Making Her Own Way

By pbdula

1.9K 97 2

A modern day scenario where Ross knows that Elizabeth is not what he needs but just can't seem to give her up! More

Coming Home
She is renot the same
Who to Believe
Finally sees the light
Realization for the Girl
What Real Love Is
Shareholder Meeting #2
Life Goes On
Visiting Claude
It Is Too Late
The Gala
A Coincidence
Can't Catch a Break
Games People Play
Coming Back
Getting His Mind Right
Best Layed Plans
The Wedding
You Need Help
Daddy's Here
Home To Cornwall
Elizabeth At It Again
Adding to the Stock
Over Played Hand
Arresting Development
Shes Gone
Ross Realizes Everything he has
Grace Rosalind Vennor Poldark's Arrival
Precious baby
Her Name is Grace
Investigating the Disappearance
McNeal's Anger
McNeal has Caroline
The Setup
Getting Grace Back
Where are the Women

Eighth Month

18 2 0
By pbdula

Ross took Eleanor home the next day with explicit instructions she was to remain off her feet as much as possible and if she felt any discomfort, she was to return to the hospital immediately. Eleanor asked Ross if he was going to go to the funeral. Ross told her, that he had already said his goodbyes, and he wanted to spend the time with her. He told her he had taken a couple of days off of work. Eleanor was worried that the projects were going to fall behind. Ross reassured her that Verity was going to go in and help out so she would keep an eye on things. Also, Caroline was going to pitch in.

Joshua and Claude were going to stay at Nampara to make sure everything was running smoothly there. It was the second day she was home when Joshua and Claude showed up. Claude said, "I am taking time off I want to spend time with my sister. Joshua said, "I am going to stay here because I would be lonely without my boys at home with me. Ross snickered he knew why they were there. The Housekeeper had put the gob cake in the freezer so they could have it when Eleanor came home. Ross thought tonight would be the perfect time to give Eleanor the presents he purchased for her the day of the accident. The onesies, the luxury bath salts, the nursing dress with the matching dress for Grace, and the new nightgown for Eleanor. They were hidden in the closet but if his father and brother were here tonight would be a perfect time to give them to her. As for the cake, it would never be defrosted by tonight but tomorrow would be thawed enough to eat. Eleanor was on a strict diet but surely one piece would not hurt.

After dinner, they were all in the living room Ross was waiting for everyone to get settled. When his father told them the funeral for Elizabeth was tomorrow. He asked if Ross was going to attend. Ross informed him the same as he had Eleanor, that he had said his goodbyes already and he had more important things to do with his wife. Joshua told him he believed it was probably best that they didn't go because her mother would not let an opportunity pass to lay the blame at the Poldark's feet. Although he would like to offer Johnathan his sympathies, Joan most certainly would not appreciate it.

Claude and Eleanor walked into the room, Ross and Joshua stood, Ross, coming forward to help her prop her feet up. He said, "my love, I have a couple of things I purchased the night of the accident thinking we could surprise you. The cake I had made for that evening, I had frozen, and it is not thawed, so it will have to wait until tomorrow. I would like to give you the gifts I purchased. Do you feel up to opening some gifts?" Eleanor nodded. He gave her Grace's gifts first. The kimono gowns she said how cute they were, he said sometimes it gets cold at Nampara this way she can kick her feet all the time, and it would be like a blanket that would not come off. I do not know how they expect babies to sleep with their feet bound in those footed pajamas. Then he gave her the bath salts, telling her Caroline said she would think she died and went to heaven. Then he told her they have lots of fresh oranges to make fresh-squeezed orange juice. Then he gave her Grace's dress, Eleanor held it up and exclaimed how adorable. Then he gave her the matching one for her. "Ross, this matches the baby's," Eleanor said. Ross said, "yes and it is a nursing one at that." Ross showed her the flap to pull down when she needed to nurse.

Claude was watching intently he asked, "Will it not show her you know what's," he asked pointing to his chest? Joshua said, "that is how she will feed the baby." Claude looked horrified, "you mean she has to let the baby eat her you know what's." Ross and Joshua laughed, Eleanor said, "Claude you know only women can have babies, right?" Claude nodded. "Well, their bodies are made so that they have a way to feed the baby because they would starve otherwise." She could tell this was hard for him to contemplate. Then she thought of the animals at the farm, "Claude what is the first thing newborn cows and horses do?" Claude said, "stand." Ross, Joshua, and Eleanor laughed, "Okay the second?" He said, "they go to their mother to be fed." Claude's eyes light up, "you mean humans feed their, babies, like cows and horses?" Eleanor said, a little like that those that feed their babies are called mammals, the woman has the glands that feed their little ones?" Claude said, "well yours are not as big as the cows and horses." Ross snickered, earning a glare from Eleanor. She said, "no but my baby is not going to be as big as a colt or a calf. Humans don't stand so we have to hold them. Do you see now Claude?" Claude nodded and said, "yes you are going to feed your baby? I shouldn't stare though because that would be rude." Ross said, "although breastfeeding is perfectly natural, no you should not stare. You shouldn't look at my wife's breast at all!" Claude turned red and Eleanor said, "ross please, not helpful."

