His angel her devil

By everlove2069

1M 17.7K 5.8K

Aria Stella: 18,very sweet shy girl, gets abused by her father, doesn't know why her life is as bad as it is... More

Chapter 1: So it begins
Chapter 2: Fuck off
Chapter 3: Extra shift
Chapter 4: What happened?
Chapter 5: Life goes on.
Chapter 6: oh no.
Chapter 7: Just friends?
Chapter 8: Hostage
Chapter 9: Do you want to leave?
Chapter 10: Can you just come outside?
Chapter 11: Hug
Chapter 12: Train Wreck
Chapter 13: Dont let me go.
Chapter 14: My rings?
Chapter 15:Hurt by you
Chapter 16: Internal battle
Chapter 17: Good morning.
Chapter 18: Ace
Chapter 19: Don't touch me.
Chapter 20: Alice
Chapter 21: Is this okay?
Chapter 22: Fucked up
Chapter 23: You got me fired
Chapter 24: Dont take her
Chapter 25: Not so fast
Chapter 26: Broken
Chapter 27: Too late
Chapter 28: Hugs that can kill
Chapter 29: I will be the loudest one.
Chapter 30: I'm ready.
Chapter 31: Fine, im gone.
Chapter 32: I love you
Chapter 33: College
Chapter 34: I found it!
Chapter 36: Well where did you put it?
Chapter 37: Let go
Chapter 38: Fluffy
Chapter 39: I made it!
Chapter 40: All grown up.
New book!!!

Chapter 35: Why?

12.7K 249 129
By everlove2069

Arias pov🦋

It's been a month since my birthday. I was really excited to start college and it was actually really easy. I started a biology course that was really easy and fun.

It was midterms and I was not stressed but I was stressed. Damion has been really helpful these last few days. He is always making me green tea and giving me back rubs.

I woke up at 4 this morning having the worst stomach pain. I shot out of bed and ran to the bathroom. I started throwing up, by throat was burning really bad.

I kept throwing up and then I felt a warm hand resting on my back. "Hey, it's okay baby." I heard Damions thick voice whisper as I continued to throw up.

I pulled my head back and rested it on the toilet. Damion had a slight smile on his face and I looked at him like he was crazy. "Why the hell are you smiling?" I whispered out.

His head shot down to me and his smile got bigger. "Oh darling. I will be right back okay?! You stay here." I didn't have time to think before he ran out of the bathroom.

He came back in right as I was about to go pee. "Hold it!" He yelled with wide eyes. I held it and he tossed me a stick.

I looked down and sighed. "Damion you dumb ass-" he cut me off with a sigh. "Just take the test babe." I peed on the stick and set it on the counter.

After two minutes I looked up at Damion to see him looking at me with love in his eyes. "I don't want to do this Damion. Please don't make me do this. Let's wait till morning." I know I was a few weeks late on my period that's why I didn't want to look at the test.

He bent down to be eye level with me and kissed my forehead sweetly. "No matter what you want to do I will be here for you." That's not what I was worried about but it helped relax my mind a bit.

I grabbed the test with shaky hands and Damion wrapped his hand around mine. I flipped and felt my heart stop....


I felt happy but at the same time stressed. What will people think. We aren't even married yet. I started freaking out. And I could feel the tears rolling down my face.

I felt arms around me as Damion brought me into a hug. I broke down and cried into his chest. "It's okay baby. It's all going to be okay. Remember what I said, whatever you want to do is your choice." I wanted to keep it but at the same time I wanted to be married.

I just sat there all morning in the love of my life's arms thinking.

After almost two hours I got up and brushed my teeth. Once I was done Damion spun me around and kissed me. "I love you." He said in between kisses. "I love you too amore." I used his own nickname against him.

He pulled away and looked at me with a playful glare. "Hey it's better than honey." I said honestly poking his chest. "I like honey better." He mumbled while leaning in to kiss me again.

While I was getting dressed Damion just sat there and watched me. "Turn around weirdo!" I yelled covering my body. He chuckled and walked towards me.

I put my hands out "step back magic dick! I said step back!" He busted out in laughter, holding onto his side.

He put his hands on his knees and looked at me in the eyes. "You-you just called me...magic dick?!" He asked chuckling.

I glared at him and finished getting dressed. I think I made up my mind. I want this baby with him. I never felt this safe with anyone and I really love him.

I looked at him and smiled "I made up my mind." He got closer and got on his knees to tie my shoes. "Mhm?" He asked looking up.

I nodded and his eyes got wide. "Wait yes?! You- you want to keep it?! You- are you sure? I mean oh my god! Thank you baby! Thank you." He stumbled on his words as he picked me up and twirled me around a bit.

