Wait Which Universe? (Madcom...

By TA_Stardust

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WASSUP LOVELIES I ACTUALLY MADE A BOOK OF ONESHOTS- Mmmmmm thank you for coming. Story has a non-binary reade... More

Skittles x Sheriff & CandyStoreOwner!Reader
Vol. 1 Six x TVHead!Reader x Alt!Gabriel
N x Female!Reader [Rainy Days.]
Mark & Deimos [Garden Gnome???]

Content Catastrophe.

154 5 0
By TA_Stardust

Ayooo mystery chapter? Figure it out yourself? :]]]]]]?

Lmao it's s'more Madness Combat stuffs because I'm literally desperate for some kind of request to be made.


You struggled as Phobos shoved you back into the hospital bed, shouting at him violently. Now, it's not like you didn't know him, heck he was technically supposed to be checking up on you and making sure you were safe, but today you felt rowdy.



The screaming match went on for quite a while until he finally figured out how to tie you to the bed without you being able to slide out of your constraints.

You see...you're a bit wonky. Phobos was supposed to make you invincible, unable to be killed. He thought that if he made you extremely flexible and gave you the ability to heal over wounds with gauze everything would work out.

It didn't. It really, really didn't.

Because now your spine is unable to hold the rest of your body and you literally have to drag yourself around to walk. You walk really fucking weird, you look like you're constantly trying to grab shit off of the ground. Your spine literally cannot hold yourself up, it is that bad.

But the gauze idea did work, so that was a very very small plus.



You kicked the needle out of Phobos's hand, causing him to growl at you before shouting, "I'M TRYING TO FIX YOU DAMNIT!"


Phobos groaned in exhaustion before reaching over and gagging you to stop hearing your screeching. He then picked the syringe back up, disinfected it again, and stuck it into your neck.

It felt extremely uncomfortable with a needle in your neck and you struggled some more, but he and the restraints held you in a firm grip.

Once all of the fluid in the needle was finished he put it back onto the medical tray and the grunt helping you two quickly left in a very large rush, apparently very afraid of an outburst from either of you.

Phobos got up from his seat next to your cot and brushed himself off while collecting his thoughts and ungagged you while calmly saying, "There, that wasn't so hard now, was it?"

You responded by slamming your hands against your chains and giving him a scowl.

He carefully unrestrained you and muttered, "You do realize that that would have been done much faster if you hadn't kicked and screamed at me."

"Shut the hell up."

"Fine, fine, whatever you say."

You sat up while huffing, leaning your torso over legs while staring at him with a very upset expression.

"It's not working."

"Medicine takes time to work."

"When you liquified my spine it only took a few moments to set in."


Phobos went dead quiet after that, staring at you incredulously. You stared back with a deadpan look while saying, "Yeah. You don't exactly have a reply to that, do ya?"

He muttered something under his breath while placing a hand on his forehead, seemingly exhausted just by having to deal with your bullshit. Unfortunately you were absolutely not going to let him off that easy, though. "Well then, smart guy, how long will it take to get my spine back to normal, hm?"

Phobos grabbed you harshly before flinching back and cupping your cheek. He then pulled you onto his chest while muttering, "Jebus, you're a handful (Y/N)."

"You're the one who chooses to put up with me Phobos."


Phobos continued to cuddle close to you before you said, "But seriously, how long does it take for the medicine to kick in?"

He shrugged at you before saying, "It's not like we've had anybody else to test it on. You're just a...uh...really special case."

"Yeah, I'm special in the extremely defective way."

"Do not say that."

"I will if I want to."

He stared down at you before pulling you closer and saying, "Seriously, don't say that."

"...fine. But only since you were actually getting pressed over it."

Phobos then said, "Who even taught you these...slang words?"

You smiled smugly before saying, "Deimos. One hundred percent Deimos. Nobody else could've known this strange vocabulary except for him. Who else were you even thinking of???" Phobos raised an eyebrow before growling, "I really have to cut down on the time you two have together. He's rubbing off on you."

You shrugged while saying, "I dunno, he's preeeetty fun to be around. Way more fine than you, that's for sure."

"Don't...stop using slang. It's weird."

"Why not? I mean, it ain't hurting anybody."

"It hurts me to hear you say things like that."

"Yikeees, you're actually getting upset about it? Okay, fine fine. I'll use it when I'm not around you."

Phobos facepalmed while muttering, "...that is not what I meant..."

You smirked before saying, "I know it isn't. And that is exactly why I'm going to."

He rolled his eyes before saying, "Please? Don't use it at all?"

You pretended to think on it, tapping your hand to your chin. Phobos lightly hit you over the head while saying, "Stop playing with me, answer."

"Owch. Okay uh...I won't. Promise."

"I'm going to hold you to that (Y/N)."

"Yeah, yeah. I know you will."

Your little bonding time with Phobos was cut short as the door opened and Deimos walked in. He waved at you before saying, "Some of the agents are having trouble downstairs, mind lending a hand?"

"I shouldn't have to."

Deimos was about to quip when you pulled yourself into the conversation and said, "I'll go with ya." Phobos made noises of protest as Deimos pulled you away from him and said, "Cool, guess (Y/N)'s coming."

The taller male stood up and said, "If they're going I'm going too."

