The Stealer

By won-HAN-damyeon

2.3K 208 499

It started as an innocent dare from a couple teenage boys. Nothing was ๐˜ข๐˜ค๐˜ต๐˜ถ๐˜ข๐˜ญ๐˜ญ๐˜บ meant to come out of... More

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extra #1
extra #2


96 9 28
By won-HAN-damyeon

Jacob stared at the ground as he swung his legs back and forth. He and Kevin were having a little silent moment. Not uncomfortable silence, just peaceful quiet. No Changmin, no Chanhee to make Changmin louder, no Taeil. Jacob was content to sit with his head on Kevin's shoulder, even if there was no conversation.

"Do you think they're okay?" Kevin spouted out of nowhere.

"Who? Chanhee and Changmin?"


"Sure they are. Did they not seem okay?"

"Well, they seemed fine for right now- but I meant like, in the long run. I don't know, they're both really sensitive and overthinking. What if something happens and they misread the situation?"

"They'll be able to figure it out, Kev. First of all, things happen. They know that. Second, they're not twelve, they're somewhat mature. And they aren't stupid. I trust them."

"Okay... I've just known Changmin for a long time, and whenever something slightly out of his control happens or something goes wrong, he goes sort of ballistic. He freaks out."

"Yeah. Chanhee is kind of a control freak, but I think they'll balance each other out well with their normal sides. Plus, it isn't our job to worry about them. I mean, sure, we should care about them, but they can take care of themselves. They'll be fine."

"Yeah, I guess. They kind of ditched us. You wanna ditch them? I can text them and say not to meet us back here. We should go on a date. Just us."

"Wow, how romantic you are."

"I know," Kevin replied, standing up from the bench, "Come on."

"How are you so sure I'll say yes?"

"Would you really say no to me?"


Kevin held out a hand for Jacob, slightly bowing his head. Jacob lightly took it, tilting his head up to look more sophisticated. He gracefully stood- only to trip over a tree root. He smacked into Kevin's arm, latching onto it as tight as he could.

"Oh my god, I almost died!" He exclaimed as Kevin snorted.

"Drama queen. Alright, let's go."

"Go where? Kevin, my foot hurts! Carry me."

"Pft, no. Your foot can't hurt that bad."

"Rude. So where are we going?"

"Your mom's house."

"Haha, very funny. Kevin Moon where the flippity flap are you taking me?"

"I don't know. Wherever this sidewalk leads."

"Youre just gonna follow the sidewalk and trust it?"




Kevin swung the hands around as they walked along the sidewalk. He knew where the sidewalk went, it led to a little square in town. Not super far, it would probably take like eight minutes to walk. Jacob, however, had no way of knowing. Kevin was going to let it be a surprise.

"Wow, would you look at that. Who's the idiot now? We're in a cute little square."

"Shut up, Kevin. You're still an idiot."

Kevin chose to ignore the statement. He dragged Jacob to a small bookstore that had a cafe inside. He bought Jacob a cookie and they walked around the store for around an hour, just talking.

"Yeah, it was funny. He's kind of stupid. Anyways, we- oh my god, wait. Shoot, I never texted Changmin and Chanhee. Oh my- hello?"

"Kevin Moon, where the heck are you? We come back to the benches and you aren't here." Chanhee scolded

"Oops, sorry guys. Uh, Jacob and I are in a bookstore. I meant to text you-" Kevin replied.

"Well you didn't."

"Yes, I'm aware-"

"I'm disowning you."

"But I'm not-"

"Shut up. You've always been my least favorite son."

"I'm not even-"

"Jacob, my boy, get away from this bad man!"

"Don't tell him to-" Kevin tried.

"Yes sir!"

"Jacob don't listen to him-" Kevin grabbed Jacob's hand. Jacob screeched.

"He grabbed me! Changmin, he won't let me go!" Changmin's voice came to the speaker.

"Let go of my baby!"

"No, he's my baby!"

"How dare you disrespect your grandfather!"

"You're not- wait does that make you Chanhee's dad-?"

"Eww, incest."

"Jacob, no-"

"Okay, bye now." Kevin hung up the phone. "What just happened?"

"I don't know. Get away from me, creepy man!"

"Jacob, I'm your boyfriend-"


tbh idk what I'm writing anymore 🤠 this is just a random crackfic at this point lol

if there are any typos, no, there aren't. shhh

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