Pokemon: Master Tales, Kanto...

By DisposableButtons

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This is a story following the tales of Jason Yoshi, a young idiot who wants to become a Pokemon Master, how s... More

Part 1: A Strange Message?
Part 2: Jason's Gone Again?
Part 3: Return to Mt. Moon?
Part 4: Where is that Idiot?
Part 5: Elite Four Plan's Revealed?
Part 6: Help From an Unexpected Source?
Part 7: Random Spa Episode?
Part 8: Thee World's Most Powerful Pokemon?
Part 9: Mewtwo?
Part 11: Training and New Friends?
Part 12: Jason Vs Blaine?
Part 13: Crystal Island?
Part 14: Perseus Vs Elite Four Lorelei?
Part 15: Jason's Past?
Part 16: Jason Vs The Elite Four's Bruno?
Part 18: The Struggle to Defeat Lance?
Part 17: Blaze And Volt Vs Lance?
Part 19: Escape From Crystal Island!?
Part 20: The Kanto Chronicle's End?

Part 10: Oak's Biggest Mistake?

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By DisposableButtons

Everybody got out of the Pokémon Center, Jason smiled, "Finally, we can get back to our training!"

Percy dropped to the ground, "Fuck, that was an adventure I could have done without."

Jason smiled, "Oh come on! It was fun!"

Percy stuck a finger in his mouth and made a gagging noise, "No, it wasn't."

Nova sighed, "You two are so noisy."

Jason laughed, "Well, you are too!"

Nova glared at him, "What was that!"

Mark grabbed her arms, "Calm down Nova! I'm sure he was just kidding!" He said smiling a little.

Jason shook his head. "No I wasn't."

"You asshole!" Nova shouted.

"Hahaha! You kids nowadays are so energetic!" They all looked at Blaine. "Sorry, I wanted to go around and apologize to everyone for Mewtwo and me making such a mess around the island."

Mewtwo was floating behind him. "I also wanted to apologize in person for hurting you all."

Everyone smiled at him. Jason ran up to Mewtwo. "No problem! You were just upset!"

Mewtwo looked behind Jason to see Mark comforting a very upset looking Phil on his shoulder, "What is wrong with your Ditto?"

Mark looked at him, "Well, he is sad because he was able to talk for such a small period of time."

Mewtwo looked at Phil. "Ok, give me a second." He pointed a finger at Phil, then shot a small beam at Phil knocking him off of Mark's shoulder onto the ground.

Everybody ran over and looked at Phil. Phil sat up, "OUCH! What the fuck!" Phil shouted, "Why the hell did you do that!?" Everybody stared at him, Phil then realized he was talking like a human. "Holy shit! I'm speaking fucking English!"

Mark picked him up, "Oh my Arceus! This is awesome!"

Phil smiled, "Now I can speak my mind and people can hear me!" He then glared at Mark, "By the way, why the fuck did you name me Phil!" He shouted. "Could you have picked a more random name!?"

Mark chuckled, "Sorry, I didn't know what else to call you!"

Phil smirked, "I'm too happy to be mad right now!" He said. then looked at Mewtwo, "How did you do this?"

"All Pokemon have the ability to speak, I just used my psychic abilities to make it so you can speak English." Mewtwo said. "I'd tell you more, but let's face it, you don't care."

Percy grabbed Jaws and shoved him in Mewtwo's face. "Do it. Please?" Mewtwo chuckled a little, "Um, I don't know, wouldn't it be dangerous if all your Pokemon could suddenly speak?"

"Just do Jaws then." Percy said.

Mewtwo smiled, "Alright, I suppose I do owe you guys for trying to kill you."

Jason then looked at him seriously. "I wanted to ask you for a favor too."

Mewtwo looked down at Jason, "Oh? And what would that be?"

Jason clenched both his fists. "I wanted to ask you to train with me!"

Mewtwo thought for a second. Percy jumped next to Jason, "Hey now! Don't be so selfish! I wanna train with him too!"

Nova looked up Percy, "With power like that I would like to observe him, plus training with him would be nice."

