Here Comes Trouble


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Trying to live a normal life, Buffy puts her hunting past behind her till Dean Winchester shows up at her col... Еще

Additional Cast
New Sam story


312 13 3

The gang arrived at their destination. Sam and Buffy got to the back of the car with Dean and Brad. "What do you got those amped up to?" Sam asked.

"100,00 volts."

"Damn." Buffy says.

"Yeah, I want this rawhead extra freakin' crispy." Dean says causing Buffy to be unsure about this mission. "Remember, you only get one shot with these things, so make it count."

Buffy grabbed what she needed as Dean closed the trunk. She followed them inside. Buffy behind them with Brad. They got to the bottom of the stairs and heard a noise. Buffy opened the door to see the kids. "I got them."

"Be careful, baby." Sam says as they went upstairs.

Buffy screamed out as she was grabbed causing Dean to shoot the stun gun at the thing. "Get them out of here, Sam."

"Let's go." Sam says grabbing Buffy.
After getting the kids back to safety, Buffy and Sam ran back down. They saw Dean and Brad unconscious. "Dean!" Sam says as Buffy ran to her brother.

"Brad?" She said trying to wake him up, but nothing.
Sam held Buffy as the nurse asked for idea. She didn't say much as she handed her fake id over with Sam's. "Okay, Mr and Mrs....Berkovitz." She says.

They turned to see the cops looking at them. "Look, uh, we can finish this up later."

"No, no, it's okay." Sam says as he pulled Buffy to her side as she hasn't said much. "We were just taking a shortcut through the neighborhood, and our windows were rolled down."

"We heard some screaming when we drove past the house, and we stopped, ran in." Buffy tells them as Sam looked at her.

"And found the kids in the basement."

"Yeah." The two answered.

"Well, thank God you did." The officer said.

They heard a door shut causing them to look. "Excuse us." Sam says as him and Buffy walked away to see how Dean and Brad. "How are they?"

"They're resting."

"And?" Buffy says.

"The electrocution triggered a heart attack..." Buffy closed her eyes as she listened. "Pretty massive, I'm afraid. His's damaged."

"How damaged?" Sam asked as he pulled Buffy into his chest.

"We've done all we can." The doctor says. "We can try and keep them comfortable at this point, but I'd give them a couple of weeks at most, maybe a month."

"Oh my god." Buffy says.

"No, no, there' to be something you can do, some kind of treatment." Sam says as Buffy had tears going down her face.

"We can't work miracles." The doctor says. "I really am sorry."

Sam nodded as him and Buffy went to their rooms. Buffy kissed Sam before going into her brother's room. "Hey." She says.

"You know." He says as she nodded. "Looks like it's you and Sam now."

Buffy didn't say a word as she looked at him. Brad knew his sister wasn't ready to talk as he was dying. Sam walked in and looked at his girlfriend. "Buffy, let's go."

"Where are you going?"

"We're going to stop you and Dean from dying." Sam says. "Watch us."
Buffy laid on the bed as she listened to Sam leave a message for John. He included Dean and Brad causing her to put her arms around him till they heard a knock at the door. Sam looked at Buffy before he went to the answer the door. When the door opened, Buffy was shocked. "What..."

"We check ourselves out."

"Are you two crazy?" Sam asked them as they walked in.

"We're not going to die in the hospital where the nurses aren't even hot." Dean says causing the blonde to roll her eyes.

Buffy didn't say much as Sam shut the door talking to Dean and Brad. Sam sat down beside Buffy as he told the two boys that they found a contact, Joshua, that knows a specialist in Nebraska that could help Dean and Brad. "We're not going to let you two die, period." Buffy says. "Time for a road trip."
When they arrived at the place, Buffy and Sam got out and helped Brad and Dean. "Sam, you lying bastard.'

"Watch it." She says.

Buffy walked beside Sam as she listened to Dean and Brad criticize this place. She saw a lot of hurt and sick people. A woman stopped in front of them after hearing Dean and Brad. "I think she changed their minds."

"Yep." Sam says.

"I bet she works in mysterious ways."

Buffy gagged as Sam kissed her before they all walked in. "We're sitting at the front you two."


Buffy grabbed Brad as Sam grabbed Dean and went to the front. They sat behind Layla, the woman that had Dean and Brad changing their minds about this. Sam put his arm around Buffy as they listened to the services. She put her hand in his lap as they listened. When Dean was called upon. Dean denied to go up there. "What are you doing?" Sam asked.

"If he doesn't go up there, I will." Brad says.

"Y-you've come here to be healed, haven't you? Like your friend there."

Buffy looked at Dean as he spoke up causing everyone to cheer. The blonde laughed as Dean wouldn't do it. "Go!" Buffy says causing Dean to glare at the blonde.

"Get up there." Sam tells him.

"This is ridiculous."

Buffy laughed as Sam shook his head. They watched Dean go up to the front as everyone started praying beside the three as they were watching. They saw Dean fall to his knees. Buffy went to stand, but Brad and Sam held her down. "Why not Brad?"

"I don't know, unless he believes."