Later that evening while Ross was laying in bed with Eleanor she asked, "Ross are you sure you don't want to go to the funeral tomorrow?" He wrapped his arms around her and said, "yes, my love I am sure, I want to spend as much time with you as I can. I realize now how much time I wasted, if anything would have happened to you, I would not have survived. Forgive me?" He held her close as she nestled into his warmth. Eleanor said, "always."

The following months passed quickly soon she was going in for her eighth-month checkup. Ross followed her in, and the doctor said, you may be more comfortable out in the waiting room for this part of the examination. Ross smirked and said, "I have seen it all before how do you suppose she got this way. Eleanor hit his arm, "Ross!"

The doctor said, Eleanor, I would like to do another ultrasound just to make sure everything is as it should be. You are thinning out but that could be because of being in your eighth month. The baby's heartbeat is still a little fast and your sugar and blood pressure are a little on the high side." Ross grew concerned, "Eleanor have you been doing things you were told not to." She responded, "Ross I cannot sit and do nothing." The doctor said, "let's check things out okay." When Eleanor saw the sonogram, her heart jumped into her throat. Ross noticing his wife's expression said, "what is wrong" Eleanor looked at the doctor, my baby looks rather large. The doctor nodded; I would say she is around nine pounds. We don't want her any larger or you will not be able to deliver her naturally. Eleanor said, her heartbeat is still rather fast could that be from her size, the doctor nodded I suppose so. I would like to see you maybe twice a week at least until your date. We will deliver your baby if it is not here on your due date. Eleanor nodded, Ross helped her sit up and helped her dress.

When they got to the car Eleanor started to weep, Ross grabbed her hand and said, "Eleanor with is wrong." He wiped her tears with his thumb. Eleanor was silent for a moment, "what if I have done something that has harmed our daughter. I thought I was watching what I was eating, and she was going to be fine, but what if something I did had her little heart beating way too fast?" Ross said, "Eleanor, I knew you would never do anything intentionally to harm our child. I am just as much to blame if not more for your stress levels. What would you like to do for the rest of the day?" Eleanor said, "could you go to Nampara, I know we agreed to stay in the city until after Grace's birth, but I really could use a realizing day at the beach. Ross said, "I think that would be a magnificent idea, why don't you call dad and let him know so they don't worry, tell them we will be back later tonight and not to hold dinner."

They reached Nampara, Ross drove around the resort first he wanted to make sure everything was running smoothly. He went in and there was a little bit of a crisis going on. One of the guests had slipped on a rock and cut her leg. It had a jagged cut, and there was a copious amount of blood. An ambulance had been called but had not arrived yet. Eleanor looked at Ross and then went to the guest. She went to bend over, and Ross grabbed her and asked for a chair for his wife. Once she was seated, she brought the leg with the cut, up on her lap. She told the staff to give her the first aid kit. Then she asked for some warm water and a washcloth. They brought the water and she pulled out a syringe. At the sight, the guest asked, "are you a doctor?" Eleanor nodded yes. Then the guest said, "what are you going to do with that?" Eleanor explained, "I am going to flush the wound. I put some water in this and squirt the water on the cut until I deem it is clean enough." Ross asked for the staff to bring another bucket or basin to catch the water. To Eleanor, he said, "let me do it you should not be leaning over that much." Eleanor said, "I am fine but if you want, I will tell you what to do." Ross was finished flushing the wound out. Then Eleanor said, take the cloth and wipe around the cut." Once that was done, she told him to get a cotton swab and squeeze some of the antiseptics on it and smear it over and around the cut. Once that was done, she instructed him to put a bandage on. The ambulance finally came, and the young woman has driven away. Ross went to the manager and asked how that happened. He said we have signs all along the beach asking people o stay off the rocks since they tend to get slippery. The young woman thought she knew better. Ross said, please go down and take pictures, also take some statements proving she was not following our safety procedures.

Once they left Ross said, "Eleanor, I knew it is hard to turn your back on someone in need, but you must think of our child first." Eleanor flinched, "Ross I was fine I was just cleaning a wound." Ross sighed in exasperation, "Eleanor you were straining trying to bend over, please just take a little more care." Eleanor nodded, wondering how she would survive the next month of his mothering her. Ross grabbed her hand, "I am sorry, but I just can't stand to see you put you or the little one at risk. It is my job to protect my wife, is it not?" Eleanor smiled but Ross noticed it didn't reach her eyes. He didn't want to make her unhappy. He leaned over and said let's take that walk to the beach.

