Can You Love Me Right? GxG

By CrazyAplaka1

87K 2.6K 873

Voldemort is back!!! And this time the wizarding world knows of his return and about Harry's and Y/N's prophe... More

Chapter 1 - Welcome Back!
Chapter 2 - Show Me How Much You Missed Me
Chapter 3 - Meeting Slughorn
Chapter 4 - The Burrow
Chapter 5 - Late Night Talks
Chapter 6 - Diagon Alley
Chapter 7 - The Train to Hogwarts
Chapter 8 - New Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher
Chapter 10 - Hufflepuff Party Pt.2
Chapter 11 - Its All Fun and Games Darling
Chapter 12 - Potion Masters
Chapter 13 - Don't be Jealous My Love
Chapter 14 - I'm Sorry Darling
Chapter 15 - The Pensieve
Chapter 16 - Quidditch Trials
Chapter 17 - Do You Trust Me
Chapter 18 - Dumbledore's training
Chapter 19 - Birthday girl
Chapter 20 - Hogsmeade
Chapter 21 - Nice Skin
Chapter 22 - Hidden places
Chapter 23 - Dinner Party
Chapter 24 - Quidditch Day
Chapter 25 - Weasley is our King
Chapter 26 - Regulus Black
Chapter 27 - Will you just relax
Chapter 28 - Christmas Party
Chapter 29 - Christmas Party Pt.2
Chapter 30 - The Granger's
Chapter 31 - Death Eater Attack
Chapter 32 - Settling in
Chapter 33 - Under Suspicion
Chapter 34 - Lupin
Chapter 35 - A quiet new years
Chpater 36 - Happy Birthday Y/N
Chapter 37 - Birthday surprise
Chapter 38 - A night out in london
Chapter 39 - Dumbledore Returns
Chapter 40 - New changes
Chapter 41 - Failed task

Chapter 9 - Hufflepuff Party

2.1K 66 14
By CrazyAplaka1

It's the following evening and the weekend before the school semester starts. Y/N is getting ready for one of the biggest Hogwarts house parties in history. Jorden and a few older Hufflepuff's have decided to pick up on the lost tradition the start of year Hufflepuff House Party.

Y/N, Flo and Jorden went second and third year when they were organised. They didn't do one the year of the Triwizard Tournament and of course they weren't allowed to do one last year because of Umbridge, so they were very excited to go this year and finally have some fun. Y/N stands in Flo's room along with Callan to get ready for the party together.

"Y/N what do you think of this dress" Flo says coming out from behind the changing area in a skin tight blue dress.

"You look great" Y/N says with a grin "wear the black heals with it"

"You've got it" Flo says and takes the black heals Y/N mentioned and puts them on "I see you're showing off the tats tonight"

Y/N smiles. She wears a loose black tank top with large slits on the side which exposes her black sports bra with the rainbow elastic to represent the gays, but most importantly the tank top shows off her tattoos that only her friends know about.

"I'm still deciding if I'm going to wear a jacket over the top" Y/N says

"Well I think ditch the jacket, Hermione loves your arms" Flo responds and Y/N can't help but laugh.

"You're right about that" the Ravenclaw says with a cheeky smile.

The rest of Y/N's outfit is simple. She wears black jeans with a few rips in them and a thick leather belt with silver accents to match her rings and necklace. She also wears black old school vans as well as some light make up to finish up her semi-grunge look.

Suddenly Cal walks out of the bathroom wearing a pair of blue faired jeans with a black crop top cut fairly short, he finishes off the look with some white converse, gold jewellery as well as a Smokey eye with dark blue eyeshadow on his lower lid. He also had a touch of gold glitter of his cheekbones.

"Well damn don't we all look hot" Cal says and two Ravenclaw girls laughs

"We dress to impress Cal" Flo says grinning

"Would you be impressing a certain red-haired boy" Y/N says suggestively

Flo rolls her eyes "no" she says quickly "Ron is clearly not interested in me"

"I didn't say it was Ron" Y/N says cheekily and Flo blushes whilst Cal chuckles

"Shut up both of you" Flo says annoyed "let's go pick up our friends"

"Right behind you" Cal says as they head to the Gryffindor common room to meet Ron, Harry and Hermione before going to the Hufflepuff common room.


Flo, Cal and Y/N all walk to the Gryffindor common room and see the golden trio standing out the front waiting for them. The boys wore simple outfits with Ron wearing a striped red and yellow shirt with blue jeans and Harry a maroon button up shirt and black jeans. However Y/N couldn't seem to take her eyes off her girlfriend.

The Gryffindor girl wore a brown and black plaid skirt with a black short sleeve blouse and a pair of ash grey beat up converse. Y/N just stares in awe at her girlfriend, she usually doesn't wear many dark colours like black but the Ravenclaw thinks she looks absolutely stunning.

Hermione can't seem to take her eyes off Y/N either as she makes her way towards her. The Gryffindor's eyes immediately go to her bare arms as she shows off her tattoos.

