His angel her devil

بواسطة everlove2069

1M 17.7K 5.8K

Aria Stella: 18,very sweet shy girl, gets abused by her father, doesn't know why her life is as bad as it is... المزيد

Chapter 1: So it begins
Chapter 2: Fuck off
Chapter 3: Extra shift
Chapter 4: What happened?
Chapter 5: Life goes on.
Chapter 6: oh no.
Chapter 7: Just friends?
Chapter 8: Hostage
Chapter 9: Do you want to leave?
Chapter 10: Can you just come outside?
Chapter 11: Hug
Chapter 12: Train Wreck
Chapter 13: Dont let me go.
Chapter 14: My rings?
Chapter 15:Hurt by you
Chapter 16: Internal battle
Chapter 17: Good morning.
Chapter 18: Ace
Chapter 19: Don't touch me.
Chapter 20: Alice
Chapter 21: Is this okay?
Chapter 22: Fucked up
Chapter 23: You got me fired
Chapter 24: Dont take her
Chapter 25: Not so fast
Chapter 26: Broken
Chapter 27: Too late
Chapter 28: Hugs that can kill
Chapter 29: I will be the loudest one.
Chapter 30: I'm ready.
Chapter 31: Fine, im gone.
Chapter 32: I love you
Chapter 33: College
Chapter 35: Why?
Chapter 36: Well where did you put it?
Chapter 37: Let go
Chapter 38: Fluffy
Chapter 39: I made it!
Chapter 40: All grown up.
New book!!!

Chapter 34: I found it!

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بواسطة everlove2069

Damions pov🔪

I woke up to feeling light kisses on my face. I peeled my eyes open to see the love of my life kissing my cheek.

I chuckled causing her to back away from my face. She sat on her knees and looked down at me while smiling. I loved seeing her smile, it is the reason my heart beats a bit faster every time I see her.

I looked at her for a second and then slowly sat up. "ITS A HAPPY DAY GET UP LAZY!" She yelled crawling over me to get out of bed.

I practically crawled to the bathroom to brush my teeth. She came in with a smile and her grey eyes looked so full of life it made me smile.

I spit out the toothpaste and turned to her. "I want a morning kiss." I said as she tried to walk out of the bathroom.

She ran back In and gave me a deep kiss I held the back of her head and dipped her. She pulled away and smiled. "Let's dance!" She yelled running out.

Sometimes up I know it is. She's never this happy in the morning. I walked out of the bathroom to see her in the middle of our room still in her pajamas.

She grabbed my hand and pulled me into her. "She took my arms! I don't know how it happened! WE TOOK THE FLOOR AND SHE SAID!!!" She started singing and made a fake microphone for me to 'sing' into.

I cleared my throat and 'took' the microphone out of her hand. "Oh don't you dare look back just keep your eyes on me I said you're holding back she said shut up and dance with me!" As I was singing I grabbed her waist and twirled her in my arms.

Her sweet laugh filled the air as we continued to face and sing. The song ended and we were both panting and laughing. I looked over at her and she smiled lightly.

"I found it." I was really confused of what she meant. "Found what my love?" I asked tucking some of her hair back.

"I FOUND IT!! I found the college I want to go to!" She yelled while hugging me. I felt so happy for her.

I held her tight and she pulled back with a sad expression. "What is it baby?" I asked concerned.

She looked down and softly spoke. "I have to leave you." She looked up with teary eyes and my total dad mode kicked in.

I picked her up and sat on the bed. I held her like a baby and kissed her forehead. "It's okay. You can visit anytime you want. I will be here for you every step of the way. And I am so proud of you darling. So proud." I kissed her forehead and she chuckled.

I pulled back and looked down at her in confusion. She started laughing really loud scaring the hell out of me. "Baby?" I asked slowly trying to push her away.

She looked at me a sighed. "Oh bubs you are so clueless sometimes. The man I love just told me last night he wants a baby with me which we are talking about. And you think I'm just going to leave you for some college?! Hell no! I'm doing online." I was kind of hoping she would skip over the baby part.

I looked down at her and kissed her. "I do want kids with you baby. I want as many kids as you will let me put in you." I spoke the whole truth and nothing but the truth. I want kids with her.

She looked at me with wide eyes and looked away. "Bubs. I want kids to, I just don't want people to think I'm a slut for getting pregnant at 18..." her voice trailed off.

I grabbed her chin making her look at me. "And those people will be dead in less that seconds." I answered truthfully. I would kill anyone who would try to slut shame my angel.

She blushed and looked away. "Don't say that...gonna make me want a baby with you right now!" She tapped on my chest.

I looked down with a smile and her face turned into one of pure regret. "No!!! No babe it was a joke!! Sarcasm!! Don't look at me like that!" She yelled while getting up.

I laughed and went to our closet to get dressed for the day. She came in as well and got dressed.

Time skip☠️

We were eating dinner when all of my security walked in including Alfonso, Grey, Johnny and Jane and also Ivan was here. Jane is almost never here so I got alert.

