TGCF React

By AmaryOrtiz

371K 10.7K 14.3K

Xie Lian, Hua Cheng, and other heavenly officials and calamities find themselves suddenly transported in a my... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 5

9.7K 281 182
By AmaryOrtiz

Chapter 36.1 : Behold the flower through red clouds, A heart filled with pity (I)

Hua Hua's Real Form

"Hua Hua? Hua Cheng? Will we see San Lang's real form?" Xie Lian asked a little excitedly before looking at Hua Cheng worriedly. "Will that be alright with you?"

"I'm fine with it, gege." Hua Cheng replied with a smile although his shoulders were tensed which was immediately noticed by Xie Lian who then held one of Hua Cheng's hand in worry.

"We can just skip this part if you don't want to." Xie Lian said with worried eyes which made Feng Xin and Mu Qing to fake gag at the back, disgusted.

"I'm really alright, gege." Hua Cheng said with a soft voice before looking worried. "But, promise me that you won't hate me after seeing my true look, okay?"

"San Lang... I became your friend because I liked your personality, not because of your looks." Xie Lian said with a gentle smile which made Hua Cheng relax and nod with a smile. 

"If you are done flirting, can we get back to watching?" Mu Qing said with a glare as many looked uncomfortable.

"E-eh? We a-aren't flirting!" Xie Lian stuttered with a huge blush on his face while Hua Cheng had a sly look on his face.

"Are you jealous?" he teasingly asked which made Mu Qing glare harder.

"A-anyway, let's continue on!" Xie Lian exclaimed, still flustered at Mu Qing's comment.

Although Hua Cheng's tone and words were rude and brimmed with contempt, the man remained meekly quiet even as the other onlookers jeered at him. The attendant who had led Xie Lian in said, "Sir, you are truly fortunate today."

Xie Lian's line of sight did not shift. "How so?"

"Hoho, his eyes are stuck to his love." Pei Ming said with a smirk which made Xie Lian blush again but didn't say anything, much to the annoyance of Feng Xin and Mu Qing. 

"The lord of our city rarely comes here to play, and the mood only struck him these past few days. What is this if not good fortune?"

He Xuan inwardly scoffed at this. Of course crimson rain would be feeling good in the recent days, he was spending time with his beloved.

From this, it was clear that she greatly admired the 'city lord' and held him in high esteem. As long as one could lay eyes on their city lord, it was considered the greatest of blessings. Xie Lian laughed softly to himself.

The red silhouette behind the light, gauzy curtains formed a whimsical picture, elegant and sensual, mesmerizing the eyes. Beautiful young women were arranged before the curtains to oversee the gambling table. Xie Lian's initial intention had been to stand at the outer edges of the crowd and watch, but after hearing Hua Cheng's voice, he began silently squeezing his way through the press of bodies. After finally reaching the table, he spotted the man who had been about to lay down his bets.

He was a living, breathing human. Xie Lian was not too surprised at that. Not only ghosts thronged the streets of the Ghost City after all. Besides the occasional alchemist and cultivator, some normal mortals who were either close to death's door, or were actively seeking death, would sometimes stumble in by mistake. This man also had a mask covering his face, leaving his bloodshot eyes and pale lips visible. He looked as if he had not seen the sun for many days, seeming more like a ghost than the ghosts surrounding him.

"A human? What's he going to bet?" Wu Du said with a raised brow. "I'm pretty sure the ghost city doesn't want anything that man has."

The man was gripping a black, wooden dice cup on the gambling table nervously. After a moment's hesitation, he ventured bravely, "But......why was that other man earlier allowed to bet both his legs?"

"So he bet his own legs and lost." Yushi Huang said with a sad look. "He should have known better."

"There are many ignorant fools that goes to that place." Hua Cheng said only because Xie Lian also looked sad. "So don't worry, gege, it's their own will anyway."

"He's asking a good question, though, why is his legs important?" Qing Qiu asked in wonder.