I felt dizzy and tapped his shoulder. "Sorry." He mumbled while having a big smile on his face. "Yes. Even though i want to be married first." I looked away trying to pass the awkwardness.

He sighed and grabbed my chin. "I did too baby. But I promise we will get married 3 months after you give birth I promise!" He kissed me and this time he deepened it. He slid his tongue on my bottom lip and I gave in.

Once he pulled away I kissed his lips once more and walked away.

Damion has been following me around all day. He kept his hand on his gun the whole time. I think he is taking it a bit far.

Around 4pm I got irritated by the lost puppy following me. "Okay! Stop! Please. I already texted Alice and said I was going out with her today." I exclaimed while putting my hands up in the air.

I was breathing heavily and Damion sighed. "I can't..if any of my enemies know you are having my heir they will try to hurt you. And I can't have that." He said with a sympathetic tone.

I sighed and leaned my head on his chest. "Just let me go this once? And then I will come back and stay here all day. I promise." I said holding out my pinky.

He looked like he wanted to argue but I gave him my puppy dog eyes and he sighed linking our pinkies.

Time skip🦋

I was hanging out with Alice at the mall when I had a weird feeling. "Hey Alice maybe I should go home, I don't feel good." I said looking her in the eyes.

She looked at me and smiled softly. "Of course let's go." While we were walking out I felt like I was being watched so I looked behind me but saw nothing. I must be paranoid.

While we were driving I realized it was taking a little too long to go back to the cafe. I glanced over at her to see her checking her phone for the 70th time.

I decided to speak up about it. "Hey are you okay? And where are we going? This seems like a really long way back to the cafe." I asked shyly looking away.

She chuckled and glanced over at me "of im sorry I was just going to pick up a few more things if that's okay?" She asked looking over at me.

I nodded my head while taking out my phone. I need to tell Damion. I know she's my friend but I really don't have a good feeling about this.

Me: Hey so I kinda don't have a good feeling right now. When we were in the mall I felt like I was being watched. And then we have been driving for a really long time. I know I might just be paranoid but I just don't feel good bubs.

Bubs: Baby, stay calm try to act normal. I will track you right now. I love you baby, if anything happens try to fight back and run.

Me: I love you too babe.

I put my phone down and tried to act normal. "Who you texting? That lil boyfriend of yours?" She asked in a sarcastic tone.

I chuckled "no I was just texting Andrew and planned for a night out some day." I looked over just in time to see her sighing.

After driving for a bit longer we pulled up to a small house in the middle of nowhere. "Alice where are we-" I looked over to see her with a gun in her hand.

I took a deep breath "get out of the car." She said pointing the gun to my stomach I got scared and quickly got out.

As soon as I got out I was wrapped in cold arms. I started to thrash around to get out of the person hold but they just held me tighter.

I saw Alice walk up to us with a small smirk. "Why?" I asked softly. I wanted to cry so bad, I don't want them to hurt my baby.

She chuckled and walked closer. "You see your boyfriend killed my dad and so it's only fair that I kill something he likes." She said pushing the gun into my head.

I winced and pulled away, "take her inside." She said walking back to the car.

I was thrown in a room and I heard the lock on the other side. I started looking around for a way out but saw nothing. All the windows were boarded and the door looked heavy.

I was sitting in there for a few minutes before the door opened. Alice walked in and started walking towards me making me take steps back.

I hit the wall as she continued to walk closer. "It's okay sweetheart. I won't hurt you. You will be mine now and he will never get to you again." She said while stroking my cheek.

I turned my head away and heard her sigh. "It's okay you will learn to love me. Now I going to need that phone of yours. Hand it over." She put her hand out like I was actually going to give it to her.

I looked at her like she was crazy, until she pulled out a gun and pointed at my head. Never mind she is crazy. I slowly handed her my phone.

She looked at me and smiled. "Thanks babe." She leaned in to kiss me but I stepped to the side making her kiss the air. "Oh I see. Hard to get hm?" She raised her hand and smacked me across the face.

I held my cheek as she looked at me with a smirk "keep your attitude in check or I will force you every time I want something." She said while walking out of the door.

An hour had passed and I was getting bored and tired. I was starving because I had to skip dinner. I should've just kept the lil puppy dog by my side and not complain.

I missed him. My little mafia baby daddy. I laughed at my own thoughts.

It's crazy, if someone told me a few months ago that I would be here I would probably turn around and leave while thinking they were crazy. But now that I'm here I never want to leave.

I was laying on the floor when I heard gunshots ring through the old house. I sat up and groaned, when I see Damion I am going to beat his ass for not being more quiet.

I heard a few shouts of Spanish and Italian. They kind of sound the same when you hear them in shouts.