I turn on my work face as Aria calls it and looked at all of them. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY ARIA!!" They all yelled at once I soon smiled at looked at her.

Her face was priceless. Did she really think we would forget her birthday?! "Happy birthday baby. So technically you wouldn't be 18 and pregnant." I whispered the last part in her ear.

She looked at me and shook her head. "I can't believe I'm saying this but...yes." As soon as she said that she ran with open arms to hug Jane.

Her words finally clicked after almost 20 minutes. Oh god! She said yes! I can put a baby in her!! Oh my god! I can put a baby in her!

I got up and searched for her in the crowd of people. I saw a head pop up and sneak into the kitchen. Found her.

I walked into the kitchen to see her drinking some water. I walked up behind her and put my hands on her stomach. There is going to be a little Aria in there soon.

She spun around and kissed my cheek. I bent down and kissed her lips. The kiss got heated fast and she only pulled apart when we heard a throat clear.

I turned my head slowly to see a smirking Johnny. "Uh.. present time." He said shaking his head while walking out.

I turn back to Aria to see her blushing. "We're you being serious? Can I please have a baby with you?" I looked at her with puppy dog eyes.

She pulled my hands away from her and started walking away. "That's what a yes means right?" She yelled over her shoulder.

When I got to the living room I saw everyone gathered around, her friend Andrew was here laughing with Grey about something.

Aria was forced to sit by Jane pushing her down. I glared at Jane and she looked away. "Okay me first!" Johnny yelled running up to Aria with a box.

Aria took the box and looked up with grateful eyes. "Thank you." She said will opening the box. She soon closed it and gasped. "Johnny...you have about 5 seconds before I throw a couch at you." I looked at Johnny to see him hiding behind a guard.

The guard purposely pushed him forward. Aria moved the box aside and jumped on Johnny. I climbed over everyone and grabbed her off. She was pulling his hair as he was screaming for her to let go.

I grabbed her hand trying to pry it off. "Aria let go." I said while trying not to hurt her. "No! Tell me how you got that photo! Tell me!" She was screaming at him.

I looked down to see Johnny not fighting anymore. He knew he fucked up..but what did he do. I looked over at Aria and saw her grip loosen letting me pull her off.

I looked over into the box to see me and Aria cuddling. There was a few pictures of of dancing and of me carrying her. I looked over at Aria confused on why she would attack him over this.

I grabbed her hand and she pulled it away. "Why did you attack him over this?" I asked looking down at her. "He made me almost cry." She muttered.

Everyone, even Johnny started dying of laughter and I also chuckled. Johnny walked over to her with his hands in the air. "I'm sorry I made you almost cry. No hard feelings?" He asked putting his hand out.

She shook his hand while muttering "ass holes." I laughed and kissed her head.

After opening everyone's gifts she was laying on my chest while Alfonso made dinner. All the guards went back to warm so it was just Jane, Alfonso and Johnny.

Grey and that Andrew kid left. They are probably fucking in a empty parking lot. Ain't my life.

I looked down and saw Aria drawing circles on my leg. "Having fun?" I asked, she shook her head and looked up.

"You made me get baby fever. Now I want one but I know I can't have one." She looked down and poked her stomach.

I looked at her in awe, she is my favorite person in the universe. "Baby you can have one anytime you like all you gotta is tell me." I said kissing her cheek.

She crawled on top of me and looked at me with a serious face. "What would you do if I didn't want to have a baby with you?" Her question made me tense and hold her hips.

I looked her in the eyes and spoke only the truth. "I would let you. But just know that you will still be mine. And now boy will ever get close enough to even touch you like that." She smiled and kissed me. "Good answer." She mumbled into the kiss.

I heard footsteps but still continued to kiss my angel. "Ew, come on your horny teenagers! Dinners done." Alfonso yelled while Jane faked gag.

While eating I kept my hand on Arias thigh. Whenever I squeezed it she could clench her thigh together.

When everyone was finished with dinner we all went to our rooms. When we got to ours Aria yawned and crawled into bed.

I got into bed with her and then realized we were both in our clothes. "Babe we have to change before we go to bed." I said while tapping her.

She groaned as she moved onto her back. "You do it for me." Shit she didn't have to tell me twice.

I got new clothes on and got Aria a t-shirt. When I got back out she was still slightly awake. "Life your arms baby." She lifted her arms and I took her shirt off seeing her red lace bra.

I took off her bra while looking away. Once I put on the clean t-shirt I moved down to her black ripped jeans. "Baby you awake? I need you to lift your hips." She slowly lifted her hips helping me take her pants off.

She rubbed against my hand and I looked up at her. "Not tonight baby. You're tired." I said kissing her cheek.

When I got in bed she grabbed my hand that was resting on her hip and guided it down to her heat. "Just hold it. Safe keeping." She mumbled as she went to sleep.

I kept my hand on there for the whole night as I fell asleep.

Hey guys. So I hate doing pregnancy time like having her be pregnant and showing you guys her throughout the pregnancy so I might just time skip it...sorry if you do like those, I just don't like the personally. :) 🖤 love you all-love author. Word count: 1937

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