In Love With Your Beautiful S...

By angaklatanngtadhana

62.6K 1.4K 467

What if Tong Yao comes from a very rich family in China? What if her family is close with Lu Si Cheng's famil... More

Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Author Note


4.1K 87 80
By angaklatanngtadhana

(If it's between Pope and Chessman, it's always in Korean...unless I say otherwise)

Clicking close from the tab, the Korean player smirks, swirling in his gaming chair as he stares at the ceiling and letting out a cute chuckle of laughs when he remembers the face this close friend made earlier in his stream. Lee Kun Hyeok, famously knowns as Hierophant or Pope, or Kun Hyeok, grab his phone and places his legs on top of his table and laying more comfortably on his chair as he scrolls through his Instagram, stalking Tong Yao's account, before deciding to text his friend, Chessman.

          My Little Brother Chessman💀

[Pope: So...still no labels?]

[Pope: I saw her post 'Our Biscuit' yet you guys aren't even in a relationship?]

[Pope: What is this😭💀]

[Pope: Relationship with no label?]

[Chessman: I don't know what you're talking about]

[Chessman: Now shoo, I'm shopping.]

[Pope: You? Shopping? In the same sentence? Gee I'm even more surprised that you're the one that said that🙄]

[Chessman: kindly fuck off]

[ who will it be? Smiling or Amora? ☺️🤨😘]

[Chessman: ????]

[Chessman: What?]

[Pope: ohh don't act stupid with me, who do you like more?]

[Pope: Amora, your first and childhood love or Smiling your online crush?]

[Chessman: ...]

[Chessman: you're stupid]

[Pope: Yes, stupid enough to be your friend for this long 🙄]

[Pope: Anyway, answer the question, which one do you like more?]

[Chessman: ...]

[Chessman: They're the same person?]

[Pope: Ahh so you're not cheati—]


[Pope: Amora, Tong Yao and Smiling are one person?]

[Chessman: Mhm]

[Chessman: Add her public courtesy name, Cheng Xiao Feng]

[Pope: ...Does she have like multiple personality disorder?]

[Chessman: What?]

[Pope: Just asking a sensible question🙄]

Waiting for an answer back but never receiving one Pope rolls his eyes so back he saw his brain and toss his phone on the table. Yawning as he swirls in his chair, not really in the mood to stream nor play any rank games. He's been busy for a while, meeting with new people, signing contracts and leaving his now team has taken a toll on the ADC.

Pope's peaceful rest was once again disturbed when another young brother of his decided to raid his office, jumping on the couch, and slamming the door close. Jolting from the sudden loud noise, Pope seats up properly and glare at the playful and player younger brother of his, Lee Hang Suk, or most people know and call him as KUN.

Kun, the jungler flashes him a cheeky smile, laying comfortably on the couch and continue to eat his snack. Grabbing the pillow beside him, Pope irritated aimed at Pope's face, hitting him straight on the nose and causing him to drop the snack on the floor. Pouting, Kun grab his snack again and Pope raises an eyebrow at him, challenging him to take any action.

"You're mean," Kun pouts, before his expression changes so fast into a cheerful one, "Have you heard?! Cheng-hyung's team is having a female! The first female player in our league!"

Pope sighs and watch as Kun talks dreamily about Lu Si Cheng's girl, "I'm going to meet her! I want to beat her so bad hyung!" Kun leans over the couch like a little child looking at Pope as though he just won a bucket of his favourite candy.

"Don't bother," Pope says with a yawn, leaning forward with a smirk, "Because that's Cheng's woman,"

Kun's eyebrow knits together, pouting again, "What? Cheng-hyung's woman? He hasn't even met the girl and she's already his?"

"Well, it's more like she owns him," The ADC shrugs proudly, "Anyway, don't bother trying to get her to be your next girlfriend, Cheng will beat you up,"

"Well, I won't get beat up if Cheng doesn't know," the jungler says smugly before getting hit in the face again.

"Dummy, you're in China's team, you'll meet Cheng sooner or later," Pope reminds the young child, "He'll definitely know if you're flirting with his girl,"

"I don't believe you," Kun says stubbornly, before taking his snack with him and stomping out of the elder's office. Pope watches as Kun sulkily slam his door close, shaking his head at the younger one, Pope decided to take a rest, moving to his couch, and taking a small nap.