"I WANNA TRAIN AS WELL!" Mark shouted. He looked at Phil, "What do ya say ol' chum?"

"Hell yeah!" Phil shouted, "And, ya know what? Call me Proxy." He said, "I always liked that name." He looked at Mewtwo, "So? Will you train with us?"

Mewtwo laughed a little. "Hahaha, I will train you all if you want."

Everybody smiled and thanked him. Mewtwo and the others talked for a little bit, but over at Oak's house, the Professor was moving a few boxes around. "Oh man, I really should have cleaned this place out a while ago." Just then, a photo fell on the ground. He looked at the picture. He picked it up. Just then he thought back to years ago, back when he was thirteen.

Oak was busy moving some boxes, "I'm gonna have to clean out this room. I'll put a note on the fridge so I don't forget." With that he walked outside. "Man, it's a nice day."

"Hello there Sammy." He turned around and saw young Agatha.

"Hello Agatha, how are you today?" he asked.

She smiled, "I am good Sammy, so, are you excited for your next battle?"

Oak nodded. "Yes, though I doubt it will be much of a challenge."

Agatha laughed a little. "That's true you should be fine."

Oak nodded. "Thank you Aggy."

She blushed at him, "I'm so proud of you Sammy, you've come so far since three years ago." 

He nodded. "Yes I have, ever since Prof. Maple gave me my first pokeballs."

"I'll be watching you in the stadium." She said walking away. "Good luck beating the Pokémon league."

Oak smiled. "I don't need luck. See ya later." He started walking off to the Pokémon League. He entered into the arena through a long dark tunnel. He stepped out into the bright light and onto the stadium.

As he was waving around, a lady jumped out into the stage. "Welcome to Kanto's very first Pokémon League! We are in the finals now and we will now find out who the very first Champion of Kanto is!"

Another boy entered into the other side of the arena. Oak looked across at the boy. "This guy will be a breeze."

She pointed to Oak. "On this side is Samuel Oak from Pallet Town!" He waved to everyone and did a small bow. He looked across at the boy in black, who was Giovanni. "And on this side is a kid who only put his first name, Don!"

Giovanni just stood there smiling at Sam. "Good luck Oak."

Sam nodded. "Good luck to you too, you'll need it." He threw a pokeball. "Go Charizard!"

"Sandslash!" Giovanni threw a pokeball. "Sandslash use Sand Attack."

Oak laughed. "Doesn't affect Charizard since he's a flying type!" Oak pointed up. "Charizard fly up and use wing attack!"

Giovanni pointed down. "Dig in order to dodge the attack Sandslash!"

"Use Flamethrower on the ground!" Charizard used flamethrower on the ground causing it to get really hot.

Giovanni frowned. "Now Sandslash!" Sandslash burst from the ground using slash on Charizard.

Oak was taken aback, "Shit, that was a critical hit." Oak shook his head. "No matter, Now use Fire Punch!" Charizard used Fire punch knocking it down to the ground. Before Sandslash had time to get up, Oak shouted. "Quickly! Use Fire Blast and knock it out!" Charizard hit it with a Fire blast knocking it out.

The girl popped up again. "Sandslash is unable to battle! This match goes to Sam Oak!"

Giovanni recalled Sandslash and smiled. "Not bad kid."

Oak smiled. "Thanks, whose next?"

Giovanni sent out a Pokeball. "Go! Nidorina!" Charizard looked down at the smaller creature.

Oak laughed a little. "Ha, that little thing? I'll take it down quickly." He pointed. "Use Brick Break!"

"Thunder!" The attack hit and Charizard came crashing down. "As you were saying, Oak?"

The girl popped out. "In a surprising one hit knock out, Don took out Charizard and won this round!"

Oak flinched a bit. "Whatever, Charizard return." He recalled the dragon and threw out another one. "Go, Blastoise! Use Water Pulse!" The attack hit and Nidorina flew into a wall. "Now use Aqua Tail!"

"Dodge and use thunderbolt!" he did as told and Blastoise fell down a little. "Use Rapid Spin!"

