Can You Love Me Right? GxG

By CrazyAplaka1

86.3K 2.6K 871

Voldemort is back!!! And this time the wizarding world knows of his return and about Harry's and Y/N's prophe... More

Chapter 1 - Welcome Back!
Chapter 2 - Show Me How Much You Missed Me
Chapter 3 - Meeting Slughorn
Chapter 4 - The Burrow
Chapter 5 - Late Night Talks
Chapter 6 - Diagon Alley
Chapter 8 - New Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher
Chapter 9 - Hufflepuff Party
Chapter 10 - Hufflepuff Party Pt.2
Chapter 11 - Its All Fun and Games Darling
Chapter 12 - Potion Masters
Chapter 13 - Don't be Jealous My Love
Chapter 14 - I'm Sorry Darling
Chapter 15 - The Pensieve
Chapter 16 - Quidditch Trials
Chapter 17 - Do You Trust Me
Chapter 18 - Dumbledore's training
Chapter 19 - Birthday girl
Chapter 20 - Hogsmeade
Chapter 21 - Nice Skin
Chapter 22 - Hidden places
Chapter 23 - Dinner Party
Chapter 24 - Quidditch Day
Chapter 25 - Weasley is our King
Chapter 26 - Regulus Black
Chapter 27 - Will you just relax
Chapter 28 - Christmas Party
Chapter 29 - Christmas Party Pt.2
Chapter 30 - The Granger's
Chapter 31 - Death Eater Attack
Chapter 32 - Settling in
Chapter 33 - Under Suspicion
Chapter 34 - Lupin
Chapter 35 - A quiet new years
Chpater 36 - Happy Birthday Y/N
Chapter 37 - Birthday surprise
Chapter 38 - A night out in london
Chapter 39 - Dumbledore Returns
Chapter 40 - New changes
Chapter 41 - Failed task

Chapter 7 - The Train to Hogwarts

2K 62 8
By CrazyAplaka1

It's been a few days and it's time for the group to all get on the train to Hogwarts for their sixth year. The Finch twins go off with their friends whilst Jorden and Cal search for a cabin for the group to pile into. They stay in the cramped hallway with Hermione pressed closely to Y/N front and the Ravenclaw smirks.

"Well this is cosy" Y/N mumbles to Hermione who rolls her eyes and blushes

"You're such a dork," Hermione says with a grin and Y/N gently laughs and kisses her cheek

"But you love me for it" Y/N replies cheekily and Hermione laughs

"That I do darling" Hermione whispers and connects their lips together for a soft kiss.

"Quibbler? Quibbler?"

The couple look to see Luna move down the aisle wearing a pair of red and blue glasses, identical to the ones modelled by a witch on the cover of the current issue of The Quibbler that she clutches to her chest.

Y/N smiles "May I have a copy Luna,"

"Of course" Luna replies and hands her a copy with a warm smile "There's an article on Wrackspurts this month."

Y/N smiles "What's a Wrackspurt"

"They're invisible creatures that float in through your ears and make your brain go fuzzy." Luna says and Hermione looks at Luna with a confused expression as she walks away to Dean and Ginny.

"Do you really believe half the stuff she says?" Hermione says and Y/N shrugs

"Depends, despite it being all fate and conspiracies, I believe some of it" The Ravenclaw says

Hermione eyes her curiously "I never would've expected that from you, I mean you are a Ravenclaw"

"And you're a Gryffindor" Y/N replies and Hermione rolls her eyes but ponders the thought

"I was just saying, I thought Ravenclaws believed in facts and logic" Hermione counters

"Thats true but a Ravenclaw also takes into consideration fate" Y/N says "I believe in facts logic but over the years, I've started to believe in fate. Do you wanna know why"

"Enlighten be darling" Hermione says with a smirk and Y/N nods

"We'll first there's Harry's and I's prophecy. But also fate brought me to you" the Ravenclaw says "and I don't think that would've been possible without it"

Hermione blushes and kisses Y/N's cheek "You're still such a charmer"

"I know," Y/N smirks

"Hey," Ron says and the group looks up at the Weasley boy "Cal's found a cabin"

Y/N nods and they follow Ron down the aisle to the cabin with Jorden and Cal already snuggling up next to each other. Y/N and Hermione sit together on the opposite side with Flo and Ron next to them with Harry joining Cal and Jorden.