One of the women standing before the curtains smiled. "That man was known as the king of thieves, famous for his exceptionally light footwork which allowed him to scale buildings and take off at ease. His legs were the basis of his livelihood, hence they were worthy as bargaining chips. You are neither a craftsman nor a famous physician, what is your one hand worth?"

"Oh." Qing Qiu said, finally understanding why.

"How stupid, betting their entire livelihood when there's a huge chance of losing." Qi Rong scoffed before smirking. "Well, that's what makes humans fun."

The man gritted his teeth and announced, "Then I...... I'll bet—–ten years of my daughter's lifespan!"

Xie Lian was stunned. How on earth could there be a father willing to gamble with his child's life? Is this even alright?

Everyone had similar expressions, disgusted at the man who was willing to ruin their child's life.

Behind the curtains, Hua Cheng gave a short laugh. "Alright."

Some wanted to shout at Hua Cheng for agreeing but couldn't because of the absolute faith Xie Lian had with Hua Cheng when they saw the latter's gaze towards the ghost. 

'How can he be absolutely sure that that calamity is good?!' some thought in their hearts. 

Xie Lian thought he sensed a cold, thread of anger from that one word alone, but wasn't sure if he had imagined it.

"You didn't." Hua Cheng whispered before giving Xie Lian a reassuring look. "Don't worry, gege, that man's daughter won't experience anything bad from my hands."

"I trust you, San Lang." Xie Lian said with a smile.

San Lang said he has always had good luck, he thought, faintly uneasy. When drawing fortune sticks, he would always receive 'success' and 'great fortune'. If this man gambles with San Lang, wouldn't he be giving away ten years of his daughter's life?

The sweet voice of the dealer at the end of the long table broke through his thoughts. "The even number loses, the odd number wins. Once the cup is opened, there will be no backing out. Proceed!"

Apparently, Hua Cheng would not be actively participating in the game. The man broke into a trembling fit, both hands clenched tight around the dice cup. Then he began shaking the cup madly. The noise in the lobby died down somewhat, so that the crisp sounds of the dice rattling around inside the cup seemed magnified. After a long while, his movements came to a sudden halt. Deathly silence followed.

The man remained frozen for quite some time, before he slowly, slowly, lifted a corner of the cup. He bent over to peek through the crack of the opening, then his bloodshot eyes widened abruptly.

He quickly pulled the wooden dice away and shouted ecstatically, "Odd! Odd! ODD! I won! I won! HAHAHAHAhahahaIWON!!! I WON!!!"

Many breathed a sigh of relief, glad that the daughter wouldn't suffer due to her father's stupidity.

Every person and ghost crowded around the long table had been waiting to see a show, but ended up disappointed. Boos and hissed filled the air as they began slapping on the table in a noisy display of dissatisfaction. The dealer smiled. "Congratulations, sir. Your business will take a turn for the better immediately."

"All that just for his business? Couldn't he have worked harder or made smarter decisions without any risk instead?" Yizhen said with a frown, disliking the man.

"People like risking everything for a miracle because it's easier." Yin Yu unconsciously said, immediately arousing suspicion from Yizhen.

"Do I know you?" Yizhen immediately asked.

"No." Yin Yu said, inwardly cursing himself for slipping up.

The man chortled heartily for a moment, then shouted, "WAIT! I want to make another bet."

"Of course you may, sir. What would you like to wish for this time?"

The man's face darkened as he said, "I want, I want all my business rivals to drop dead!"

"How greedy and selfish." Xie Lian said with a frown. "Why must he ask for his rivals to die instead of wishing for more benefits for his company?"

"People are usually like that, Gege." Hua Cheng said with a small frown.

"Why can't everyone just live in peace." Xie Lian uttered with a frown. "Life would be easier like that."

"If only." Qing Xuan said with a sigh.

'If only,' He Xuan thought while glancing at Wu Du. 'people aren't greedy.' 

The people in the lobby exchanged looks all around as they clicked their tongues and shook their heads. The dealer covered her mouth as she tittered. "This wish is not as simple as your last one. Would you not consider something else? Perhaps, for your business to flourish to new heights?"