"Hey you guys" Ron says as he hugs Cal, Flo and Y/N tightly "you guys all look great"

Y/N notices at Ron can't seem to take his eyes off of Flo who seems oblivious to Ron's gaze as she hugs Hermione and Harry tightly

"Yeah we look under dressed" Harry says as he hugs Y/N and Cal.

"Speak for yourself my girlfriend looks stunning," Y/N says and Hermione blushes as the Ravenclaw hugs the Gryffindor girl tightly lifting her slightly in the air and kisses her tenderly on the lips.

Hermione giggles against Y/N lips as she gently places her back on the ground. "Hi there baby"

"Hey gorgeous" Y/N smirks and her eyes dart across the Gryffindor's outfit "you should where black more often, it's definitely a turn on"

Hermione giggles "maybe it's just your style rubbing off on me"

Harry rolls his eyes "Godric you two. You're acting like you didn't just see each other a few hours ago"

Callan laughs "Harry makes a fair point but also I think you've been spending too much time with me and Y/N over the summer"

Y/N smirks as she wraps her arms around Hermione's waist "yeah you're a little sassier than usual"

Harry ares at Y/N "shut it Y/N, I am not"

The others laugh then Cal gestures for them to head off. "Come let's go I've got to say hello to my handsome boyfriend"

Harry and Ron both snicker "whipped" they both cough under their breath making Cal frown and he whacks them both playfully making the three girls laugh

"Aren't we an odd bunch" Flo says and Hermione smiles whilst Y/N chuckles

"Yeah, but I wouldn't change it for anything" Y/N replies squeezing Hermione's hand a little tighter and the Gryffindor girl grins and kisses the Ravenclaw's cheek as they walk to the Hufflepuff common room.

Hermione and Y/N trail a little bit behind the group, the Gryffindor girl looks a little worried and her girlfriend notices. Y/N gives her a look as Hermione sighs "I'm fine Y/N" she says

"I know when something is troubling you 'moine" Y/N says and the Gryffindor nods "please just tell me what's going on in that beautiful mind of yours"

"It's silly really" Hermione starts "it's just that, I can't shake the thought that we shouldn't even be going out partying, in a time like this"

Y/N nods "I get it. But I think it's exactly why we need one, to just forget what's going on, at least for a little while."

"I see both sides to it," Hermione says and Y/N squeezes her hand reassuringly

"Let's just have fun tonight," Y/N says "for once just act our age and not think about prophecies, death eaters and wizard wars"

Hermione smiles "I think I can manage that. As long as your by my side"

Y/N grins and kisses Hermione's cheek "like I would be anywhere else"

They walk in the direction of the kitchens but turn down a different corridor where they can hear thumping music. The entrance of the common room is right ahead and Cal steps forward to do the password. He taps one of the barrels in a rhythmic tune and the door swings open to reveal many Hogwarts students from various houses dancing to the loud music or playing games in the corner.

"Bloody hell," Ron says in utter shock.

Flo smirks "puts a Gryffindor party to shame"

They look around the place to see it decked out in banners streamers and lights. On the second level, Y/N looks up to see Jorden on Dj duty playing some banging 2000s tunes.

Jorden spots them and waves at them and the group smile and waves back enthusiastically. "come on let's party" the Ravenclaw says and the group nod in agreeance.

Y/N leads Hermione to the dance floor and Flo joins whilst Cal goes off to find his boyfriend and Harry and Ron go get snacks and drinks. Flo and Y/N dance comically to their favourite songs making Hermione giggle and they all have a good time dancing together. Hermione pulls Y/N close as they dance together to the up beat rhythm.

"Hey guys" Jorden says as he greets the group with a bone-crushing hug with Callan behind him with a playful smirk on his lips.

"Hey Jord's" Y/N says

"Doesn't my boyfriend look gorgeous" Cal says and Jorden blushes and does a spin, showing off his outfit.

The Hufflepuff wears a black tank top with a bright patterned shirt of over the top. He wore a faded pair of blue jeans and maroon converse.

"I'm loving the style Jorden" Y/N compliments and the Hufflepuff smiles

"We'll I had some help from the best" Jorden says looking at Cal and kisses him sweetly

"Come you two come dance with us" Flo says dragging both Cal and Jorden to the dance floor.

They all start to dance to the beat with Jorden, Flo and Y/N all doing stupid dance moves to make Hermione and Cal laugh. They all start singing the words loudly to Britney Spears and Rihanna as they dance to beat and have a good time. After a while, the group decide to join Harry and Ron who are playing a game of pool with Seamus, Dean and Ginny.

"Whose winning" Flo asks

"Ron and Harry" Seamus says grinning "they're winning by a long shot". Y/N looks over at Dean who has a frown on his face and huffs

"Whatever it's just a game" Dean says with a frown whilst Ginny just rolls her eyes

"You're attitude says otherwise" Ginny mumbles

Y/N eyes her curiously knowing that something isn't right between the couple. Harry aims for the eight ball to win the game and sinks it into the pocket. He grins widely and high fives Ron.

