The way that it should have b...

By TeresaSullivan427

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It is CHRISTmas time at the academy, which as we know means a trip to the ski lodge. But what will happen to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 21

500 20 2
By TeresaSullivan427

"Don't, Sonja." She said firmly with a reprimand in her eyes. Making my sestra look back down at her plate and shut her mouth with a snap. (sister)

"Please continue, Roza." My babushka said then. (grandmother)

"After she signed over her parental rights of me to the academy, I have seen her a grand total of three times. And all three of those were accidents."

My family gasped, even Sonja's eyes went wide. I'd had no idea that Janine had not visited her more often than that, or at all apparently, this was yet another disgrace on her part. I just shook my head in disappointment at Janine's actions.

"Anyway, when I was fifteen, I was in the same car accidents that killed most of the Dragomir's. In that crash I was also killed..."

That was where there were more and louder gasps from the adults, or almost adults in Vika's case. Although, thankfully, neither one of the children were old enough to understand what any of this meant. I didn't want them to be afraid of Roza moya for any reason. (my)

"My best friend and nonbiological sestra, Princess Vasilissa Dragomir..." (sister)

Sonja scoffed, "yeah right, you know a princess."

"Yes, she most certainly does! They are and have been best friends, more like sestry, since before they were even five years old." I assured my own sestra furiously. (sisters, sister)

"Don't make comments on and assumptions about things that you know absolutely nothing whatsoever about Sonja. Because I absolutely won't stand for it. Not where Roza moya is concerned, not now, not ever. Not from anyone. So, make very sure that you don't ever forget that sestra." (my, sister)

She looked stunned that I would reprimand her in favor of Roza moya. But she shut her mouth, with a pout this time, at least for right now. (my)

Roza cleared her throat and continued her story. "Um anyway, Lissa used her special magic which is called spirit and brought me back to life. About three months after the crash, I had to take Lissa away from the academy because someone was trying to get to her. They were covertly torturing, threatening, and tormenting her..."

"How?" Vika asked.

'Would she ever stop interrupting and just listen?' I asked myself.

"Well, things in her room would come up missing and things that didn't belong in there were continuously showing up. There were more than a few threatening messages taped to her door. And twice someone actually got into her room and wrote threatening notes on her walls in blood. Telling her that they would 'have her' and that she would do what they wanted her to do, or she would regret it. Then there was one just like that after we came back to the academy, saying that if she didn't leave again and stay gone this time. That they would get their hands on her, and she would do whatever they wanted her to. To go along with those poor slaughtered, shattered, and bloody animals that they left on her be. Some of those animals were not even full dead when he left them on her bed. She had to watch a few of them struggle to take their last breath. But she did try to save some of them. But some of them... Well, it was just far too late for them. And since she had no idea how she managed to heal and save me, she was unable to save or revive those poor animals."

Everyone gasped again.

"The poor princess." Vika responded. She is so sweet and tender hearted, when she's not showing her public persona. Just like my Roza. But I wonder how she thinks that she will ever be able to be a guardian with her heart so soft. Even though Roza moya has an exceptionally soft heart, she also has a hard side to her. Thanks to Janine Hathaway treatment and mistreatment of lyubov' moya. (my love)

"... But they only wanted her away from the academy because they stupidly thought that it would be easier for them to be able to get their hands on her if she was away from the security of the academy. Which they should have known better because they hadn't been able to get anywhere near her while we were away the first time. And neither were the packs of psi-hounds, the dozens of strigoi, and probably over a hundred guardians that they sent after us."

My poor family were in shock.

"How could you kill guardians when they are so few of them as it is?" Sonja, yet again, had pretty much just accused lyubov' moya of committing murder.

"She most certainly did no such thing!!! And I have told you before, and I chert sure better not have to do so again, Sonja about accusing Roza moya of things that you have absolutely no yeblya clue about. And you chert sure better not ever let it happen again." I more or less just growled at my older sestra. (damn, my, fucking, damn, sister)

"So anyway, before Lissa and I ever even left the academy. I asked the headmistress Ellen Kirova for help to protect Lissa, multiple times in fact. She always called me a liar saying that I just wanted attention."

