes.

"Wait, you can't go yet, mum, dad have you thought of a name for him?" Rose protested to Ian and Sarah and then turned to her parents.

"Well now you ask," Alan said looking at Ellie.

"We do have a name for him," Ellie smiled at Alan.

Together the smiled and said

"Matthew George Grant,"

George looked up at them both. He was stunned when they revealed his name. He got a little choked up.

"Good, good solid name," George said, handing his new grandson back to Ellie.

"And I was hoping for Ian or Malcolm," Ian laughed as Sarah elbowed him in the ribs

"Always next time," Alan smirked at Ian both knowing there wasn't going to be a next one

"Baby Matthew, I love it," Rose gently kissed her baby brother on the head.

"Perfect name there, but we are leaving so we will see you Sunday for lunch?" Sarah said to them.

"Yes see you both Sunday, drive safe," Ellie said as she said goodbye to Ian and Sarah.

George looked at Ellie and Alan.

"Thank you, I am incredibly touched by that kind gesture," George patted Alan on the back and gave him a quick hug.

"Don't mention it, you mean alot to all of us and this is just a small gesture to show you how much we appreciate you, and I wouldn't be the man I am today without your advice." Alan said to George.

"Right Rose, let's leave your parents alone, we can come back tomorrow with your nan, Jack and Amelia," George said to his granddaughter.

"Ok....." Rose sighed, she wanted to stay with them.

"Hey, come here," Alan hugged Rose tightly.

"I have to stay here for a few days to recover sweetie, I promise it will fly by," Ellie said, taking Rose's hand.

"I love you guys," Rose said as she tried to hug both her parents and said her goodbyes.

"Get some rest and I will see you both tomorrow," George said as kissed Ellie on her head and said his goodbyes

Alan and Ellie were then left alone with Matthew.

"Finally alone," Alan laughed, cooing at the baby.

"Alan," Ellie said laughing.

"Seriously, I mean we are never alone, and this is probably the last bit of peace we are going to have in a while," Alan laughed.

"Your terrible, you hearing this Matthew," Ellie laughed as she looked down at their new son.

"Matthew I think we should tell you about the craziness you're going to witness, first off never get on your mothers bad side, she's super scary," Alan laughed as he quickly kissed her on the head.

"Oh, really? Matthew you should know daddy can be really grouchy when he hasn't had his morning coffee," Ellie smiled poking fun at Alan.

"Fair point, now Matthew you need to know your big sister Rose is the bossied sister you will have and Amelia will be just as bossy, that's because they take after mummy, now you have a big brother Jack, now he is like daddy so you two need to stick together and not let the girls be too bossy," Alan dodged Ellies elbow as she nudged him.

"Look he's yawning," Ellies said to Alan.

Alan smiled as he looked at this perfect baby. He gently took the baby and placed him in the crib next to Ellie. He then went back to Ellie. He sat on the bed beside her and kissed her passionately.

"What was that for?" Ellie said, smiling into his lips.

"That is for making me the luckiest man alive, El, you have blessed me in so many ways, you're incredible, I love you so much, and I can't believe how lucky I am to call you Mrs. Grant, my wife and mother to my 4 beautiful children. I don't deserve you, I can't promise I won't be a stubborn grouchy jerk at times but what I can promise is that I will be your stubborn grouchy jerk." Alan said as he kissed her again.

"I love you Alan Grant, always have always will, and your wrong you know," Ellie smiled into his lips

"I am? Not the first time," Alan stayed close to Ellie's lips as she spoke

"You do deserve me, you had my heart the moment we met, and that will never change," Ellie smiled and kissed him again.

Alan sat on the armchair next to Ellies bedside.

"You're not seriously sleeping on that chair are you? Why don't you go home and rest?" Ellie shook her head as she settled down onto her pillow.

"Because Mrs. Grant I'm not about to leave you alone, what of Matthew cries in the night? I never left your side with Rose, Jack or Amelia and not about to start with Matthew, you sleep and rest. I will be here to sort Matthew out if he wakes, don't worry," Alan smiled as Ellie reached for his hand and closed her eyes.

Alan watched as she fell sound asleep. He really did think he was blessed. After everything that has happened and especially what happened 8 months ago. Alan landed in Montana with his family and took the lecture job. Since then he has never looked back. He finally had the best of both worlds. He relaxed back in his chair and closed his eyes only for Matthew to start crying.

Alan opened his eyes and smiled. He got up and sorted a bottle of ready made formula out for him. He picked Matthew up and started to feed him. He looked down at his new son and smiled as he whispered to Matthew.

"This is going to one wild ride Matthew my boy, welcome to the Grants,"


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