Can You Love Me Right? GxG

Par CrazyAplaka1

87.3K 2.6K 873

Voldemort is back!!! And this time the wizarding world knows of his return and about Harry's and Y/N's prophe... Plus

Chapter 1 - Welcome Back!
Chapter 2 - Show Me How Much You Missed Me
Chapter 3 - Meeting Slughorn
Chapter 4 - The Burrow
Chapter 5 - Late Night Talks
Chapter 7 - The Train to Hogwarts
Chapter 8 - New Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher
Chapter 9 - Hufflepuff Party
Chapter 10 - Hufflepuff Party Pt.2
Chapter 11 - Its All Fun and Games Darling
Chapter 12 - Potion Masters
Chapter 13 - Don't be Jealous My Love
Chapter 14 - I'm Sorry Darling
Chapter 15 - The Pensieve
Chapter 16 - Quidditch Trials
Chapter 17 - Do You Trust Me
Chapter 18 - Dumbledore's training
Chapter 19 - Birthday girl
Chapter 20 - Hogsmeade
Chapter 21 - Nice Skin
Chapter 22 - Hidden places
Chapter 23 - Dinner Party
Chapter 24 - Quidditch Day
Chapter 25 - Weasley is our King
Chapter 26 - Regulus Black
Chapter 27 - Will you just relax
Chapter 28 - Christmas Party
Chapter 29 - Christmas Party Pt.2
Chapter 30 - The Granger's
Chapter 31 - Death Eater Attack
Chapter 32 - Settling in
Chapter 33 - Under Suspicion
Chapter 34 - Lupin
Chapter 35 - A quiet new years
Chpater 36 - Happy Birthday Y/N
Chapter 37 - Birthday surprise
Chapter 38 - A night out in london
Chapter 39 - Dumbledore Returns
Chapter 40 - New changes
Chapter 41 - Failed task

Chapter 6 - Diagon Alley

2.1K 68 3
Par CrazyAplaka1

Its the next day and Y/N, Hermione, Harry, Ron and Flo are all heading to Diagon Alley to meet up with Cal and Jorden. They all promised Fred and George that they would stop by to see the new joke shop. Hermione and Y/N walk hand in hand with the others close by. The street looks eerily quiet and they wouldn't blame anyone for not going out due to the recent death eater attacks happening.

"There they are," Flo says as she spots Jorden and Cal standing outside Weasleys Wizard Wheezes joke store as well as the two twins Aston and Rue.

Callan is the first to spot them arrive and smiles and nudges Jorden's side and the Hufflepuff smiles as he sees their friends approach. "Hey guys long time no see" Cal says as he hugs Y/N tightly and same with Hermione

"Hey Cal how are you" Y/N asks

"I'm alright how about you two" Cal asks

"Never better," Hermione says with a grin and the Slytherin boy smiles and greets the rest of their friends

Jorden then goes to hug Hermione and Y/N tightly "Hi Jord's"

"Hey Y/N, Hey Hermione," Jorden says and he embraces them

"How has everything been going," Hermione asks and the Hufflepuff sighs

"Better but not exactly good," Jorden says "I'll tell you more about it later"

The couple nod and then Aston pokes Y/N to get her attention "what about us" the young Hufflepuff says and Y/N laughs

"Hello Aston" Y/N says and hugs the boy tightly and he smiles. "Hi Rue"

The young Ravenclaw brings Y/N in for a hug as well and smiles "Hi Y/N"

"So we all ready to head inside," Ron says and everyone nods and they enter the joke store.

It's utter madness inside. Many Hogwarts students are inside testing out various jokes and sweets and are running about the large store. Ever-Bashing Boomerangs whip through the air, Dr Filibuster's Fabulous Wet-Start No-Heat fireworks spit sparks and Nose-Biting Teacups bare tiny porcelain teeth. Fred and George dressed in magenta suits stand upon a counter, selling to the masses.

"Step up! Step up!" Fred and George both shout

"We've got Fainting Fancy" George says

"Nosebleed Nougats" Fred adds

"And just in time for school" George replies and looks at his twin

"Puking Pastilles!" Both of them shout

A boy stops chewing on one of the puking pastilles and turns pale green literally. "Into the cauldron, handsome." Fred says and together, with the tips of their toes, Fred and George launch a sloshing cauldron down the counter.

"Wow wouldn't expect this place to be buzzing," Cal says and Y/N nods

"Well its definitely not like the rest of Diagon Alley," Y/N says

Suddenly Fred and George drop down on either side of Harry and Y/N with massive smiles on their faces. They put an arm around them each and begin to steer him through the store separating them from the others.