Hermione pulls out her book on advance rune translation whilst Y/N leans her head on her shoulder as she reads. Flo reads a copy of the daily prophet whilst Jorden shares sweets with Harry and Cal whilst the Slytherin boy reads an advanced potion book his dad bought him. Ron glances between reading some of the Daily Prophet with Flo and chatting with the others. Harry just listens in and plays with his invisibility cloak on his fingers.

"So I've got a little announcement" Jorden says with a grin and the others perk up at the Hufflepuff boy

"We know your Bi Jord's" Flo says and the group laugh but Jorden rolls his eyes

"You're so funny Flo" Jorden says sarcastically and the Ravenclaw grins "Anyways, me and few other Hufflepuff's have planned one of the biggest parties that Hogwarts has ever seen"

Y/N and Flo grin "you're bringing back the annual Hufflepuff party" Y/N says

"That I am" Jorden says "it's been way too long since we've hosted one"

"I think I'm missing something here" Callan says and Jorden grins

"Hufflepuff host a massive party for all the student before classes start" Jorden says

"Hufflepuff have always thrown the biggest party" Ron says "I've always wanted to go but well..."

Harry and Hermione look Ron a little insulted "don't blame us for you not going" Harry says

"The last few that were hosted we were in 1st and 2nd year and not allowed to go" Hermione says

"Speak for yourself" Y/N says "Flo, Jord's and I have gone since 2nd year"

"How'd you get in" Ron says surprised

"Jorden made a few friends with the sixths years and let us in" Flo says "but anyways they haven't done a Hufflepuff party since third year"

"Well that is about to change" Jorden says with a wide smile clearly excited "Anyways you guys are all coming and spread the word to others. It's going to be huge and we are not missing it"

"We'll be there" Y/N says and the others nod

"Of course we'll come mate" Ron says and Jorden smiles

"Thanks guys" Jorden says and Cal kisses the Hufflepuff's cheek

"Well you know I'm always down for a party Jordy" the Slytherin boy says

Jorden grins and blushes faintly "oh I know all too well, babes"

As the trip to Hogwarts continues, the group drift from casual conversation to doing their own thing. Y/N holds Hermione close and reads her textbook with her.

"Don't you see, it was a ceremony. An initiation." Harry says as the conversation drifts to what happened with the Malfoy's at Borgin & Burkes

"Stop, Harry, I know where you're going with this" Flo says

"It's happened. He's one of them." Harry replies and Flo sighs and Ron looks at the two of them confused

"One of what?" Ron asks

"Harry is under the impression that Draco Malfoy is now a Death Eater" Flo says and Ron looks at Harry stunned

"You're barking. What would You-Know-Who want with a sod like Malfoy?" Ron scoffs

"So what's he doing in Borgin and Burke's? Browsing for furniture?" Harry counters

"It's a creepy shop. He's a creepy bloke." Callan replies "Y/N and I have been to the Malfoy manor to know that their style hasn't changed in years"

Y/N snickers and nods "that's true, but if I know my cousin, he's never been interested in furniture, especially antiques like the cabinet we saw"

Harry nods "Look. His father's a Death Eater. It only makes sense. Besides, Hermione saw it. With her own eyes."

"I told you. I don't know what I saw." Hermione replies then goes back to reading her book.

"Y/N back me up here" Harry says looking at the Ravenclaw says

All eyes are on the Ravenclaw girl and Y/N sighs "it's all speculation Harry. And unfortunately we can't act on speculation"

Harry stays silent after that. He looks irritated by the others responses. The raven-haired boy rises and opens the cabin door with his invisibility cloak in hand. "I need some air," he says and exits the cabin

As Harry leaves, Jorden looks at Y/N "Do you really think he is death eater?"

Y/N looks out the window deep in thought. She knows that at the end of last year Draco had told her that he was becoming a Death Eater. But Draco didn't specify when exactly. It doesn't make sense that he would come back to school whilst being a Death Eater, the dark mark would stand out and he would get caught. So this leads the Ravenclaw to believe that he isn't one yet.

"We shouldn't exactly rule it out" Y/N starts "but I don't think he is one"

"Well maybe we should find out for certain" Callan says and rises from his seat and gives Y/N a knowing look.

The Ravenclaw grins and stands as well, rumaging through her bag and pulls out a black hoodie and Callan a navy blue and they put them on.