"I don't get paid enough for this," he complains, thinking about all the memories of him taking care of cold Lu Si Cheng and hyperactive Lee Hang Suk. Shivering at the memory, Pope wraps himself in a blanket and takes a nap


Jin Yang walks into the kitchen halting when she noticed the dull and heavy atmosphere around her two children. Tong Yao seats silently at kitchen bench, Da Bing in her arms as the young former ballerina run her fingers through the cat. Lu Yue dully stands over the stove stirring the pot before attending more ingredients. Moving towards the chair of the kitchen bench, Jin Yang silently observe the two, trying to figure out what has happened.

"What happened?" Jin Yang finally ask, not in the morning mood to be Detective Sherlock Holmes, "Why the depressing atmosphere in the city of love?"

"Because Love's depressing?" Lu Yue states his answer as a question, turning his head to Jin Yang, flashing her a cheeky smile, "No, just kidding," he laughs at the dead pan expression Jin Yang was giving him, "Just download Instagram again,"

Jin Yang's curiosity grows even more, she knows for a fact that her friends always argue at Instagram but never in any other social medias. Tong Yao silently pushes her iPhone towards her friend, nodding for Jin Yang to see the problem herself. Lu Yue switches the stove off and place a pot heat holder on the bench before placing the cooked ramen in the middle and grabbing the other essentials such as bowls, chopsticks, glasses, and a jag of water for the three of them.

"I'll give you summary," Lu Yue seats down on the other side of Tong Yao, right in front of Jin Yang, he placed some ramen inside his bowl, before speaking again, "Cheng-ge commented on Trey's post and Theodore got so entitled that he said that Cheng-ge isn't important enough to be recognised or even be part of Tong Yao or Da Bing's life,"

Tong Yao hisses as she kicks him on the shin whilst Jin Yang gasps and instantly go to Trey's Instagram post, reading the comments slowly and carefully.

"But Cheng-ge is Da Bing's father though," Jin Yang comments, scrolling through Trey's post, trying to find the argument.

"You interpreted it wrong Lu Yue," Tong Yao sighs letting Da Bing go and grabbing her bowl and chopsticks, putting some noddles on her bowl. Lu Yue rolls his eyes and slurp his noddles in one go, "Theodore didn't mean it like that,"

"Just because he has a crush on you doesn't mean he has any right to say that towards Cheng-ge and Da Bing's dad," Lu Yue reasons and again the young Prima Ballerina rolls her eyes.

Jin Yang finishes reading the argument in the group chat and the comments. Closing Tong Yao's phone and gently placing it on top of the table she leans forward, eyes going back and forth to Tong Yao and Lu Yue. In disbelief she lets out a chuckle, remembering the comments and messages Theodore has sent. Jin Yang cannot believe anything she read, sure she is aware of Theodore's crush towards her friend; however, Jin Yang did not know Theodore is a kind of guy that's possessive over someone that's not his girlfriend.

"This is exactly why I don't use Instagram," she says proudly.

Lu Yue frowns and stops his scrolling before looking at Jin Yang, as though she's gone crazy, "Weibo's the exact same,"

Jin Yang flashes him a smile, "Exactly, I already have one toxic app, I don't need another one," Tong Yao only nods her head and continues to eat silently, Jin Yang joining them into the silent.

"I just don't know what went through Theo's head," Jin Yang frowns deeply, "I get that he has a crush on you but for him to say nonsense when he's the one that doesn't know anything," clicking her tongue and shaking her head, Jin yang continues to eat whilst Lu Yue nods his head in agreement.

And no one else speaks after that, they all seat there in silently, eating their ramen and only the sound of the slurping noddles and the little calls of Da Bing for her father, can be heard around the house.



Rushing down the stairs, fully dressed, as though he's about to go on another blind date, Lu Si Cheng quickly grabs his key cars and rushes towards the shoe cabinet ignoring the curious looks of his teammates. He had just found the perfect place to buy everything that his daughter will need when Da Bing comes back from France with Tong Yao. Being away from her for so long, Lu Si Cheng couldn't help but want to spoil the mother of the cat and the cat. Although, he is fully aware of the earful he'll get, Si Cheng couldn't care less, he will spoil the mother and daughter.