The two of your smirked at each other before saying, "C'mon Phobos, we can do this. Plus, didn't you just say that ya 'shouldn't have to'? Let us do the work."

"Nope, there is no way in hell I'm not going with you two if you guys are leaving together. I don't trust either of you alone or together. I actually trust you less when you're together."

Deimos made fake offended noises while you snickered behind your hands at Phobos. Deimos then said, "Aye, (Y/N), I gotcha your back brace."

"Ohhhhh sick!"

He helped you put it on as Phobos watched in mild disapproval at the fact Deimos was touching you. He did that to everybody, though, so you both just brushed it off. After Deimos finished adjusting it he said, "Time to go fight whoever is downstairs."

You flashed him a thumbs up before starting to take the lead, rushing downstairs in an attempt to try and tackle them or some dumb shit like that. Phobos sprinted after you but even so only Deimos caught up to you. You two grinned at each other in the dumbass kind of way before you both yelled, "RACE YA!"

Phobos shouted after you two dumb fucks, saying, "GET BACK HERE! BOTH OF YOU! YOU IDIOTS ARE GOING TO GET YOURSELVES HURT!" You both managed not to hear him, flying down the steps of the stairs. The wind rushed against your face as you nearly tripped. Deimos caught you with a wide grin before you caught the sound of gunshots echoing through the stairwell.

You two childlike grunts stopped dead in your tracks and fumbled for your weapons, Deimos pulling out two small handguns and you pulling out your own custom made fucking gilded rapier.

Even with your strange weapon choices you both turned to each other with serious and determined looks, Phobos's pissed off shouts ricocheting off of the stairs as you both jumped into the fight. It was a group of grunts, obviously at least somewhat adept at fighting. There were 5 of them and they all turned to you two with wide, manic grins on their faces.

"Welp, guess we'll die." You said as you rushed at one of them, jabbing at them and piercing their arm. They hissed and ran at you and you narrowly dodged a large axe swing. Deimos shot at them as you landed a harsh kick to their stomach, sending them flying into two of the other grunts with a loud shout of anguish.

Those three grunts collapsed onto one another in a large pile as the other two stepped up. They were taller than both of you and much more muscular, one wielding two daggers and the other a carbon machete. Deimos raised an eyebrow at the fact that they were both melee users but shrugged it off and looked over at you. You looked over and nodded over at him before jabbing at the grunt holding the daggers while Deimos kept the grunt with the machete in line. It wasn't much time before you both heard the staircase's door burst open and Phobos stepped through with an absolutely furious expression. 

You and Deimos both knew you were gonna get an earful after this fight but for now you were more focused on the fact that the grunt had thrown you into the wall and broken your back brace. You didn't even realize it was broken until you tried to stand and your spine collapsed.

Anyway, you were laying down on the floor as Phobos picked up the binary sword and started to attack. You rolled over to watch the bloodshed with a bored expression, knowing that you physically couldn't get up without looking like you were about to fold on yourself like a piece of paper.

It was a pretty short fight after Phobos stepped in and murdered the rest of the lot, leaving a lot of blood and some injuries. Mostly you and Deimos's injuries though. Actually, mostly just your injuries. If there were any.


"You were takin' too long Phob."

"Yeaaaaaah...I just wanted to get a lil' bloodshed in...just a little."

Phobos grumbled some inaudible curses before grabbing you both by your collars and saying, "I'm taking you two to the infirmary."

"Deimos we're being put in time out."

"I don't wanna be in time out!"

"Me neither."

Both of you complained and whined as Phobos dragged you two to the medical wing, plopping you down onto the floor and briskly telling the doctor, "Fix them."

The doctor gave Phobos an absolutely confused look as he walked out and you said, "We're good, right? Nothing that needs to get healed up?" He sighed before walking over and saying, "Deimos you're fine, but you need another back brace don't you."

You nodded and laid limp on the floor as Deimos leaned against the doorframe and said, "So, Doc, how long is it going to take to get them another?" He shrugged before saying, "I think we have another. But don't break this one, (Y/N), because this is the last we have currently."

You flashed him a wide grin and a thumbs up before rolling over to look at Deimos mischievously. "We are gonna go back out and kill some people, riiiiight?"

"Yep. Definitely."

"Hell yes!"

You and Deimos shared the 'chaotic gremlin' look before snickering as the doctor walked back in with another back brace. "Alright, like I said. Don't. Break. This. One. Got it (Y/N)?"

"Yeah yeah 2B I understaaaand..."

"You better. I'm serious when I say we don't have another."

You shrugged as he pulled you up and started to set up the brace. Deimos watched closely and you could've sworn you saw a twinge of jealousy dart across his face but as soon as you looked over at him he had turned his head away and started smoking a cigarette.

2BDamned patted you over the head affectionately and you could definitely see Deimos scowling at the doctor before he said, "Alright, let's get going." He pulled you up in a possessive manner while saying, "Cya later Doc."

"Bye Deimos. Goodbye (Y/N)."

You smiled and waved back as Deimos sped up and said, "Alright, alright, that's enough socializing for you. Time to get some bloodshed, wouldn't you agree?" You nodded and grinned before the both of you sprinted out the doors and ran off into Nexus City to try and find somebody or some bodies to slaughter.


2017 word boiiiiis!

Lol hope you enjoyeeeeeeeed.

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