i'll let you be in my dreams...

By -emotionalblender

40.5K 573 226

i know that nobody likes Harry Greene, but honestly he's lowkey hot. the story is about y/n, Harry's crush wh... More

read this to save your life
10 [read a/n at bottom]
!!not an update!!


634 13 1
By -emotionalblender

the next day, you walked into class.

"alright everyone, get in a group of four, we're going to be working on an assignment." the teacher said.

"elle, y/n? we obviously have to work together!" tara said, tapping you two on the shoulder and smiling.

"i mean of course!" you reply.

as you worked on the assignment, you kept looking at tara and darcy, knowing you could ask them for any advice.

"um, guys... i have a question." you start, nervously.

"alright. what is it?" darcy replied.

elle looked at you and smiled.

"its... its about harry and ben." 

darcy and tara's mouth dropped when you said ben.

"ben? since when was ben in this?" darcy exclaimed.

"not for long! i mean for a little bit, but not super long!" you say, trying to make up for what your about to say.

"well, spit it out then." tara said.

you sighed and then told the three the whole story.

at the end darcy was looking at you with raised eyebrows and an open mouth.

"um... wow." she said.

"i know... im not sure what to do because i told harry i didnt love him and that it was someone else im living for everyday... its so stressful and i dont know what to do." you said in one breathe.

"look, we're not mad that your hooking up with the truham bullies, but its not the best thing you could do for yourself, and we're not saying we support it." tara smiled, trying to make you feel better, and telling the truth in the softest way possible.

"i know... something is definitely wrong with me," you laugh. "why cant i be attraced to like... isaac?" 

at that last remark, the group gives you a blank stare.

"guys i was joking." you say, and they nod.


a/n: this was a short filler chapter bc i have no idea what im gonna write, but right now im so happy because im in love with this girl that i've known since kindergarten, and everyone is shipping us... but another thing, i took a few heartstopper quizzes because i havent in a while and look at my results:

but like i relate to isaac bc fact: i will literally not go anywhere with out a book, and i know thats so nerdy but idgaf, i cant say i relate to harry... but nick, omg i relate sooo much, and my bsf alex calls me nick, and i call him charlie, but i totally relate to nick, exept im not super good at sports, and im not the popular cool kid. 

also, im gonna be doing like a double chapter today ig bc i saw smth, so imma be like answering questions i get asked, which i already have planned, but if u have questions, feel free to leave them in the comments

and im really having high hopes for lila (my crush) bc im like dropping hints that i like her and want a girlfriend, so i hope she catches on... if i do end up with her, gf reveal??

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