Blastoise nodded and flew into Nidorina knocking him back quite a ways. "Thunder!"

"Rapid Spin and dodge it!" Blastoise flew around until it finally hit Nidorina ending the attack and knocking him out. Oak smiled, "Yes!"

Giovanni returned Nidorina. The girl popped up. "Nidorina is unable to battle and has been returned! Samuel Oak wins this round!"

Giovanni smiled and sent out Dugtrio. "Use Earthquake!"

The ground shook and Blastoise fell back. "Blastoise! Quickly get up!"

Blastoise attempted to get up, but was too late. "Use Tri Attack!" Blastoise fell back unconscious.

The girl popped out of nowhere. "And with that combination, Don stole the round!"

Giovanni smiled. Oak returned Blastoise. Oak searched through his pulled out a pokeball. "Go, Venusuar!" He pointed. "Use Razor Leaf!"

"Dig!" Dugtrio went underground. "Now use Ariel Ace!" Dugtrio came up from behind Venusuar and got him from behind. "Now us Tri Attack!"

Both hit. "Quick use Petal Dance!" The attack hit and Dugtrio stopped moving for a moment. "Quick! Use Earthquake!" The attack, of course, hit and Dugtrio fainted.

The girl popped up. "Dugtrio is unable to battle! This round goes to Samuel!"

Giovanni recalled Dugtrio. "Go, Persian!"

"Venusuar, use Earthquake!" the ground started shaking.

"Use Night Slash! Persian jumped off the ground and hit Venusuar. "Now use Fury Swipes!"

With that Venusuar fell. Oak frowned. "Damn it. Venusuar, return!" He returned the big ass fucking dino to his ball. "OK, Lets go Tauros! Use Bulldoze!" The Pokémon came out and charged at Persian.

"Dodge and use Fury swipes!" Persian jumped over Tauros and turned around and scratched him. "Now use Shadow Claw!" Persian's claws grew and it slashed Taurus.

"Quickly use Fire Blast!" The attack barely hit. "Now use Payback!" Tauros rammed into Persian.

"Use Echo Voice!" Persian let out a cry and knocked Tauros back a little. "Now use Dark Pulse!"

Oak shook his head, "Not gonna happen! Use Fire Blast!" Tauros used Fire Blast and knocked the attack back into Persian knocking him back.

Persian fell to the ground out cold. The girl popped up, "Did you see that everybody!? Not only did Taurus knock back that powerful looking Dark pulse, he even knocked out Persian resulting in his win for this round!"

Giovanni returned Persian. "Go Golem!"

Oak pointed, "Use Brick Break!" Taurus ran at Golem.

"Golem, use Heavy Slam." Golem grabbed Taurus by the horns, picked him up, and slammed him into the ground behind him. Giovanni smiled. 

The girl popped up. "Golem shows his extraordinary strength by slamming Taurus into the ground and taking the round Don!"

Giovanni smiled and waved at the happy crowd. Oak growled. He returned Taurus and threw the next pokeball rather harshly. "Go Ditto! Use Transform!" Ditto popped out and turned into Golem.

The two got into a grapple, trying to force the other back. Giovanni pointed. "Use Rock Blast!"

"Rock throw!" Both attacks hit. "Ditto use Roll out!"

"You too Golem." Both Pokémon ran into each other. "Mega Punch!"

"Hammer arm!" Giovanni shouted. Both attacks hit causing both to fly back into the walls. Ditto softened a little. "Use Roll out Ditto! Ditto stood up and used the attack rolling into Golem.

Giovanni smiled. "Catch it with Strength!" 

Golem grabbed it and slid back a ways before they both stopped and Golem picked Ditto up. Oak frowned, then smiled a little. "Self destruct!" Ditto frowned but then blew up.

The arena was full of smoke, when it cleared, both Pokémon were knocked out. The girl popped out. "Wow! Samuel asked his Pokémon to use a dangerous move and it won't up working out in his favor, though his Ditto also faced the same fate as it fainted as well! This round is a draw between Samuel Oak and Don!"