"Suka." Vika whispered. My mother gave her a look that told her to watch her language. (bitch)

"I'm sorry but I don't know what that word means yet."

"What is the very first word that comes to mind when you think of Kirova?"

"Bit..." Her eyes went to the children.

I nodded my head and I also saw not only my sestra Karo, but also my mother and babushka all smile. When Roza moya stopped herself from saying that word out loud in front of the children. I mean she could have said it in Turkish or Romanian either one and the children wouldn't have had a single clue what she meant. But she had stopped herself completely, and I was so proud of her for that, as well as just as thankful as everyone else was especially where someone such as Kirova was concerned. (sister, grandmother, my)

Angel moya hates very few people in this world, although there is a long list of people I would understand if she did hate. But the only five people that I know that she hates most in this world are Kirova, Tasha, Jesse, Janine, and Victor Dashkov. But not necessarily in that order. And she has more than ample reasons to hate every single one of those five people given what they have all done to her, and to Lissa too of course. (my, my)

"Oh, ok. So anyway, because she refused to help me protect Lissa. And she also refused to tell the head guardian at the academy what was going on and then she even went so far as to forbade me from telling her myself. The woman who has always actually been my mother, Guardian Alberta Petrova. Saying that she was not going to allow time, energy, and manpower to be wasted on a lie told by an attention seeking pathetic little slut and the biggest blood whore in the world. She said that if she found out that I told Alberta or anyone else about the supposed lie that I was telling. That she would have Alberta fired from the academy and ban from working as a guardian for anyone else for the rest of her life."

"Oh, my God, she actually called you that?!!" An outraged Karo asked.

Roza moya nodded, shrugged, and said, "several times since Janine left me there." (my)

"Kirova actually threatened to have Alberta fired and ban from guarding in the future if you told anyone about Lissa being threatened and in danger?" I asked incredulously myself.

"Yep, she sure did. And she knew how much I love Alberta, so she knew chert well that that was the perfect way to threaten me. And she was right, I just couldn't risk Alberta's happiness that way. Not when I knew that Lissa and I could handle what was coming our way ourselves. Which we did. With help from my baba. Other members of our family, and you of course."

She raised her hand and gently cupped my cheek so lovingly. And as she did so I turned my head and kissed the inside of her wrist gently and lovingly myself.

"Thank you for all of your help keeping my little sestra safe Comrade moy." She whispered; her voice filled with her love for me. (sister, my)

"You are quite welcome angel moya, you are so very welcome boginya moya. Quiet welcome indeed detka." (my, my goddess, baby)

We sat there for several moments gazing into each other's eyes smiling deeper and deeper by the moment. Until a thought popped into my head.

"Do you remember the very first time that she called you that disgusting name detka?" I asked her myself not wanting someone else to ask her that. (baby)

"Yea, I think it was shortly after I turned six years old. Or it may have been just before my seventh birthday, I'm not really positive but it was around that time for sure, but I can't be sure. Because it was just sooo long ago. And I am not really sure if that was the first time that she called me that or not, but it was the first time that she called me that to my face."

"Oh, my God, that's terrible. This woman is a horrible person." Vika said in anger.

Roza just shrugged. "I'm used to it by now."

"Roza, no one should ever have to get used to being called those kinds of disgusting things. Especially not a child, and most definitely not one so young and from an adult no less, that is atrocious. It is wrong for anyone to call anyone else a name such as that. And as I said, for it to come from a supposed adult and directed towards a child, well that is just completely UN-FOR-GIVE-ABLE. And something most certainly needs to be done about that woman." My mother assured lyubov' moya as she reached out and lay her hand over my Roza's and squeezed it. And we could all tell, from her words, just how angry that she was getting there at the end. (my love, my)

Angel moya just smiled appreciatively at my mother. "Thank you, Ms. Belikova, I really appreciate that." (my)

"Oh no my dear, as my only sons one true love and soul mate. You are to call me mama, just as the rest of my children do." My mother told lyubov' moya with a sweet and kind smile on her face. (my love)

"Thank you." Lyubov' moya whispered, and I could hear the tears that she refused to allow to fall in her voice.