His team look at him in worry again, especially Xiao Pang, still concern about the actions of his captain from before and now. Nothing Lu Si Cheng does seem to bring comfort towards Xiao Pang, always scaring the little guy with his every action, especially when the team bully smiles in a way he never does before. Before Xiao Rui could call out to the leader asking him where he's going to go, Si Cheng has already slammed the door shut. A huge smile on his face can be very much seen, scaring Xiao Pang even more, as though they all had the same thought or they were all robots, the team looked at Yu Ming, who seats on his chair, scrolling through internet and drinking a bottle of yogurt.

Sighing Yu Ming swirls around his chair, looking at his team with a dead panned expression, "I don't know why he's smiling, I don't know why he's fully dressed and I don't know why he's rushing outside like an excited kid ready to go to Disneyland," he says, "And no, I also don't know whether my cousin, Amora is involved, that girl haven't texted me since last night, so I'm useless if you want the answers," with that he turns back around and continues to scroll through the internet.

Looking at their former midsolo and back at the door, the rest of the team look at each other and shrug, Xiao Pang goes back to his game and Lao Mao and Lao K goes into another rank game together. Their manager looks at the teenager internet addicts and places his hands on his hips letting out a deep sigh, he had aged over 100 years old just by taking and looking after the kids. Grabbing his phone out of his pocket, Xiao Rui looks at himself in the mirror trying to see whether he has started to grow white and grey hairs at the age of 28.

'Aya, these kids will be the death of me,' Xiao Rui shakes his head going back to the kitchen and continue his cooking for lunch.


Parking the Aston Martin in the private parking lot, a handsome young man age of 23 jumps out of the car, his smile never fading. Locking the luxurious car he makes his way inside the department store, instantly losing the smile he once has before. He didn't know what to buy, there were so many things he wants to buy yet doesn't know where to start first. Lu Si Cheng walks out of the elevator, shrugging and going inside the first shop he sees.

Fans around him fishes out their phone faster than a panther can catcher their prey, taking pictures of their idol who suspiciously shops for women clothing. Curiosity takes after the fans and they post the pictures they saw in the media, unaware of the chaos they're creating and the chaos that is yet to come. Si Cheng saw them from the corner of his eyes and fights the strength to roll his eyes, ignoring the stalkers he continues to shop of Tong Yao, grabbing everything he likes, and he knows she will love and placing them in the cart.

"Cheng-ge," halting Lu Si Cheng, turns around to find multiple girls looking up at him with a shy smile, he flashes them a public and practiced smile before nodding for them to continue to their question, "Why are you buying girl's clothing?"

"Mhm!" one of them nods violently, "And more specifically why are they like clothing for ballerina?"

Lu Si Cheng looks back at the cart slightly shock at how many tight yet comfortably clothes he brought, clothing he knows and remembers that Tong Yao loves to wear whenever she dances. If truth be told, the team bully wasn't too happy to hear her retiring, although he's quite happy to have her as his teammate, thinking about the accidently and Tong Yao leaving her dream and life behind, a life she's happy with, didn't sit right with him in anyway. Turning back to his fans he smiles again.

"My cousin does ballerina, she sent me to buy her clothes," it wasn't the truth but nor was it a lie. His little cousin really is a ballerina, but she didn't send him to buy her clothes.

Another girl tilts her head to the side, "Couldn't she have brought it by herself?" her friends throw her a look and jab her on the ribs.

"she's injured," another lie rolls out of his mouth perfectly as though he has planned this scenario, the said girl covers her mouth in shock and bows down in apology.

"I'm sorry, that was so unsensitive of me," she apologies multiple times as Lu Si Cheng only nods his head., giving them another polite smile, he went back to shopping.

Going in and out of shops, Lu Si Cheng has never purchased so many things in one day. His mother will call him in a while yelling at him why he's spending so much money and why he spent it all in women clothing and pet stuff. However, the team bully shrugged it off and continue to shop


Xiao Rui's eyes widen even more if that's any possible, reading the huge written headline from his phone, in frustration he grips his hair, tears filling up his eyes as he screams out of frustration. The team from the kitchen, rushes out and hide peaking their heads out to watch their frustrated manager on the floor throwing a tantrum. A shrill left his throat, making everything crumble into dust.

"LU SI CHENG!!!!!!"

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