I heard the door shaking and I crawled back into the wall. The door opened revealing Alice, she had wide eyes and blood covering her face.

She came closer to me and pulled me up by my arm. "Walk bitch." She whispered in my ear.

As we were walking I saw Johnny shooting someone. "JOHNNY!" I yelled out, he quickly turned his head and pointed his gun at Alice.

I heard a gun shot go off but I wasn't let go. I slowly opened my eyes to see Johnny laying on the floor in a pool of blood. I screamed trying to get out of Alice's arms.

I finally got out of her arms and punched her in the face hearing a crack. I picked up a random gun and pointed it at her.

She got up with wide eyes. "Put the fucking gun down." I didn't even look at her as I pulled the trigger. I peeked down to see her limp body with a hole in her skull.

Not wasting time I ran over to Johnny. I held his head in my lap and tried to wake him up. "Come on Johnny come on! Who am I supposed to bother.." I started crying. He was my buddy.

I felt slight movement and I looked down to see Johnny opening his eyes. "Im sorry kiddo. You are just going to have to bother Damion from now on." He coughed out some blood.

I shook my head. "No, no you have to stay awake you have to protect me. You have to protect my baby. Come on Johnny just stay awake." I started crying harder as I felt his body go limp.

I felt warm hands around me and I started freaking out. "I'm sorry baby. I'm so sorry." I heard Damion voice and started breaking down.

I looked up at him and saw him look over at Johnnys body. "Oh baby, I'm so sorry." He held me close to his body letting me just sob.

I heard Alfonso call out for Johnny and then I heard him gasp. "No...no!" I heard Alfonso yell out to Johnny. I hide my face feeling guilty.

I killed him. I distracted him, he would still be alive right now. Damion lifted me up and took me out of the house.

As we were driving back he held my hand as I looked out of the window. Whenever I closed my eyes I saw his eyes. His cold empty eyes.

When we got back to the house I opened the door and ran inside. As soon as I made it inside i looked for a trash can.

Once I found one I threw up everything in my stomach. I even threw up stomach acid when I ran out of things to throw up.

I felt Damions hand rubbing my back. "I'm sorry baby. I'm so so sorry." I heard him whispering as he continued to rub my back.

I shook my head and walked away from him. I'm a killer, I killed two people today. It's all my fault.

Once I got to the guest room I locked the door and went to the bed. I sat down and tried to sleep.

I heard the door open but I left it not having any energy. I felt the bed dip and I figured maybe it was just Damion.

"It wasn't your fault kid." At the sound of Alfonso voice I turned around in shock. "It wasn't. So don't you dare blame yourself you hear me?" I never heard Alfonso sound so serious.

I sniffed and wiped my eyes, i decided to tell him the truth. "It is my fault. I called out to him and he got distracted. He got killed because of me, I killed him Alfonso. I killed your friend." I couldn't even look at him in the eyes.

I heard him sigh before he started to lay down on the bed with me. "And he would it again if you could. You and I both know he would it all for you. He loved like a sister, I know he meant something to you as well. When we get in this life we know it's signing our life away. We all know we will die in this job." As he spoke he held my hand softly.

I wiped my eyes again and leaned my head on his shoulder. "Now go get your boyfriend he is going crazy in your room." He looked down at me and smiled softly.

I looked at him a smiled, "you are like brother to me, and for that you are a future uncle." As soon as I said that I got up. Alfonso shoot out of bed and hugged me.

He pulled me away slightly a looked at me with wide eyes. "Don't tell Damion I told you! We just found out this morning." Once I said that he faked saluted and walked out of the room.

I walked to our room and walked in, I saw Damion sitting on the bed with his head in his hand.

I walked up to him slowly. "I'm sorry I scared you." I whispered as I put my hand on his shoulder.

His head slowly looked up and I saw his red eyes. He pulled me between his legs and rested his head against my stomach.

I chuckled at a thought I had and he looked up at me. "What is it?" He asked in his deep soft voice. "I just thought of something that's all." He looked at me with questioning eyes.

I sighed and patted his head "you are face to face with a future mafia leader." I chuckled again and he smiled and looked up at me.

Before he could speak I kissed him. "Thank you again. You are a very strong woman and I don't know what I would do without you." I almost got teary eyed so I pushed him back and crawled on top of him.

I was almost asleep on him when I heard him whispering sweet words into my ear. "You have just made me the happiest man in this whole planet. And I love you so much." He planted a kiss to my cheek.

"I love you too." I whispered as I slipped into a dark open sleep.

Goodnight mama I love you.

Hey guys hope you liked. Honestly fuck Alice glad that bitch is dead....for Johnny.. I'm sorry. He will forever be loved🖤- love author. Word count: 2963

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