"Nice shot Harry" Jorden says and Harry shrugs

"And they just said I was only good at Quidditch" Harry says grinning. His eyes meet Ginny's and she blushes.

"So modest" Y/N says sarcastically and Harry shrugs

"Good game boys" Ginny compliments and Dean says nothing just just chucking the cue pole on the table and no one says a word.

"Is he alright" Flo says to Ginny and the Weasley girl just sighs

"He'll be fine, he's just acting like a sore loser" Ginny says and Flo nods and takes her hand

"Come on we'll get everyone some drinks" Flo says

"I'll come help" Ron adds and Flo smiles

"Thanks Ron" Flo says brushing her hand against his arm as the three of them walk over to the drink stand.

"So whose up for a round" Y/N says and Cal smirks

"How about the Bi's against the Gays" Cal suggests and Jorden grins looking at Hermione

"What do you says Hermione, think we can take them" Jorden says

Hermione scoffs "definately"

"Confident are we" Y/N says and Hermione grins wickedly. She steps closer to the Ravenclaw till their lips are almost touching.

"Let's see what you've got baby" Hermione says and graciously backs away and walks over to Jorden. Y/N clearly turned on by the display grabs a cue pole and smirks and Hermione.

"Alright Granger" Y/N says as she steps closer to her girlfriend and leans close to her ear "two can play this game"

She hears Hermione's breath falter as Y/N pulls away with a smug look on her face. Ginny walks back and hands a drink to Harry and the raven-haired boy smiles.

"Ooo couple against couple" Ginny taunts and Y/N rolls her eyes

Harry grins and leans closer to Ginny "five galleons on Y/N and Cal"

Ginny smirks "you're on" and the two shake on it

"You break first, babe," Cal says and Jorden lines up the shot and winks at the Slytherin boy before he takes his shot.

The game is intense with both sides trying to distract the other whilst Harry tries to keep both couples in check. Flo and Ron come back with drinks for the group and watch the game from the side.

Jorden and Hermione are in the lead with only the black ball to go whilst Callan and Y/N have one more solid ball before the eight ball. Callan sinks the last solid and Y/N fist pumps him.

"Nice shot Cal" Ron says and the Slytherin boy smiles

"Alright Y/N, it's your go," Harry says and Y/N lines up the shot.

Hermione smirks and leans next to Y/N whispering in her ear "don't miss baby"

Y/N bites her lip in concentration knowing her girlfriend is trying to psych her out. "I know what you're doing 'mione. A pretty face isn't enough to psych me out"

"Aw you think I'm pretty" Hermione says childishly and Y/N rolls her eyes

The Ravenclaw concentrates and just as she hits the cue ball, Hermione sneakily touches Y/N lower back. Not expecting the subtle touch Y/N's aim on the final ball is off slightly just missing the pocket by a few centimetres.

"Oh fuck me" Y/N says annoyed that she misses the shot.

Hermione smirks "if you insist baby but there are people watching"

Flo snorts at Hermione comment snd Y/N's face blushes. "You two behave yourselves, especially you 'mione"

"Y/N what the hell was that" Cal whines and Y/N shrugs looking almost offended

"Hermione distracted me" Y/N says

"I don't know what your talking about" Hermione denies with a smug smile on her lips

"Harry please tell me you saw what happened," Y/N says to the raven-haired boy

Harry just smirks "I didn't see anything. The shot counts Y/N"

Hermione hits the last ball in making Jorden and her win the game. Callan kisses his boyfriend congratulating him and Y/N, still a bit salty, congratulates Hermione.

Y/N pouts comically "I hope your happy losing five galleons Harry"

Harry rolls his eyes and hands, Ginny, the money "oh but it was so worth it to see you get all worked up"

Flo laughs "come on Y/N it's only a game"

"Yeah but I'm playing it with a bunch of cheats" Y/N mumbles

The Gryffindor girl cups both of Y/N's cheeks in her hands "don't be sad darling you played well."

"I'm still mad at you for making me miss," Y/N says and Hermione chuckles

"I'm sorry my love but I just had to" Hermione replies "what can I do to make it up to you"

Y/N's mood brightens at this "how about a kiss, for now"

Hermione raises a eyebrow "for now"

"You herd me" Y/N responds and Hermione connects their lips together for a sweet kiss.

Hermione pulls away gently and looks into Y/N eyes "How was that"

"Better" Y/N says with a lop-sided smile "your acting a bit more cheeky tonight"

Hermione smiles "well you just bring this out out of me, and it could just be the alcohol talking"

Y/N laughs "speaking of alcohol, you want another drink"

Hermione nods "Don't make it fire whiskey though. I didn't really like it"

Y/N chuckles at that "Alright then I'll get you something a little sweeter. I'll be back soon darling"

Y/N walks over to the drink station and gets a fire whiskey for herself and a rum and coke for Hermione. It was either rum and coke, fire whiskey and cheap beer which tastes disgusting. The Ravenclaw made sure to mix the right amount in both their drinks when someone stood next to her and Y/N looked up and immediately frowns.

"Black," the boy says

"McLaggen" Y/N grumbles

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