The next two weeks were pretty quiet albeit, Eleanor was still growing bigger. The ultrasounds showed her baby had gained half a pound. The fetal heartbeat was still strong but was beating at the higher end of the spectrum. The doctor looking at her results asked if she would consider delivering early. Eleanor said, "it is my belief the longer we can keep her in my womb the better it is for her." The doctor said, normally that is true, but she is rather big, and you are small. If we take the baby now, we can cut down on the risk to you. Ross didn't wait, "we'll do it now." Eleanor gasps, "we will not, I have two more weeks at least and this little one is staying right where she is at." Ross said, "Eleanor if there is a risk to you." I'll be fine Ross," Eleanor tells him while glaring at her doctor. The doctor tells her that she must watch her salt and sugar intake and she wants her to have blood work every two days for the next two weeks.

They get back to the penthouse and Ross is still upset. Eleanor asks, "okay what is your problem?" Ross is exasperated with his wife, he tells her, "You are willing to risk your life for two more weeks. Look at you, you are so swollen you can't even see your feet let alone touch them. You have a hard time getting up off a chair, you can't eat anything except salads. I need you healthy and this pregnancy is placing a toll on your body." Eleanor huffs, "my little girl will always come first deal with it." Ross has to smile, watching his wife try to walk away gracefully. She couldn't move faster then a snail if she wanted to. Eleanor yells back over her shoulder, "keep laughing funny boy, we'll see who laughs last." Ross thought how did she do that, she wasn't looking at him.

The next evening Eleanor was experiencing back pain, she didn't mention it to anyone, she was sure Ross would have carried her out of the penthouse up to the helipad. To get her to the hospital. She laid awake the whole night she could not lay on her back, nor her front, and the sides just bothered her. Ross helped her out of bed in the morning. Eleanor realize now she was in labor, she asked Ross if he could help her take a shower. He climbed in with her washing her hair and body. He worshiped her body, but he did not try to instigate anything sexual.

They left to go to the hospital to get her blood work. They happened to pass Dwight and Malcolm. Ross and Malcolm were in a dick measuring contest when Dwight said Eleanor are you okay. She said just some back pain, I think my labor is starting. Ross looked at her sharply, "what did you just say?" Eleanor said, "I have been having back pain since last night, I am having contractions they started early this morning and they are now five minutes apart. Dwight said, "Malcolm get her a wheelchair. Then Dwight took out his phone and called what Ross assumed was the maternity floor and Eleanor's doctors. Ross called Joshua, who said they would be there shortly. Dwight called Caroline who said she would call Verity and they both would be there as soon as possible. Malcolm pushed the wheelchair as Ross held his wife's hand.
By the time they had Eleanor undressed and in the hospital bed with the monitor attached Joshua and Claude had arrived. Joshua said, it is early for her is it not. Ross said, "yes but the baby is rather large, the doctor believes her body is saying check out time has arrived." Joshua chuckled, "what a way with words." Then Joshua questioned why she had not said anything last night or this morning, Ross said, "I think she did not want to come in any sooner than needed."

The nurse came out to get Ross. Joshua stood up with Claude. "Where are you two going." Joshua told her to see my daughter and he 'pointing to Claude' wants to see his sister." Dwight came out and said, "it is fine nurse they are permitted to be in the room." They all walked in while Eleanor was breathing through a contraction. Eleanor's obstetrician was looking at the test results she handed them to Dwight with a raised brow. Dwight said, "Eleanor I agree with Julie, you should allow us to deliver this baby cesarian. As it looks right now you are in for rough labor, and I don't see the benefit of you tiring yourself out to the extreme where you endanger yourself or the baby. Her heartbeat as you know has been raising slowly so it would be to both of your benefits to allow us to deliver her now.

Joshua said to Claude "come let's go find some nice flowers for Eleanor and a baby gift for Grace." Joshua could tell that Claude was getting upset, he didn't understand all that Dwight had said no Eleanor and the baby were in danger. Joshua grabbed Ross's shoulder and squeezed trying to give his son encouragement. Once Joshua and Clause were gone, Ross said, "Eleanor I think we should let them do what they think is best." Eleanor started to cry, "I don't want to miss her first breath, I wanted Ross to see and hear her first cry. Dwight said, "I will arrange for him to be there. Julie, do you think we can give her a saddle block, so she can be awake through it. Julie said, "we can try but know Eleanor if we decide to knock you out, you're going to go. Ross went out to tell his father what was happening as they prep Eleanor for surgery. Verity and Caroline came in. Caroline told Ross that Dwight would never do anything that would put her or the baby in danger.

They came out and took Ross up to surgery with Eleanor, Ross thought I am not a very religious man but please if there is a God above watch over my wife and child.

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