Oak glared at Giovanni who seemed a bit happy. Oak took out his last ball. "Go Porygon!"

Giovanni, currently called Don, threw his last ball. "Go, Nidorino!"

Oak pointed. "Use Psybeam!"

"Dodge and use Poison Sting!" Nidorino did so and hit it straight on. "Now use Poison jab!"

"Dodge it and use Discharge!" Porygon flew up a little ways and shot at Nidorino. "Thunder!" The attack missed again.

Giovanni pointed. "Ok, use Ice Beam!" The attack hit knocking it down to the ground.

Oak got upset. "Hyper Beam!" The attack barely hit. Porygon was out of breath and tired.

"Quickly! Use Poison Jab!" Nidorino ran up to Porygon and knocked it back a little ways.

Oak glared at them. "Again! Hyper Beam!" Porygon took a second but then stared at the direction of Nidorino. It shot at it but, the attack missed. "God damn it, use Blizzard!"

The attack hit knocking Nidorino back a little ways. "Use Shadow Claw!" Nidorino ran up and hit Porygon knocking him back a little ways.

"Use Zap Cannon." The attack barely missed.

"Nidorino, use Venoshock!" It hit knocking it back.

Oak yelled. "Use Hyper Beam!" Porygon looked back at Oak who was just glaring at Giovanni. He nodded. Porygon turned back to Nidorino and started collecting energy.

Giovanni shook his head. "Use Shadow Claw!"

Nidorino ran up to Porygon, but was a step too late. Porygon blasted Nidorino knocking him all the way across the arena knocking it out completely. The girl popped up happily. "Nidorino is unable to battle! Don is out of Pokémon, so this year's winner is Samuel Oak!" She shouted as the crowd cheered him on.

Oak smiled and waved to everyone. Everybody started leaving, until nobody else was there. Oak was happy and looked back at Porygon who didn't move. He laughed a little. "Oh man, you must have fainted from using all that power. Let's get you to the Pokémon Center." He held out Porygon's Pokeball. The red line shot at Porygon, but nothing happened. Oak stared, but shook it off. "That's weird, something must be wrong, let me try again." He tried it again. But he knew something was wrong. "P-Porygon?" he called. He started walking up to Porygon. He kept trying to withdraw it into the ball. He tried four more times, but he was crying now. "No, please Arceus no!" He ran up to Porygon and dropped down to his knees, "No! No! Please! I'm sorry! I was focused only on winning! Please Porygon!" He was crying a lot. "

Agatha walked up from behind him. She saw Porygon on the ground. "Hey, Sammy? What's wrong?"

Sam looked at her. "I-I-I was too focused on winning! I didn't see what I was doing to my Pokémon!" he hugged Porygon, "A-a-and now, Porygon is, is," he then shouted, "DEAD!" He busted up bawling.

Agatha, watched as he sat there crying. She smiled, "Hey now, don't worry about it." She touched his shoulder.

He opened his eyes quickly and threw her hand off his shoulder, "What the fuck do you mean!? I was so focused on battling, on winning! That I killed my own Pokémon!"

Agatha shook her head, "You did what you thought was right! Who cares about Porygon?"

Oak lost it, he glared at her "Porygon was my best friend! He was always there for me! He tried to fight on for my sake! And I fucking killed him! It's all my fault!"

Agatha stomped her foot. "Stop being a crybaby! He's dead! Who cares!?"

Oak screamed. "I do! I loved him! And I fucking killed him because I couldn't think straight!"

Agatha glared at him, "Pokémon die! It's called battling! If a Pokémon will die then let it die-"

Oak slapped her again, "Leave me alone!" She stared at him. "Get out of here right now!" Agatha turned around and ran away. He then fell back to his knees. "I will never battle like that again." He kept crying. "Never!"

Back at the lab, Oak was looking at the picture. It had him, Agatha, and Porygon in it. He cried there in the dark, with a single light lit above him.

Don't Own Pokemon, Please Don't Sue?

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