The man stared at her unblinkingly with his bloodshot eyes. "No! I only want to bet on this. I will bet on this."

"Well sir, if that is your wish, ten years of your daughter's life would not suffice."

"Of course not." Hua Cheng scoffed. "Some people bet their entire family's souls just to kill someone and this man is asking to kill all of his rivals? Ridiculous." 

"Some people do that?" Xie Lian asked which made Hua Cheng flinch a little, forgetting that his beloved was there.

"Unfortunately." Hua Cheng confirmed. "Although they never win."

The man said, "If it's not enough then I'll add more to it. I'll wager twenty years of my daughter's life, and...... and the fate of her marriage!"

"Bastard." Feng Xin cursed.

"Crazy bastard." Mu Qing corrected with a glare. 

"Heartless bastard." Qing Xuan finished which made both He Xuan and Wu Du proud.

The ghosts all burst into uproarious laughter. "This father has gone completely mad! He's selling his daughter!"

"Incredible, incredible!"

The dealer smiled. "The even number loses, the odd number wins. Once the cup is opened, there will be no backing out. Proceed!"

"You'll go on with it?!" Qing Qiu exclaimed in shock and disgust towards the calamity who only glare at him.

As Xie Lian watched anxiously, the man began shaking the dice cup again with trembling hands. If he loses, his daughter would lose twenty years of her life and a good marriage, which is obviously terrible. But if he wins, wouldn't that mean all his business rivals would drop dead? Xie Lian privately felt that Hua Cheng is unlikely to permit such a thing to happen, but after thinking twice and then thrice about it, he began inching closer to the table.

"You really are a good person." Pei Ming said, all of his thoughts regarding the prince's actions in the past erased. 

'He didn't have anything against me.' he thought. 'Everything was just a coincidence.'

Just as he was considering pulling some form of disruption, someone grabbed him from behind. He turned his head and found himself face to face with Shi Qing Xuan.

Shi Qing Xuan had reverted to his male form. "Don't be impulsive," he whispered.

Xie Lian whispered back, "Wind Master, why have you changed back?"

"Ai, it's a long story. That bunch of madams and misses dragged me after them, saying they wanted to introduce me to a good beautician. It wasn't easy for me to escape. I changed back to this form so they wouldn't catch me again." Shi Qing Xuan wrinkled his nose. "They dragged me into a strange shop and smeared a lot of stuff on my face, then pulled and rubbed and kneaded and slapped it. Quick, how does my face look? Anything wrong or weird with it?"

"That's your first thought?" He Xuan asked with a raised brow.

"Of course!" Qing Xuan said. "What else must I prioritize? I'm healthy and safe, after all." 

"That's...true." Wu Du reluctantly agreed, internally smiling because he knows that being vain of her appearance is the way Qing Xuan shows she is healthy and that's all that matters.

He shoved his face in front of Xie Lian.

This caused both He Xuan and Hua Cheng to flinch a little, their fingers twitching.

Xie Lian studied him carefully, then offered his honest opinion, "It seems to be smoother and fairer now."

Shi Qing Xuan's eyes brightened in surprise. "Really? That's great, that's really great, hahahaha. Is there a mirror around here? I want a look."

"Whew, that's a relief." Qing Xuan said with a sigh before having a thoughtful look. "Should I visit them soon? They might give me good tips."

"No!" ordered both Wu Du and He Xuan which made the two glare at each other while Qing Xuan brightly smiled at the two, glad that they cared for her like she does with them.

"Let's look later," Xie Lian said. "The spiritual communication array can't be used in the Ghost City, so we mustn't be separated again. Oh by the way, my lord Wind Master, how did you know I was here?"

"I didn't," Shi Qing Xuan replied. "I had no idea where you were. I'm supposed to meet Qian Qiu here. After I escaped those women, I decided to come here first to wait for him, but found you instead."

"You have an appointment with Qian Qiu? Here?"

"Why there?" Ling Wen asked before realizing. "Oh, because it's very easy to see each other there?"