Buffy watched Dean faint causing the three to go up to him. "Dean!' Sam says as Buffy grabbed her best friend. "Say something."

Neither of them saw what Dean saw.
"So, you really feel okay?" Sam asked.

"My turn." Brad says.

"I feel fine, Sam."

"There's nothing wrong with both of your hearts."

Buffy looked at them. "Wow." She says. "Okay, I'm going to go get a drink."

Sam nodded as she kissed his cheek as she walked out leaving Dean and Sam. "You were really worried."

"We may not be close, but you are still my brother, Brad."

"What about Dean?"

"My best friend."

The two went back in. Sam pulled Buffy to his side as Dean thanked the doctor. She heard Dean start talking about a man that he saw. Buffy looked at him shocked that Dean now knows what they have been going through. "So?" Buffy says. "Tells us what to do now, Dean."
They walked with a guy who was giving them information on the blind preacher. Buffy stopped listening as Sam continued to talk. "Your clock is busted."

"Yeah, we can't get it to work. Just ben stuck on 4:17."

Buffy looked at Sam who was also looking at her. "Is that the same time the Marshall died?"

"How'd you know?"

"Dean's right. Something is going on here." Sam says. "Baby, we need to find out."
At the hotel room, Buffy leaned over Sam's shoulder as they saw Marshall Halls death. "What did you two find?" Brad asked them.

"I'm sorry." Sam says.

"Sorry about what?"

"Marshall Hall died at 4:17." Buffy says.

Dean sighs. "The exact time I was healed."

Brad was still trying to figure out why he felt better unless he wasn't in bad condition like the doctor told his sister. "Yeah." Sam says. "So we put together a list of everyone Roy has healed...six people over the past year...and we cross checked them with the local obits."

Buffy handed the papers over to them. "Every time someone was healed, some else died, and each time, the victim died of the same symptom Le Grange was healing at the time." She says.

"Someone's healed of cancer, someone else dies of cancer?"

"Somehow, Le Grange is trading a life for another." Sam says.

"Wait, wait, Hall died to save me?" Dean asked.

"Dean..." Sam says. "The guy probably would've died anyway and someone else would've been healed."

Brad looked at them. "You never should've brought us here." He tells them.

"Us? Brad, you were told you were dying..."

"But I wasn't as bad as Dean." He tells her as the brothers looked at them. "Yes, I was electrocuted, but I looked at my chart. I was not dying, my heart was perfectly fine."

Buffy nodded as she looked at Dean. "Continue."

"Dean, we were just trying to save your life." Sam tells him.

"Sam, Buffy, Brad, some guy is dead now because of me." Dean says.

"We didn't know."

Dean looked at them. "The only problem is, how is Roy doing it. How is he trading a life for a life?" Buffy says.

"He's not doing it." Dean says walking back to them. "Something else is doing it for him."
"What do you mean?" Brad asked.

"The old man I saw onstage. I didn't want to believe it, but deep down I knew it."

"Knew what. What are you talking about?" Sam asked.

"There's only one thing that can give and take a life like that." Dean says.

"Oh my god." Buffy says. "We're dealing with a reaper." Sam, Brad and Dean looked at her. "What are we going to doing?"
"You really think it's the Grim angel of death, collet your soul, the whole deal?" Sam asked while he looked at Dean.

"No, no, not the Reaper... A Reaper."

"There's a difference?" Brad questioned.

"There's a reaper lore in every culture on earth. It's possible that there's more than one." Dean responds.

"You said you saw a dude in a suit." Sam says looking at his computer.

"You think should've been working the black robe thing?" Dean ask causing the blonde to shake her head. "You said it yourself that the clock stopped, right?"

Sam nodded. "Reapers stop time." Buffy tells him.

"You can only see them when they're coming at you, which is why I could see him and you three couldn't." Dean says.

"Maybe." Brad says.

Buffy laid her head against Sam's shoulder causing him to kiss her head. "There's nothing else it could be." Dean says. "The question is, how is roy controlling the damn thing?"

"The cross." Sam says.

"What?" Dean asked.

"There was this cross that we noticed it in the church tent." Buffy says as Sam started searching for that cross they have seen.

"Where have I seen it before?" Sam asks then chuckles as he found it. "Here."

"A tarot?" Dean asks.

"It makes sense.' Sam tells him. "Tarot dates back to the early Christian era, when some priests were using magic and a few veered into the dark stuff..."

"Necromancy and how to push death away, how to cause it." Buffy continued.

"So roy is using black magic to bind the reaper." Dean says.

"If he is, he's riding the whirlwind." Sam says. "It's like putting a dog leash on a great white."

Buffy shook her head at the comment that Sam made as Dean stood up making them look at him. "Okay, then we stop Roy." Dean says. "You or Buffy know how."

"What the hell are you talking about? We can't kill Roy." Sam states.

Buffy kept her mouth shut as she listened to her boyfriend and best friend. She wasn't going to step out of line as she listened. That's all she could do. Listen for the plan.
Pulling up to the tent, Buffy got out and looked at them. "If Roy is using a spell, you might find a spell book. See if you and Buffy can find it."Buffy groaned as this job was something she was not looking forward too. "Hurry up too, we have 15 minutes. I'll try to stall Roy."