"And where are you two going" Jorden says and everyone else looks just as curious as the Hufflepuff boy

"We are following Harry" Y/N says and leans down to kiss Hermione on the cheek, "If we don't see you at the station, I'll meet you at the feast"

Hermione sighs "Just be careful, both of you"

"I'll watch her Hermione don't you worry" Callan says and kisses Jorden on the lips before heading out of the cabin with Y/N following behind.


A blood-red sun shimmers through the windows, staining the interior a deep scarlet and various students read and play cards. In one compartment, Crabbe and Goyale slumber sloppily and the Ravenclaw grimaces. As Cal and Y/N emerge, they spot Harry looking on, into the next carriage where Malfoy sits with Pansy and Blaise.

"Well we're screwed" Callan says "how are we going to sneak in without getting caught"

"Well it seems like Harry's already solved that problem" Y/N says which causes the Slytherin boy to look

Harry reaches into his pocket and removes an orange and black lump that Fred gave him in Diagon Alley. Y/N and Callan both put on their hoods and inch closer to the carriage door. Harry pitches the lump into the air and it soars through the narrowing crease of the doors and explodes softly, raining dark powder through the carriage.

That's Y/N and Cal's queue and they enter the carriage and sit behind Draco and his friends booth. Then, like a thinning mist, the darkness eerily recedes. The red light of dusk returns and Malfoy stands in the doorway of the carriage. As he looks on warily, students return to their seats. Across the way, Crabbe and Goyle continue to slumber.

"What just happened? Blaise?" Draco asks looking on edge

"Don't know." Blasie says shrugging his shoulders

Just then, a small bag teeters then tumbles from a luggage rack. Malfoy turns and eyes the bag. Y/N and Cal both stay quiet, hoping that Draco won't notice them. The Ravenclaw hands Cal an earphone and he puts it in his ear and so does Y/N to pretend they are listening to music when infact they are really listening to Draco.

Y/N looks around to try and spot Harry but he is nowhere to be seen. She nudges Cal's shoulder to get his attention and mouths 'where's Harry?' and the Slytherin boy just shrugs and they go back to listening in.

"Hogwarts. What a pathetic excuse for a school." Draco says "I think I'd pitch myself off the Astronomy Tower if I thought I had to continue on for another two years."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Pansy asks

"Let's just say I don't think you'll be seeing me wasting my time in Charms Class next year." Draco mutters and they hear Blaise snort "Amused, Blaise? We'll see just who's laughing in the end."

Y/N and Cal share a wary look but keep listening. He's not coming back next year, Y/N thinks to herself. So maybe he isn't a death eater after all, at least not yet.


The train comes to a halt and students rise from their seats to head to Hogwarts. Y/N and Cal spend the rest of the time listening to Draco and his Slytherin bands conversation but nothing else interesting arose. They quietly left the train and landed on the platform to look for the others, however the Ravenclaw gets a uneasy feeling.

"Somethings not right" Y/N says "where's Harry"

"He must've already left" Cal says and leans in close to whisper "he was wearing the invisibility cloak after all"

Y/N sighs knowing the Slytherin boy has a point. The Ravenclaw scratches her head and looks around the platform then something else occurs to her. "Cal, did you see Draco get off the train"

Cal thinks for a second then shakes his head "No I didn't"

The Ravenclaw nods "Can we just wait for a second, I just want to be sure"

Cal nods and they stand still on the platform as the majority of the students have left. They wait another five minutes and now they are the only ones on the platform and Cal sighs "Y/N I don't think he's-"

Then suddenly Draco appears coming out of the train. He doesn't seem to notice the two of them as he quickly walks away in the direction where the carriages pick the students up. Y/N turns to Cal with a small smirk on he lips

"You were saying" Y/N says sarcastically

Callan rolls his eyes "Shut up, you smug prick"

Y/N rolls her eyes and the pair quickly get back on the train to see if they could find any information to what Draco was up to. However, they weren't expecting to find Luna helping Harry to his feet. The raven-haired boy has blood coming from his nose that has stained his shirt.

"Luna" both Callan and Y/an say a little surprised to see the ditzy Ravenclaw girl here.

Luna notices the pair's presence and smiles warmly "Hello Y/N. Callan"

"What the hell happened," Y/N says and looks at Harry, mainly for answers but also to make sure he is alright.