"Probably." agreed Qing Xuan.

"Yes, Qian Qiu as in Lang Qian Qiu, His Royal Highness Tai Hua. You should at least know of him right?

'How could I not know him?' Xie Lian inwardly thought. 'I taught him.'

He's the Martial God of the East, and since we're supposed to come here to investigate, it is best if he comes with us. The ghosts' gambling house is the liveliest place in the Ghost City, filled with all sorts of folk. It's a landmark of sorts, and with the number of humans and ghosts moving in and out of the place, it's easier to avoid suspicion, so I told him to meet us here."

"Smart decision." Jun Wu praised which made Qing Xuan beam. After all, it was rare for the emperor to talk to someone outside of work and ever rarer for him to praise others. Xie Lian was an exception to both, of course.

Xie Lian nodded lightly. When he turned back around, the man had yet to open the dice cup. His eyes were rolled back so that the whites were showing, and he was murmuring to himself as if in prayer. He did not look much different from the other ghosts crammed inside the gambling house. Xie Lian sighed, "This man......"

"Has gone crazy." Jun Wu said with a shake of his head. 

"How unfortunate." Feng Xin said with a sigh.

"I know what you want to say, and I do agree with you," Shi Qing Xuan said as he stroked his own face. "But the Ghost City is Hua Cheng's domain. The rules of the gambling house here stipulate that both parties must be willing participants. You may gamble if you dare accept the risks. Heaven cannot interfere in this. Stay calm and watch first. We'll think of something if things start looking bad."

"At least someone has common sense." Hua Cheng said while nodding once to the wind master who smiled at him. "He's a good...frie...acquain...colleague." 

Hua Cheng refuses to say friend or acquaintance. 

Xie Lian muttered to himself irresolutely for a moment. San Lang would not allow something like this to happen, he soothed himself. It's best to lie low and wait first.

"Thank you for the trust, gege!" Hua Cheng said with a smile as Xie Lian smiled back at him.

"San Lang has proven himself completely trustworthy." Xie Lian said, ignoring the looks he was given by the others.

'How is he trustworthy?!' they thought in their hearts, not wanting to verbalize it because Xie Lian looked happy and they didn't want to ruin it.

He stayed his hand, and the man at the table seemed to have finally summoned enough courage to lift the dice cup a crack, ready to reveal the results. Yet at this moment, someone suddenly charged over and slammed a palm down on the black, wooden dice cup, crushing it to smithereens!

Hua Cheng narrowed his eyes in annoyance while Yin Yu sighed at the work his future self would have to deal with.

The strike shattered not only the dice cup, but the hand that was gripping it as well. A deep crack appeared on the table.

The masked man screamed as he cradled the crushed remains of his hand, rolling wildly on the ground in agony. Some ghosts shouted in surprise, cheering and clapping excitedly while others cried out in fright and leaned away from the young man who had showed up so suddenly. "You scum!" he raged. "Poisonous heart! It's your own business if you chase after wealth and glory, but you have the temerity to wish for the death of others?! If you want to gamble so badly then gamble with your own life! How dare you use your own daughter's lifespan and marriage fate for your own gains! You are not fit to be a man, nor a father!"

The young man had sword like brows, and bright starry eyes glowing with heroism. Even though he was garbed simply instead of in his usual splendid attire, it did not conceal his noble air in the least. Who else could this be if not Yong'an's crown prince, Lang Qian Qiu?

"Qing Qiu?!" Qing Xuan shrieked in shock and anger. "Why would you do that?! Didn't I tell you to keep a low profile!"

"B-but that's the future!" Qian Qiu argued which made the wind master glare harder which surprised others while others looked proud.

"I don't care if it's the future!" Qing Xuan yelled. "I'm absolutely sure my future self would tell you to mind yourself and yet look at that, you didn't listen at all! If you do this again this time..."

"Y-yes!" Qian Qiu squeaked out. "I will make sure to listen to you."

"Good." the wind master said with a huff before groaning. "Gosh, the problems my future self will face." 

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