Mickey/Ian One-Shots

By Writing166

56.3K 576 62

Just one shots of Mickey and Ian on shameless More

Mandys Bestfriend
He Escaped?
Fucking Perv
The Bar
Geriatric ViagroidοΏΌοΏΌ
You Knew?
Fuck I missed you
Damn right Milkovich
One Hug
"I said thanks asshole"
Im here
Fuck I missed you P2
Im here P2
What a way to meet P1
What a way to meet P2
Switching Rooms
"I want the gun back Mickey"
Never in a Million Years

Im Not Going Anywhere

2.7K 24 4
By Writing166

(I can't find who made this picture but if you know them lmk so I can give them creds)

Words: 2199

Rundown: Mickey has reoccurring nightmares of his childhood


It was summer and he was 7 or 8 maybe 9, birthdays were never really a known thing so he never really knew how old he was all he knew was he was young

Dad and his mum were having a loud screaming match which was basically Terry screaming while his mum sat there and took it

He knew it was coming soon but when he heard his mum fall to the floor knocked out cold he knew it was really bad this time

The loud footsteps of his fathers feet stormed across the house towards Mandy's door he slammed it open but luckily Mandy wasn't there however it meant whatever was coming his way was even angrier

His door flew open leaving an even bigger hole in the wall where the door handle flew open, Terry stormed towards him and punched him hard across the face

He yelped slightly and tried pushing Terry off him but it was no use as he was only young

Terry kept hitting and hitting screaming hurtful words and other insults as his fist flew at his face and body over and over until everything went numb

And dark very dark he wondered if he was dead if not but that was to figure out if or when he woke up


Mickey woke up in a panic he heard the door to the bedroom open slowly and he lept to the side of his bed and grabbed the knife he kept out and pointed it at the intruder

"Hey hey! It's just me"

He blinked a few times and realized who it was it was Ian he looked around the room and took in his surroundings it wasn't his bedroom it was the one he and Ian shared

Still half panicking with tears he now realized were falling from his eyes he stormed out and ran full speed away from the house

He found himself at his old house and looked everywhere for his mum

"Mum! Mum where are you?"

He was freaking out at the fact that he couldn't find his mum what if she was dead? Or what if Terry was about to come through and beat on him again

Too many thoughts to comprehend until he heard the door open he thought it must've been Terry and before the person could say anything he swung at them knocking them into a wall and pushing them onto the ground

He crawled on top of them and was about to hit again when he saw the fiery red hair again


He shouted getting up and pulling Ian to the couch where he got ice that was somehow still in the fridge and handed it to him

"What the fuck Mickey!"

Mickey sat in the corner of the room not looking at Ian he felt so guilty and was still trying to process everything that just happened and what was real or not

Mum left she's not even here, but it felt so real..

"I'm sorry, I- I don't know"

He mumbled unable to form an actual explanation as he didn't even know himself

"Hey Mickey are you alright seriously what happened?"

His voice was softer than earlier Mickey realized he was crying and quickly wiped his eyes

"I'm sorry let's just go back ok?"

He played it off so casual well as much as he could, what Ian didn't know was that it did Ian just wasn't around when it did and for that he felt horrible because he had hurt Ian, his Ian

"No Mickey tell me what happened I've never seen you like this before"

"Listen Ian it's not a big deal can we just go I don't want to be here. Please?"

First time Ian's actually heard Mickey say something that didn't an insult of some kind of insult or swear word which meant Mickey was desperate and dead serious

"Common Mickey"

Ian started but looked up to find Mickey already out the door


He got up and walked out the door jogging to catch up with him

"Ian it's no big deal I'm sorry I hit you but it's not my fault you sneaked up on me!"

Mickey reasoned he knew it was his fault but being Mickey he would never admit that of coarse


Ian started again trying to reason with the man he loved

"Ian drop it"

Mickeys said in a harsh tone he was getting fed up with all the questions, he grew up in a house hold full of abuse and torture, and was never able to say anything other than how many girls he's banged or brag about the newest wild stories or crimes he's committed however he would never admit it even if it made him look bad


Ian had given up for now although Mickey knew this shit would continue if it happened again so he thought of ideas to stop it

That night it was getting late and Mickey was still wide awake thinking about his mum, he had tried everything he could think of to stop, drinking, smoking, watching his favorite show on TV

By 4am he still wasn't tired somehow, Ian had pestered him to come to bed about 1-3 times but by the time 2am rolled around Ian was dead asleep, the meds he took always made him tired easily

Mickey was knee deep in his thoughts
when a blinding light came in through the window clearly the sun had risen and Mickey still wasn't tired which he wasn't complaining about because at least his dreams wouldn't make him hurt Ian again

By 7am Ian had woken up and came downstairs to see Mickey sitting at the table still drinking beer Mickey pretended to have slept on the couch but Ian didn't by it

The next night came around so quickly Mickey had barely time to blink this time he was so tired but in his mind he was refusing to sleep

The next day rolled around and Ian stormed down the stairs

"Mickey that's it get up we're going to a Doctor you cant just not sleep forever especially when you won't tell me anything that's been happening!"