"So, my brother is dating a blood whore, figures that you are." Sonja sneered breaking the wonderful and touching moment between my mama and lyubov' moya. I wondered if it was because she was jealous of what my mother had said to Roza moya or was she jealous of the way that my mother was talking to and treating angel moya. Or if it was because of whatever in the ad has been her yeblya problem since we arrived home. I didn't know the answer to that either, but it was just one more thing that I am going to find out before Roza moya and I leave Baia. (my love, my, my, hell, fucking, my)

"She most certainly is not!!!" I slammed my fist down on the table.

Now Roza lay her hand on my leg try to calm me.

"No, I'm not. I am actually still a virgin." If she had said that to anyone else the way that she had said it, it would have been a dig at them. But to my sestra from Roza moya it was simply a statement of fact, nothing else. (sister, my)

Now at hearing that information Sonja looked shocked and possibly even unjustly offended. But after everything that she had said to and about Roza moya she deserved it. Even if it had been a dig. (my)

Turning back to the rest of my family lyubov' moya continued on with her life story as I stared my sestra down. I soooo wanted to say to her, 'but you soooo obviously can't make that same claim now can you?' But I couldn't do that, Sonja is my sestra and I love her very much so I couldn't hurt her that way. Even if I hated and despised the way that she was acting towards ledi lyubov' moya. And that would end, very soon. I would make for chert sure of that. (my love, sister, sister, my lady love, damn)

"As I was saying, since I couldn't get any help to keep Lissa safe. I felt as though I had no other choice, I had to take Lissa away from the academy in order to keep her safe." Lyubov' moya shrugged like it was no big deal, only it was. It was a very big deal, a very big deal indeed. (my love)

"And they were just fifteen years old at the time." I interrupted.

"Yes. We stayed hidden from those in, at and around the academy for two years. It wasn't until Mitya found us that we were brought back to the academy. Kirova wanted to expel me and force me into a commune. Saying that I had kidnapped Lissa and that I had held her prisoner for those two years that we were away. But Lissa and Mitya refused to let that happen. Mitya spoke up for me..."

"You risked you career and status as a guardian for a..."

I slammed my fist on the table, this time much much MUCH harder than the last time. So much harder in fact that it caused all of the dishes, silverware, and food platters to jump and rattle.

"Sonja, DO NOT!!! Make me have to tell you again not to slander Roza moya in any way, shape, form, or fashion. You don't know anything whatsoever about her, her life, or the things that she has been through so just keep your mouth shut!! I will not stand for it happening again, so don't make that mistake again. Because if I have to, I will hate to but if I have to, I will cut you out of my life completely." (my)

Lyubov' moya gasped, "no Comrade, don't say that. You know how much something like that has hurt me. Please don't say or do something like that to your sestra, not because of me Mitya. Please?" Angel moya begged. No matter how much sestra moya has hurt her since we arrived, angel moya is sitting here asking, pretty much begging, for me to forgive the very same sestra who has hurt her soooo much. I swear that Roza moya is the best person that I know. (my love, sister, my, my sister, my, sister, my)

"Then she needs to learn to keep her mouth shut and her opinions to herself. She needs to know and learn that you come first Roza moya. She..." (my)

Lyubov' moya interrupted my rant trying to calm and reassure me. "She loves you, Comrade; you are her baby bother, and she loves you. She is just worried and concerned about you, she doesn't know about our love yet detka. She doesn't yet know of all that we have been through in order to be able to be together, all the pain that we have had to go through. Plus, there are all of her pregnancy hormones and emotions contributing to how she is thinking, feeling, and acting right now. Remember, we researched all of that for future reference. So just please forgive her, for me for our family for our future family forgive her detka. Please?"(baby, baby) 

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