"What'd you think, Harry?" Fred says and the Raven-haired boy grins

"Amazing," Harry says

"All thanks to Y/N. it wouldn't of been possible without her" George says and Y/N smiles and hugs both Weasley twins

"I'm glad I could help, the place looks incredible," Y/N says

"And the products are incredible too" Fred says and both Harry and Y/N laugh

Suddenly, a boy who is browsing through the store starts pocket one of the gags. However George picks up on it. "Pocket that and you'll pay in more than Galleons, my friend." George says

"We've got eyes in the back of our heads" Fred and George say with a grin

The boy, working a screaming yo-yo, looks petrified as Fred and George turn to reveal that they do in fact have eyes in the back of their heads. Y/N and Harry hold in their laughter as they look at the phony, but unnerving eyes. The eyes wink and the tiny boy bolts with a terrified look on his face.

"Bloody urchins." Fred says

Y/N and Harry both walk around the store when the raven-haired boy eyes a display of orange and black coloured lumps. Y/N joins him and looks at the label.

"Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder?" the Ravenclaw says curiously

"A real money spinner that." George suddenly says from behind them startling them both "Handy if you need to make a quick escape."

George then gently throws a piece to Harry who grabs it and Fred winks mischievously before walking back around the store. Y/N walks around the store and spots Flo, Ginny and Hermione all gathered around a pink and purple display.

Y/N smirks "I hope you weren't planning to use any on me" she says to Hermione and the Gryffindor girl rolls her eyes

"Like I would need it" Hermione replies with grin "you're already head over heals in love with me"

Y/N laughs "that I am Granger" and Hermione blushes as the Ravenclaw kisses her girlfriends cheek.

"Hello, ladies!" George says to the group of girls at the stand

"Yes, they do really work" Fred says and smirks at Ginny "Then again, the way we hear it sis, you're doing just fine on your own."

"Meaning?" Ginny says rolling her eyes at her brothers

"Are you not currently dating Dean Thomas?" George says and Ginny blushes

"That's none of your business." Ginny says putting back the love potion and walking away

Flo laughs but eyes the love potion and Y/N smirks "thinking of buying some Flo"

"No" the Ravenclaw girl says too quickly causing Y/N to raise an eyebrow at her best friends reaction and Hermione giggles. "I'm not buying any Y/N stop being such a prick"

Y/N laughs "whatever you say Florence"

The Ravenclaw girl walks away from a grumbling Flo and follows her girlfriend. "These are adorable." Hermione says looking inside a small cage.

Y/N looks inside the cage and spots small round balls of fluff roll about and squeak excitedly.

"Aww they are so cute" Y/N replies "but what the hell are they"

"Pygmy Puffs, can't breed them fast enough" George says causing both Y/N and Hermione to visibly flinch

"Merlin's beard, will you stop sneaking up on us" Y/N grumbles but George just shrugs

"Where's the fun in that" he replies and Y/N frowns

Just then, a Gryffindor boy Y/N knows to be Cormac McLaggen passes behind herself and Hermione. The Ravenclaw notices that he's eyeing up Hermione, taking the full measure of her. Y/N glares at McLaggen and wraps an arm around Hermione's waist protectively, pulling her closer to the Ravenclaw girl. Hermione notices Y/N tense behaviour and glances to where her girlfriend is looking and spots the blonde Gryffindor boy eyeing her as he walks away.

"Hey, you okay" Hermione says gently and Y/N meets her gaze and smiles

"Yeah, I just didn't like the way he was looking at you" Y/N says and Hermione turns to see Cormac leaving and sighs

"Unfortunately that's McLaggen, you're typical stupid jock"

Y/N scoffs "not all jocks are stupid but McLaggen definitely is"

Hermione giggles and pecks Y/N's lips gently "well I must be lucky that you aren't just a typical jock my love" Hermione says with a grin and Y/N smiles widely and connects their lips together for a tender kiss.

"Ahem" Harry clears his throat and the two pull away and stare at Harry and their friends.

"Really you two" Flo says "we just had to tell Jorden and Cal to control themselves. I expected better from you two"

Hermione blushes and Y/N laughs "shut it Flo" the Ravenclaw says

"C'mon. Let's go." Ron says and and Y/N and Hermione nod and the group follow them out

The group head for the door, passing Lavender Brown, who smiles flirtatiously at an oblivious Ron.

"Hi, Ron." She says as the Weasley boy passes and he looks surprisingly at Lavender

"Hi." Ron says back awkwardly as he exits the store. Y/N notices that Flo is glaring at Lavender as they pass but doesn't bring it up, only slipping her hand into Hermione's at they enter the street.

