Finally! (BOOK 1) - Alois x R...

By DannyMailManny

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(This is book 1/2 in the Finally series!) 2 of the richest households in london, The Phantomhive's and The Si... More

Chapter 0, My Arrival
Chapter 0.5, Stupid Little Key
Chapter 1, And There He Is
Chapter 1.5, The Search Begins
Chapter 2, Catch me if you can!
Chapter 2.5, 'Sebastian'
Chapter 3, The Fight Begins!
Chapter 3.5, 'Hertlair'
Chapter 4, Pact Broken
Chapter 5, Meant To Be!
Chapter 5.5, A Small Village
Chapter 6, His Ring
Chapter 6.5, Claude's Pact
Chapter 7, A Spider Not a Raven
Chapter 7.5, Y/N Silversfield
Chapter 8, File After File
Chapter 8.5, A Lovely Death
Chapter 9, Claude Returns
Chapter 9.5, Newspapers
Chapter 10, ,,Medicine''
Chapter 10.5, No More Spiders, No More Ravens
Chapter 11, Phantomhive?
Chapter 11.5, No Means No
Chapter 12, Say My Name
Chapter 12.5, Look Into My Eyes
Chapter 13, Verbatim
Chapter 13.5, Maniac
Chapter 14, Home..?
Chapter 14.5, Vile
Chapter 15, Toujours
Chapter 15.5 Blessing
Chapter 16, Nostalgic
Chapter 16.5, Breadcrumbs
Chapter 17, Oozing, Oozing, Oozing.
Chapter 17.5, Home
Chapter 18, Anything
To be continued...

Chapter 4.5, Wonderland

69 2 0
By DannyMailManny

Demons. Creatures from the underworld, living off of the souls of the human. Many humans will contact a demon for their wish to be granted, only with a price of their soul to be eaten by said demon. Some souls sweeter than others, others more sour and foul. If you are confident and sweet your soul is granted to be favourable and savoury. But if you are a fake and pitiful, your soul may be as good as a discarded banana peel. It is something one cannot control, something that you are unable to change. But it can be changed, but not easily. It is not common for a soul to change from sweet to sour, or sour to sweet. Unless; the holder was to experience a very rare event. Something like this may change a soul instantaneously, or maybe even remove it. And that, is what happened to me.

[: | :]

"What the hell is happening?!" Alois held his head. I had an idea, "Maybe we should find a library and see if any novels exist on it? Either than that, I'm completely stumped.." Alois' head suddenly sprung up. "That's- I have a library in mind.." Alois smiled to himself, something felt odd. We followed him anyway, as he happily skipped down the path, like nothing had happened. We entered London's streets, luckily not in the darker part of the city. But.. he started walking down into a dark alley. "Trancy, where the bloody hell do you think you're going? There's no li-" Ciel was stopped by a hand around his mouth, mine too. The mystery two lifted the both of us off of the ground as we both kicked. "Silly Phantomhive, silly Silversfield... haven't you heard the tale of Alice?" He smiled, turning to the both of us. "It seems you don't know; it's not safe to follow a white rabbit." Two sharp objects stabbed into our necks. As world flowed away from us; we heard Alois speak one last sentence. "See you in Wonderland..." he waved as it all went white.

"I...." I had an urge to speak, but I didn't know what I wanted to say. "I.. just... can't-" I was interrupted by a slap to my face, I jumped. I couldn't see, I couldn't move and I could barely breathe. The person did not speak, it was obviously not Alois. The clicking of heels walked to the left of me, another slap. "What the? What the bloody hell?! Alois get back he-!" It was Ciel, and he was also silenced by a hit to the face. I heard a struggle coming from the left of me. "Do not touch me!! Let me go-!","Ciel?" I turned to where I assumed he was. "Alex?" He responded in just as much confusion. "Look at you.." Alois laughed, "So... hopeless.. without your little demon." He giggled. "Don't touch me! And don't act like you don't have Claude either." Ciel snapped back. "Ohhh, no. I know where he is. I know where Sebastian is too.","Give him back you imbecile!" Ciel tried escaping once more. "Don't worry about moving around;" He giggled, "Hannah did an amazing job tying you two up nice and tight." He touched my shoulder and I jerked back. "What do you want from us?" I quickly asked.

I could feel him smile, his evil smile. He leaned in close into my ear, "I want to hear Ciel scream. I want to hear Ciel cry out for his mummy!" He giggled in excitement, "And what better way; than to do it right now, when he is helpless.. it's rather perfect, isn't it?" He patted me on the shoulder twice and walked back, removing both Ciel and I's masks. I looked around the environment. Ciel and I were both tied to chairs which were both tied to poles. Tied with dirty, old, cheap, rope. Ciel and I were dressed at our minimum, being very cold in the dark basement-like place. "Where are we?!" Ciel looked around with anger. "That..." Alois started, clapping twice and receiving a knife from Hannah. "Is not important." He walked up to Ciel. "I've done nothing to you!! What is your justice?!" Ciel snapped. "You... the way he looks at you.. I-" Alois yelled, stabbing the knife directly right in between Ciel's fingers. "What the bloody hell do you think you're doing with that knife?!" Ciel rightfully yelled, Alois laughed. "You.. you're too perfect, Phantomhive. You have everything.. yet you just want more..." He looked Ciel in the eye. 

"People like you deserve to rot in hell with the other mutts." He chuckled, "What do you mean?! You know nothing about me.. and who is he?!" Ciel clenched his hands into fists. "Claude... oh my god.." Alois had a wash of realisation over his face shortly before he ran through a door. "Ciel.. are you alright?.." I looked at him, his head hung down. "I.. don't know... I don't know.. how to feel...." He turned to me, "Do you think so?..","Think what..?" I raised a brow at his question. "I'm.. greedy?" He smiled sadly, chuckling. "I know.. it's an absurd question... but..","That is absurd, Ciel. You know.. well... you're nothing like that." I smiled at him to give him a small drop of hope. Something I'd usually never would do, but I saw him as a friend, after everything. And that was important to me. Though, when he was about to finally smile back; he jerked his face away in pain. "It's.. again-" he coughed as he squeezed his right eye shut. But this time, his eye started dripping blood. He shook in discomfort, the blood dripped off of his face and onto his leg, catching Ciel's attention. He snapped open his right eye and his iris started tuning yellow. "Ciel-?!"

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