"Why can't him or Brad do the hard job." Buffy says.

"Roy Le Grange is a fraud. He's no healer." A man says walking up to them.

"Amen, brother."

"Keep up the good work." Sam says as he grabbed Buffy and guided her to the house they needed to be at.
"Start searching." Buffy says once they were in.

"Stay with me." Sam tells her making her nod.

They went to Roy's office and started searching. Buffy looked around the room looking for something that could help them. She looked at Sam as he looked at the book shelf. "Buffy."

"Did you find it?"


Buffy went over to him and looked at the little black book. Sam flipped to the page they were looking for. The reaper. She saw the cross and looked at Sam as they went through more pages. Newspaper clippings. They continued to look and saw how things he was choosing them. "Let's call Dean."
Outside, the two walked together. Sam was telling Dean everything. Sam and Buffy walked together looking for the protestor as he was next. Once Sam hung the phone up, they started searching for the college protestor. The two heard a voice causing them to go. "Help." They heard causing them to find the protestor.

"Where is he?"

"It's right there!" He says frightened.

Buffy kept looking. "Buffy, come on!" Sam says grabbing her hand as they started running.

The two stopped as the protestor didn't see the reaper till it was to late. "Dean, it's not working." He says making Buffy go to the protestor. "Buffy, get away."

The protestor sighed in relief that he didn't die.
"There's a binding spell in here for trapping a reaper." Sam says.

"Must be a hell of a spell." Dean says taking the book from Sam.

"Yeah." Buffy agrees. "You got to build a black altar with seriously dark stuff..."

"Bones, human blood." Sam continues. "To cross aline like that, that preacher's wife..."

"Black magic, murder...evil." She says.

"Desperate." Dean tells him. "Her husband was dying. She'd have done anything to save him. She was using the spell to keep the reaper away from Roy."

"Cheating death." Sam, Buffy and Brad says.

"Literally." Sam says.

"But Roy is alive, so why is she still using the spell?" Dean asked.

"Right.' Sam says. "To force the reaper to kill people she thinks are immoral."

Buffy sighs as she had a very bad feeling that whatever the plan is, something bad is going to happen.
"That's Layla's car." Dean says.

'She's already here." Brad says.

Buffy looked at Sam worried about this. She heard Dean say that Layla will die in a couple of months. "I'm sorry to here something so horrible." She says. "But are you willing to let someone die for her. You were chosen for a reason and that's why we were sent here. To stop that binding spell."

"You said it yourself, Dean. You can't play God." Sam says.

Dean sat for a minute before opening the door. The four of them got out and started walking together. "Go find Sue Ann, we'll catch up."

"What are you..."

"Hey!" Dean says causing Sam to drag Buffy away just to see Dean and Brad to run by.

"Let's go."

The two ran up to the house and started looking for a way in or at least a sign of Sue Ann. The two shared a look, but something caught Buffy's attention. She tapped Sam's arm causing him to look as the pointed at the light coming from the wine cellar. The two went to the door's causing Sam to open it.

The blonde looked around before following her boyfriend in.
Inside, the two walked together. Buffy grabbed Sam's hand as she didn't like what she was seeing. She thought her job was bad, this was a bit too far for her. They stopped as they saw a table. They looked around at the stuff. Buffy saw a picture of her brother. "No." She mumbled.

"I gave your friend a life and I can take it away." They heard and looked to see Sue Ann.

Buffy and Sam looked back at the table before the two knock it over. Glass shattering was what Buffy actually heard. Buffy and Sam ran to the doors just to be locked in. "Sam, Buffy, can't you two see? The Lord chose me to reward the just and punish the wicked." She says. "And your brother, Buffy, is wicked." Sam tried to open the door. "And he deserves to die, just as Layla deserves to live. It's God's will."

Sam left Buffy's side as he went to find a new way out. He found windows and busted the doors opened. "Buffy!"


"Come on."

Buffy ran to him not knowing her brother saw the reaper and he was coming.
The two got out causing them to run to Sue Ann and stop her. Buffy yanked the necklace off and threw it on the ground to break. "Not my brother, bitch." Buffy tells her.

"My God. What have you done?"

"He's not Your God." Sam states.

They heard Roy then saw Sue Ann panicking. Buffy grabbed Sam as he guided her away from the body. They got to the car. "You okay?" Sam asked Brad as he kept Buffy in his arms.

"A little weak."

Buffy didn't say much as she was packing her bags. She didn't hear a word till there was a knock causing Brad to answer the door. "Let's go." Sam says as he grabbed Buffy.

"You called her?" Buffy asked Brad.

"Yeah." He says.

Sam turned Buffy around and kissed her. Brad shook his head at them. "I'm still here."

They pulled away. "That's the second time that the two of us witnessed a death." She says. "We did the right thing. No more people dies at the hand of Sue Ann."

"You have a point." Brad says. "What's next for this trip?'

Buffy and Sam shared a look wondering the same thing. What's next for the Martins and Winchesters.

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