The sun has faded as the group walk. Aston and Rue got picked up by their father so Jorden didn't have to worry about his siblings safety as the walked through the barren street. All around them, shops sit silent and windows boarded-up or shattered. People scurry by, avoiding the scary faces of the witches and wizards who peer out from the security posters plastered to every lamp post. Bellatrix is there, 'Known Death Eater' as well as Greyback, 'Werewolf' and Lucius Malfoy, 'Caught'

"How are Fred and George are doing it? Half the alley's closed down." Flo says and Ron walks up beside her

"Fred reckons people need a laugh these days." the Weasley boy says with a small smile.

Y/N smiles knowing that the real reason Fred and George were able to do this was because of the money she gave them to start up their business. No one else knows about it, other than Harry and of course the twins and that's how they intend to keep it.

"Reckon he's right" Callan agrees and Jorden squeezes his hand and has a reassuring smile on his face which the Slytherin boy adores.

Harry and Y/N stares at the poster of Bellatrix, her mocking half-smile. Y/N gets angry just by looking at it, the constant reminder of who killed her father mocking her. It's not fair that she gets to live whilst Sirius is dead.

"Oh no. Look." Hermione says pulling Y/N out of her thoughts and follows her gaze.

The group look to the wreck that is Ollivander's Wand Shop. Y/N sighs as only a few months ago she was their to check if her dads wand was safe to use.

"But everyone got their wands from Ollivander. Young. Old" Flo says

"The good and bad." Y/N adds and Hermione leans her head on her shoulder, a small reminder that the Ravenclaw is not alone in her thoughts.

"Speaking of which" Cal says

Across the avenue, Draco and Narcissa stand, their expressions look slightly nervous. They glance around before they then slip quickly down an alley.

"Is it just me? Or do Draco and mummy look like two people who don't want to be followed?" Ron says and Y/N and Harry share a look

"Let's find out then" Harry says and Y/N nods

The group trail Draco and Narcissa, who navigate these dark streets with ease. Harry and Ron lead with Y/N and Cal following leaving Jorden, Hermione and Flo at the back as they walk through the alley.

Harry and Ron climb up onto a nearby roof with Y/N, Cal and Jorden following behind. They spot Draco and Narcissa walking to the end of the alley to a shop: Borgin & Burkes. They watch as Narcissa and Draco enter and greet a stooped man. He leads them through and points off somewhere in the shop.

Draco walks to a lacquered cabinet and plays his fingers over its glassy surface. Narcissa speaks and Draco turns, finds Borgin holding the curtain to the back room. Draco hesitates, then follows his mother through.

"What're they playing at?" Ron says curiously

"Dunno. Let's get closer." Cal says and everyone nods.

As they are about to get down Y/N looks around to see Hermione and Flo no where to be seen.

"Hey guys. Where's Hermione and Flo?" Y/N says

They quickly get down from the roof and back to the alley. The five of them look around aimlessly in the alley hoping to find a glimpse of the girls.

"Callan, where are they?" Y/N says panicking

"I don't know. I thought she was with you" Callan says looking at Jorden

"They were right behind-" Jorden says then turns and sees nothing "me"


Hermione and Flo move through the shadows, peering down side streets, each darker than the next.

"This is all your fault Flo" Hermione whispers and the Ravenclaw scoffs

"Excuse me it's not my fault everyone was charging ahead" Flo says and Hermione sighs

"Alright fair point, but still" Hermione says and Flo frowns "let's just try and get back to the Diagon Alley"

Flo nods and the two girls pull themselves together and head back a promising way. Suddenly, a shadow flickers overhead. Hermione looks up and sees a figure leap from one roof to another. The Gryffindor quickly grabs Flo's arm and pulls her up close against the alley wall. Flo was surprised by the action and was about to speak when she saw the figure jump over again. They stand perfectly still and it appears that the figure is gone.

"That was close" Hermione says "do you think Is was a Death Eater"

Flo nods "I think it's Greyback" she whispers then they hear voices.

Hermione and Flo share a concerned look but slowly creep to the end of a narrow passage, towards the voices. They find themselves behind Borgin & Burkes. Figures encircle an old cauldron, among them Greyback, Bellatrix, Narcissa, and in the very centre, Draco.

"What the fuck is going on" Flo whispers

"Quiet Flo" Hermione shushes and they both look on.

Hermione squints against the brilliance of the fire, the figures twisting oddly around the flames. Draco extends his left arm when a shadow falls over Hermione and fingers find her arm. She wheels, terrified.

"For Godric's sake" Hermione whispers as she flinches only to find her girlfriend behind her with the others close behind. Y/N has a worried expression her face. "Don't bloody do that. You scared the crap out of me"

"Sorry." Y/N replies and holds the Gryffindor's hand hoping to calm her nerves "are you alright"

"We're fine" Hermione replies and Y/N nods

Just then, the cauldron explodes with light. Instantly, the group, including Draco, disperses.

"What just happened?" Jorden says and the group look just as confused

Hermione looks back at the smoke "I don't know."

Continuer la Lecture

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