Ian looked at him and Mickey felt his blade like eyes falling into his shoulder he didn't want to look Ian in the eyes then he would see his eyes watering and he isn't a pussy he doesn't cry

"Ian I'm fine I'm not seeing a fucking shrink"

"Yes you are or tell me what's going on"

Mickey looked up now and Ian saw the hurt in his eyes and sat next to him on a chair

Mickey sighed and rolled his eyes as Ian span him around slowly on his chair

"I've been getting memory's about things that's happened like when I was younger"

"What do you mean Mick? What things?"

"Does it matter? It isn't important Ian this isn't trust me it's fine"

Mickey caved he didn't want to piss Ian off by dropping all the fucked up things his father did to him even worse he didn't want his sympathy

"Yes it does matter Mickey what do you think I'm going to judge you just tell me"

Mickey stared at him for about 2 minutes before replying he figured Ian wasn't going to let this go unless he confessed

"When I was younger my dad used to beat on me and mum when he was pissed we used to get knocked out cold and sometimes we weren't sure if we were alive or dead sometimes, that was last night I thought you were my dad and I panicked I'm sorry"

He had never actually talked about his feelings before so this was really weird for him, he was waiting for the hurtful words to come in or a punch to the skull but nothing

"Fuck Mickey why didn't you tell me?"

At this point Mickey didn't know what he was saying it just came out like word vomit and before he could stop himself

"Because I didn't want you to find out about the other times- "

Mickey rubbed a hand over his head as the other memory came back making him feel sick and now Ian's going to find out what he did

"Mick what happened those times?"


"Ian you don't want to know I'm serious it's fucked up"

"Mick there's nothing you could tell me that's going to scare me away now"


Mickey scoffed there was a shit load of stuff Ian didn't know about him not that he probably wouldn't now, just great he thought

"Mickey just tell me"

"God fine but don't go crying and running away"


Mickey finished his beer and continued

"A few years later mum left and it was just dad me Mandy and Iggy, dad got in shit with a few people things went south ect ect he got me and Iggy in the back of his car and we headed out to some area in the middle of nowhere dad hauled some big thing out of the truck and dropped it in a hole that was already there, he told us to fill in the hole but me and Iggy refused at first until dad pulled out a revolver and made us, the smell was so bad we both threw up a few times which made us cop a knock to the head from dad. Once we were done we went home and dad was pissed at us for taking so long and came at us again I had just finished my drink and threw it at him it hit him but did nothing and he stormed up to me pushed me over and stood on my left leg Iggy watched and heard it break but couldn't do anything so he just sat and watched dad then pulled out the gun again and forced me to go to my room and if he heard so much as a cry come from my room he would shoot me and make Iggy burry my body too"

Mickey was so caught up in what he was saying to realize how fucked up that must've sounded

"Fucking hell mickey I don't even know what the fuck to say to that"

"Tell me about it"

"Was that it?"

"Nah but its not important"

"Tell me"

Mickey needed another drink getting up he saw a bottle of scotch at the bottom of the cupboard and got out two glasses

He filled it to the brim then chugged it like it was water Ian was still watching as if he was the only person in the world until he continued

"Dad and me were at the table I had just gotten back from school it was the day we got put in the same class first day of school"


"I had got home from school and like I said dad made me sit down with him and we were playing cards I had always let him win because otherwise he got mad and beat on me as usual, we had gotten carried away and had a fair few drinks enough to make me half drunk"

He paused for a sec before continuing

"Dad said if he won that I would have to take this knife and stab myself in the hand with it I couldn't say no so I just nodded and prayed I won, of coarse with my luck and the fact that dad had 3 aces up his sleeve obviously I lost he gave me a knife and I didn't think he was serious until he saw me hesitating and grabbed the knife and stabbed my hand on the table himself he then walked off and left the house without a word only a smirk on his fucking face"

"Shit, so that's why you weren't at school for the rest of the month"

"No actually I was going to come back a week after but dad had locked me in the basement for a week after I lost to another one of his bets Iggy had snuck me in some water and bread so I got by alright"

Mickey realized how fucked up it still was and shut himself up

"Mickey holly fuck why didn't I know about any of this"

"Because it's fucking weird to talk about"

"Jesus Mick"


Mickey laughed a bit trying to brush it off

"Common we're going to bed you need to sleep I'll be with you the whole time won't leave"

"No Ian it's fine"

Ian didn't take no for an answer though and dragged him by the wrist up the stairs and to the bedroom

"Jesus I'm not a child Ian"

"Too fucking bad"

Mickey fell asleep 5 minutes later and with no traumatizing memories only to wake up later that day and roll over quickly before getting a squeeze on his waist

"I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere"

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