"Malfoy," Harry says and Y/N and Cal are not surprised. The raven-haired boy then turns to Luna "How'd you-"

"Wrackspurts" Luna says "Your head's full of them."

Harry smiles and Callan opens the cabin doors "we should all get going"

Y/N nods and the group all head out of ht train and onto the platform hoping that the carriages are still there. Not to anyone's surprise, the carriages have all left which means that they all had to walk. Suddenly Harry taps Y/N on the shoulder and the the Ravenclaw looks to him curiously

"Hey sorry for really pushing about Draco" Harry says "I know I went a little far-"

"It's alright Harry, don't worry about it" Y/N says and Harry nods. They all walk to where the carriages are only for them to find none.

"I guess it's more walking the " Cal says with a small smile on his lips and the group continue on.

"Sorry I made you all miss the carriages," Harry says and Luna smiles

"It's alright. I enjoyed our walk. It was like being with friends" Luna replies

"We are your friends Luna," Y/N says and Luna just shrugs

"That's nice." Luna replies and Y/N, Harry and Callan all share confused looks but continue to walk along the path once more in comfortable silence.

Just then Professor Flitwick rushes forth clutching a long roll of parchment bearing all students' names.

"About time! I've been looking all over for you four. Names." the charms professor says and Y/N stares at him a little surprised

"Professor Flitwick, you've known me for five years." Y/N says and the Professor huffs

"No exceptions, Black" Flitwick responds and the group chuckle.

As the professor marks off everyone's names Luna pats Y/N on the shoulder. "Who are those people?"

The Ravenclaw turns and looks to where Luna staring into the darkness. She squints and looks at the shadows drift eerily, like ghosts.

"Aurors. For security." Flitwick answers for them.

"It's a not a cane, you cretin. It's a walking stick."

The group then turn their attention to where the familiar voice is coming from. Draco stands amidst a mountain of luggage and owl cages, watching Filch pass a long security detector over a walking stick.

"And what exactly would you be wanting with a walking stick?" Filch says in his typical gruff mood

"It was his father's." Snape's voice cuts through as he separates from the shadows. Draco eyes him warily, then snatches the stick from Filch.

"IS my father's. He's not dead." Draco says sternly. Snape watches Malfoy carefully wrap the stick in felt, lay it back inside his trunk.

"It's alright, Mr. Filch. I can vouch for Mr. Malfoy." Snape responds stoically

Draco eyes Snape warily again, then begins to slouch off. He turns to Y/N, Harry and the rest of the group. Draco smirks as he looks at Harry.

"Nice face, Potter." Draco says smugly

Harry puts a hand to his nose, and watches Malfoy disappear into the darkness, trailed by Snape.

"It doesn't look that bad Harry" Y/N trying to make him feel a little better but Callan scoffs

"Y/N's right it's worse than bad. It looks awful" the Slytherin replies and Y/N pouts

"Seriously Cal" the Ravenclaw says and Harry sighs trying to wipe some of the blood away only making it worse.

"Would you like me to fix it? Personally, I think you look a bit, more devil-may-care this way. But it's up to you." Luna says and Harry looks at her curiously

"Have you ever fixed one? A nose." Harry asks

"No. But I've done several toes and how different are they really?" Luna says

Y/N can tell that Luna's comment did not fill Harry with confidence, but nevertheless he shrugs his shoulders

"What the hell. Give it a go." Harry says and Luna raises her wand with the raven-haired boy braces himself

"Episkey." Luna poises her wand over Harry's nose and gives it a tap. It vibrates wildly and then snaps into place.

"Ow!" Harry yelps and Y/N and Cal grimace at the raven-haired boy's reaction. His discomfort didn't last long as Harry looked at the three friends "Well? How do I look?"

"Alright" Y/N answers

"Exceptionally ordinary." Luna adds and Harry smiles

"Brilliant." Harry says and Callan smiles and gestures towards the castle

"Come on we're already running late for the feast let's not delay it anymore" the Slytherin boy says says

Y/N grins "oh come on Cal who doesn't like someone who is fashionably late"

"How about Professor McGonagall" Harry says and the Ravenclaw pondered the thought

"Okay true but thank Godric she's not my head of house"

The group laugh and they quickly make their way up to the castle to join the feast.

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